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package inbound
//go:generate go run github.com/xtls/xray-core/common/errors/errorgen
import (
feature_inbound "github.com/xtls/xray-core/features/inbound"
type userByEmail struct {
cache map[string]*protocol.MemoryUser
defaultLevel uint32
defaultAlterIDs uint16
func newUserByEmail(config *DefaultConfig) *userByEmail {
return &userByEmail{
cache: make(map[string]*protocol.MemoryUser),
defaultLevel: config.Level,
defaultAlterIDs: uint16(config.AlterId),
func (v *userByEmail) addNoLock(u *protocol.MemoryUser) bool {
email := strings.ToLower(u.Email)
_, found := v.cache[email]
if found {
return false
v.cache[email] = u
return true
func (v *userByEmail) Add(u *protocol.MemoryUser) bool {
defer v.Unlock()
return v.addNoLock(u)
func (v *userByEmail) Get(email string) (*protocol.MemoryUser, bool) {
email = strings.ToLower(email)
defer v.Unlock()
user, found := v.cache[email]
if !found {
id := uuid.New()
rawAccount := &vmess.Account{
Id: id.String(),
AlterId: uint32(v.defaultAlterIDs),
account, err := rawAccount.AsAccount()
user = &protocol.MemoryUser{
Level: v.defaultLevel,
Email: email,
Account: account,
v.cache[email] = user
return user, found
func (v *userByEmail) Remove(email string) bool {
email = strings.ToLower(email)
defer v.Unlock()
if _, found := v.cache[email]; !found {
return false
delete(v.cache, email)
return true
// Handler is an inbound connection handler that handles messages in VMess protocol.
type Handler struct {
policyManager policy.Manager
inboundHandlerManager feature_inbound.Manager
clients *vmess.TimedUserValidator
usersByEmail *userByEmail
detours *DetourConfig
sessionHistory *encoding.SessionHistory
secure bool
// New creates a new VMess inbound handler.
func New(ctx context.Context, config *Config) (*Handler, error) {
v := core.MustFromContext(ctx)
handler := &Handler{
policyManager: v.GetFeature(policy.ManagerType()).(policy.Manager),
inboundHandlerManager: v.GetFeature(feature_inbound.ManagerType()).(feature_inbound.Manager),
clients: vmess.NewTimedUserValidator(protocol.DefaultIDHash),
detours: config.Detour,
usersByEmail: newUserByEmail(config.GetDefaultValue()),
sessionHistory: encoding.NewSessionHistory(),
secure: config.SecureEncryptionOnly,
for _, user := range config.User {
mUser, err := user.ToMemoryUser()
if err != nil {
return nil, newError("failed to get VMess user").Base(err)
if err := handler.AddUser(ctx, mUser); err != nil {
return nil, newError("failed to initiate user").Base(err)
return handler, nil
// Close implements common.Closable.
func (h *Handler) Close() error {
return errors.Combine(
// Network implements proxy.Inbound.Network().
func (*Handler) Network() []net.Network {
return []net.Network{net.Network_TCP, net.Network_UNIX}
func (h *Handler) GetUser(email string) *protocol.MemoryUser {
user, existing := h.usersByEmail.Get(email)
if !existing {
return user
func (h *Handler) AddUser(ctx context.Context, user *protocol.MemoryUser) error {
if len(user.Email) > 0 && !h.usersByEmail.Add(user) {
return newError("User ", user.Email, " already exists.")
return h.clients.Add(user)
func (h *Handler) RemoveUser(ctx context.Context, email string) error {
if email == "" {
return newError("Email must not be empty.")
if !h.usersByEmail.Remove(email) {
return newError("User ", email, " not found.")
return nil
func transferResponse(timer signal.ActivityUpdater, session *encoding.ServerSession, request *protocol.RequestHeader, response *protocol.ResponseHeader, input buf.Reader, output *buf.BufferedWriter) error {
session.EncodeResponseHeader(response, output)
bodyWriter := session.EncodeResponseBody(request, output)
// Optimize for small response packet
data, err := input.ReadMultiBuffer()
if err != nil {
return err
if err := bodyWriter.WriteMultiBuffer(data); err != nil {
return err
if err := output.SetBuffered(false); err != nil {
return err
if err := buf.Copy(input, bodyWriter, buf.UpdateActivity(timer)); err != nil {
return err
if request.Option.Has(protocol.RequestOptionChunkStream) {
if err := bodyWriter.WriteMultiBuffer(buf.MultiBuffer{}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func isInsecureEncryption(s protocol.SecurityType) bool {
return s == protocol.SecurityType_NONE || s == protocol.SecurityType_LEGACY || s == protocol.SecurityType_UNKNOWN
// Process implements proxy.Inbound.Process().
func (h *Handler) Process(ctx context.Context, network net.Network, connection internet.Connection, dispatcher routing.Dispatcher) error {
sessionPolicy := h.policyManager.ForLevel(0)
if err := connection.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(sessionPolicy.Timeouts.Handshake)); err != nil {
return newError("unable to set read deadline").Base(err).AtWarning()
iConn := connection
if statConn, ok := iConn.(*internet.StatCouterConnection); ok {
iConn = statConn.Connection
_, isDrain := iConn.(*net.TCPConn)
if !isDrain {
_, isDrain = iConn.(*net.UnixConn)
reader := &buf.BufferedReader{Reader: buf.NewReader(connection)}
svrSession := encoding.NewServerSession(h.clients, h.sessionHistory)
request, err := svrSession.DecodeRequestHeader(reader, isDrain)
if err != nil {
if errors.Cause(err) != io.EOF {
From: connection.RemoteAddr(),
To: "",
Status: log.AccessRejected,
Reason: err,
err = newError("invalid request from ", connection.RemoteAddr()).Base(err).AtInfo()
return err
if h.secure && isInsecureEncryption(request.Security) {
From: connection.RemoteAddr(),
To: "",
Status: log.AccessRejected,
Reason: "Insecure encryption",
Email: request.User.Email,
return newError("client is using insecure encryption: ", request.Security)
if request.Command != protocol.RequestCommandMux {
ctx = log.ContextWithAccessMessage(ctx, &log.AccessMessage{
From: connection.RemoteAddr(),
To: request.Destination(),
Status: log.AccessAccepted,
Reason: "",
Email: request.User.Email,
newError("received request for ", request.Destination()).WriteToLog(session.ExportIDToError(ctx))
if err := connection.SetReadDeadline(time.Time{}); err != nil {
newError("unable to set back read deadline").Base(err).WriteToLog(session.ExportIDToError(ctx))
inbound := session.InboundFromContext(ctx)
if inbound == nil {
panic("no inbound metadata")
inbound.User = request.User
sessionPolicy = h.policyManager.ForLevel(request.User.Level)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
timer := signal.CancelAfterInactivity(ctx, cancel, sessionPolicy.Timeouts.ConnectionIdle)
ctx = policy.ContextWithBufferPolicy(ctx, sessionPolicy.Buffer)
link, err := dispatcher.Dispatch(ctx, request.Destination())
if err != nil {
return newError("failed to dispatch request to ", request.Destination()).Base(err)
requestDone := func() error {
defer timer.SetTimeout(sessionPolicy.Timeouts.DownlinkOnly)
bodyReader := svrSession.DecodeRequestBody(request, reader)
if err := buf.Copy(bodyReader, link.Writer, buf.UpdateActivity(timer)); err != nil {
return newError("failed to transfer request").Base(err)
return nil
responseDone := func() error {
defer timer.SetTimeout(sessionPolicy.Timeouts.UplinkOnly)
writer := buf.NewBufferedWriter(buf.NewWriter(connection))
defer writer.Flush()
response := &protocol.ResponseHeader{
Command: h.generateCommand(ctx, request),
return transferResponse(timer, svrSession, request, response, link.Reader, writer)
var requestDonePost = task.OnSuccess(requestDone, task.Close(link.Writer))
if err := task.Run(ctx, requestDonePost, responseDone); err != nil {
return newError("connection ends").Base(err)
return nil
func (h *Handler) generateCommand(ctx context.Context, request *protocol.RequestHeader) protocol.ResponseCommand {
if h.detours != nil {
tag := h.detours.To
if h.inboundHandlerManager != nil {
handler, err := h.inboundHandlerManager.GetHandler(ctx, tag)
if err != nil {
newError("failed to get detour handler: ", tag).Base(err).AtWarning().WriteToLog(session.ExportIDToError(ctx))
return nil
proxyHandler, port, availableMin := handler.GetRandomInboundProxy()
inboundHandler, ok := proxyHandler.(*Handler)
if ok && inboundHandler != nil {
if availableMin > 255 {
availableMin = 255
newError("pick detour handler for port ", port, " for ", availableMin, " minutes.").AtDebug().WriteToLog(session.ExportIDToError(ctx))
user := inboundHandler.GetUser(request.User.Email)
if user == nil {
return nil
account := user.Account.(*vmess.MemoryAccount)
return &protocol.CommandSwitchAccount{
Port: port,
ID: account.ID.UUID(),
AlterIds: uint16(len(account.AlterIDs)),
Level: user.Level,
ValidMin: byte(availableMin),
return nil
func init() {
common.Must(common.RegisterConfig((*Config)(nil), func(ctx context.Context, config interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return New(ctx, config.(*Config))