# Mastodon group bot This is a bot which implements group functionality in Mastodon. ## Features * Repost toots * Welcome message of new members * Limit of toots per hour * Duplicate protection * Order limit * Notification cleaning * Logging * Admin commands ### Admin commands * unboost \ * delete \ # Configuration The bot is configured in a JSON file that looks like this: ``` { "Server": "https://example.com", "ClientID": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "ClientSecret": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "AccessToken": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "WelcomeMessage": "We have a new member in our group. Please love and favor", "NotFollowedMessage": "you are not followed", "Max_toots": 2, "Toots_interval": 12, "Duplicate_buf": 10, "Order_limit": 1, "Del_notices_interval": 30, "Admins": ["admin@example.com"] } ``` # Building ``` go mod init mastodon-group-bot go mod tidy go build ``` # Setup services For first make dirs, copy config and binary ``` mkdir /etc/mastodon-group-bot mkdir /var/lib/mastodon-group-bot mkdir /var/log/mastodon-group-bot chown nobody /var/lib/mastodon-group-bot chown nobody /var/log/mastodon-group-bot cp config.json /etc/mastodon-group-bot/config.json cp mastodon-group-bot /usr/bin/mastodon-group-bot ``` ## Systemd ``` cp ./services/systemd/mastodon-group-bot.service /etc/systemd/system/mastodon-group-bot.service ``` ## OpenRC ``` cp ./services/openrc/mastodon-group-bot /etc/init.d/mastodon-group-bot ``` # Usage ``` mastodon-group-bot -config -db -log ```