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2024-09-15 12:12:16 +00:00
:class:`Animation` and :class:`AnimationTransition` are used to animate
:class:`~kivy.uix.widget.Widget` properties. You must specify at least a
property name and target value. To use an Animation, follow these steps:
* Setup an Animation object
* Use the Animation object on a Widget
Simple animation
To animate a Widget's x or y position, simply specify the target x/y values
where you want the widget positioned at the end of the animation::
anim = Animation(x=100, y=100)
The animation will last for 1 second unless :attr:`duration` is specified.
When anim.start() is called, the Widget will move smoothly from the current
x/y position to (100, 100).
Multiple properties and transitions
You can animate multiple properties and use built-in or custom transition
functions using :attr:`transition` (or the `t=` shortcut). For example,
to animate the position and size using the 'in_quad' transition::
anim = Animation(x=50, size=(80, 80), t='in_quad')
Note that the `t=` parameter can be the string name of a method in the
:class:`AnimationTransition` class or your own animation function.
Sequential animation
To join animations sequentially, use the '+' operator. The following example
will animate to x=50 over 1 second, then animate the size to (80, 80) over the
next two seconds::
anim = Animation(x=50) + Animation(size=(80, 80), duration=2.)
Parallel animation
To join animations in parallel, use the '&' operator. The following example
will animate the position to (80, 10) over 1 second, whilst in parallel
animating the size to (800, 800)::
anim = Animation(pos=(80, 10))
anim &= Animation(size=(800, 800), duration=2.)
Keep in mind that creating overlapping animations on the same property may have
unexpected results. If you want to apply multiple animations to the same
property, you should either schedule them sequentially (via the '+' operator or
using the *on_complete* callback) or cancel previous animations using the
:attr:`~Animation.cancel_all` method.
Repeating animation
.. versionadded:: 1.8.0
.. note::
This is currently only implemented for 'Sequence' animations.
To set an animation to repeat, simply set the :attr:`Sequence.repeat`
property to `True`::
anim = Animation(...) + Animation(...)
anim.repeat = True
For flow control of animations such as stopping and cancelling, use the methods
already in place in the animation module.
__all__ = ('Animation', 'AnimationTransition')
from math import sqrt, cos, sin, pi
from collections import ChainMap
from kivy.event import EventDispatcher
from kivy.clock import Clock
from kivy.compat import string_types, iterkeys
from kivy.weakproxy import WeakProxy
class Animation(EventDispatcher):
'''Create an animation definition that can be used to animate a Widget.
`duration` or `d`: float, defaults to 1.
Duration of the animation, in seconds.
`transition` or `t`: str or func
Transition function for animate properties. It can be the name of a
method from :class:`AnimationTransition`.
`step` or `s`: float
Step in milliseconds of the animation. Defaults to 0, which means
the animation is updated for every frame.
To update the animation less often, set the step value to a float.
For example, if you want to animate at 30 FPS, use s=1/30.
`on_start`: animation, widget
Fired when the animation is started on a widget.
`on_complete`: animation, widget
Fired when the animation is completed or stopped on a widget.
`on_progress`: animation, widget, progression
Fired when the progression of the animation is changing.
.. versionchanged:: 1.4.0
Added s/step parameter.
.. versionchanged:: 1.10.0
The default value of the step parameter was changed from 1/60. to 0.
_update_ev = None
_instances = set()
__events__ = ('on_start', 'on_progress', 'on_complete')
def __init__(self, **kw):
# Initialize
self._clock_installed = False
self._duration = kw.pop('d', kw.pop('duration', 1.))
self._transition = kw.pop('t', kw.pop('transition', 'linear'))
self._step = kw.pop('s', kw.pop('step', 0))
if isinstance(self._transition, string_types):
self._transition = getattr(AnimationTransition, self._transition)
self._animated_properties = kw
self._widgets = {}
def duration(self):
'''Return the duration of the animation.
return self._duration
def transition(self):
'''Return the transition of the animation.
return self._transition
def animated_properties(self):
'''Return the properties used to animate.
return self._animated_properties
def stop_all(widget, *largs):
'''Stop all animations that concern a specific widget / list of
anim = Animation(x=50)
# and later
Animation.stop_all(widget, 'x')
if len(largs):
for animation in list(Animation._instances):
for x in largs:
animation.stop_property(widget, x)
for animation in set(Animation._instances):
def cancel_all(widget, *largs):
'''Cancel all animations that concern a specific widget / list of
properties. See :attr:`cancel`.
anim = Animation(x=50)
# and later
Animation.cancel_all(widget, 'x')
.. versionadded:: 1.4.0
.. versionchanged:: 2.1.0
If the parameter ``widget`` is None, all animated widgets will be
the target and cancelled. If ``largs`` is also given, animation of
these properties will be canceled for all animated widgets.
if widget is None:
if largs:
for animation in Animation._instances.copy():
for info in tuple(animation._widgets.values()):
widget = info['widget']
for x in largs:
animation.cancel_property(widget, x)
for animation in Animation._instances:
if len(largs):
for animation in list(Animation._instances):
for x in largs:
animation.cancel_property(widget, x)
for animation in set(Animation._instances):
def start(self, widget):
'''Start the animation on a widget.
self.dispatch('on_start', widget)
def stop(self, widget):
'''Stop the animation previously applied to a widget, triggering the
`on_complete` event.'''
props = self._widgets.pop(widget.uid, None)
if props:
self.dispatch('on_complete', widget)
def cancel(self, widget):
'''Cancel the animation previously applied to a widget. Same
effect as :attr:`stop`, except the `on_complete` event will
*not* be triggered!
.. versionadded:: 1.4.0
self._widgets.pop(widget.uid, None)
if not self._widgets:
def stop_property(self, widget, prop):
'''Even if an animation is running, remove a property. It will not be
animated further. If it was the only/last property being animated,
the animation will be stopped (see :attr:`stop`).
props = self._widgets.get(widget.uid, None)
if not props:
props['properties'].pop(prop, None)
# no more properties to animation ? kill the animation.
if not props['properties']:
def cancel_property(self, widget, prop):
'''Even if an animation is running, remove a property. It will not be
animated further. If it was the only/last property being animated,
the animation will be canceled (see :attr:`cancel`)
.. versionadded:: 1.4.0
props = self._widgets.get(widget.uid, None)
if not props:
props['properties'].pop(prop, None)
# no more properties to animation ? kill the animation.
if not props['properties']:
def have_properties_to_animate(self, widget):
'''Return True if a widget still has properties to animate.
.. versionadded:: 1.8.0
props = self._widgets.get(widget.uid, None)
if props and props['properties']:
return True
# Private
def _register(self):
def _unregister(self):
def _initialize(self, widget):
d = self._widgets[widget.uid] = {
'widget': widget,
'properties': {},
'time': None}
# get current values
p = d['properties']
for key, value in self._animated_properties.items():
original_value = getattr(widget, key)
if isinstance(original_value, (tuple, list)):
original_value = original_value[:]
elif isinstance(original_value, dict):
original_value = original_value.copy()
p[key] = (original_value, value)
# install clock
def _clock_install(self):
if self._clock_installed:
self._update_ev = Clock.schedule_interval(self._update, self._step)
self._clock_installed = True
def _clock_uninstall(self):
if self._widgets or not self._clock_installed:
self._clock_installed = False
if self._update_ev is not None:
self._update_ev = None
def _update(self, dt):
widgets = self._widgets
transition = self._transition
calculate = self._calculate
for uid in list(widgets.keys()):
anim = widgets[uid]
widget = anim['widget']
if isinstance(widget, WeakProxy) and not len(dir(widget)):
# empty proxy, widget is gone. ref: #2458
self._widgets.pop(uid, None)
if not self._widgets:
if anim['time'] is None:
anim['time'] = 0.
anim['time'] += dt
# calculate progression
if self._duration:
progress = min(1., anim['time'] / self._duration)
progress = 1
t = transition(progress)
# apply progression on widget
for key, values in anim['properties'].items():
a, b = values
value = calculate(a, b, t)
setattr(widget, key, value)
self.dispatch('on_progress', widget, progress)
# time to stop ?
if progress >= 1.:
def _calculate(self, a, b, t):
_calculate = self._calculate
if isinstance(a, list) or isinstance(a, tuple):
if isinstance(a, list):
tp = list
tp = tuple
return tp([_calculate(a[x], b[x], t) for x in range(len(a))])
elif isinstance(a, dict):
d = {}
for x in iterkeys(a):
if x not in b:
# User requested to animate only part of the dict.
# Copy the rest
d[x] = a[x]
d[x] = _calculate(a[x], b[x], t)
return d
return (a * (1. - t)) + (b * t)
# Default handlers
def on_start(self, widget):
def on_progress(self, widget, progress):
def on_complete(self, widget):
def __add__(self, animation):
return Sequence(self, animation)
def __and__(self, animation):
return Parallel(self, animation)
class CompoundAnimation(Animation):
def stop_property(self, widget, prop):
self.anim1.stop_property(widget, prop)
self.anim2.stop_property(widget, prop)
if (not self.anim1.have_properties_to_animate(widget) and
not self.anim2.have_properties_to_animate(widget)):
def cancel(self, widget):
def cancel_property(self, widget, prop):
'''Even if an animation is running, remove a property. It will not be
animated further. If it was the only/last property being animated,
the animation will be canceled (see :attr:`cancel`)
This method overrides `:class:kivy.animation.Animation`'s
version, to cancel it on all animations of the Sequence.
.. versionadded:: 1.10.0
self.anim1.cancel_property(widget, prop)
self.anim2.cancel_property(widget, prop)
if (not self.anim1.have_properties_to_animate(widget) and
not self.anim2.have_properties_to_animate(widget)):
def have_properties_to_animate(self, widget):
return (self.anim1.have_properties_to_animate(widget) or
def animated_properties(self):
return ChainMap({},
def transition(self):
# This property is impossible to implement
raise AttributeError(
"Can't lookup transition attribute of a CompoundAnimation")
class Sequence(CompoundAnimation):
def __init__(self, anim1, anim2):
#: Repeat the sequence. See 'Repeating animation' in the header
#: documentation.
self.repeat = False
self.anim1 = anim1
self.anim2 = anim2
def duration(self):
return self.anim1.duration + self.anim2.duration
def stop(self, widget):
props = self._widgets.pop(widget.uid, None)
if props:
self.dispatch('on_complete', widget)
def start(self, widget):
self._widgets[widget.uid] = True
self.dispatch('on_start', widget)
def on_anim1_complete(self, instance, widget):
if widget.uid not in self._widgets:
def on_anim1_progress(self, instance, widget, progress):
self.dispatch('on_progress', widget, progress / 2.)
def on_anim2_complete(self, instance, widget):
'''Repeating logic used with boolean variable "repeat".
.. versionadded:: 1.7.1
if widget.uid not in self._widgets:
if self.repeat:
self.dispatch('on_complete', widget)
def on_anim2_progress(self, instance, widget, progress):
self.dispatch('on_progress', widget, .5 + progress / 2.)
class Parallel(CompoundAnimation):
def __init__(self, anim1, anim2):
self.anim1 = anim1
self.anim2 = anim2
def duration(self):
return max(self.anim1.duration, self.anim2.duration)
def stop(self, widget):
if self._widgets.pop(widget.uid, None):
self.dispatch('on_complete', widget)
def start(self, widget):
self._widgets[widget.uid] = {'complete': 0}
self.dispatch('on_start', widget)
def on_anim_complete(self, instance, widget):
self._widgets[widget.uid]['complete'] += 1
if self._widgets[widget.uid]['complete'] == 2:
class AnimationTransition:
'''Collection of animation functions to be used with the Animation object.
Easing Functions ported to Kivy from the Clutter Project
The `progress` parameter in each animation function is in the range 0-1.
def linear(progress):
'''.. image:: images/anim_linear.png'''
return progress
def in_quad(progress):
'''.. image:: images/anim_in_quad.png
return progress * progress
def out_quad(progress):
'''.. image:: images/anim_out_quad.png
return -1.0 * progress * (progress - 2.0)
def in_out_quad(progress):
'''.. image:: images/anim_in_out_quad.png
p = progress * 2
if p < 1:
return 0.5 * p * p
p -= 1.0
return -0.5 * (p * (p - 2.0) - 1.0)
def in_cubic(progress):
'''.. image:: images/anim_in_cubic.png
return progress * progress * progress
def out_cubic(progress):
'''.. image:: images/anim_out_cubic.png
p = progress - 1.0
return p * p * p + 1.0
def in_out_cubic(progress):
'''.. image:: images/anim_in_out_cubic.png
p = progress * 2
if p < 1:
return 0.5 * p * p * p
p -= 2
return 0.5 * (p * p * p + 2.0)
def in_quart(progress):
'''.. image:: images/anim_in_quart.png
return progress * progress * progress * progress
def out_quart(progress):
'''.. image:: images/anim_out_quart.png
p = progress - 1.0
return -1.0 * (p * p * p * p - 1.0)
def in_out_quart(progress):
'''.. image:: images/anim_in_out_quart.png
p = progress * 2
if p < 1:
return 0.5 * p * p * p * p
p -= 2
return -0.5 * (p * p * p * p - 2.0)
def in_quint(progress):
'''.. image:: images/anim_in_quint.png
return progress * progress * progress * progress * progress
def out_quint(progress):
'''.. image:: images/anim_out_quint.png
p = progress - 1.0
return p * p * p * p * p + 1.0
def in_out_quint(progress):
'''.. image:: images/anim_in_out_quint.png
p = progress * 2
if p < 1:
return 0.5 * p * p * p * p * p
p -= 2.0
return 0.5 * (p * p * p * p * p + 2.0)
def in_sine(progress):
'''.. image:: images/anim_in_sine.png
return -1.0 * cos(progress * (pi / 2.0)) + 1.0
def out_sine(progress):
'''.. image:: images/anim_out_sine.png
return sin(progress * (pi / 2.0))
def in_out_sine(progress):
'''.. image:: images/anim_in_out_sine.png
return -0.5 * (cos(pi * progress) - 1.0)
def in_expo(progress):
'''.. image:: images/anim_in_expo.png
if progress == 0:
return 0.0
return pow(2, 10 * (progress - 1.0))
def out_expo(progress):
'''.. image:: images/anim_out_expo.png
if progress == 1.0:
return 1.0
return -pow(2, -10 * progress) + 1.0
def in_out_expo(progress):
'''.. image:: images/anim_in_out_expo.png
if progress == 0:
return 0.0
if progress == 1.:
return 1.0
p = progress * 2
if p < 1:
return 0.5 * pow(2, 10 * (p - 1.0))
p -= 1.0
return 0.5 * (-pow(2, -10 * p) + 2.0)
def in_circ(progress):
'''.. image:: images/anim_in_circ.png
return -1.0 * (sqrt(1.0 - progress * progress) - 1.0)
def out_circ(progress):
'''.. image:: images/anim_out_circ.png
p = progress - 1.0
return sqrt(1.0 - p * p)
def in_out_circ(progress):
'''.. image:: images/anim_in_out_circ.png
p = progress * 2
if p < 1:
return -0.5 * (sqrt(1.0 - p * p) - 1.0)
p -= 2.0
return 0.5 * (sqrt(1.0 - p * p) + 1.0)
def in_elastic(progress):
'''.. image:: images/anim_in_elastic.png
p = .3
s = p / 4.0
q = progress
if q == 1:
return 1.0
q -= 1.0
return -(pow(2, 10 * q) * sin((q - s) * (2 * pi) / p))
def out_elastic(progress):
'''.. image:: images/anim_out_elastic.png
p = .3
s = p / 4.0
q = progress
if q == 1:
return 1.0
return pow(2, -10 * q) * sin((q - s) * (2 * pi) / p) + 1.0
def in_out_elastic(progress):
'''.. image:: images/anim_in_out_elastic.png
p = .3 * 1.5
s = p / 4.0
q = progress * 2
if q == 2:
return 1.0
if q < 1:
q -= 1.0
return -.5 * (pow(2, 10 * q) * sin((q - s) * (2.0 * pi) / p))
q -= 1.0
return pow(2, -10 * q) * sin((q - s) * (2.0 * pi) / p) * .5 + 1.0
def in_back(progress):
'''.. image:: images/anim_in_back.png
return progress * progress * ((1.70158 + 1.0) * progress - 1.70158)
def out_back(progress):
'''.. image:: images/anim_out_back.png
p = progress - 1.0
return p * p * ((1.70158 + 1) * p + 1.70158) + 1.0
def in_out_back(progress):
'''.. image:: images/anim_in_out_back.png
p = progress * 2.
s = 1.70158 * 1.525
if p < 1:
return 0.5 * (p * p * ((s + 1.0) * p - s))
p -= 2.0
return 0.5 * (p * p * ((s + 1.0) * p + s) + 2.0)
def _out_bounce_internal(t, d):
p = t / d
if p < (1.0 / 2.75):
return 7.5625 * p * p
elif p < (2.0 / 2.75):
p -= (1.5 / 2.75)
return 7.5625 * p * p + .75
elif p < (2.5 / 2.75):
p -= (2.25 / 2.75)
return 7.5625 * p * p + .9375
p -= (2.625 / 2.75)
return 7.5625 * p * p + .984375
def _in_bounce_internal(t, d):
return 1.0 - AnimationTransition._out_bounce_internal(d - t, d)
def in_bounce(progress):
'''.. image:: images/anim_in_bounce.png
return AnimationTransition._in_bounce_internal(progress, 1.)
def out_bounce(progress):
'''.. image:: images/anim_out_bounce.png
return AnimationTransition._out_bounce_internal(progress, 1.)
def in_out_bounce(progress):
'''.. image:: images/anim_in_out_bounce.png
p = progress * 2.
if p < 1.:
return AnimationTransition._in_bounce_internal(p, 1.) * .5
return AnimationTransition._out_bounce_internal(p - 1., 1.) * .5 + .5