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2024-09-15 12:12:16 +00:00
A warm and cozy theme based off gruvbox
:copyright: Copyright 2006-2024 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
from pygments.style import Style
from pygments.token import (Comment, Error, Generic, Keyword, Literal, Name,
Number, Operator, Punctuation, String, Token)
__all__ = ["CoffeeStyle"]
class CoffeeStyle(Style):
A warm and cozy theme based off gruvbox
name = "coffee"
background_color = "#262220"
highlight_color = "#ddd0c0"
line_number_color = "#4e4e4e"
line_number_special_color = "#8f9494"
styles = {
Comment: "#70757A",
Comment.Hashbang: "#8f9f9f",
Comment.Preproc: "#fdd0c0",
Comment.PreprocFile: "#c9b98f",
Comment.Special: "#af5f5f",
Error: "#af5f5f",
Generic.Deleted: "#bb6868",
Generic.Emph: "italic",
Generic.Error: "#af5f5f",
Generic.Inserted: "#849155",
Generic.Output: "#ddd0c0",
Generic.Strong: "bold",
Generic.Traceback: "#af5f5f",
Keyword: "#919191",
Keyword.Constant: "#875f5f",
Keyword.Declaration: "#875f5f",
Keyword.Namespace: "#875f5f",
Keyword.Reserved: "#b46276",
Keyword.Type: "#af875f",
Literal: "#af875f",
Name: "#ddd0c0",
Name.Attribute: "#ddd0c0",
Name.Builtin: "#ddd0c0",
Name.Builtin.Pseudo: "#87afaf",
Name.Class: "#875f5f",
Name.Constant: "#af8787",
Name.Decorator: "#fdd0c0",
Name.Entity: "#ddd0c0",
Name.Exception: "#877575",
Name.Function: "#fdd0c0",
Name.Function.Magic: "#fdd0c0",
Name.Other: "#ddd0c0",
Name.Property: "#dfaf87",
Name.Tag: "#87afaf",
Name.Variable: "#ddd0c0",
Number: "#87afaf",
Operator: "#878787",
Operator.Word: "#878787",
Punctuation: "#ddd0c0",
String: "#c9b98f",
String.Affix: "#dfaf87",
String.Doc: "#878787",
String.Escape: "#af5f5f",
String.Interpol: "#af5f5f",
String.Other: "#fdd0c0",
String.Regex: "#af5f5f",
String.Symbol: "#af5f5f",
Token: "#ddd0c0",