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2024-09-15 12:12:16 +00:00
.. versionadded:: 1.10.0
.. warning::
This module is highly experimental, its API may change in the future and
the documentation is not complete at this time.
The RecycleBoxLayout is designed to provide a
:class:`~kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout` type layout when used with the
:class:`~kivy.uix.recycleview.RecycleView` widget. Please refer to the
:mod:`~kivy.uix.recycleview` module documentation for more information.
from kivy.uix.recyclelayout import RecycleLayout
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
__all__ = ('RecycleBoxLayout', )
class RecycleBoxLayout(RecycleLayout, BoxLayout):
_rv_positions = None
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(RecycleBoxLayout, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.funbind('children', self._trigger_layout)
def _update_sizes(self, changed):
horizontal = self.orientation == 'horizontal'
padding_left, padding_top, padding_right, padding_bottom = self.padding
padding_x = padding_left + padding_right
padding_y = padding_top + padding_bottom
selfw = self.width
selfh = self.height
layout_w = max(0, selfw - padding_x)
layout_h = max(0, selfh - padding_y)
cx = self.x + padding_left
cy = self.y + padding_bottom
view_opts = self.view_opts
remove_view = self.remove_view
for (index, widget, (w, h), (wn, hn), (shw, shh), (shnw, shnh),
(shw_min, shh_min), (shwn_min, shhn_min), (shw_max, shh_max),
(shwn_max, shhn_max), ph, phn) in changed:
if (horizontal and
(shw != shnw or w != wn or shw_min != shwn_min or
shw_max != shwn_max) or
not horizontal and
(shh != shnh or h != hn or shh_min != shhn_min or
shh_max != shhn_max)):
return True
remove_view(widget, index)
opt = view_opts[index]
if horizontal:
wo, ho = opt['size']
if shnh is not None:
_, h = opt['size'] = [wo, shnh * layout_h]
h = ho
xo, yo = opt['pos']
for key, value in phn.items():
posy = value * layout_h
if key == 'y':
yo = posy + cy
elif key == 'top':
yo = posy - h
elif key == 'center_y':
yo = posy - (h / 2.)
opt['pos'] = [xo, yo]
wo, ho = opt['size']
if shnw is not None:
w, _ = opt['size'] = [shnw * layout_w, ho]
w = wo
xo, yo = opt['pos']
for key, value in phn.items():
posx = value * layout_w
if key == 'x':
xo = posx + cx
elif key == 'right':
xo = posx - w
elif key == 'center_x':
xo = posx - (w / 2.)
opt['pos'] = [xo, yo]
return False
def compute_layout(self, data, flags):
super(RecycleBoxLayout, self).compute_layout(data, flags)
changed = self._changed_views
if (changed is None or
changed and not self._update_sizes(changed)):
self._rv_positions = None
if not data:
l, t, r, b = self.padding
self.minimum_size = l + r, t + b
view_opts = self.view_opts
n = len(view_opts)
for i, x, y, w, h in self._iterate_layout(
[(opt['size'], opt['size_hint'], opt['pos_hint'],
opt['size_hint_min'], opt['size_hint_max']) for
opt in reversed(view_opts)]):
opt = view_opts[n - i - 1]
shw, shh = opt['size_hint']
opt['pos'] = x, y
wo, ho = opt['size']
# layout won't/shouldn't change previous size if size_hint is None
# which is what w/h being None means.
opt['size'] = [(wo if shw is None else w),
(ho if shh is None else h)]
spacing = self.spacing
pos = self._rv_positions = [None, ] * len(data)
if self.orientation == 'horizontal':
pos[0] = self.x
last = pos[0] + self.padding[0] + view_opts[0]['size'][0] + \
spacing / 2.
for i, val in enumerate(view_opts[1:], 1):
pos[i] = last
last += val['size'][0] + spacing
last = pos[-1] = \
self.y + self.height - self.padding[1] - \
view_opts[0]['size'][1] - spacing / 2.
n = len(view_opts)
for i, val in enumerate(view_opts[1:], 1):
last -= spacing + val['size'][1]
pos[n - 1 - i] = last
def get_view_index_at(self, pos):
calc_pos = self._rv_positions
if not calc_pos:
return 0
x, y = pos
if self.orientation == 'horizontal':
if x >= calc_pos[-1] or len(calc_pos) == 1:
return len(calc_pos) - 1
ix = 0
for val in calc_pos[1:]:
if x < val:
return ix
ix += 1
if y >= calc_pos[-1] or len(calc_pos) == 1:
return 0
iy = 0
for val in calc_pos[1:]:
if y < val:
return len(calc_pos) - iy - 1
iy += 1
assert False
def compute_visible_views(self, data, viewport):
if self._rv_positions is None or not data:
return []
x, y, w, h = viewport
at_idx = self.get_view_index_at
if self.orientation == 'horizontal':
a, b = at_idx((x, y)), at_idx((x + w, y))
a, b = at_idx((x, y + h)), at_idx((x, y))
return list(range(a, b + 1))