mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 18:10:43 +00:00
* Add session context outbounds as slice slice is needed for dialer proxy where two outbounds work on top of each other There are two sets of target addr for example It also enable Xtls to correctly do splice copy by checking both outbounds are ready to do direct copy * Fill outbound tag info * Splice now checks capalibility from all outbounds * Fix unit tests
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package freedom
//go:generate go run github.com/xtls/xray-core/common/errors/errorgen
import (
var useSplice bool
func init() {
common.Must(common.RegisterConfig((*Config)(nil), func(ctx context.Context, config interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
h := new(Handler)
if err := core.RequireFeatures(ctx, func(pm policy.Manager, d dns.Client) error {
return h.Init(config.(*Config), pm, d)
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
return h, nil
const defaultFlagValue = "NOT_DEFINED_AT_ALL"
value := platform.NewEnvFlag(platform.UseFreedomSplice).GetValue(func() string { return defaultFlagValue })
switch value {
case defaultFlagValue, "auto", "enable":
useSplice = true
// Handler handles Freedom connections.
type Handler struct {
policyManager policy.Manager
dns dns.Client
config *Config
// Init initializes the Handler with necessary parameters.
func (h *Handler) Init(config *Config, pm policy.Manager, d dns.Client) error {
h.config = config
h.policyManager = pm
h.dns = d
return nil
func (h *Handler) policy() policy.Session {
p := h.policyManager.ForLevel(h.config.UserLevel)
if h.config.Timeout > 0 && h.config.UserLevel == 0 {
p.Timeouts.ConnectionIdle = time.Duration(h.config.Timeout) * time.Second
return p
func (h *Handler) resolveIP(ctx context.Context, domain string, localAddr net.Address) net.Address {
ips, err := h.dns.LookupIP(domain, dns.IPOption{
IPv4Enable: (localAddr == nil || localAddr.Family().IsIPv4()) && h.config.preferIP4(),
IPv6Enable: (localAddr == nil || localAddr.Family().IsIPv6()) && h.config.preferIP6(),
{ // Resolve fallback
if (len(ips) == 0 || err != nil) && h.config.hasFallback() && localAddr == nil {
ips, err = h.dns.LookupIP(domain, dns.IPOption{
IPv4Enable: h.config.fallbackIP4(),
IPv6Enable: h.config.fallbackIP6(),
if err != nil {
newError("failed to get IP address for domain ", domain).Base(err).WriteToLog(session.ExportIDToError(ctx))
if len(ips) == 0 {
return nil
return net.IPAddress(ips[dice.Roll(len(ips))])
func isValidAddress(addr *net.IPOrDomain) bool {
if addr == nil {
return false
a := addr.AsAddress()
return a != net.AnyIP
// Process implements proxy.Outbound.
func (h *Handler) Process(ctx context.Context, link *transport.Link, dialer internet.Dialer) error {
outbounds := session.OutboundsFromContext(ctx)
ob := outbounds[len(outbounds) - 1]
if !ob.Target.IsValid() {
return newError("target not specified.")
ob.Name = "freedom"
ob.CanSpliceCopy = 1
inbound := session.InboundFromContext(ctx)
destination := ob.Target
UDPOverride := net.UDPDestination(nil, 0)
if h.config.DestinationOverride != nil {
server := h.config.DestinationOverride.Server
if isValidAddress(server.Address) {
destination.Address = server.Address.AsAddress()
UDPOverride.Address = destination.Address
if server.Port != 0 {
destination.Port = net.Port(server.Port)
UDPOverride.Port = destination.Port
input := link.Reader
output := link.Writer
var conn stat.Connection
err := retry.ExponentialBackoff(5, 100).On(func() error {
dialDest := destination
if h.config.hasStrategy() && dialDest.Address.Family().IsDomain() {
ip := h.resolveIP(ctx, dialDest.Address.Domain(), dialer.Address())
if ip != nil {
dialDest = net.Destination{
Network: dialDest.Network,
Address: ip,
Port: dialDest.Port,
newError("dialing to ", dialDest).WriteToLog(session.ExportIDToError(ctx))
} else if h.config.forceIP() {
return dns.ErrEmptyResponse
rawConn, err := dialer.Dial(ctx, dialDest)
if err != nil {
return err
if h.config.ProxyProtocol > 0 && h.config.ProxyProtocol <= 2 {
version := byte(h.config.ProxyProtocol)
srcAddr := inbound.Source.RawNetAddr()
dstAddr := rawConn.RemoteAddr()
header := proxyproto.HeaderProxyFromAddrs(version, srcAddr, dstAddr)
if _, err = header.WriteTo(rawConn); err != nil {
return err
conn = rawConn
return nil
if err != nil {
return newError("failed to open connection to ", destination).Base(err)
defer conn.Close()
newError("connection opened to ", destination, ", local endpoint ", conn.LocalAddr(), ", remote endpoint ", conn.RemoteAddr()).WriteToLog(session.ExportIDToError(ctx))
var newCtx context.Context
var newCancel context.CancelFunc
if session.TimeoutOnlyFromContext(ctx) {
newCtx, newCancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
plcy := h.policy()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
timer := signal.CancelAfterInactivity(ctx, func() {
if newCancel != nil {
}, plcy.Timeouts.ConnectionIdle)
requestDone := func() error {
defer timer.SetTimeout(plcy.Timeouts.DownlinkOnly)
var writer buf.Writer
if destination.Network == net.Network_TCP {
if h.config.Fragment != nil {
newError("FRAGMENT", h.config.Fragment.PacketsFrom, h.config.Fragment.PacketsTo, h.config.Fragment.LengthMin, h.config.Fragment.LengthMax,
h.config.Fragment.IntervalMin, h.config.Fragment.IntervalMax).AtDebug().WriteToLog(session.ExportIDToError(ctx))
writer = buf.NewWriter(&FragmentWriter{
fragment: h.config.Fragment,
writer: conn,
} else {
writer = buf.NewWriter(conn)
} else {
writer = NewPacketWriter(conn, h, ctx, UDPOverride)
if err := buf.Copy(input, writer, buf.UpdateActivity(timer)); err != nil {
return newError("failed to process request").Base(err)
return nil
responseDone := func() error {
defer timer.SetTimeout(plcy.Timeouts.UplinkOnly)
if destination.Network == net.Network_TCP {
var writeConn net.Conn
if inbound := session.InboundFromContext(ctx); inbound != nil && inbound.Conn != nil && useSplice {
writeConn = inbound.Conn
return proxy.CopyRawConnIfExist(ctx, conn, writeConn, link.Writer, timer)
reader := NewPacketReader(conn, UDPOverride)
if err := buf.Copy(reader, output, buf.UpdateActivity(timer)); err != nil {
return newError("failed to process response").Base(err)
return nil
if newCtx != nil {
ctx = newCtx
if err := task.Run(ctx, requestDone, task.OnSuccess(responseDone, task.Close(output))); err != nil {
return newError("connection ends").Base(err)
return nil
func NewPacketReader(conn net.Conn, UDPOverride net.Destination) buf.Reader {
iConn := conn
statConn, ok := iConn.(*stat.CounterConnection)
if ok {
iConn = statConn.Connection
var counter stats.Counter
if statConn != nil {
counter = statConn.ReadCounter
if c, ok := iConn.(*internet.PacketConnWrapper); ok && UDPOverride.Address == nil && UDPOverride.Port == 0 {
return &PacketReader{
PacketConnWrapper: c,
Counter: counter,
return &buf.PacketReader{Reader: conn}
type PacketReader struct {
func (r *PacketReader) ReadMultiBuffer() (buf.MultiBuffer, error) {
b := buf.New()
b.Resize(0, buf.Size)
n, d, err := r.PacketConnWrapper.ReadFrom(b.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b.Resize(0, int32(n))
b.UDP = &net.Destination{
Address: net.IPAddress(d.(*net.UDPAddr).IP),
Port: net.Port(d.(*net.UDPAddr).Port),
Network: net.Network_UDP,
if r.Counter != nil {
return buf.MultiBuffer{b}, nil
func NewPacketWriter(conn net.Conn, h *Handler, ctx context.Context, UDPOverride net.Destination) buf.Writer {
iConn := conn
statConn, ok := iConn.(*stat.CounterConnection)
if ok {
iConn = statConn.Connection
var counter stats.Counter
if statConn != nil {
counter = statConn.WriteCounter
if c, ok := iConn.(*internet.PacketConnWrapper); ok {
return &PacketWriter{
PacketConnWrapper: c,
Counter: counter,
Handler: h,
Context: ctx,
UDPOverride: UDPOverride,
return &buf.SequentialWriter{Writer: conn}
type PacketWriter struct {
UDPOverride net.Destination
func (w *PacketWriter) WriteMultiBuffer(mb buf.MultiBuffer) error {
for {
mb2, b := buf.SplitFirst(mb)
mb = mb2
if b == nil {
var n int
var err error
if b.UDP != nil {
if w.UDPOverride.Address != nil {
b.UDP.Address = w.UDPOverride.Address
if w.UDPOverride.Port != 0 {
b.UDP.Port = w.UDPOverride.Port
if w.Handler.config.hasStrategy() && b.UDP.Address.Family().IsDomain() {
ip := w.Handler.resolveIP(w.Context, b.UDP.Address.Domain(), nil)
if ip != nil {
b.UDP.Address = ip
destAddr, _ := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", b.UDP.NetAddr())
if destAddr == nil {
n, err = w.PacketConnWrapper.WriteTo(b.Bytes(), destAddr)
} else {
n, err = w.PacketConnWrapper.Write(b.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return err
if w.Counter != nil {
return nil
type FragmentWriter struct {
fragment *Fragment
writer io.Writer
count uint64
func (f *FragmentWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
if f.fragment.PacketsFrom == 0 && f.fragment.PacketsTo == 1 {
if f.count != 1 || len(b) <= 5 || b[0] != 22 {
return f.writer.Write(b)
recordLen := 5 + ((int(b[3]) << 8) | int(b[4]))
if len(b) < recordLen { // maybe already fragmented somehow
return f.writer.Write(b)
data := b[5:recordLen]
buf := make([]byte, 1024)
for from := 0; ; {
to := from + int(randBetween(int64(f.fragment.LengthMin), int64(f.fragment.LengthMax)))
if to > len(data) {
to = len(data)
copy(buf[:3], b)
copy(buf[5:], data[from:to])
l := to - from
from = to
buf[3] = byte(l >> 8)
buf[4] = byte(l)
_, err := f.writer.Write(buf[:5+l])
time.Sleep(time.Duration(randBetween(int64(f.fragment.IntervalMin), int64(f.fragment.IntervalMax))) * time.Millisecond)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if from == len(data) {
if len(b) > recordLen {
n, err := f.writer.Write(b[recordLen:])
if err != nil {
return recordLen + n, err
return len(b), nil
if f.fragment.PacketsFrom != 0 && (f.count < f.fragment.PacketsFrom || f.count > f.fragment.PacketsTo) {
return f.writer.Write(b)
for from := 0; ; {
to := from + int(randBetween(int64(f.fragment.LengthMin), int64(f.fragment.LengthMax)))
if to > len(b) {
to = len(b)
n, err := f.writer.Write(b[from:to])
from += n
time.Sleep(time.Duration(randBetween(int64(f.fragment.IntervalMin), int64(f.fragment.IntervalMax))) * time.Millisecond)
if err != nil {
return from, err
if from >= len(b) {
return from, nil
// stolen from github.com/xtls/xray-core/transport/internet/reality
func randBetween(left int64, right int64) int64 {
if left == right {
return left
bigInt, _ := rand.Int(rand.Reader, big.NewInt(right-left))
return left + bigInt.Int64()