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2025-03-11 01:01:54 +03:00
/* Copyright 2015, 2016 OpenMarket Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import libolm.error;
extern (C):
extern __gshared const size_t OLM_MESSAGE_TYPE_PRE_KEY;
extern __gshared const size_t OLM_MESSAGE_TYPE_MESSAGE;
struct OlmAccount;
struct OlmSession;
struct OlmUtility;
/** Get the version number of the library.
* Arguments will be updated if non-null.
void olm_get_library_version (ubyte* major, ubyte* minor, ubyte* patch);
/** The size of an account object in bytes */
size_t olm_account_size ();
/** The size of a session object in bytes */
size_t olm_session_size ();
/** The size of a utility object in bytes */
size_t olm_utility_size ();
/** Initialise an account object using the supplied memory
* The supplied memory must be at least olm_account_size() bytes */
OlmAccount* olm_account (void* memory);
/** Initialise a session object using the supplied memory
* The supplied memory must be at least olm_session_size() bytes */
OlmSession* olm_session (void* memory);
/** Initialise a utility object using the supplied memory
* The supplied memory must be at least olm_utility_size() bytes */
OlmUtility* olm_utility (void* memory);
/** The value that olm will return from a function if there was an error */
size_t olm_error ();
/** A null terminated string describing the most recent error to happen to an
* account */
const(char)* olm_account_last_error (const(OlmAccount)* account);
/** An error code describing the most recent error to happen to an account */
OlmErrorCode olm_account_last_error_code (const(OlmAccount)* account);
/** A null terminated string describing the most recent error to happen to a
* session */
const(char)* olm_session_last_error (const(OlmSession)* session);
/** An error code describing the most recent error to happen to a session */
OlmErrorCode olm_session_last_error_code (const(OlmSession)* session);
/** A null terminated string describing the most recent error to happen to a
* utility */
const(char)* olm_utility_last_error (const(OlmUtility)* utility);
/** An error code describing the most recent error to happen to a utility */
OlmErrorCode olm_utility_last_error_code (const(OlmUtility)* utility);
/** Clears the memory used to back this account */
size_t olm_clear_account (OlmAccount* account);
/** Clears the memory used to back this session */
size_t olm_clear_session (OlmSession* session);
/** Clears the memory used to back this utility */
size_t olm_clear_utility (OlmUtility* utility);
/** Returns the number of bytes needed to store an account */
size_t olm_pickle_account_length (const(OlmAccount)* account);
/** Returns the number of bytes needed to store a session */
size_t olm_pickle_session_length (const(OlmSession)* session);
/** Stores an account as a base64 string. Encrypts the account using the
* supplied key. Returns the length of the pickled account on success.
* Returns olm_error() on failure. If the pickle output buffer
* is smaller than olm_pickle_account_length() then
* olm_account_last_error() will be "OUTPUT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" */
size_t olm_pickle_account (OlmAccount* account, const(void)* key, size_t key_length, void* pickled, size_t pickled_length);
/** Stores a session as a base64 string. Encrypts the session using the
* supplied key. Returns the length of the pickled session on success.
* Returns olm_error() on failure. If the pickle output buffer
* is smaller than olm_pickle_session_length() then
* olm_session_last_error() will be "OUTPUT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" */
size_t olm_pickle_session (OlmSession* session, const(void)* key, size_t key_length, void* pickled, size_t pickled_length);
/** Loads an account from a pickled base64 string. Decrypts the account using
* the supplied key. Returns olm_error() on failure. If the key doesn't
* match the one used to encrypt the account then olm_account_last_error()
* will be "BAD_ACCOUNT_KEY". If the base64 couldn't be decoded then
* olm_account_last_error() will be "INVALID_BASE64". The input pickled
* buffer is destroyed */
size_t olm_unpickle_account (OlmAccount* account, const(void)* key, size_t key_length, void* pickled, size_t pickled_length);
/** Loads a session from a pickled base64 string. Decrypts the session using
* the supplied key. Returns olm_error() on failure. If the key doesn't
* match the one used to encrypt the account then olm_session_last_error()
* will be "BAD_ACCOUNT_KEY". If the base64 couldn't be decoded then
* olm_session_last_error() will be "INVALID_BASE64". The input pickled
* buffer is destroyed */
size_t olm_unpickle_session (OlmSession* session, const(void)* key, size_t key_length, void* pickled, size_t pickled_length);
/** The number of random bytes needed to create an account.*/
size_t olm_create_account_random_length (const(OlmAccount)* account);
/** Creates a new account. Returns olm_error() on failure. If there weren't
* enough random bytes then olm_account_last_error() will be
size_t olm_create_account (OlmAccount* account, void* random, size_t random_length);
/** The size of the output buffer needed to hold the identity keys */
size_t olm_account_identity_keys_length (const(OlmAccount)* account);
/** Writes the public parts of the identity keys for the account into the
* identity_keys output buffer. Returns olm_error() on failure. If the
* identity_keys buffer was too small then olm_account_last_error() will be
size_t olm_account_identity_keys (OlmAccount* account, void* identity_keys, size_t identity_key_length);
/** The length of an ed25519 signature encoded as base64. */
size_t olm_account_signature_length (const(OlmAccount)* account);
/** Signs a message with the ed25519 key for this account. Returns olm_error()
* on failure. If the signature buffer was too small then
* olm_account_last_error() will be "OUTPUT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL" */
size_t olm_account_sign (OlmAccount* account, const(void)* message, size_t message_length, void* signature, size_t signature_length);
/** The size of the output buffer needed to hold the one time keys */
size_t olm_account_one_time_keys_length (const(OlmAccount)* account);
/** Writes the public parts of the unpublished one time keys for the account
* into the one_time_keys output buffer.
* <p>
* The returned data is a JSON-formatted object with the single property
* <tt>curve25519</tt>, which is itself an object mapping key id to
* base64-encoded Curve25519 key. For example:
* <pre>
* {
* curve25519: {
* "AAAAAA": "wo76WcYtb0Vk/pBOdmduiGJ0wIEjW4IBMbbQn7aSnTo",
* "AAAAAB": "LRvjo46L1X2vx69sS9QNFD29HWulxrmW11Up5AfAjgU"
* }
* }
* </pre>
* Returns olm_error() on failure.
* <p>
* If the one_time_keys buffer was too small then olm_account_last_error()
size_t olm_account_one_time_keys (OlmAccount* account, void* one_time_keys, size_t one_time_keys_length);
/** Marks the current set of one time keys and fallback key as being published
* Once marked as published, the one time keys will no longer be returned by
* olm_account_one_time_keys(), and the fallback key will no longer be returned
* by olm_account_unpublished_fallback_key().
* Returns the number of one-time keys that were marked as published. Note that
* this count does not include the fallback key. */
size_t olm_account_mark_keys_as_published (OlmAccount* account);
/** The largest number of one time keys this account can store. */
size_t olm_account_max_number_of_one_time_keys (const(OlmAccount)* account);
/** The number of random bytes needed to generate a given number of new one
* time keys. */
size_t olm_account_generate_one_time_keys_random_length (const(OlmAccount)* account, size_t number_of_keys);
/** Generates a number of new one time keys. If the total number of keys stored
* by this account exceeds max_number_of_one_time_keys() then the old keys are
* discarded. Returns olm_error() on error. If the number of random bytes is
* too small then olm_account_last_error() will be "NOT_ENOUGH_RANDOM". */
size_t olm_account_generate_one_time_keys (OlmAccount* account, size_t number_of_keys, void* random, size_t random_length);
/** The number of random bytes needed to generate a fallback key. */
size_t olm_account_generate_fallback_key_random_length (const(OlmAccount)* account);
/** Generates a new fallback key. Only one previous fallback key is
* stored. Returns olm_error() on error. If the number of random bytes is too
* small then olm_account_last_error() will be "NOT_ENOUGH_RANDOM". */
size_t olm_account_generate_fallback_key (OlmAccount* account, void* random, size_t random_length);
/** The number of bytes needed to hold the fallback key as returned by
* olm_account_fallback_key. */
size_t olm_account_fallback_key_length (const(OlmAccount)* account);
/** Deprecated: use olm_account_unpublished_fallback_key instead */
size_t olm_account_fallback_key (OlmAccount* account, void* fallback_key, size_t fallback_key_size);
/** The number of bytes needed to hold the unpublished fallback key as returned
* by olm_account_unpublished fallback_key. */
size_t olm_account_unpublished_fallback_key_length (const(OlmAccount)* account);
/** Returns the fallback key (if present, and if unpublished) into the
* fallback_key buffer */
size_t olm_account_unpublished_fallback_key (OlmAccount* account, void* fallback_key, size_t fallback_key_size);
/** Forget about the old fallback key. This should be called once you are
* reasonably certain that you will not receive any more messages that use
* the old fallback key (e.g. 5 minutes after the new fallback key has been
* published).
void olm_account_forget_old_fallback_key (OlmAccount* account);
/** The number of random bytes needed to create an outbound session */
size_t olm_create_outbound_session_random_length (const(OlmSession)* session);
/** Creates a new out-bound session for sending messages to a given identity_key
* and one_time_key. Returns olm_error() on failure. If the keys couldn't be
* decoded as base64 then olm_session_last_error() will be "INVALID_BASE64"
* If there weren't enough random bytes then olm_session_last_error() will
size_t olm_create_outbound_session (OlmSession* session, const(OlmAccount)* account, const(void)* their_identity_key, size_t their_identity_key_length, const(void)* their_one_time_key, size_t their_one_time_key_length, void* random, size_t random_length);
/** Create a new in-bound session for sending/receiving messages from an
* incoming PRE_KEY message. Returns olm_error() on failure. If the base64
* couldn't be decoded then olm_session_last_error will be "INVALID_BASE64".
* If the message was for an unsupported protocol version then
* olm_session_last_error() will be "BAD_MESSAGE_VERSION". If the message
* couldn't be decoded then olm_session_last_error() will be
* "BAD_MESSAGE_FORMAT". If the message refers to an unknown one time
* key then olm_session_last_error() will be "BAD_MESSAGE_KEY_ID". */
size_t olm_create_inbound_session (OlmSession* session, OlmAccount* account, void* one_time_key_message, size_t message_length);
/** Same as olm_create_inbound_session, but ensures that the identity key
* in the pre-key message matches the expected identity key, supplied via the
* `their_identity_key` parameter. Fails early if there is no match. */
size_t olm_create_inbound_session_from (OlmSession* session, OlmAccount* account, const(void)* their_identity_key, size_t their_identity_key_length, void* one_time_key_message, size_t message_length);
/** The length of the buffer needed to return the id for this session. */
size_t olm_session_id_length (const(OlmSession)* session);
/** An identifier for this session. Will be the same for both ends of the
* conversation. If the id buffer is too small then olm_session_last_error()
size_t olm_session_id (OlmSession* session, void* id, size_t id_length);
int olm_session_has_received_message (const(OlmSession)* session);
* Write a null-terminated string describing the internal state of an olm
* session to the buffer provided for debugging and logging purposes. If the
* buffer is not large enough to hold the entire string, it will be truncated
* and will end with "...". A buffer length of 600 will be enough to hold any
* output.
void olm_session_describe (OlmSession* session, char* buf, size_t buflen);
/** Checks if the PRE_KEY message is for this in-bound session. This can happen
* if multiple messages are sent to this account before this account sends a
* message in reply. The one_time_key_message buffer is destroyed. Returns 1 if
* the session matches. Returns 0 if the session does not match. Returns
* olm_error() on failure. If the base64 couldn't be decoded then
* olm_session_last_error will be "INVALID_BASE64". If the message was for an
* unsupported protocol version then olm_session_last_error() will be
* "BAD_MESSAGE_VERSION". If the message couldn't be decoded then then
* olm_session_last_error() will be "BAD_MESSAGE_FORMAT". */
size_t olm_matches_inbound_session (OlmSession* session, void* one_time_key_message, size_t message_length);
/** Checks if the PRE_KEY message is for this in-bound session. This can happen
* if multiple messages are sent to this account before this account sends a
* message in reply. The one_time_key_message buffer is destroyed. Returns 1 if
* the session matches. Returns 0 if the session does not match. Returns
* olm_error() on failure. If the base64 couldn't be decoded then
* olm_session_last_error will be "INVALID_BASE64". If the message was for an
* unsupported protocol version then olm_session_last_error() will be
* "BAD_MESSAGE_VERSION". If the message couldn't be decoded then then
* olm_session_last_error() will be "BAD_MESSAGE_FORMAT". */
size_t olm_matches_inbound_session_from (OlmSession* session, const(void)* their_identity_key, size_t their_identity_key_length, void* one_time_key_message, size_t message_length);
/** Removes the one time keys that the session used from the account. Returns
* olm_error() on failure. If the account doesn't have any matching one time
* keys then olm_account_last_error() will be "BAD_MESSAGE_KEY_ID". */
size_t olm_remove_one_time_keys (OlmAccount* account, OlmSession* session);
/** The type of the next message that olm_encrypt() will return. Returns
* OLM_MESSAGE_TYPE_PRE_KEY if the message will be a PRE_KEY message.
* Returns OLM_MESSAGE_TYPE_MESSAGE if the message will be a normal message.
* Returns olm_error on failure. */
size_t olm_encrypt_message_type (const(OlmSession)* session);
/** The number of random bytes needed to encrypt the next message. */
size_t olm_encrypt_random_length (const(OlmSession)* session);
/** The size of the next message in bytes for the given number of plain-text
* bytes. */
size_t olm_encrypt_message_length (const(OlmSession)* session, size_t plaintext_length);
/** Encrypts a message using the session. Returns the length of the message in
* bytes on success. Writes the message as base64 into the message buffer.
* Returns olm_error() on failure. If the message buffer is too small then
* olm_session_last_error() will be "OUTPUT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL". If there
* weren't enough random bytes then olm_session_last_error() will be
size_t olm_encrypt (OlmSession* session, const(void)* plaintext, size_t plaintext_length, void* random, size_t random_length, void* message, size_t message_length);
/** The maximum number of bytes of plain-text a given message could decode to.
* The actual size could be different due to padding. The input message buffer
* is destroyed. Returns olm_error() on failure. If the message base64
* couldn't be decoded then olm_session_last_error() will be
* "INVALID_BASE64". If the message is for an unsupported version of the
* protocol then olm_session_last_error() will be "BAD_MESSAGE_VERSION".
* If the message couldn't be decoded then olm_session_last_error() will be
size_t olm_decrypt_max_plaintext_length (OlmSession* session, size_t message_type, void* message, size_t message_length);
/** Decrypts a message using the session. The input message buffer is destroyed.
* Returns the length of the plain-text on success. Returns olm_error() on
* failure. If the plain-text buffer is smaller than
* olm_decrypt_max_plaintext_length() then olm_session_last_error()
* will be "OUTPUT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL". If the base64 couldn't be decoded then
* olm_session_last_error() will be "INVALID_BASE64". If the message is for
* an unsupported version of the protocol then olm_session_last_error() will
* be "BAD_MESSAGE_VERSION". If the message couldn't be decoded then
* olm_session_last_error() will be BAD_MESSAGE_FORMAT".
* If the MAC on the message was invalid then olm_session_last_error() will
* be "BAD_MESSAGE_MAC". */
size_t olm_decrypt (OlmSession* session, size_t message_type, void* message, size_t message_length, void* plaintext, size_t max_plaintext_length);
/** The length of the buffer needed to hold the SHA-256 hash. */
size_t olm_sha256_length (const(OlmUtility)* utility);
/** Calculates the SHA-256 hash of the input and encodes it as base64. If the
* output buffer is smaller than olm_sha256_length() then
* olm_utility_last_error() will be "OUTPUT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL". */
size_t olm_sha256 (OlmUtility* utility, const(void)* input, size_t input_length, void* output, size_t output_length);
/** Verify an ed25519 signature. If the key was too small then
* olm_utility_last_error() will be "INVALID_BASE64". If the signature was invalid
* then olm_utility_last_error() will be "BAD_MESSAGE_MAC". */
size_t olm_ed25519_verify (OlmUtility* utility, const(void)* key, size_t key_length, const(void)* message, size_t message_length, void* signature, size_t signature_length);
/* OLM_H_ */