# funkwlplay basic functional for create playlist tracks. Be simple as possible. No implement player and tui. Just bare cli solution. Random powered, good luck :3 Example usage: ``` ./funkwlplay.py # just get random tracks from instances ./funkwlplay.py -s 'dance with the dead' # search on instances ./funkwlplay.py -t house # search tag house on instances ./funkwlplay.py -r 1 -d 10 -i funk.deko.cloud # get 10 pages random tracks from instance $YOUR_FAVORITE_PLAYER playlist.m3u8 # just plays tracks. Remember at this moment playlist will be rewriten after every call ./funkwlplay.py ``` [1]**Warning:** may content _unofficial instances_ **Warning 2:** This software not userfriendly. Maybe developerfriendly. **Warning 3:** This software optimized for my needs, this can be confuse you. ___ Simular projects: [funkblubber - Naiji's Funkwhale CLI tool writen on Dart](https://git.reisen.church/NaiJi/funkblubber) [funkwhale-cli - Official Command line interface to interact with a Funkwhale server, writen on python](https://dev.funkwhale.audio/funkwhale/cli) [funkwhale-cli (2) - Same as official, but rewriten on rust](https://gh.phreedom.club/SkyLeite/funkwhale-cli) [HTTPDirFS - HTTP Directory Filesystem with a permanent cache, and Airsonic / Subsonic server support! Writen on C](https://gh.phreedom.club/fangfufu/httpdirfs)