package outbound_test import ( "context" "fmt" "sync" "sync/atomic" "testing" "time" "" "" . "" "" "" "" "" core "" "" "" "" ) func TestInterfaces(t *testing.T) { _ = (outbound.Handler)(new(Handler)) _ = (outbound.Manager)(new(Manager)) } const xrayKey core.XrayKey = 1 func TestOutboundWithoutStatCounter(t *testing.T) { config := &core.Config{ App: []*serial.TypedMessage{ serial.ToTypedMessage(&stats.Config{}), serial.ToTypedMessage(&policy.Config{ System: &policy.SystemPolicy{ Stats: &policy.SystemPolicy_Stats{ InboundUplink: true, }, }, }), }, } v, _ := core.New(config) v.AddFeature((outbound.Manager)(new(Manager))) ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), xrayKey, v) ctx = session.ContextWithOutbounds(ctx, []*session.Outbound{{}}) h, _ := NewHandler(ctx, &core.OutboundHandlerConfig{ Tag: "tag", ProxySettings: serial.ToTypedMessage(&freedom.Config{}), }) conn, _ := h.(*Handler).Dial(ctx, net.TCPDestination(net.DomainAddress("localhost"), 13146)) _, ok := conn.(*stat.CounterConnection) if ok { t.Errorf("Expected conn to not be CounterConnection") } } func TestOutboundWithStatCounter(t *testing.T) { config := &core.Config{ App: []*serial.TypedMessage{ serial.ToTypedMessage(&stats.Config{}), serial.ToTypedMessage(&policy.Config{ System: &policy.SystemPolicy{ Stats: &policy.SystemPolicy_Stats{ OutboundUplink: true, OutboundDownlink: true, }, }, }), }, } v, _ := core.New(config) v.AddFeature((outbound.Manager)(new(Manager))) ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), xrayKey, v) ctx = session.ContextWithOutbounds(ctx, []*session.Outbound{{}}) h, _ := NewHandler(ctx, &core.OutboundHandlerConfig{ Tag: "tag", ProxySettings: serial.ToTypedMessage(&freedom.Config{}), }) conn, _ := h.(*Handler).Dial(ctx, net.TCPDestination(net.DomainAddress("localhost"), 13146)) _, ok := conn.(*stat.CounterConnection) if !ok { t.Errorf("Expected conn to be CounterConnection") } } func TestTagsCache(t *testing.T) { test_duration := 10 * time.Second threads_num := 50 delay := 10 * time.Millisecond tags_prefix := "node" tags := sync.Map{} counter := atomic.Uint64{} ohm, err := New(context.Background(), &proxyman.OutboundConfig{}) if err != nil { t.Error("failed to create outbound handler manager") } config := &core.Config{ App: []*serial.TypedMessage{}, } v, _ := core.New(config) v.AddFeature(ohm) ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), xrayKey, v) stop_add_rm := false wg_add_rm := sync.WaitGroup{} addHandlers := func() { defer wg_add_rm.Done() for !stop_add_rm { time.Sleep(delay) idx := counter.Add(1) tag := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", tags_prefix, idx) cfg := &core.OutboundHandlerConfig{ Tag: tag, ProxySettings: serial.ToTypedMessage(&freedom.Config{}), } if h, err := NewHandler(ctx, cfg); err == nil { if err := ohm.AddHandler(ctx, h); err == nil { // t.Log("add handler:", tag) tags.Store(tag, nil) } else { t.Error("failed to add handler:", tag) } } else { t.Error("failed to create handler:", tag) } } } rmHandlers := func() { defer wg_add_rm.Done() for !stop_add_rm { time.Sleep(delay) tags.Range(func(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool { if _, ok := tags.LoadAndDelete(key); ok { // t.Log("remove handler:", key) ohm.RemoveHandler(ctx, key.(string)) return false } return true }) } } selectors := []string{tags_prefix} wg_get := sync.WaitGroup{} stop_get := false getTags := func() { defer wg_get.Done() for !stop_get { time.Sleep(delay) _ = ohm.Select(selectors) // t.Logf("get tags: %v", tag) } } for i := 0; i < threads_num; i++ { wg_add_rm.Add(2) go rmHandlers() go addHandlers() wg_get.Add(1) go getTags() } time.Sleep(test_duration) stop_add_rm = true wg_add_rm.Wait() stop_get = true wg_get.Wait() }