This commit is contained in:
lost+skunk 2025-01-19 00:55:34 +03:00
parent c22eba6f87
commit ea6fb882f1
3 changed files with 133 additions and 55 deletions

@ -5,18 +5,26 @@ import asdf: deserialize, serializeToJson;
import util;
void main() {
init("", "");
import std.process: environment;
alias env = environment.get;
homeserver = env("SKUNKYBOT_HOMESERVER");
HTTP http;
string homeserver;
void init(string token, string hs) {
string syncUrl;
string initialBatch;
void init(string token) {
http = HTTP();
http.addRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " ~ token);
http.tcpNoDelay = true;
homeserver = "https://" ~ hs;
// initial sync
writeln("starting initial sync..");
syncUrl = homeserver ~ "/_matrix/client/v3/sync?set_presence=online";
initialBatch = (get(syncUrl, http).deserialize!Sync).next_batch; syncUrl ~= "&since=";
void send(T)(T content, string roomid, string type = "") {
@ -29,36 +37,55 @@ void send(T)(T content, string roomid, string type = "") {
// post(homeserver~"/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/"~roomid~"/join", http);
// }
void sync() {
import commands;
import commands;
static MSG helpgen() {
string buf;
static foreach (member; __traits(allMembers, commands)) {
static foreach (attr; __traits(getAttributes, __traits(getMember, commands, member))) {
static if (is(typeof(attr) == Command)) buf ~= member ~ ": " ~ attr.description ~ '\n';
return MSG(buf);
string str = homeserver ~ "/_matrix/client/v3/sync?set_presence=online";
Sync content = get(str, http).deserialize!Sync; str ~= "&since=";
void sync() {
auto content = Sync();
content.next_batch = initialBatch;
for (;;) {
string bthUrl = str ~ content.next_batch;
content = get(bthUrl, http).deserialize!Sync;
string bthUrl = syncUrl ~ content.next_batch;
try content = get(bthUrl, http).deserialize!Sync;
catch (Exception e) { writeln("ERR: ", e.msg); continue; }
foreach (room, _; content.rooms.invite) {
writeln("Joining to room: ", room);
post(homeserver~"/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/"~room~"/join", null, http);
send(MSG("Привет, я СканкиБот"), room);
send(MSG("Йа криведко"), room);
foreach (room, roomContent; content.rooms.join) {
foreach(event; {
if (event.type == "") {
try {
auto evt = deserialize!MSG(;
auto evt = deserialize!MSG(event.content.raw);
if (!evt.body.length) break;
auto argz = parseMsg(evt.body);
if (argz.command == "hlp") {
send(helpgen, room);
foreach (member; __traits(allMembers, commands)) {
alias mmbr = __traits(getMember, commands, member);
if (evt.body[1..$] == member) {
static foreach (attr; __traits(getAttributes, mmbr)) {
static if (is(attr == Command)) {
static if (is(mmbr == function))
send(mmbr(), room);
else static if (__traits(isStaticArray, mmbr))
send(MSG(mmbr[0], mmbr[1]), room);
if (argz.command == member) {
alias command = __traits(getMember, commands, member);
foreach (attr; __traits(getAttributes, command)) {
static if (is(typeof(attr) == Command)) {
static if (is(typeof(command) == function))
auto content = command(argz, &event);
else static if (__traits(isStaticArray, command))
auto content = MSG(command[0], command[1]);
send(MSG(mmbr), room);
auto content = MSG(command);
send(content, room);

@ -1,29 +1,40 @@
module commands;
import util;
enum Command; // UDA
// auto avatar(string[] arguments) @Command {
// string url = cast(string)get(homeserver~"/_matrix/client/v3/profile/"~event.sender~"/avatar_url");
// if (url == "{}")
// return MSG("User has no avatar");
// return MSG(event.sender, `<img src="`~url[15..$-2]~`">`);
// }
// UDA
struct Command {
string description = "No description provided";
string name;
@Command string[2] huy = [":orehussmile:",
@Command("Отображает аватар пользователя")
auto avatar(Arguments argz, EventWithoutRoomID* evt) {
import get;
string url = cast(string)get(homeserver~"/_matrix/client/v3/profile/" ~
((argz.parsed.length == 0) ? evt.sender : argz.parsed[0]) ~ "/avatar_url");
if (url == "{}") return MSG("User has no avatar");
return MSG(evt.sender, `<img src="`~url[15..$-2]~`">`);
@Command("", "пинг")
auto ping(Arguments, EventWithoutRoomID* evt) {
import std.datetime: Clock, SysTime, unixTimeToStdTime;
auto delay = (Clock.currTime() - SysTime(unixTimeToStdTime(0))).total!"msecs" - evt.origin_server_ts;
return MSG("PONG [" ~ intToStr(delay) ~ " ms]");
@Command("хз мне лень делать описание")
auto echo(Arguments argz, EventWithoutRoomID* evt) {
return MSG((argz.raw.length > 6) ? argz.raw[6..$] : "Too small MSG");
string[2] huy = [":orehussmile:",
`<img data-mx-emoticon height="32" alt=":orehussmile:" title=":orehussmile:"
src="mxc://" >`];
@Command string ver = "SkunkyBot Pre-Alpha 0.1 ::";
static @Command string compver = "Compiler version: "~intToStr(__VERSION__);
// switch (evt.body) {
// case "!huy":
// send(MSG(":orehussmile:",
// ), room);
// break;
// case "!версия": send(), room); break;
// case "скунс": send(MSG("еблан"), room); break;
// case "!avatar":
// break;
// default: break;
// }
@Command("Версия бота", "версия")
string ver = "SkunkyBot Pre-Alpha 0.1 ::";
static string compver = "Compiler version: "~intToStr(__VERSION__);

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
module util;
import asdf;
string homeserver;
string intToStr(T)(T num) {
char[] buf;
for(short i; num > 0; ++i) {
@ -11,10 +13,10 @@ string intToStr(T)(T num) {
struct JsonObject {
import mir.conv: to;
string data;
string raw;
SerdeException deserializeFromAsdf(Asdf data) { =!string;
this.raw =!string;
return null;
@ -24,6 +26,14 @@ struct JsonObject {
struct EventWithoutRoomID {
JsonObject content;
string event_id;
ulong origin_server_ts;
@serdeOptional string sender, state_key, type;
// Unsigned unsigned;
struct Sync {
struct StrippedStateEvent {
JsonObject content;
@ -42,14 +52,6 @@ struct Sync {
struct Joined {
struct Timeline {
struct EventWithoutRoomID {
JsonObject content;
string event_id;
ulong origin_server_ts;
@serdeOptional string sender, state_key, type;
// Unsigned unsigned;
EventWithoutRoomID[] events;
bool limited;
string prev_batch;
@ -60,7 +62,7 @@ struct Sync {
int notification_count;
Timeline timeline;
@serdeOptional Timeline timeline;
UNC unread_notifications;
@ -78,4 +80,42 @@ struct MSG {
@serdeOptional @serdeIgnoreDefault string formatted_body;
string msgtype = "m.notice";
@serdeOptional string format = "org.matrix.custom.html";
struct Arguments {
string raw;
string command;
string[] parsed;
string[string] options;
auto parseMsg(string cmd) {
Arguments argz = Arguments(cmd);
if (argz.raw[0] == '#') {
string buf;
for (ulong i = 1; i < argz.raw.length; ++i)
if (argz.raw[i] != ' ' && argz.raw[i] != '=') {
buf ~= argz.raw[i];
if (i+1 == argz.raw.length || (argz.raw[i+1] == ' ' || argz.raw[i+1] == '=')) {
argz.parsed ~= buf;
buf = null;
argz.command = argz.parsed[0]; argz.parsed = argz.parsed[1..$];
for (ulong i; i < argz.parsed.length; ++i)
if (argz.parsed[i][0] == '-') {
string key = argz.parsed[i];
auto val = (i+1 < argz.parsed.length && argz.parsed[i+1][0] != '-')
? argz.parsed[i+1] : null;
if (key[1] == '-') argz.options[key[2..$]] = val;
else for (ulong x = 1; x < key.length; ++x)
argz.options[key[x..x+1]] = val;
auto x = (val) ? i + 2 : i + 1;
argz.parsed = argz.parsed[0..i] ~ argz.parsed[x..$];
i = i - (x - i);
return argz;