syntax = "proto3";

option csharp_namespace = "Xray.App.Router.Command";
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "";
option java_multiple_files = true;

import "common/net/network.proto";

// RoutingContext is the context with information relative to routing process.
// It conforms to the structure of xray.features.routing.Context and
// xray.features.routing.Route.
message RoutingContext {
  string InboundTag = 1; Network = 2;
  repeated bytes SourceIPs = 3;
  repeated bytes TargetIPs = 4;
  uint32 SourcePort = 5;
  uint32 TargetPort = 6;
  string TargetDomain = 7;
  string Protocol = 8;
  string User = 9;
  map<string, string> Attributes = 10;
  repeated string OutboundGroupTags = 11;
  string OutboundTag = 12;

// SubscribeRoutingStatsRequest subscribes to routing statistics channel if
// opened by xray-core.
// * FieldSelectors selects a subset of fields in routing statistics to return.
// Valid selectors:
//  - inbound: Selects connection's inbound tag.
//  - network: Selects connection's network.
//  - ip: Equivalent as "ip_source" and "ip_target", selects both source and
//  target IP.
//  - port: Equivalent as "port_source" and "port_target", selects both source
//  and target port.
//  - domain: Selects target domain.
//  - protocol: Select connection's protocol.
//  - user: Select connection's inbound user email.
//  - attributes: Select connection's additional attributes.
//  - outbound: Equivalent as "outbound" and "outbound_group", select both
//  outbound tag and outbound group tags.
// * If FieldSelectors is left empty, all fields will be returned.
message SubscribeRoutingStatsRequest {
  repeated string FieldSelectors = 1;

// TestRouteRequest manually tests a routing result according to the routing
// context message.
// * RoutingContext is the routing message without outbound information.
// * FieldSelectors selects the fields to return in the routing result. All
// fields are returned if left empty.
// * PublishResult broadcasts the routing result to routing statistics channel
// if set true.
message TestRouteRequest {
  RoutingContext RoutingContext = 1;
  repeated string FieldSelectors = 2;
  bool PublishResult = 3;

message PrincipleTargetInfo {
  repeated string tag = 1;

message OverrideInfo {
  string target = 2;

message BalancerMsg {
  OverrideInfo override = 5;
  PrincipleTargetInfo principle_target = 6;

message GetBalancerInfoRequest {
  string tag = 1;

message GetBalancerInfoResponse {
  BalancerMsg balancer = 1;

message OverrideBalancerTargetRequest {
  string balancerTag = 1;
  string target = 2;

message OverrideBalancerTargetResponse {}

service RoutingService {
  rpc SubscribeRoutingStats(SubscribeRoutingStatsRequest)
      returns (stream RoutingContext) {}
  rpc TestRoute(TestRouteRequest) returns (RoutingContext) {}

  rpc GetBalancerInfo(GetBalancerInfoRequest) returns (GetBalancerInfoResponse){}
  rpc OverrideBalancerTarget(OverrideBalancerTargetRequest) returns (OverrideBalancerTargetResponse) {}

message Config {}