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2024-09-15 12:12:16 +00:00
Compass example
This example is a demonstration of Hardware class usage.
But it has severals drawbacks, like using only the magnetic sensor, and
extrapolating values to get the orientation. The compass is absolutely not
The right way would be to get the accelerometer + magnetic, and computer
everything according to the phone orientation. This is not the purpose of this
example right now.
You can compile it with::
./build.py --package org.test.compass --name compass \
--private ~/code/kivy/examples/android/compass \
--window --version 1.0 debug installd
import kivy
from jnius import autoclass
from math import floor
from kivy.app import App
from kivy.properties import NumericProperty
from kivy.clock import Clock
from kivy.vector import Vector
from kivy.animation import Animation
Hardware = autoclass('org.renpy.android.Hardware')
class CompassApp(App):
needle_angle = NumericProperty(0)
def build(self):
self._anim = None
Clock.schedule_interval(self.update_compass, 1 / 10.)
def update_compass(self, *args):
# read the magnetic sensor from the Hardware class
(x, y, z) = Hardware.magneticFieldSensorReading()
# calculate the angle
needle_angle = Vector(x, y).angle((0, 1)) + 90.
# fix animation transition around the unit circle
if (self.needle_angle % 360) - needle_angle > 180:
needle_angle += 360
elif (self.needle_angle % 360) - needle_angle < -180:
needle_angle -= 360
# add the number of revolutions to the result
needle_angle += 360 * floor(self.needle_angle / 360.)
# animate the needle
if self._anim:
self._anim = Animation(needle_angle=needle_angle, d=.2, t='out_quad')
def on_pause(self):
# when you are going on pause, don't forget to stop the sensor
return True
def on_resume(self):
# reactivate the sensor when you are back to the app
if __name__ == '__main__':