emdee@macaw.me 1e42592027
Some checks are pending
Gitea Actions Demo / Explore-Gitea-Actions (push) Waiting to run
mv wrapper_tests/ tox_wrapper/tests
2023-12-16 14:53:16 +00:00

164 lines
5.9 KiB

# -*- mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; py-indent-offset: 4; coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import sys
import logging
from io import BytesIO
import urllib
import traceback
global LOG
LOG = logging.getLogger('app.'+'ts')
import pycurl
except ImportError:
pycurl = None
import requests
except ImportError:
requests = None
lNO_PROXY = ['localhost', '']
def bAreWeConnected() -> bool:
# FixMe: Linux only
sFile = f"/proc/{os.getpid()}/net/route"
if not os.path.isfile(sFile): return None
i = 0
for elt in open(sFile, "r").readlines():
if elt.startswith('Iface'): continue
if elt.startswith('lo'): continue
i += 1
return i > 0
def pick_up_proxy_from_environ() -> dict:
retval = dict()
if os.environ.get('socks_proxy', ''):
# socks_proxy takes precedence over https/http
proxy = os.environ.get('socks_proxy', '')
i = proxy.find('//')
if i >= 0: proxy = proxy[i+2:]
retval['proxy_host'] = proxy.split(':')[0]
retval['proxy_port'] = proxy.split(':')[-1]
retval['proxy_type'] = 2
retval['udp_enabled'] = False
elif os.environ.get('https_proxy', ''):
# https takes precedence over http
proxy = os.environ.get('https_proxy', '')
i = proxy.find('//')
if i >= 0: proxy = proxy[i+2:]
retval['proxy_host'] = proxy.split(':')[0]
retval['proxy_port'] = proxy.split(':')[-1]
retval['proxy_type'] = 1
retval['udp_enabled'] = False
elif os.environ.get('http_proxy', ''):
proxy = os.environ.get('http_proxy', '')
i = proxy.find('//')
if i >= 0: proxy = proxy[i+2:]
retval['proxy_host'] = proxy.split(':')[0]
retval['proxy_port'] = proxy.split(':')[-1]
retval['proxy_type'] = 1
retval['udp_enabled'] = False
retval['proxy_host'] = ''
retval['proxy_port'] = ''
retval['proxy_type'] = 0
retval['udp_enabled'] = True
return retval
def download_url(url:str, settings:str = None) -> None:
if not bAreWeConnected(): return ''
if settings is None:
settings = pick_up_proxy_from_environ()
if pycurl:
LOG.debug('Downloading with pycurl: ' + str(url))
buffer = BytesIO()
c = pycurl.Curl()
c.setopt(c.URL, url)
c.setopt(c.WRITEDATA, buffer)
# Follow redirect.
c.setopt(c.FOLLOWLOCATION, True)
# cookie jar
cjar = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.local', 'jar.cookie')
if os.path.isfile(cjar):
c.setopt(c.COOKIEFILE, cjar)
# LARGS+=( --cookie-jar --junk-session-cookies )
#? c.setopt(c.ALTSVC_CTRL, 16)
c.setopt(c.NOPROXY, ','.join(lNO_PROXY))
#? c.setopt(c.CAINFO, certifi.where())
if settings['proxy_type'] == 2 and settings['proxy_host']:
socks_proxy = 'socks5h://'+settings['proxy_host']+':'+str(settings['proxy_port'])
settings['udp_enabled'] = False
c.setopt(c.PROXY, socks_proxy)
elif settings['proxy_type'] == 1 and settings['proxy_host']:
https_proxy = 'https://'+settings['proxy_host']+':'+str(settings['proxy_port'])
c.setopt(c.PROXY, https_proxy)
elif settings['proxy_type'] == 1 and settings['proxy_host']:
http_proxy = 'http://'+settings['proxy_host']+':'+str(settings['proxy_port'])
c.setopt(c.PROXY, http_proxy)
#? assert c.getinfo(c.RESPONSE_CODE) < 300
result = buffer.getvalue()
# Body is a byte string.
LOG.info('nodes loaded with pycurl: ' + str(url))
return result
except Exception as ex:
LOG.error('TOX Downloading error with pycurl: ' + str(ex))
LOG.error('\n' + traceback.format_exc())
# drop through
if requests:
LOG.debug('Downloading with requests: ' + str(url))
headers = dict()
headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
proxies = dict()
if settings['proxy_type'] == 2 and settings['proxy_host']:
socks_proxy = 'socks5://'+settings['proxy_host']+':'+str(settings['proxy_port'])
settings['udp_enabled'] = False
proxies['https'] = socks_proxy
elif settings['proxy_type'] == 1 and settings['proxy_host']:
https_proxy = 'https://'+settings['proxy_host']+':'+str(settings['proxy_port'])
proxies['https'] = https_proxy
elif settings['proxy_type'] == 1 and settings['proxy_host']:
http_proxy = 'http://'+settings['proxy_host']+':'+str(settings['proxy_port'])
proxies['http'] = http_proxy
req = requests.get(url,
# max_retries=3
assert req.status_code < 300
result = req.content
LOG.info('nodes loaded with requests: ' + str(url))
return result
except Exception as ex:
LOG.error('TOX Downloading error with requests: ' + str(ex))
# drop through
if not settings['proxy_type']: # no proxy
LOG.debug('Downloading with urllib no proxy: ' + str(url))
req = urllib.request.Request(url)
req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
response = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
result = response.read()
LOG.info('nodes loaded with no proxy: ' + str(url))
return result
except Exception as ex:
LOG.error('TOX Downloading ' + str(ex))
return ''
return ''