/* * Squawk messenger. * Copyright (C) 2019 Yury Gubich * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "account.h" #include #include #include "shared/utils.h" using namespace Core; Account::Account(const QString& p_login, const QString& p_server, const QString& p_password, const QString& p_name, NetworkAccess* p_net, QObject* parent): QObject(parent), name(p_name), archiveQueries(), client(), config(), presence(), state(Shared::ConnectionState::disconnected), cm(new QXmppCarbonManager()), am(new QXmppMamManager()), mm(new QXmppMucManager()), bm(new QXmppBookmarkManager()), rm(client.findExtension()), vm(client.findExtension()), um(new QXmppUploadRequestManager()), dm(client.findExtension()), rcpm(new QXmppMessageReceiptManager()), reconnectScheduled(false), reconnectTimer(new QTimer), avatarHash(), avatarType(), ownVCardRequestInProgress(false), network(p_net), passwordType(Shared::AccountPassword::plain), mh(new MessageHandler(this)), rh(new RosterHandler(this)) { config.setUser(p_login); config.setDomain(p_server); config.setPassword(p_password); config.setAutoAcceptSubscriptions(true); //config.setAutoReconnectionEnabled(false); QObject::connect(&client, &QXmppClient::stateChanged, this, &Account::onClientStateChange); QObject::connect(&client, &QXmppClient::presenceReceived, this, &Account::onPresenceReceived); QObject::connect(&client, &QXmppClient::messageReceived, mh, &MessageHandler::onMessageReceived); QObject::connect(&client, &QXmppClient::error, this, &Account::onClientError); client.addExtension(cm); QObject::connect(cm, &QXmppCarbonManager::messageReceived, mh, &MessageHandler::onCarbonMessageReceived); QObject::connect(cm, &QXmppCarbonManager::messageSent, mh, &MessageHandler::onCarbonMessageSent); client.addExtension(am); QObject::connect(am, &QXmppMamManager::logMessage, this, &Account::onMamLog); QObject::connect(am, &QXmppMamManager::archivedMessageReceived, this, &Account::onMamMessageReceived); QObject::connect(am, &QXmppMamManager::resultsRecieved, this, &Account::onMamResultsReceived); client.addExtension(mm); client.addExtension(bm); QObject::connect(vm, &QXmppVCardManager::vCardReceived, this, &Account::onVCardReceived); //QObject::connect(&vm, &QXmppVCardManager::clientVCardReceived, this, &Account::onOwnVCardReceived); //for some reason it doesn't work, launching from common handler client.addExtension(um); QObject::connect(um, &QXmppUploadRequestManager::slotReceived, mh, &MessageHandler::onUploadSlotReceived); QObject::connect(um, &QXmppUploadRequestManager::requestFailed, mh, &MessageHandler::onUploadSlotRequestFailed); QObject::connect(dm, &QXmppDiscoveryManager::itemsReceived, this, &Account::onDiscoveryItemsReceived); QObject::connect(dm, &QXmppDiscoveryManager::infoReceived, this, &Account::onDiscoveryInfoReceived); QObject::connect(network, &NetworkAccess::uploadFileComplete, mh, &MessageHandler::onUploadFileComplete); QObject::connect(network, &NetworkAccess::downloadFileComplete, mh, &MessageHandler::onDownloadFileComplete); QObject::connect(network, &NetworkAccess::loadFileError, mh, &MessageHandler::onLoadFileError); client.addExtension(rcpm); QObject::connect(rcpm, &QXmppMessageReceiptManager::messageDelivered, mh, &MessageHandler::onReceiptReceived); QString path(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::CacheLocation)); path += "/" + name; QDir dir(path); if (!dir.exists()) { bool res = dir.mkpath(path); if (!res) { qDebug() << "Couldn't create a cache directory for account" << name; throw 22; } } QFile* avatar = new QFile(path + "/avatar.png"); QString type = "png"; if (!avatar->exists()) { delete avatar; avatar = new QFile(path + "/avatar.jpg"); type = "jpg"; if (!avatar->exists()) { delete avatar; avatar = new QFile(path + "/avatar.jpeg"); type = "jpeg"; if (!avatar->exists()) { delete avatar; avatar = new QFile(path + "/avatar.gif"); type = "gif"; } } } if (avatar->exists()) { if (avatar->open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { QCryptographicHash sha1(QCryptographicHash::Sha1); sha1.addData(avatar); avatarHash = sha1.result(); avatarType = type; } } if (avatarType.size() != 0) { presence.setVCardUpdateType(QXmppPresence::VCardUpdateValidPhoto); presence.setPhotoHash(avatarHash.toUtf8()); } else { presence.setVCardUpdateType(QXmppPresence::VCardUpdateNotReady); } reconnectTimer->setSingleShot(true); QObject::connect(reconnectTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Account::onReconnectTimer); // QXmppLogger* logger = new QXmppLogger(this); // logger->setLoggingType(QXmppLogger::SignalLogging); // client.setLogger(logger); // // QObject::connect(logger, &QXmppLogger::message, this, [](QXmppLogger::MessageType type, const QString& text){ // qDebug() << text; // }); } Account::~Account() { if (reconnectScheduled) { reconnectScheduled = false; reconnectTimer->stop(); } QObject::disconnect(network, &NetworkAccess::uploadFileComplete, mh, &MessageHandler::onUploadFileComplete); QObject::disconnect(network, &NetworkAccess::downloadFileComplete, mh, &MessageHandler::onDownloadFileComplete); QObject::disconnect(network, &NetworkAccess::loadFileError, mh, &MessageHandler::onLoadFileError); delete mh; delete rh; delete reconnectTimer; delete rcpm; delete dm; delete um; delete bm; delete mm; delete am; delete cm; } Shared::ConnectionState Core::Account::getState() const { return state; } void Core::Account::connect() { if (reconnectScheduled) { reconnectScheduled = false; reconnectTimer->stop(); } if (state == Shared::ConnectionState::disconnected) { client.connectToServer(config, presence); } else { qDebug("An attempt to connect an account which is already connected, skipping"); } } void Core::Account::onReconnectTimer() { if (reconnectScheduled) { reconnectScheduled = false; connect(); } } void Core::Account::disconnect() { if (reconnectScheduled) { reconnectScheduled = false; reconnectTimer->stop(); } if (state != Shared::ConnectionState::disconnected) { //rh->clearConferences(); client.disconnectFromServer(); } } void Core::Account::onClientStateChange(QXmppClient::State st) { switch (st) { case QXmppClient::ConnectedState: { if (state != Shared::ConnectionState::connected) { if (client.isActive()) { Shared::ConnectionState os = state; state = Shared::ConnectionState::connected; if (os == Shared::ConnectionState::connecting) { qDebug() << "running service discovery for account" << name; dm->requestItems(getServer()); dm->requestInfo(getServer()); } emit connectionStateChanged(state); } } else { qDebug() << "Something weird happened - xmpp client of account" << name << "reported about successful connection but account was in" << state << "state"; } } break; case QXmppClient::ConnectingState: { if (state != Shared::ConnectionState::connecting) { state = Shared::ConnectionState::connecting; emit connectionStateChanged(state); } } break; case QXmppClient::DisconnectedState: { if (state != Shared::ConnectionState::disconnected) { handleDisconnection(); state = Shared::ConnectionState::disconnected; emit connectionStateChanged(state); } else { qDebug() << "Something weird happened - xmpp client of account" << name << "reported about disconnection but account was in" << state << "state"; } } break; } } void Core::Account::reconnect() { if (state == Shared::ConnectionState::connected && !reconnectScheduled) { reconnectScheduled = true; reconnectTimer->start(500); client.disconnectFromServer(); } else { qDebug() << "An attempt to reconnect account" << getName() << "which was not connected"; } } QString Core::Account::getName() const { return name;} QString Core::Account::getLogin() const { return config.user();} QString Core::Account::getPassword() const { return config.password();} QString Core::Account::getServer() const { return config.domain();} Shared::AccountPassword Core::Account::getPasswordType() const { return passwordType;} void Core::Account::setPasswordType(Shared::AccountPassword pt) { passwordType = pt; } void Core::Account::setLogin(const QString& p_login) { config.setUser(p_login);} void Core::Account::setName(const QString& p_name) { name = p_name;} void Core::Account::setPassword(const QString& p_password) { config.setPassword(p_password);} void Core::Account::setServer(const QString& p_server) { config.setDomain(p_server);} Shared::Availability Core::Account::getAvailability() const { if (state == Shared::ConnectionState::connected) { QXmppPresence::AvailableStatusType pres = presence.availableStatusType(); return static_cast(pres); //they are compatible; } else { return Shared::Availability::offline; } } void Core::Account::setAvailability(Shared::Availability avail) { if (avail == Shared::Availability::offline) { disconnect(); //TODO not sure how to do here - changing state may cause connection or disconnection } else { QXmppPresence::AvailableStatusType pres = static_cast(avail); presence.setAvailableStatusType(pres); if (state != Shared::ConnectionState::disconnected) { client.setClientPresence(presence); } } } void Core::Account::onPresenceReceived(const QXmppPresence& p_presence) { QString id = p_presence.from(); QStringList comps = id.split("/"); QString jid = comps.front().toLower(); QString resource = comps.back(); QString myJid = getLogin() + "@" + getServer(); if (jid == myJid) { if (resource == getResource()) { emit availabilityChanged(static_cast(p_presence.availableStatusType())); } else { if (!ownVCardRequestInProgress) { switch (p_presence.vCardUpdateType()) { case QXmppPresence::VCardUpdateNone: //this presence has nothing to do with photo break; case QXmppPresence::VCardUpdateNotReady: //let's say the photo didn't change here break; case QXmppPresence::VCardUpdateNoPhoto: //there is no photo, need to drop if any if (avatarType.size() > 0) { vm->requestClientVCard(); ownVCardRequestInProgress = true; } break; case QXmppPresence::VCardUpdateValidPhoto: //there is a photo, need to load if (avatarHash != p_presence.photoHash()) { vm->requestClientVCard(); ownVCardRequestInProgress = true; } break; } } } } else { RosterItem* item = rh->getRosterItem(jid); if (item != 0) { item->handlePresence(p_presence); } } switch (p_presence.type()) { case QXmppPresence::Error: qDebug() << "An error reported by presence from" << id << p_presence.error().text(); break; case QXmppPresence::Available:{ QDateTime lastInteraction = p_presence.lastUserInteraction(); if (!lastInteraction.isValid()) { lastInteraction = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); } emit addPresence(jid, resource, { {"lastActivity", lastInteraction}, {"availability", p_presence.availableStatusType()}, //TODO check and handle invisible {"status", p_presence.statusText()} }); } break; case QXmppPresence::Unavailable: emit removePresence(jid, resource); break; case QXmppPresence::Subscribe: qDebug("xmpp presence \"subscribe\" received, do not yet know what to do, skipping"); case QXmppPresence::Subscribed: qDebug("xmpp presence \"subscribed\" received, do not yet know what to do, skipping"); case QXmppPresence::Unsubscribe: qDebug("xmpp presence \"unsubscribe\" received, do not yet know what to do, skipping"); case QXmppPresence::Unsubscribed: qDebug("xmpp presence \"unsubscribed\" received, do not yet know what to do, skipping"); case QXmppPresence::Probe: qDebug("xmpp presence \"probe\" received, do not yet know what to do, skipping"); break; } } QString Core::Account::getResource() const { return config.resource();} void Core::Account::setResource(const QString& p_resource) { config.setResource(p_resource);} QString Core::Account::getFullJid() const { return getLogin() + "@" + getServer() + "/" + getResource();} void Core::Account::sendMessage(const Shared::Message& data) { mh->sendMessage(data);} void Core::Account::onMamMessageReceived(const QString& queryId, const QXmppMessage& msgConst) { QXmppMessage msg(msgConst); if (msg.id().size() == 0) { msg.setId(Shared::generateUUID() + QStringLiteral("-squawkgenerated")); } if ((msg.body().size() > 0 || msg.outOfBandUrl().size() > 0)) { std::map::const_iterator itr = archiveQueries.find(queryId); if (itr != archiveQueries.end()) { QString jid = itr->second; RosterItem* item = rh->getRosterItem(jid); Shared::Message sMsg(static_cast(msg.type())); mh->initializeMessage(sMsg, msg, false, true, true); sMsg.setState(Shared::Message::State::sent); QString oId = msg.replaceId(); if (oId.size() > 0) { item->correctMessageInArchive(oId, sMsg); } else { item->addMessageToArchive(sMsg); } } } } void Core::Account::requestArchive(const QString& jid, int count, const QString& before) { qDebug() << "An archive request for " << jid << ", before " << before; RosterItem* contact = rh->getRosterItem(jid); if (contact == 0) { qDebug() << "An attempt to request archive for" << jid << "in account" << name << ", but the contact with such id wasn't found, skipping"; emit responseArchive(jid, std::list(), true); return; } if (state != Shared::ConnectionState::connected) { qDebug() << "An attempt to request archive for" << jid << "in account" << name << ", but the account is not online, skipping"; emit responseArchive(contact->jid, std::list(), false); } contact->requestHistory(count, before); } void Core::Account::onContactNeedHistory(const QString& before, const QString& after, const QDateTime& at) { RosterItem* contact = static_cast(sender()); QString to; QString with; QXmppResultSetQuery query; QDateTime start; query.setMax(100); if (contact->getArchiveState() == RosterItem::empty) { query.setBefore(before); qDebug() << "Requesting remote history from empty for" << contact->jid; } else { if (before.size() > 0) { if (before.endsWith("-squawkgenerated")) { qDebug() << "Can't query history before an squawk-generated ID, making fake empty result"; contact->flushMessagesToArchive(true, before, before); return; } query.setBefore(before); } if (after.size() > 0) { //there is some strange behavior of ejabberd server returning empty result set if (at.isValid()) { //there can be some useful information about it here https://github.com/processone/ejabberd/issues/2924 start = at; } else { query.setAfter(after); } if (after.endsWith("-squawkgenerated")) { qDebug() << "Can't query history after an squawk-generated ID, making fake empty result"; contact->flushMessagesToArchive(true, after, after); return; } } qDebug() << "Remote query for" << contact->jid << "from" << after << ", to" << before; } if (contact->isMuc()) { to = contact->jid; } else { with = contact->jid; } QString q = am->retrieveArchivedMessages(to, "", with, start, QDateTime(), query); archiveQueries.insert(std::make_pair(q, contact->jid)); } void Core::Account::onMamResultsReceived(const QString& queryId, const QXmppResultSetReply& resultSetReply, bool complete) { std::map::const_iterator itr = archiveQueries.find(queryId); if (itr != archiveQueries.end()) { QString jid = itr->second; archiveQueries.erase(itr); RosterItem* ri = rh->getRosterItem(jid); if (ri != 0) { qDebug() << "Flushing messages for" << jid << ", complete:" << complete; ri->flushMessagesToArchive(complete, resultSetReply.first(), resultSetReply.last()); } } } void Core::Account::onMamLog(QXmppLogger::MessageType type, const QString& msg) { qDebug() << "MAM MESSAGE LOG::"; qDebug() << msg; } void Core::Account::onClientError(QXmppClient::Error err) { qDebug() << "Error"; QString errorText; QString errorType; switch (err) { case QXmppClient::SocketError: errorText = client.socketErrorString(); errorType = "Client socket error"; break; case QXmppClient::XmppStreamError: { QXmppStanza::Error::Condition cnd = client.xmppStreamError(); switch (cnd) { case QXmppStanza::Error::BadRequest: errorText = "Bad request"; break; case QXmppStanza::Error::Conflict: errorText = "Conflict"; break; case QXmppStanza::Error::FeatureNotImplemented: errorText = "Feature is not implemented"; break; case QXmppStanza::Error::Forbidden: errorText = "Forbidden"; break; case QXmppStanza::Error::Gone: errorText = "Gone"; break; case QXmppStanza::Error::InternalServerError: errorText = "Internal server error"; break; case QXmppStanza::Error::ItemNotFound: errorText = "Item was not found"; break; case QXmppStanza::Error::JidMalformed: errorText = "Malformed JID"; break; case QXmppStanza::Error::NotAcceptable: errorText = "Not acceptable"; break; case QXmppStanza::Error::NotAllowed: errorText = "Not allowed"; break; case QXmppStanza::Error::NotAuthorized: errorText = "Authentication error"; break; #if (QXMPP_VERSION) < QT_VERSION_CHECK(1, 3, 0) case QXmppStanza::Error::PaymentRequired: errorText = "Payment is required"; break; #endif case QXmppStanza::Error::RecipientUnavailable: errorText = "Recipient is unavailable"; break; case QXmppStanza::Error::Redirect: errorText = "Redirected"; break; case QXmppStanza::Error::RegistrationRequired: errorText = "Registration is required"; break; case QXmppStanza::Error::RemoteServerNotFound: errorText = "Remote server was not found"; break; case QXmppStanza::Error::RemoteServerTimeout: errorText = "Remote server timeout"; break; case QXmppStanza::Error::ResourceConstraint: errorText = "Resource constraint"; break; case QXmppStanza::Error::ServiceUnavailable: errorText = "Redirected"; break; case QXmppStanza::Error::SubscriptionRequired: errorText = "Subscription is required"; break; case QXmppStanza::Error::UndefinedCondition: errorText = "Undefined condition"; reconnectScheduled = true; reconnectTimer->start(500); //let's reconnect here just for now, it seems to be something broken in QXMPP break; case QXmppStanza::Error::UnexpectedRequest: errorText = "Unexpected request"; break; #if (QXMPP_VERSION) >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(1, 3, 0) case QXmppStanza::Error::PolicyViolation: errorText = "Policy violation"; break; #endif } errorType = "Client stream error"; } break; case QXmppClient::KeepAliveError: errorText = "Client keep alive error"; break; case QXmppClient::NoError: break; //not exactly sure what to do here } qDebug() << errorType << errorText; emit error(errorText); } void Core::Account::subscribeToContact(const QString& jid, const QString& reason) { if (state == Shared::ConnectionState::connected) { rm->subscribe(jid, reason); } else { qDebug() << "An attempt to subscribe account " << name << " to contact " << jid << " but the account is not in the connected state, skipping"; } } void Core::Account::unsubscribeFromContact(const QString& jid, const QString& reason) { if (state == Shared::ConnectionState::connected) { rm->unsubscribe(jid, reason); } else { qDebug() << "An attempt to unsubscribe account " << name << " from contact " << jid << " but the account is not in the connected state, skipping"; } } void Core::Account::removeContactRequest(const QString& jid) { rh->removeContactRequest(jid);} void Core::Account::addContactRequest(const QString& jid, const QString& name, const QSet& groups) { rh->addContactRequest(jid, name, groups);} void Core::Account::setRoomAutoJoin(const QString& jid, bool joined) { Conference* conf = rh->getConference(jid); if (conf == 0) { qDebug() << "An attempt to set auto join to the non existing room" << jid << "of the account" << getName() << ", skipping"; return; } conf->setAutoJoin(joined); } void Core::Account::setRoomJoined(const QString& jid, bool joined) { Conference* conf = rh->getConference(jid); if (conf == 0) { qDebug() << "An attempt to set joined to the non existing room" << jid << "of the account" << getName() << ", skipping"; return; } conf->setJoined(joined); } void Core::Account::removeRoomRequest(const QString& jid){ rh->removeRoomRequest(jid);} void Core::Account::addRoomRequest(const QString& jid, const QString& nick, const QString& password, bool autoJoin) { rh->addRoomRequest(jid, nick, password, autoJoin);} void Core::Account::addContactToGroupRequest(const QString& jid, const QString& groupName) { rh->addContactToGroupRequest(jid, groupName);} void Core::Account::removeContactFromGroupRequest(const QString& jid, const QString& groupName) { rh->removeContactFromGroupRequest(jid, groupName);} void Core::Account::renameContactRequest(const QString& jid, const QString& newName) { Contact* cnt = rh->getContact(jid); if (cnt == 0) { qDebug() << "An attempt to rename non existing contact" << jid << "of account" << name << ", skipping"; } else { rm->renameItem(jid, newName); } } void Core::Account::onVCardReceived(const QXmppVCardIq& card) { QString id = card.from(); QStringList comps = id.split("/"); QString jid = comps.front().toLower(); QString resource(""); if (comps.size() > 1) { resource = comps.back(); } pendingVCardRequests.erase(id); RosterItem* item = rh->getRosterItem(jid); if (item == 0) { if (jid == getLogin() + "@" + getServer()) { onOwnVCardReceived(card); } else { qDebug() << "received vCard" << jid << "doesn't belong to any of known contacts or conferences, skipping"; } return; } Shared::VCard vCard = item->handleResponseVCard(card, resource); emit receivedVCard(jid, vCard); } void Core::Account::onOwnVCardReceived(const QXmppVCardIq& card) { QByteArray ava = card.photo(); bool avaChanged = false; QString path = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::CacheLocation) + "/" + name + "/"; if (ava.size() > 0) { QCryptographicHash sha1(QCryptographicHash::Sha1); sha1.addData(ava); QString newHash(sha1.result()); QMimeDatabase db; QMimeType newType = db.mimeTypeForData(ava); if (avatarType.size() > 0) { if (avatarHash != newHash) { QString oldPath = path + "avatar." + avatarType; QFile oldAvatar(oldPath); bool oldToRemove = false; if (oldAvatar.exists()) { if (oldAvatar.rename(oldPath + ".bak")) { oldToRemove = true; } else { qDebug() << "Received new avatar for account" << name << "but can't get rid of the old one, doing nothing"; } } QFile newAvatar(path + "avatar." + newType.preferredSuffix()); if (newAvatar.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) { newAvatar.write(ava); newAvatar.close(); avatarHash = newHash; avatarType = newType.preferredSuffix(); avaChanged = true; } else { qDebug() << "Received new avatar for account" << name << "but can't save it"; if (oldToRemove) { qDebug() << "rolling back to the old avatar"; if (!oldAvatar.rename(oldPath)) { qDebug() << "Couldn't roll back to the old avatar in account" << name; } } } } } else { QFile newAvatar(path + "avatar." + newType.preferredSuffix()); if (newAvatar.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) { newAvatar.write(ava); newAvatar.close(); avatarHash = newHash; avatarType = newType.preferredSuffix(); avaChanged = true; } else { qDebug() << "Received new avatar for account" << name << "but can't save it"; } } } else { if (avatarType.size() > 0) { QFile oldAvatar(path + "avatar." + avatarType); if (!oldAvatar.remove()) { qDebug() << "Received vCard for account" << name << "without avatar, but can't get rid of the file, doing nothing"; } else { avatarType = ""; avatarHash = ""; avaChanged = true; } } } if (avaChanged) { QMap change; if (avatarType.size() > 0) { presence.setPhotoHash(avatarHash.toUtf8()); presence.setVCardUpdateType(QXmppPresence::VCardUpdateValidPhoto); change.insert("avatarPath", path + "avatar." + avatarType); } else { presence.setPhotoHash(""); presence.setVCardUpdateType(QXmppPresence::VCardUpdateNoPhoto); change.insert("avatarPath", ""); } client.setClientPresence(presence); emit changed(change); } ownVCardRequestInProgress = false; Shared::VCard vCard; initializeVCard(vCard, card); if (avatarType.size() > 0) { vCard.setAvatarType(Shared::Avatar::valid); vCard.setAvatarPath(path + "avatar." + avatarType); } else { vCard.setAvatarType(Shared::Avatar::empty); } emit receivedVCard(getLogin() + "@" + getServer(), vCard); } QString Core::Account::getAvatarPath() const { if (avatarType.size() == 0) { return ""; } else { return QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::CacheLocation) + "/" + name + "/" + "avatar." + avatarType; } } void Core::Account::requestVCard(const QString& jid) { if (pendingVCardRequests.find(jid) == pendingVCardRequests.end()) { qDebug() << "requesting vCard" << jid; if (jid == getLogin() + "@" + getServer()) { if (!ownVCardRequestInProgress) { vm->requestClientVCard(); ownVCardRequestInProgress = true; } } else { vm->requestVCard(jid); pendingVCardRequests.insert(jid); } } } void Core::Account::uploadVCard(const Shared::VCard& card) { QXmppVCardIq iq; initializeQXmppVCard(iq, card); bool avatarChanged = false; if (card.getAvatarType() != Shared::Avatar::empty) { QString newPath = card.getAvatarPath(); QString oldPath = getAvatarPath(); QByteArray data; QString type; if (newPath != oldPath) { QFile avatar(newPath); if (!avatar.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { qDebug() << "An attempt to upload new vCard to account" << name << "but it wasn't possible to read file" << newPath << "which was supposed to be new avatar, uploading old avatar"; if (avatarType.size() > 0) { QFile oA(oldPath); if (!oA.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { qDebug() << "Couldn't read old avatar of account" << name << ", uploading empty avatar"; } else { data = oA.readAll(); } } } else { data = avatar.readAll(); avatarChanged = true; } } else { if (avatarType.size() > 0) { QFile oA(oldPath); if (!oA.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { qDebug() << "Couldn't read old avatar of account" << name << ", uploading empty avatar"; } else { data = oA.readAll(); } } } if (data.size() > 0) { QMimeDatabase db; type = db.mimeTypeForData(data).name(); iq.setPhoto(data); iq.setPhotoType(type); } } vm->setClientVCard(iq); onOwnVCardReceived(iq); } void Core::Account::onDiscoveryItemsReceived(const QXmppDiscoveryIq& items) { for (QXmppDiscoveryIq::Item item : items.items()) { if (item.jid() != getServer()) { dm->requestInfo(item.jid()); } } } void Core::Account::onDiscoveryInfoReceived(const QXmppDiscoveryIq& info) { qDebug() << "Discovery info received for account" << name; if (info.from() == getServer()) { if (info.features().contains("urn:xmpp:carbons:2")) { qDebug() << "Enabling carbon copies for account" << name; cm->setCarbonsEnabled(true); } } } void Core::Account::handleDisconnection() { cm->setCarbonsEnabled(false); rh->handleOffline(); archiveQueries.clear(); pendingVCardRequests.clear(); Shared::VCard vCard; //just to show, that there is now more pending request for (const QString& jid : pendingVCardRequests) { emit receivedVCard(jid, vCard); //need to show it better in the future, like with an error } pendingVCardRequests.clear(); ownVCardRequestInProgress = false; } void Core::Account::onContactHistoryResponse(const std::list& list, bool last) { RosterItem* contact = static_cast(sender()); qDebug() << "Collected history for contact " << contact->jid << list.size() << "elements"; if (last) { qDebug() << "The response contains the first accounted message"; } emit responseArchive(contact->jid, list, last); } void Core::Account::requestChangeMessage(const QString& jid, const QString& messageId, const QMap& data){ mh->requestChangeMessage(jid, messageId, data);} void Core::Account::resendMessage(const QString& jid, const QString& id) { mh->resendMessage(jid, id);}