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synced 2025-03-14 10:30:43 +00:00
427 lines
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427 lines
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package splithttp
import (
gotls "crypto/tls"
// defines the maximum time an idle TCP session can survive in the tunnel, so
// it should be consistent across HTTP versions and with other transports.
const connIdleTimeout = 300 * time.Second
// consistent with quic-go
const h3KeepalivePeriod = 10 * time.Second
// consistent with chrome
const h2KeepalivePeriod = 45 * time.Second
type dialerConf struct {
var (
globalDialerMap map[dialerConf]*muxManager
globalDialerAccess sync.Mutex
func getHTTPClient(ctx context.Context, dest net.Destination, streamSettings *internet.MemoryStreamConfig) (DialerClient, *muxResource) {
realityConfig := reality.ConfigFromStreamSettings(streamSettings)
if browser_dialer.HasBrowserDialer() && realityConfig != nil {
return &BrowserDialerClient{}, nil
defer globalDialerAccess.Unlock()
if globalDialerMap == nil {
globalDialerMap = make(map[dialerConf]*muxManager)
key := dialerConf{dest, streamSettings}
muxManager, found := globalDialerMap[key]
if !found {
transportConfig := streamSettings.ProtocolSettings.(*Config)
var mux Multiplexing
if transportConfig.Xmux != nil {
mux = *transportConfig.Xmux
muxManager = NewMuxManager(mux, func() interface{} {
return createHTTPClient(dest, streamSettings)
globalDialerMap[key] = muxManager
res := muxManager.GetResource(ctx)
return res.Resource.(DialerClient), res
func createHTTPClient(dest net.Destination, streamSettings *internet.MemoryStreamConfig) DialerClient {
tlsConfig := tls.ConfigFromStreamSettings(streamSettings)
realityConfig := reality.ConfigFromStreamSettings(streamSettings)
isH2 := false
isH3 := false
if tlsConfig != nil {
isH2 = !(len(tlsConfig.NextProtocol) == 1 && tlsConfig.NextProtocol[0] == "http/1.1")
isH3 = len(tlsConfig.NextProtocol) == 1 && tlsConfig.NextProtocol[0] == "h3"
} else if realityConfig != nil {
isH2 = true
isH3 = false
if isH3 {
dest.Network = net.Network_UDP
var gotlsConfig *gotls.Config
if tlsConfig != nil {
gotlsConfig = tlsConfig.GetTLSConfig(tls.WithDestination(dest))
transportConfig := streamSettings.ProtocolSettings.(*Config)
dialContext := func(ctxInner context.Context) (net.Conn, error) {
conn, err := internet.DialSystem(ctxInner, dest, streamSettings.SocketSettings)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if realityConfig != nil {
return reality.UClient(conn, realityConfig, ctxInner, dest)
if gotlsConfig != nil {
if fingerprint := tls.GetFingerprint(tlsConfig.Fingerprint); fingerprint != nil {
conn = tls.UClient(conn, gotlsConfig, fingerprint)
if err := conn.(*tls.UConn).HandshakeContext(ctxInner); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
conn = tls.Client(conn, gotlsConfig)
return conn, nil
var transport http.RoundTripper
if isH3 {
quicConfig := &quic.Config{
MaxIdleTimeout: connIdleTimeout,
// these two are defaults of quic-go/http3. the default of quic-go (no
// http3) is different, so it is hardcoded here for clarity.
// https://github.com/quic-go/quic-go/blob/b8ea5c798155950fb5bbfdd06cad1939c9355878/http3/client.go#L36-L39
MaxIncomingStreams: -1,
KeepAlivePeriod: h3KeepalivePeriod,
transport = &http3.RoundTripper{
QUICConfig: quicConfig,
TLSClientConfig: gotlsConfig,
Dial: func(ctx context.Context, addr string, tlsCfg *gotls.Config, cfg *quic.Config) (quic.EarlyConnection, error) {
conn, err := internet.DialSystem(ctx, dest, streamSettings.SocketSettings)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var udpConn net.PacketConn
var udpAddr *net.UDPAddr
switch c := conn.(type) {
case *internet.PacketConnWrapper:
var ok bool
udpConn, ok = c.Conn.(*net.UDPConn)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("PacketConnWrapper does not contain a UDP connection")
udpAddr, err = net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", c.Dest.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
case *net.UDPConn:
udpConn = c
udpAddr, err = net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", c.RemoteAddr().String())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
udpConn = &internet.FakePacketConn{c}
udpAddr, err = net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", c.RemoteAddr().String())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return quic.DialEarly(ctx, udpConn, udpAddr, tlsCfg, cfg)
} else if isH2 {
transport = &http2.Transport{
DialTLSContext: func(ctxInner context.Context, network string, addr string, cfg *gotls.Config) (net.Conn, error) {
return dialContext(ctxInner)
IdleConnTimeout: connIdleTimeout,
ReadIdleTimeout: h2KeepalivePeriod,
} else {
httpDialContext := func(ctxInner context.Context, network string, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
return dialContext(ctxInner)
transport = &http.Transport{
DialTLSContext: httpDialContext,
DialContext: httpDialContext,
IdleConnTimeout: connIdleTimeout,
// chunked transfer download with keepalives is buggy with
// http.Client and our custom dial context.
DisableKeepAlives: true,
client := &DefaultDialerClient{
transportConfig: transportConfig,
client: &http.Client{
Transport: transport,
isH2: isH2,
isH3: isH3,
uploadRawPool: &sync.Pool{},
dialUploadConn: dialContext,
return client
func init() {
common.Must(internet.RegisterTransportDialer(protocolName, Dial))
func Dial(ctx context.Context, dest net.Destination, streamSettings *internet.MemoryStreamConfig) (stat.Connection, error) {
errors.LogInfo(ctx, "dialing splithttp to ", dest)
var requestURL url.URL
transportConfiguration := streamSettings.ProtocolSettings.(*Config)
tlsConfig := tls.ConfigFromStreamSettings(streamSettings)
realityConfig := reality.ConfigFromStreamSettings(streamSettings)
scMaxConcurrentPosts := transportConfiguration.GetNormalizedScMaxConcurrentPosts()
scMaxEachPostBytes := transportConfiguration.GetNormalizedScMaxEachPostBytes()
scMinPostsIntervalMs := transportConfiguration.GetNormalizedScMinPostsIntervalMs()
if tlsConfig != nil || realityConfig != nil {
requestURL.Scheme = "https"
} else {
requestURL.Scheme = "http"
requestURL.Host = transportConfiguration.Host
if requestURL.Host == "" {
requestURL.Host = dest.NetAddr()
sessionIdUuid := uuid.New()
requestURL.Path = transportConfiguration.GetNormalizedPath() + sessionIdUuid.String()
requestURL.RawQuery = transportConfiguration.GetNormalizedQuery()
httpClient, muxRes := getHTTPClient(ctx, dest, streamSettings)
httpClient2 := httpClient
requestURL2 := requestURL
var muxRes2 *muxResource
if transportConfiguration.DownloadSettings != nil {
if streamSettings.DownloadSettings == nil {
streamSettings.DownloadSettings = common.Must2(internet.ToMemoryStreamConfig(transportConfiguration.DownloadSettings)).(*internet.MemoryStreamConfig)
memory2 := streamSettings.DownloadSettings
httpClient2, muxRes2 = getHTTPClient(ctx, *memory2.Destination, memory2) // just panic
if tls.ConfigFromStreamSettings(memory2) != nil || reality.ConfigFromStreamSettings(memory2) != nil {
requestURL2.Scheme = "https"
} else {
requestURL2.Scheme = "http"
config2 := memory2.ProtocolSettings.(*Config)
requestURL2.Host = config2.Host
if requestURL2.Host == "" {
requestURL2.Host = memory2.Destination.NetAddr()
requestURL2.Path = config2.GetNormalizedPath() + sessionIdUuid.String()
requestURL2.RawQuery = config2.GetNormalizedQuery()
reader, remoteAddr, localAddr, err := httpClient2.OpenDownload(context.WithoutCancel(ctx), requestURL2.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if muxRes != nil {
if muxRes2 != nil {
closed := false
conn := splitConn{
writer: nil,
reader: reader,
remoteAddr: remoteAddr,
localAddr: localAddr,
onClose: func() {
if closed {
closed = true
if muxRes != nil {
if muxRes2 != nil {
mode := transportConfiguration.Mode
if mode == "auto" {
mode = "packet-up"
if (tlsConfig != nil && len(tlsConfig.NextProtocol) != 1) || realityConfig != nil {
mode = "stream-up"
errors.LogInfo(ctx, "XHTTP is using mode: "+mode)
if mode == "stream-up" {
conn.writer = httpClient.OpenUpload(ctx, requestURL.String())
return stat.Connection(&conn), nil
maxUploadSize := scMaxEachPostBytes.roll()
// WithSizeLimit(0) will still allow single bytes to pass, and a lot of
// code relies on this behavior. Subtract 1 so that together with
// uploadWriter wrapper, exact size limits can be enforced
// uploadPipeReader, uploadPipeWriter := pipe.New(pipe.WithSizeLimit(maxUploadSize - 1))
uploadPipeReader, uploadPipeWriter := pipe.New(pipe.WithSizeLimit(maxUploadSize - buf.Size))
conn.writer = uploadWriter{
go func() {
requestsLimiter := semaphore.New(int(scMaxConcurrentPosts.roll()))
var requestCounter int64
lastWrite := time.Now()
// by offloading the uploads into a buffered pipe, multiple conn.Write
// calls get automatically batched together into larger POST requests.
// without batching, bandwidth is extremely limited.
for {
chunk, err := uploadPipeReader.ReadMultiBuffer()
if err != nil {
seq := requestCounter
requestCounter += 1
go func() {
defer requestsLimiter.Signal()
// this intentionally makes a shallow-copy of the struct so we
// can reassign Path (potentially concurrently)
url := requestURL
url.Path += "/" + strconv.FormatInt(seq, 10)
// reassign query to get different padding
url.RawQuery = transportConfiguration.GetNormalizedQuery()
err := httpClient.SendUploadRequest(
&buf.MultiBufferContainer{MultiBuffer: chunk},
if err != nil {
errors.LogInfoInner(ctx, err, "failed to send upload")
if scMinPostsIntervalMs.From > 0 {
roll := time.Duration(scMinPostsIntervalMs.roll()) * time.Millisecond
if time.Since(lastWrite) < roll {
lastWrite = time.Now()
return stat.Connection(&conn), nil
// A wrapper around pipe that ensures the size limit is exactly honored.
// The MultiBuffer pipe accepts any single WriteMultiBuffer call even if that
// single MultiBuffer exceeds the size limit, and then starts blocking on the
// next WriteMultiBuffer call. This means that ReadMultiBuffer can return more
// bytes than the size limit. We work around this by splitting a potentially
// too large write up into multiple.
type uploadWriter struct {
maxLen int32
func (w uploadWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
capacity := int(w.maxLen - w.Len())
if capacity > 0 && capacity < len(b) {
b = b[:capacity]
buffer := buf.New()
n, err := buffer.Write(b)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
err = w.WriteMultiBuffer([]*buf.Buffer{buffer})
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return n, nil