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2024-09-15 12:12:16 +00:00
from .object cimport PyObject
cdef extern from "Python.h":
ctypedef struct _inittab
# 5.3 Importing Modules
object PyImport_ImportModule(const char *name)
# Return value: New reference.
# This is a simplified interface to PyImport_ImportModuleEx()
# below, leaving the globals and locals arguments set to
# NULL. When the name argument contains a dot (when it specifies a
# submodule of a package), the fromlist argument is set to the
# list ['*'] so that the return value is the named module rather
# than the top-level package containing it as would otherwise be
# the case. (Unfortunately, this has an additional side effect
# when name in fact specifies a subpackage instead of a submodule:
# the submodules specified in the package's __all__ variable are
# loaded.) Return a new reference to the imported module, or NULL
# with an exception set on failure.
object PyImport_ImportModuleEx(const char *name, object globals, object locals, object fromlist)
# Return value: New reference.
# Import a module. This is best described by referring to the
# built-in Python function __import__(), as the standard
# __import__() function calls this function directly.
# The return value is a new reference to the imported module or
# top-level package, or NULL with an exception set on failure
# (before Python 2.4, the module may still be created in this
# case). Like for __import__(), the return value when a submodule
# of a package was requested is normally the top-level package,
# unless a non-empty fromlist was given. Changed in version 2.4:
# failing imports remove incomplete module objects.
object PyImport_ImportModuleLevel(char *name, object globals, object locals, object fromlist, int level)
# Return value: New reference.
# Import a module. This is best described by referring to the
# built-in Python function __import__(), as the standard
# __import__() function calls this function directly.
# The return value is a new reference to the imported module or
# top-level package, or NULL with an exception set on failure. Like
# for __import__(), the return value when a submodule of a package
# was requested is normally the top-level package, unless a
# non-empty fromlist was given.
object PyImport_Import(object name)
# Return value: New reference.
# This is a higher-level interface that calls the current ``import
# hook function''. It invokes the __import__() function from the
# __builtins__ of the current globals. This means that the import
# is done using whatever import hooks are installed in the current
# environment, e.g. by rexec or ihooks.
object PyImport_ReloadModule(object m)
# Return value: New reference.
# Reload a module. This is best described by referring to the
# built-in Python function reload(), as the standard reload()
# function calls this function directly. Return a new reference to
# the reloaded module, or NULL with an exception set on failure
# (the module still exists in this case).
PyObject* PyImport_AddModule(const char *name) except NULL
# Return value: Borrowed reference.
# Return the module object corresponding to a module name. The
# name argument may be of the form package.module. First check the
# modules dictionary if there's one there, and if not, create a
# new one and insert it in the modules dictionary. Return NULL
# with an exception set on failure. Note: This function does not
# load or import the module; if the module wasn't already loaded,
# you will get an empty module object. Use PyImport_ImportModule()
# or one of its variants to import a module. Package structures
# implied by a dotted name for name are not created if not already
# present.
object PyImport_ExecCodeModule(char *name, object co)
# Return value: New reference.
# Given a module name (possibly of the form package.module) and a
# code object read from a Python bytecode file or obtained from
# the built-in function compile(), load the module. Return a new
# reference to the module object, or NULL with an exception set if
# an error occurred. Name is removed from sys.modules in error
# cases, and even if name was already in sys.modules on entry to
# PyImport_ExecCodeModule(). Leaving incompletely initialized
# modules in sys.modules is dangerous, as imports of such modules
# have no way to know that the module object is an unknown (and
# probably damaged with respect to the module author's intents)
# state.
# This function will reload the module if it was already
# imported. See PyImport_ReloadModule() for the intended way to
# reload a module.
# If name points to a dotted name of the form package.module, any
# package structures not already created will still not be
# created.
long PyImport_GetMagicNumber()
# Return the magic number for Python bytecode files (a.k.a. .pyc
# and .pyo files). The magic number should be present in the first
# four bytes of the bytecode file, in little-endian byte order.
PyObject* PyImport_GetModuleDict() except NULL
# Return value: Borrowed reference.
# Return the dictionary used for the module administration
# (a.k.a. sys.modules). Note that this is a per-interpreter
# variable.
int PyImport_ImportFrozenModule(char *name) except -1
# Load a frozen module named name. Return 1 for success, 0 if the
# module is not found, and -1 with an exception set if the
# initialization failed. To access the imported module on a
# successful load, use PyImport_ImportModule(). (Note the misnomer
# -- this function would reload the module if it was already
# imported.)
int PyImport_ExtendInittab(_inittab *newtab) except -1
# Add a collection of modules to the table of built-in
# modules. The newtab array must end with a sentinel entry which
# contains NULL for the name field; failure to provide the
# sentinel value can result in a memory fault. Returns 0 on
# success or -1 if insufficient memory could be allocated to
# extend the internal table. In the event of failure, no modules
# are added to the internal table. This should be called before
# Py_Initialize().
# 7.5.5 Module Objects
# PyTypeObject PyModule_Type
# This instance of PyTypeObject represents the Python module
# type. This is exposed to Python programs as types.ModuleType.
bint PyModule_Check(object p)
# Return true if p is a module object, or a subtype of a module
# object.
bint PyModule_CheckExact(object p)
# Return true if p is a module object, but not a subtype of PyModule_Type.
object PyModule_New(const char *name)
# Return value: New reference.
# Return a new module object with the __name__ attribute set to
# name. Only the module's __doc__ and __name__ attributes are
# filled in; the caller is responsible for providing a __file__
# attribute.
PyObject* PyModule_GetDict(object module) except NULL
# Return value: Borrowed reference.
# Return the dictionary object that implements module's namespace;
# this object is the same as the __dict__ attribute of the module
# object. This function never fails. It is recommended extensions
# use other PyModule_*() and PyObject_*() functions rather than
# directly manipulate a module's __dict__.
char* PyModule_GetName(object module) except NULL
# Return module's __name__ value. If the module does not provide
# one, or if it is not a string, SystemError is raised and NULL is
# returned.
char* PyModule_GetFilename(object module) except NULL
# Return the name of the file from which module was loaded using
# module's __file__ attribute. If this is not defined, or if it is
# not a string, raise SystemError and return NULL.
int PyModule_AddObject(object module, const char *name, object value) except -1
# Add an object to module as name. This is a convenience function
# which can be used from the module's initialization
# function. This steals a reference to value. Return -1 on error,
# 0 on success.
int PyModule_AddIntConstant(object module, const char *name, long value) except -1
# Add an integer constant to module as name. This convenience
# function can be used from the module's initialization
# function. Return -1 on error, 0 on success.
int PyModule_AddStringConstant(object module, const char *name, const char *value) except -1
# Add a string constant to module as name. This convenience
# function can be used from the module's initialization
# function. The string value must be null-terminated. Return -1 on
# error, 0 on success.