# -*- mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; py-indent-offset: 4; coding: utf-8 -*- # # @file tests.py # @author Wei-Ning Huang (AZ) # # Copyright (C) 2013 - 2014 Wei-Ning Huang (AZ) # All Rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # """Originanly from https://github.com/oxij/PyTox c-toxcore-02 branch which itself was forked from https://github.com/aitjcize/PyTox/ Modified to work with """ import hashlib import os import re import sys import unittest import traceback import logging import random import threading import ctypes from ctypes import * import faulthandler faulthandler.enable() import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') try: import pycurl import certifi from io import BytesIO except ImportError: pycurl = None try: import coloredlogs os.environ['COLOREDLOGS_LEVEL_STYLES'] = 'spam=22;debug=28;verbose=34;notice=220;warning=202;success=118,bold;error=124;critical=background=red' except ImportError as e: # logging.log(logging.DEBUG, f"coloredlogs not available: {e}") coloredlogs = None try: import color_runner except ImportError as e: color_runner = None import wrapper from wrapper.tox import Tox import wrapper.toxcore_enums_and_consts as enums from wrapper.toxcore_enums_and_consts import TOX_CONNECTION, TOX_USER_STATUS, \ TOX_MESSAGE_TYPE, TOX_SECRET_KEY_SIZE, TOX_FILE_CONTROL, TOX_ADDRESS_SIZE try: import support_testing as ts except ImportError: import wrapper_tests.support_testing as ts try: from toxygen_tests import test_sound_notification bIS_NOT_TOXYGEN = False except ImportError: bIS_NOT_TOXYGEN = True # from PyQt5 import QtCore if 'QtCore' in globals(): def qt_sleep(fSec): if fSec > .000001: QtCore.QThread.sleep(fSec) QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents() sleep = qt_sleep elif 'gevent' in globals(): sleep = gevent.sleep else: import time sleep = time.sleep global LOG LOG = logging.getLogger('TestS') # just print to stdout so there is no complications from logging. def LOG_ERROR(l): print('EROR+ '+l) def LOG_WARN(l): print('WARN+ '+l) def LOG_INFO(l): print('INFO+ '+l) def LOG_DEBUG(l): print('DEBUG+ '+l) def LOG_TRACE(l): pass # print('TRAC+ '+l) ADDR_SIZE = 38 * 2 CLIENT_ID_SIZE = 32 * 2 THRESHOLD = 15 global oTOX_OPTIONS oTOX_OPTIONS = {} bIS_LOCAL = 'new' in sys.argv or 'newlocal' in sys.argv # Patch unittest for Python version <= 2.6 if not hasattr(unittest, 'skip'): def unittest_skip(reason): def _wrap1(func): def _wrap2(self, *args, **kwargs): pass return _wrap2 return _wrap1 unittest.skip = unittest_skip def iNodeInfo(sProt, sHost, sPort, key=None, environ=None, bTest=False): sFile = os.path.join("/tmp", f"{sHost}.{os.getpid()}.nmap") if sProt in ['socks', 'socks5', 'tcp4']: cmd = f"nmap -Pn -n -sT -p T:{sPort} {sHost} | grep /tcp >{sFile}" else: cmd = f"nmap -Pn -n -sU -p U:{sPort} {sHost} | grep /tcp >{sFile}" iRet = os.system(cmd) LOG.debug(f"iNodeInfo cmd={cmd} {iRet}") if iRet != 0: return iRet assert os.path.exists(sFile), sFile with open(sFile, 'rt') as oFd: l = oFd.readlines() assert len(l) s = '\n'.join([s.strip() for s in l]) LOG.debug(f"iNodeInfo: {s}") return 0 def bootstrap_iNodeInfo(lElts): if not bIS_LOCAL and not ts.bAreWeConnected(): LOG.warn(f"bootstrap_iNodeInfo not local and NOT CONNECTED") return True env = dict() if oTOX_OARGS.proxy_type == 2: protocol='socks' elif oTOX_OARGS.proxy_type == 1: protocol='https' else: protocol='ipv4' env = os.environ lRetval = [] for elts in lElts[:8]: iRet = -1 try: iRet = iNodeInfo(protocol, *elts) if iRet != 0: LOG.warn('iNodeInfo to ' +repr(elts[0]) +' retval=' +str(iRet)) lRetval += [False] else: LOG.info(f'bootstrap_iNodeInfo ' +f" net={oTOX_OARGS.network}" +f" prot={protocol}" +f" proxy={oTOX_OARGS.proxy_type}" +f' {elts[:2]!r}' ) lRetval += [True] except Exception as e: LOG.error('iNodeInfo to ' +repr(elts[0]) +' : ' +str(e) \ +'\n' + traceback.format_exc()) lRetval += [False] return any(lRetval) class ToxOptions(): def __init__(self): self.ipv6_enabled = True self.udp_enabled = True self.proxy_type = 0 self.proxy_host = '' self.proxy_port = 0 self.start_port = 0 self.end_port = 0 self.tcp_port = 0 self.savedata_type = 0 # 1=toxsave, 2=secretkey self.savedata_data = b'' self.savedata_length = 0 self.local_discovery_enabled = False self.dht_announcements_enabled = True self.hole_punching_enabled = False self.experimental_thread_safety = False class App(): def __init__(self): self.mode = 0 oAPP = App() class AliceTox(Tox): def __init__(self, opts, app=None): super(AliceTox, self).__init__(opts, app=app) self._address = self.self_get_address() self.name = 'alice' self._opts = opts self._app = app class BobTox(Tox): def __init__(self, opts, app=None): super(BobTox, self).__init__(opts, app=app) self._address = self.self_get_address() self.name = 'bob' self._opts = opts self._app = app class BaseThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, name=None, target=None): if name: super().__init__(name=name, target=target) else: super().__init__(target=target) self._stop_thread = False self.name = name def stop_thread(self, timeout=-1): self._stop_thread = True if timeout < 0: timeout = ts.iTHREAD_TIMEOUT i = 0 while i < ts.iTHREAD_JOINS: self.join(timeout) if not self.is_alive(): break i = i + 1 else: LOG.warn(f"{self.name} BLOCKED") class ToxIterateThread(BaseThread): def __init__(self, tox): super().__init__(name='ToxIterateThread') self._tox = tox def run(self): while not self._stop_thread: self._tox.iterate() sleep(self._tox.iteration_interval() / 1000) class ToxSuite(unittest.TestCase): global oTOX_OARGS def run(self, result=None): """ Stop after first error """ if not result.errors: super(ToxSuite, self).run(result) def prepare(self, *args, **kw): assert oTOX_OPTIONS assert oTOX_OARGS opts = oToxygenToxOptions(oTOX_OARGS) print(repr(opts)) if not hasattr(self, 'alice'): self.alice = AliceTox(opts, app=oAPP) self.alice.oArgs = opts if not hasattr(self, 'bob'): self.bob = BobTox(opts, app=oAPP) self.bob.oArgs = opts if not bIS_LOCAL and not ts.bAreWeConnected(): LOG.warn(f"prepare not local and NOT CONNECTED") self.lUdp = ts.generate_nodes( oArgs=oTOX_OARGS, nodes_count=8, ipv='ipv4', udp_not_tcp=True) self.lTcp = ts.generate_nodes( oArgs=oTOX_OARGS, nodes_count=8, ipv='ipv4', udp_not_tcp=False) def get_connection_status(self): # if not self.connected if self.bob.self_get_connection_status() == TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']: return False if self.alice.self_get_connection_status() == TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']: return False return True def setUp(self): """ t:on_log """ if not hasattr(self, 'alice') or not hasattr(self, 'bob'): self.prepare() if not hasattr(self.bob, '_main_loop'): self.bob._main_loop = ToxIterateThread(self.bob) self.bob._main_loop.start() # LOG.debug(f"self.bob._main_loop: {threading.enumerate()!r}") def tearDown(self): """ t:kill """ self.bob._main_loop.stop_thread() if False: self.alice.kill() self.bob.kill() del self.bob del self.alice def loop(self, n): """ t:iterate t:iteration_interval """ interval = self.bob.iteration_interval() for i in range(n): self.alice.iterate() self.bob.iterate() sleep(interval / 1000.0) def assert_connection_status(self): """ t:self_get_connection_status """ assert self.alice.self_get_connection_status() != TOX_CONNECTION['NONE'], \ 'ERROR: self.alice.self_get_connection_status() is ' + \ repr(self.alice.self_get_connection_status()) assert self.bob.self_get_connection_status() != TOX_CONNECTION['NONE'], \ 'ERROR: self.bob.self_get_connection_status() is ' + \ repr(self.bob.self_get_connection_status()) def call_bootstrap(self): LOG.debug(f"call_bootstrap") if oTOX_OARGS.network in ['new', 'newlocal', 'localnew']: ts.bootstrap_local(self, self.lUdp) elif self.get_connection_status() is True: LOG.debug(f"call_bootstrap {self.get_connection_status()}") elif not ts.bAreWeConnected(): LOG.warn('we are NOT CONNECTED ') elif oTOX_OARGS.proxy_port > 0: random.shuffle(self.lUdp) # LOG.debug(f"call_bootstrap ts.bootstrap_good {self.lUdp[:2]}") ts.bootstrap_good(self, self.lUdp[:2]) random.shuffle(self.lTcp) # LOG.debug(f"call_bootstrap ts.bootstrap_tcp {self.lTcp[:8]}") ts.bootstrap_tcp(self, self.lTcp[:8]) else: random.shuffle(self.lUdp) # LOG.debug(f"call_bootstrap ts.bootstrap_good {self.lUdp[:8]}") ts.bootstrap_good(self, self.lUdp[:8]) def loop_until_connected(self): """ t:on_self_connection_status t:self_get_connection_status """ i = 0 bRet = None self.bob.mycon_status = False def bobs_on_self_connection_status(iTox, connection_state, *args): status = connection_state try: if status != TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']: LOG_INFO(f"BOBS_ON_self_connection_status TRUE {status}") self.bob.mycon_status = True else: LOG_WARN(f"BOBS_ON_self_connection_status FALSE {status}") self.bob.mycon_status = False except Exception as e: LOG_ERROR(f"BOBS_ON_self_connection_status {e}") else: if self.bob.self_get_connection_status() != status: LOG_WARN(f"BOBS_ON_self_connection_status != {status}") self.alice.mycon_status = False def alices_on_self_connection_status(iTox, connection_state, *args): #FixMe connection_num status = connection_state try: if status != TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']: LOG_INFO(f"alices_on_self_connection_status TRUE {status}") self.alice.mycon_status = True else: LOG_WARN(f"alices_on_self_connection_status FALSE {status}") self.alice.mycon_status = False except Exception as e: LOG_ERROR(f"alices_on_self_connection_status error={e}") else: if self.alice.self_get_connection_status() != status: LOG_WARN(f"alices_on_self_connection_status != {status}") try: self.alice.callback_self_connection_status(alices_on_self_connection_status) self.bob.callback_self_connection_status(bobs_on_self_connection_status) while i <= THRESHOLD : if i % 3 == 0: self.call_bootstrap() s = '' if i == 0: s = '\n' LOG.info(s+"loop_until_connected " \ +" #" + str(i) \ +" BOB=" +repr(self.bob.self_get_connection_status()) \ +" ALICE=" +repr(self.alice.self_get_connection_status()) +" BOBS=" +repr(self.bob.mycon_status) \ +" ALICES=" +repr(self.alice.mycon_status) \ ) if (self.alice.mycon_status and self.bob.mycon_status): bRet = True break if (self.alice.self_get_connection_status() and self.bob.self_get_connection_status()): LOG_WARN(f"loop_until_connected disagree !=" \ +f' self.bob.mycon_status={self.bob.mycon_status}' +f' alice.mycon_status={self.alice.mycon_status}') bRet = True break i += 1 self.loop(100) else: bRet = False finally: self.alice.callback_self_connection_status(None) self.bob.callback_self_connection_status(None) del self.alice.mycon_status del self.bob.mycon_status if bRet or \ ( self.bob.self_get_connection_status() != TOX_CONNECTION['NONE'] and \ self.alice.self_get_connection_status() != TOX_CONNECTION['NONE'] ): LOG.info("loop_until_connected " \ +f" BOB={self.bob.self_get_connection_status()}" \ +f" ALICE={self.alice.self_get_connection_status()}") return True else: LOG.warn("loop_until_connected " \ +f" BOB={self.bob.self_get_connection_status()}" \ +f" ALICE={self.alice.self_get_connection_status()}") return bRet def wait_obj_attr(self, obj, attr): i = 0 while i < THRESHOLD: if i % 3 == 0: self.call_bootstrap() LOG.debug("wait_obj_attr " +obj.name \ +" for " +attr \ +" " +str(i) \ +" " +repr(getattr(obj, attr))) if getattr(obj, attr): return True self.loop(100) i += 1 else: LOG.error("wait_obj_attr count >= " + str(THRESHOLD) + " for " +attr) return getattr(obj, attr) def wait_objs_attr(self, objs, attr): i = 0 while i <= THRESHOLD: if i % 1 == 0: self.call_bootstrap() LOG.debug("wait_objs_attr " +repr(objs) \ +" for " +repr(attr) \ +" " +str(i)) if all([getattr(obj, attr) for obj in objs]): return True self.loop(100) i += 1 else: LOG.error(f"wait_obj_attr i >= {THRESHOLD!s}") return all([getattr(obj, attr) for obj in objs]) def wait_obj_attrs(self, obj, attrs): i = 0 while i <= THRESHOLD: if i % 3 == 0: self.call_bootstrap() LOG.debug("wait_obj_attrs " +repr(obj) \ +" for " +repr(attrs) \ +" " +str(i)) if all([getattr(obj, attr) for attr in attrs]): return True self.loop(100) i += 1 else: LOG.warn(f"wait_obj_attrs i >= {THRESHOLD!s}") return all([getattr(obj, attr) for attr in attrs]) def wait_ensure_exec(self, method, args): i = 0 oRet = None while i <= THRESHOLD: if i % 3 == 0: self.call_bootstrap() LOG.debug("wait_ensure_exec " \ +" " +str(method) +" " +str(i)) try: oRet = method(*args) if oRet: LOG.info(f"wait_ensure_exec oRet {oRet!r}") return True except ArgumentError as e: # ArgumentError('This client is currently NOT CONNECTED to the friend.') # dunno LOG.warn(f"wait_ensure_exec ArgumentError {e}") return False except Exception as e: LOG.warn(f"wait_ensure_exec EXCEPTION {e}") return False sleep(3) i += 1 else: LOG.error(f"wait_ensure_exec i >= {1*THRESHOLD!s}") return False return oRet def bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest(self): MSG = 'Hi, this is Bob.' iRet = self.bob.friend_add_norequest(self.alice._address) self.baid = self.bob.friend_by_public_key(self.alice._address) assert self.baid >= 0, self.baid assert self.bob.friend_exists(self.baid), "bob.friend_exists" assert not self.bob.friend_exists(self.baid + 1) assert self.baid in self.bob.self_get_friend_list() assert self.bob.self_get_friend_list_size() >= 1 return iRet def alice_add_bob_as_friend_norequest(self): MSG = 'Hi Bob, this is Alice.' iRet = self.alice.friend_add_norequest(self.bob._address) self.abid = self.alice.friend_by_public_key(self.bob._address) assert self.abid >= 0, self.abid assert self.alice.friend_exists(self.abid), "alice.friend_exists" assert not self.alice.friend_exists(self.abid + 1) assert self.abid in self.alice.self_get_friend_list() assert self.alice.self_get_friend_list_size() >= 1 return iRet def bob_just_add_alice_as_friend(self): """ t:friend_add t:on_friend_request t:friend_by_public_key """ MSG = 'Alice, this is Bob.' sSlot = 'friend_request' def alices_on_friend_request(iTox, public_key, message_data, message_data_size, *largs): # oTox = Tox(tox_pointer=iTox) try: LOG_DEBUG(f"alices_on_friend_request: " +repr(message_data)) assert str(message_data, 'UTF-8') == MSG except Exception as e: LOG_WARN(f"alices_on_friend_request: Exception {e}") # return else: self.alice.friend_added = True LOG_DEBUG(f"alices_on_friend_request: self.alice.friend_added = True ") inum = -1 try: self.alice.friend_added = False self.alice.callback_friend_request(alices_on_friend_request) inum = self.bob.friend_add(self.alice._address, bytes(MSG, 'UTF-8')) if not inum >= 0: LOG.warn('bob.friend_add !>= 0 ' +repr(inum)) if not self.wait_obj_attr(self.alice, 'friend_added'): return False except Exception as e: LOG.error(f"bob.friend_add EXCEPTION {e}") return False self.baid = self.bob.friend_by_public_key(self.alice._address) assert self.baid >= 0, self.baid assert self.bob.friend_exists(self.baid) assert not self.bob.friend_exists(self.baid + 1) assert self.baid in self.bob.self_get_friend_list() assert self.bob.self_get_friend_list_size() >= 1 return True def alice_just_add_bob_as_friend(self): """ t:friend_add t:on_friend_request t:friend_by_public_key """ MSG = 'Bob, this is Alice.' def bobs_on_friend_request(iTox, public_key, message_data, message_data_size, *largs): # oTox = Tox(tox_pointer=iTox) try: LOG_DEBUG(f"BOBS_ON_friend_request: " +repr(message_data)) assert str(message_data, 'UTF-8') == MSG LOG_INFO(f"BOBS_ON_friend_request: friend_added = True ") self.bob.friend_added = True except Exception as e: LOG_WARN(f"BOBS_ON_friend_request: Exception {e}") inum = -1 sSlot = 'friend_request' try: self.bob.friend_added = False self.bob.callback_friend_request(bobs_on_friend_request) inum = self.alice.friend_add(self.bob._address, bytes(MSG, 'UTF-8')) if not inum >= 0: LOG.warn('alice.friend_add !>= 0 ' +repr(inum)) if not self.wait_obj_attr(self.bob, 'friend_added'): return False except Exception as e: LOG.error(f"alice.friend_add {e}") return False finally: self.alice.callback_friend_message(None) self.abid = self.alice.friend_by_public_key(self.bob._address) assert self.alice.friend_exists(self.abid) assert self.alice.self_get_friend_list_size() >= 1 assert self.abid in self.alice.self_get_friend_list() return True def bob_add_alice_as_friend_and_status(self): bRetval = self.bob_just_add_alice_as_friend() if not bRetval: LOG.error("bob_add_alice_as_friend_and_status FAILED") return False LOG.info("bob_add_alice_as_friend_and_status waiting for connections") #: Wait until both are online self.bob.friend_conn_status = False def bobs_on_friend_connection_status(iTox, friend_id, iStatus, *largs): LOG_INFO(f"BOBS_ON_friend_connection_status {friend_id} ?>=0" +repr(iStatus)) if iStatus > 0: self.bob.friend_conn_status = True self.bob.friend_status = False def bobs_on_friend_status(iTox, friend_id, iStatus, *largs): LOG_INFO(f"BOBS_ON_friend_status {friend_id} ?>=0" +repr(iStatus)) if iStatus > 0: self.bob.friend_status = True self.alice.friend_conn_status = False def alices_on_friend_connection_status(iTox, friend_id, iStatus, *largs): LOG_INFO(f"alices_on_friend_connection_status {friend_id} ?>=0 " +repr(iStatus)) if iStatus > 0: self.alice.friend_conn_status = True self.alice.friend_status = False def alices_on_friend_status(iTox, friend_id, iStatus, *largs): LOG_INFO(f"alices_on_friend_status {friend_id} ?>=0 " +repr(iStatus)) if iStatus > 0: self.alice.friend_status = True try: self.alice.callback_friend_connection_status(alices_on_friend_connection_status) self.alice.callback_friend_status(alices_on_friend_status) LOG.info("bob_add_alice_as_friend_and_status waiting for alice connections") if not self.wait_obj_attrs(self.alice, ['friend_conn_status', 'friend_status']): return False self.bob.callback_friend_connection_status(bobs_on_friend_connection_status) self.bob.callback_friend_status(bobs_on_friend_status) LOG.info("bob_add_alice_as_friend_and_status waiting for bob connections") if not self.wait_obj_attrs(self.bob, ['friend_conn_status', 'friend_status']): return False except Exception as e: LOG.error(f"bob_add_alice_as_friend_and_status ERROR {e}") return False finally: self.alice.callback_friend_connection_status(None) self.bob.callback_friend_connection_status(None) self.alice.callback_friend_status(None) self.bob.callback_friend_status(None) return True def friend_delete(self, fname, baid): #: Test delete friend assert getattr(self, fname).friend_exists(baid) getattr(self, fname).friend_delete(baid) self.loop(50) assert not self.bob.friend_exists(baid) def warn_if_no_cb(self, alice, sSlot): if not hasattr(alice, sSlot+'_cb') or \ not getattr(alice, sSlot+'_cb'): LOG.warn(f"self.bob.{sSlot}_cb NOT EXIST") def warn_if_cb(self, alice, sSlot): if hasattr(self.bob, sSlot+'_cb') and \ getattr(self.bob, sSlot+'_cb'): LOG.warn("self.bob.{sSlot}_cb EXIST") # tests are executed in order def test_tests_logging(self): # works with self.assertLogs('foo', level='INFO') as cm: logging.getLogger('foo').info('first message') logging.getLogger('foo.bar').error('second message') logging.getLogger('foo.bar.baz').debug('third message') self.assertEqual(cm.output, ['INFO:foo:first message', 'ERROR:foo.bar:second message']) def test_tests_start(self): # works LOG.info("test_tests_start " ) port = ts.tox_bootstrapd_port() assert len(self.bob._address) == 2*TOX_ADDRESS_SIZE, len(self.bob._address) assert len(self.alice._address) == 2*TOX_ADDRESS_SIZE, \ len(self.alice._address) def test_bootstrap_local_netstat(self): # works """ t:bootstrap """ if oTOX_OARGS.network not in ['new', 'newlocal', 'local']: return port = ts.tox_bootstrapd_port() if not port: return iStatus = os.system(f"""netstat -nle4 | grep :{port}""") if iStatus == 0: LOG.info(f"bootstrap_local_netstat port {port} iStatus={iStatus}") else: LOG.warn(f"bootstrap_local_netstat NOT {port} iStatus={iStatus}") def test_bootstrap_local_bash(self): # works """ t:bootstrap """ if oTOX_OARGS.network not in ['new', 'test', 'newlocal', 'local']: return o = oTOX_OARGS.network sFile = bootstrap_node_info.__file__ assert os.path.exists(sFile) port = ts.tox_bootstrapd_port() sExe = sys.executable iStatus = os.system(sExe +f""" {sFile} --test ipv4 localhost {port}""") if iStatus == 0: LOG.info(f"bootstrap_local_bash connected {o} iStatus={iStatus}") else: LOG.warn(f"bootstrap_local_bash NOT CONNECTED {o} iStatus={iStatus}") @unittest.skipIf(not bIS_LOCAL, "local test") def test_bootstrap_local(self): # works """ t:bootstrap """ # get port from /etc/tox-bootstrapd.conf 33445 self.call_bootstrap() # ts.bootstrap_local(self, self.lUdp) i = 0 iStatus = -1 while i < 10: i = i + 1 iStatus = self.bob.self_get_connection_status() if iStatus != TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']: break sleep(3) else: pass o1 = self.alice.self_get_dht_id() assert len(o1) == 64 o2 = self.bob.self_get_dht_id() assert len(o2) == 64 if o1 != o2: LOG.warn(f"bootstrap_local DHT NOT same {o1} {o2} iStatus={iStatus}") iStatus = self.bob.self_get_connection_status() if iStatus != TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']: LOG.info(f"bootstrap_local connected iStatus={iStatus}") return True iStatus = self.alice.self_get_connection_status() if iStatus != TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']: LOG.info(f"bootstrap_local connected iStatus={iStatus}") return True LOG.warn(f"bootstrap_local NOT CONNECTED iStatus={iStatus}") return False def test_bootstrap_iNodeInfo(self): # works if oTOX_OARGS.network in ['new', 'newlocal', 'localnew']: lElts = self.lUdp elif oTOX_OARGS.proxy_port > 0: lElts = self.lTcp else: lElts = self.lUdp lRetval = [] random.shuffle(lElts) # assert bootstrap_iNodeInfo(lElts) def test_self_get_secret_key(self): # works """ t:self_get_secret_key """ # test_self_get_secret_key CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE = 32 secret_key = create_string_buffer(CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE) oRet0 = self.alice.self_get_secret_key(secret_key) assert oRet0, repr(oRet0) LOG.info('test_self_get_secret_key ' +repr(oRet0)) assert len(str(oRet0)) del secret_key def test_self_get_public_keys(self): # works """ t:self_get_secret_key t:self_get_public_key """ LOG.info('test_self_get_public_keys self.alice.self_get_secret_key') oRet0 = self.alice.self_get_secret_key() assert len(oRet0) LOG.info('test_self_get_public_keys ' +repr(oRet0)) oRet1 = self.alice.self_get_public_key() assert len(oRet1) LOG.info('test_self_get_public_keys ' +repr(oRet1)) assert oRet0 != oRet1, repr(oRet0) +' != ' +repr(oRet1) def test_self_name(self): # works """ t:self_set_name t:self_get_name t:self_get_name_size """ self.alice.self_set_name('Alice') assert self.alice.self_get_name() == 'Alice' assert self.alice.self_get_name_size() == len('Alice') @unittest.skip('loud') @unittest.skipIf(bIS_NOT_TOXYGEN or oTOX_OARGS.mode == 0, 'not testing in toxygen') def test_sound_notification(self): # works """ Plays sound notification :param type of notification """ from toxygen_tests import test_sound_notification test_sound_notification(self) def test_loop_until_connected(self): # works assert self.loop_until_connected() def test_self_get_udp_port(self): # works """ t:self_get_udp_port """ if hasattr(oTOX_OPTIONS, 'udp_port') and oTOX_OPTIONS.udp_port: o = self.alice.self_get_udp_port() LOG.info('self_get_udp_port ' +repr(o)) assert o > 0 def test_self_get_tcp_port(self): # works """ t:self_get_tcp_port """ if hasattr(oTOX_OPTIONS, 'tcp_port') and oTOX_OPTIONS.tcp_port: # errors if tcp_port <= 0 o = self.alice.self_get_tcp_port() LOG.info('self_get_tcp_port ' +repr(o)) def test_address(self): # works """ t:self_get_address t:self_get_nospam t:self_set_nospam t:self_get_keys """ assert len(self.alice.self_get_address()) == ADDR_SIZE assert len(self.bob.self_get_address()) == ADDR_SIZE self.alice.self_set_nospam(0x12345678) assert self.alice.self_get_nospam() == 0x12345678 self.loop(50) if hasattr(self.alice, 'self_get_keys'): pk, sk = self.alice.self_get_keys() assert pk == self.alice.self_get_address()[:CLIENT_ID_SIZE] def test_get_dht_id(self): # works """ t:self_get_dht_id """ o1 = self.alice.self_get_dht_id() assert len(o1) == 64 o2 = self.bob.self_get_dht_id() assert len(o2) == 64 def test_bob_assert_connection_status(self): # works if self.bob.self_get_connection_status() == TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']: RuntimeError("ERROR: NOT CONNECTED " \ +repr(self.bob.self_get_connection_status())) def test_alice_assert_connection_status(self): # works if self.alice.self_get_connection_status() == TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']: RuntimeError("ERROR: NOT CONNECTED " \ +repr(self.alice.self_get_connection_status())) def test_status_message(self): # works MSG = 'Happy' self.alice.self_set_status_message(MSG) self.loop(50) assert self.alice.self_get_status_message() == MSG, \ self.alice.self_get_status_message() +' is not ' +MSG assert self.alice.self_get_status_message_size() == len(MSG) def test_bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest(self): # works iRet = self.bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest() if iRet < 0: raise RuntimeError(f"bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest {iRet}") #: Test last online assert self.bob.friend_get_last_online(self.baid) is not None self.bob.friend_delete(self.baid) def test_alice_just_add_bob_as_friend_norequest(self): # works iRet = self.alice_add_bob_as_friend_norequest() if iRet < 0: raise RuntimeError(f"bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest {iRet}") #: Test last online assert self.alice.friend_get_last_online(self.abid) is not None self.alice.friend_delete(self.abid) @unittest.skipIf(bIS_LOCAL, "local test") def test_bob_just_add_alice_as_friend(self): # works assert self.bob_just_add_alice_as_friend() #: Test last online assert self.bob.friend_get_last_online(self.baid) is not None self.bob.friend_delete(self.baid) @unittest.skipIf(bIS_LOCAL, "local test") def test_alice_just_add_bob_as_friend(self): # works assert self.alice_just_add_bob_as_friend() #: Test last online assert self.alice.friend_get_last_online(self.abid) is not None self.alice.friend_delete(self.abid) def test_both_just_add_as_friend(self): # works LOG_DEBUG(f"bIS_LOCAL={bIS_LOCAL} oTOX_OARGS.bIS_LOCAL={oTOX_OARGS.bIS_LOCAL}") if oTOX_OARGS.bIS_LOCAL: iRet = self.bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest() if iRet < 0: raise RuntimeError(f"bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest {iRet}") iRet = self.alice_add_bob_as_friend_norequest() if iRet < 0: raise RuntimeError(f"alice_add_bob_as_friend_norequest {iRet}") else: assert self.bob_just_add_alice_as_friend() assert self.alice_just_add_bob_as_friend() #: Test last online assert self.alice.friend_get_last_online(self.abid) is not None assert self.bob.friend_get_last_online(self.baid) is not None self.bob.friend_delete(self.baid) self.alice.friend_delete(self.abid) @unittest.skip('unfinished?') def test_bob_add_alice_as_friend_and_status(self): assert self.bob_add_alice_as_friend_and_status() self.bob.friend_delete(self.baid) @unittest.skip('fails') def test_on_friend_status_message(self): """ t:self_set_status_message t:self_get_status_message t:self_get_status_message_size t:friend_set_status_message t:friend_get_status_message t:friend_get_status_message_size t:on_friend_status_message """ MSG = 'Happy' sSlot = 'friend_status_message' if oTOX_OARGS.bIS_LOCAL: iRet = self.bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest() if iRet < 0: raise RuntimeError(f"bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest {iRet}") else: assert self.bob_just_add_alice_as_friend() setattr(self.bob, sSlot, False) def bob_on_friend_status_message(iTox, friend_id, new_status_message, new_status_size, *largs): setattr(self.bob, sSlot, True) try: assert str(new_status_message, 'UTF-8') == MSG assert friend_id == self.baid except Exception as e: LOG_ERROR("BOB_ON_friend_status_message EXCEPTION " +str(e)) else: LOG_INFO("BOB_ON_friend_status_message " +repr(friend_id) \ +repr(new_status_message)) try: self.bob.callback_friend_status_message(bob_on_friend_status_message) self.warn_if_no_cb(self.bob, sSlot) self.alice.self_set_status_message(MSG) assert self.wait_obj_attr(self.bob, sSlot) assert self.bob.friend_get_status_message(self.baid) == MSG assert self.bob.friend_get_status_message_size(self.baid) == len(MSG) except AssertionError as e: raise except Exception as e: LOG.error(f"test_on_friend_status_message EXCEPTION {e}") raise finally: self.alice.callback_friend_status(None) self.bob.friend_delete(self.baid) @unittest.skip('fails') def test_friend(self): """ t:friend_delete t:friend_exists t:friend_get_public_key t:self_get_friend_list t:self_get_friend_list_size t:self_set_name t:friend_get_name t:friend_get_name_size t:on_friend_name """ #: Test friend request if oTOX_OARGS.bIS_LOCAL: iRet = self.bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest() if iRet < 0: raise RuntimeError(f"bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest {iRet}") else: assert self.bob_just_add_alice_as_friend() assert self.bob.friend_get_public_key(self.baid) == \ self.alice.self_get_address()[:CLIENT_ID_SIZE] LOG.info("test_friend alice_just_add_bob_as_friend ") #? assert self.alice_just_add_bob_as_friend() assert self.alice_add_bob_as_friend_norequest() >= 0 #: Test friend_get_public_key assert self.alice.friend_get_public_key(self.abid) == \ self.bob.self_get_address()[:CLIENT_ID_SIZE] self.bob.friend_delete(self.baid) self.alice.friend_delete(self.abid) @unittest.skip('fails') @unittest.skipIf(not bIS_LOCAL and not ts.bAreWeConnected(), 'NOT CONNECTED') def test_user_status(self): """ t:self_get_status t:self_set_status t:friend_get_status t:friend_get_status t:on_friend_status """ sSlot = 'friend_status' if oTOX_OARGS.bIS_LOCAL: iRet = self.bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest() if iRet < 0: raise RuntimeError(f"bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest {iRet}") else: assert self.bob_just_add_alice_as_friend() sSTATUS = TOX_USER_STATUS['AWAY'] setattr(self.bob, sSlot, False) def bobs_on_friend_set_status(iTox, friend_id, new_status, *largs): LOG_INFO(f"BOBS_ON_friend_set_status " \ +repr(friend_id) +repr(new_status)) try: assert friend_id == self.baid assert new_status == sSTATUS except Exception as e: LOG_WARN(f"BOBS_ON_friend_set_status EXCEPTION {e}") setattr(self.bob, sSlot, True) try: assert self.loop_until_connected() if not self.get_connection_status(): LOG.warn(f"test_user_status NOT CONNECTED") raise RuntimeError("not connected") self.bob.callback_friend_status(bobs_on_friend_set_status) self.alice.self_set_status(sSTATUS) self.warn_if_no_cb(self.bob, sSlot) assert self.wait_obj_attr(self.bob, sSlot) # wait_obj_attr count >= 15 for friend_status except AssertionError as e: raise except Exception as e: LOG.error(f"test_user_status EXCEPTION {e}") raise finally: self.bob.callback_friend_status(None) self.warn_if_cb(self.bob, sSlot) self.alice.self_set_status(TOX_USER_STATUS['NONE']) assert self.alice.self_get_status() == TOX_USER_STATUS['NONE'] assert self.bob.friend_get_status(self.baid) == TOX_USER_STATUS['NONE'] self.bob.friend_delete(self.baid) @unittest.skip('crashes') def test_connection_status(self): """ t:friend_assert_connection_status t:on_friend_connection_status """ LOG.info("test_connection_status ") if oTOX_OARGS.bIS_LOCAL: assert self.bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest() >= 0 else: assert self.bob_just_add_alice_as_friend() sSlot = 'friend_connection_status' def bobs_on_friend_connection_status(iTox, friend_id, iStatus, *largs): setattr(self.bob, sSlot, True) LOG_INFO(f"BOBS_ON_friend_connection_status " +repr(iStatus)) try: assert friend_id == self.baid except Exception as e: LOG.error(f"BOBS_ON_friend_connection_status ERROR {e}") opts = oToxygenToxOptions(oTOX_OARGS) try: setattr(self.bob, sSlot, True) self.bob.callback_friend_connection_status(bobs_on_friend_connection_status) LOG.info("test_connection_status killing alice") self.alice.kill() #! bang LOG.info("test_connection_status making alice") self.alice = Tox(opts, app=oAPP) LOG.info("test_connection_status maked alice") assert self.wait_obj_attr(self.bob, sSlot) except AssertionError as e: raise except Exception as e: LOG.error(f"BOBS_ON_friend_connection_status {e}") raise finally: self.bob.callback_friend_connection_status(None) #? assert self.bob.friend_assert_connection_status(self.aid) is False self.bob.friend_delete(self.baid) @unittest.skip('fails') def test_friend_name(self): """ t:self_set_name t:friend_get_name t:friend_get_name_size t:on_friend_name """ sSlot= 'friend_name' #: Test friend request assert self.bob_just_add_alice_as_friend() AID = self.baid #: Test friend name NEWNAME = 'Jenny' setattr(self.bob, sSlot, False) def bobs_on_friend_name(iTox, fid, newname, iNameSize, *largs): LOG_INFO(sSlot +" " +repr(fid)) try: assert fid == AID assert str(newname, 'UTF-8') == NEWNAME except Exception as e: LOG.error(f"BOBS_ON_friend_name EXCEPTION {e}") setattr(self.bob, sSlot, True) try: assert self.loop_until_connected() self.bob.callback_friend_name(bobs_on_friend_name) self.alice.self_set_name(NEWNAME) assert self.wait_obj_attr(self.bob, sSlot) self.warn_if_no_cb(self.bob, sSlot) assert self.bob.friend_get_name(self.baid) == NEWNAME assert self.bob.friend_get_name_size(self.baid) == len(NEWNAME) except AssertionError as e: raise except Exception as e: LOG.error(f"test_friend EXCEPTION {e}") raise finally: self.bob.callback_friend_name(None) if hasattr(self.bob, sSlot + '_cb') and \ getattr(self.bob, sSlot + '_cb'): LOG.warn(sSlot + ' EXISTS') self.bob.friend_delete(self.baid) @unittest.skip('fails') # wait_ensure_exec ArgumentError This client is currently not connected to the friend. def test_friend_message(self): """ t:on_friend_action t:on_friend_message t:friend_send_message """ #: Test message MSG = 'Hi, Bob!' sSlot = 'friend_message' if oTOX_OARGS.bIS_LOCAL: assert self.bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest() >= 0 else: assert self.bob_just_add_alice_as_friend() if oTOX_OARGS.bIS_LOCAL: assert self.alice_add_bob_as_friend_norequest() >= 0 else: # times out assert self.alice_just_add_bob_as_friend() BID = self.baid setattr(self.bob, sSlot, False) def alices_on_friend_message(self, fid, msg_type, message, iSize, *largs): try: assert fid == BID assert msg_type == TOX_MESSAGE_TYPE['NORMAL'] assert str(message, 'UTF-8') == MSG except Exception as e: LOG_ERROR(f"alices_on_friend_message EXCEPTION {e}") else: LOG_INFO(f"alices_on_friend_message " +repr(message)) setattr(self.bob, sSlot, True) try: assert self.loop_until_connected() if not self.get_connection_status(): LOG.warn(f"test_friend_message NOT CONNECTED") raise RuntimeError("not connected") self.alice.callback_friend_message(alices_on_friend_message) self.warn_if_no_cb(self.alice, sSlot) if True: # dunno assert self.bob.friend_send_message( self.baid, TOX_MESSAGE_TYPE['NORMAL'], bytes(MSG, 'UTF-8')) else: assert self.wait_ensure_exec(self.bob.friend_send_message, [self.baid, TOX_MESSAGE_TYPE['NORMAL'], bytes(MSG, 'UTF-8')]) assert self.wait_obj_attr(self.alice, sSlot) except ArgumentError as e: # ArgumentError('This client is currently NOT CONNECTED to the friend.') # dunno LOG.error(f"test_friend_message {e}") except AssertionError as e: LOG.warn(f"test_friend_message {e}") raise except Exception as e: LOG.error(f"test_friend_message {e}") raise finally: self.alice.callback_friend_message(None) self.warn_if_cb(self.alice, sSlot) self.bob.friend_delete(self.baid) self.alice.friend_delete(self.abid) @unittest.skip('fails') def test_friend_action(self): """ t:on_friend_action t:on_friend_message t:friend_send_message """ if oTOX_OARGS.bIS_LOCAL: iRet = self.bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest() if iRet < 0: raise RuntimeError(f"bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest {iRet}") else: assert self.bob_just_add_alice_as_friend() if True: # times out assert self.alice_just_add_bob_as_friend() else: assert self.alice_add_bob_as_friend_norequest() >= 0 BID = self.baid #: Test action ACTION = 'Kick' def alices_on_friend_action(iTox, fid, msg_type, action, *largs): LOG_DEBUG(f"alices_on_friend_action") assert fid == BID assert msg_type == TOX_MESSAGE_TYPE['ACTION'] assert action == ACTION sSlot = 'friend_read_action' setattr(self.bob, sSlot, True) def alices_on_read_reciept(iTox, fid, msg_id, *largs): LOG_DEBUG(f"alices_on_read_reciept") sSlot = 'friend_read_receipt' setattr(self.alice, sSlot, True) try: assert fid == BID except Exception as e: LOG_ERROR(f"alices_on_read_reciept {e}") try: assert self.loop_until_connected() if not self.get_connection_status(): LOG.warn(f"test_friend_message NOT CONNECTED") raise RuntimeError("not connected") sSlot = 'friend_read_action' setattr(self.bob, sSlot, False) sSlot = 'friend_read_receipt' setattr(self.alice, sSlot, False) self.alice.callback_friend_read_receipt(alices_on_read_reciept) #was alices_on_friend_action assert self.wait_ensure_exec(self.bob.friend_send_message, (self.baid, TOX_MESSAGE_TYPE['ACTION'], bytes(ACTION, 'UTF-8'))) sSlot = 'friend_read_receipt' assert self.wait_obj_attr(self.alice, sSlot) except AssertionError as e: raise except ArgumentError as e: # ArgumentError('This client is currently NOT CONNECTED to the friend.') # dunno LOG.warn(f"test_friend_action {e}") except Exception as e: LOG.error(f"test_friend_action {e}") raise finally: self.alice.callback_friend_read_receipt(None) self.bob.friend_delete(self.baid) self.alice.friend_delete(self.abid) @unittest.skip('fails') def test_alice_typing_status(self): """ t:on_friend_read_receipt t:on_friend_typing t:self_set_typing t:friend_get_typing t:friend_get_last_online """ # works LOG.info("test_typing_status bob adding alice") assert self.bob_just_add_alice_as_friend() self.baid = self.bob.friend_by_public_key(self.alice._address) assert self.bob.friend_exists(self.baid) AID = self.baid sSlot = 'friend_typing' LOG.info("test_typing_status alice adding bob") if False: # times out assert self.alice_just_add_bob_as_friend() else: assert self.alice_add_bob_as_friend_norequest() >= 0 self.abid = self.alice.friend_by_public_key(self.bob._address) assert self.alice.friend_exists(self.abid) #: Test typing status def bob_on_friend_typing(iTox, fid, is_typing, *largs): setattr(self.bob, sSlot, True) try: assert fid == AID assert is_typing is True assert self.bob.friend_get_typing(fid) is True except Exception as e: LOG.error(f"BOB_ON_friend_typing {e!s}") raise else: LOG_INFO(f"BOB_ON_friend_typing" + str(fid)) try: assert self.loop_until_connected() if not self.get_connection_status(): LOG.warn(f"test_friend_message NOT CONNECTED") if oTOX_OARGS.bIS_LOCAL: return raise RuntimeError("not connected") setattr(self.bob, sSlot, False) self.bob.callback_friend_typing(bob_on_friend_typing) self.alice.self_set_typing(self.abid, True) assert self.wait_obj_attr(self.bob, sSlot) if not hasattr(self.bob, sSlot+'_cb') or \ not getattr(self.bob, sSlot+'_cb'): LOG.warn(f"self.bob.{sSlot}_cb NOT EXIST") except AssertionError as e: raise except Exception as e: LOG.error(f"test_alice_typing_status error={e}") raise finally: self.bob.callback_friend_typing(None) self.bob.friend_delete(self.baid) self.alice.friend_delete(self.abid) @unittest.skip('unfinished') def test_file_transfer(self): # unfinished """ t:file_send t:file_send_chunk t:file_control t:file_seek t:file_get_file_id t:on_file_recv t:on_file_recv_control t:on_file_recv_chunk t:on_file_chunk_request """ self.bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest() self.baid = self.bob.friend_by_public_key(self.alice._address) BID = self.baid FRIEND_NUMBER = self.baid FILE_NUMBER = 1 FILE = os.urandom(1024 * 1024) FILE_NAME = b"/tmp/test.bin" if not os.path.exists(FILE_NAME): with open(FILE_NAME, 'wb') as oFd: oFd.write(FILE) FILE_SIZE = len(FILE) OFFSET = 567 m = hashlib.md5() m.update(FILE[OFFSET:]) FILE_DIGEST = m.hexdigest() CONTEXT = { 'FILE': bytes(), 'RECEIVED': 0, 'START': False, 'SENT': 0 } def alice_on_file_recv(iTox, fid, file_number, kind, size, filename): LOG_DEBUG(f"ALICE_ON_file_recv fid={fid} {file_number}") try: assert fid == BID assert size == FILE_SIZE assert filename == FILE_NAME retv = self.alice.file_seek(fid, file_number, OFFSET) assert retv is True self.alice.file_control(fid, file_number, TOX_FILE_CONTROL['RESUME']) except Exception as e: LOG_ERROR(f"ALICE_ON_file_recv {e!s}") else: LOG_INFO(f"ALICE_ON_file_recv " + str(fid)) def alice_on_file_recv_control(iTox, fid, file_number, control, *largs): # TOX_FILE_CONTROL = { 'RESUME': 0, 'PAUSE': 1, 'CANCEL': 2,} LOG_DEBUG(f"ALICE_ON_file_recv_control fid={fid} {file_number} {control}") try: assert fid == BID assert FILE_NUMBER == file_number if control == Tox.FILE_CONTROL_FINISHED: # assert CONTEXT['RECEIVED'] == FILE_SIZE # m = hashlib.md5() # m.update(CONTEXT['FILE']) # assert m.hexdigest() == FILE_DIGEST self.alice.completed = True except Exception as e: LOG_ERROR(f"ALICE_ON_file_recv {e!s}") else: LOG_INFO(f"ALICE_ON_file_recv " + str(fid)) self.alice.completed = False def alice_on_file_recv_chunk(iTox, fid, file_number, position, iNumBytes, *largs): LOG_DEBUG(f"ALICE_ON_file_recv_chunk {fid} {file_number}") # FixMe - use file_number and iNumBytes to get data? data = '' try: assert fid == BID if data is None: assert CONTEXT['RECEIVED'] == (FILE_SIZE - OFFSET) m = hashlib.md5() m.update(CONTEXT['FILE']) assert m.hexdigest() == FILE_DIGEST self.alice.completed = True self.alice.file_control(fid, file_number, TOX_FILE_CONTROL['CANCEL']) return CONTEXT['FILE'] += data CONTEXT['RECEIVED'] += len(data) # if CONTEXT['RECEIVED'] < FILE_SIZE: # assert self.file_data_remaining( # fid, file_number, 1) == FILE_SIZE - CONTEXT['RECEIVED'] except Exception as e: LOG_ERROR(f"ALICE_ON_file_recv_chunk {e!s}") else: LOG_INFO(f"ALICE_ON_file_recv_chunk {fid}") # AliceTox.on_file_send_request = on_file_send_request # AliceTox.on_file_control = on_file_control # AliceTox.on_file_data = on_file_data LOG.info(f"test_file_transfer: baid={self.baid}") try: self.alice.callback_file_recv(alice_on_file_recv) self.alice.callback_file_recv_control(alice_on_file_recv_control) self.alice.callback_file_recv_chunk(alice_on_file_recv_chunk) self.bob.completed = False def bob_on_file_recv_control2(iTox, fid, file_number, control): LOG_DEBUG(f"BOB_ON_file_recv_control2 {fid} {file_number} control={control}") if control == TOX_FILE_CONTROL['RESUME']: CONTEXT['START'] = True elif control == TOX_FILE_CONTROL['CANCEL']: self.bob.completed = True pass def bob_on_file_chunk_request(iTox, fid, file_number, position, length, *largs): LOG_DEBUG(f"BOB_ON_file_chunk_request {fid} {file_number}") if length == 0: return data = FILE[position:(position + length)] self.bob.file_send_chunk(fid, file_number, position, data) sSlot = 'file_recv_control' self.bob.callback_file_recv_control(bob_on_file_recv_control2) self.bob.callback_file_chunk_request(bob_on_file_chunk_request) # was FILE_ID = FILE_NAME FILE_ID = 32*'1' # FILE_NAME = b'test.in' assert self.loop_until_connected() if not self.get_connection_status(): LOG.warn(f"test_file_transfer NOT CONNECTED") raise RuntimeError("not connected") i = 0 iKind = 0 while i < 2: i += 1 try: FN = self.bob.file_send(self.baid, iKind, FILE_SIZE, FILE_ID, FILE_NAME) LOG.info(f"test_file_transfer bob.file_send {FN}") except ArgumentError as e: LOG.debug(f"test_file_transfer bob.file_send {e} {i}") # ctypes.ArgumentError: This client is currently not connected to the friend. raise else: break self.loop(100) sleep(1) else: LOG.error(f"test_file_transfer bob.file_send 2") raise RuntimeError(f"test_file_transfer bob.file_send {THRESHOLD // 2}") # UINT32_MAX FID = self.bob.file_get_file_id(self.baid, FN) hexFID = "".join([hex(ord(c))[2:].zfill(2) for c in FILE_NAME]) assert FID.startswith(hexFID.upper()) if not self.wait_objs_attr([self.alice, self.bob], 'completed'): LOG.warn(f"test_file_transfer not callbacks") return False except (ArgumentError, ValueError,) as e: # ValueError: non-hexadecimal number found in fromhex() arg at position 0 LOG_ERROR(f"test_file_transfer: {e}") raise except Exception as e: LOG_ERROR(f"test_file_transfer:: {e}") LOG_DEBUG('\n' + traceback.format_exc()) raise finally: self.alice.callback_file_recv(None) self.alice.callback_file_recv_control(None) self.alice.callback_file_recv_chunk(None) self.bob.callback_file_recv_control(None) self.bob.callback_file_chunk_request(None) LOG_INFO(f"test_file_transfer:: self.wait_objs_attr completed") def test_tox_savedata(self): # works sorta # but "{addr} != {self.alice.self_get_address()}" """ t:get_savedata_size t:get_savedata """ assert self.alice.get_savedata_size() > 0 data = self.alice.get_savedata() assert data is not None addr = self.alice.self_get_address() # self._address try: self.alice._kill_toxav() self.alice._kill_tox() self.alice.kill() except: pass oArgs = oTOX_OARGS opts = oToxygenToxOptions(oArgs) opts.savedata_data = data opts.savedata_length = len(data) self.alice = Tox(tox_options=opts) if addr != self.alice.self_get_address(): LOG.warn("test_tox_savedata " + f"{addr} != {self.alice.self_get_address()}") else: LOG.info("passed test_tox_savedata") ### def iMain(oArgs): failfast=True ts.vOargsToxPreamble(oArgs, Tox, ToxSuite) # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35930811/how-to-sort-unittest-testcases-properly/35930812#35930812 cases = ts.suiteFactory(*ts.caseFactory([ToxSuite])) if color_runner: runner = color_runner.runner.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2,failfast=failfast) else: runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2,failfast=failfast) runner.run(cases) def oToxygenToxOptions(oArgs): data = None tox_options = wrapper.tox.Tox.options_new() if oArgs.proxy_type: tox_options.contents.proxy_type = int(oArgs.proxy_type) tox_options.contents.proxy_host = bytes(oArgs.proxy_host, 'UTF-8') tox_options.contents.proxy_port = int(oArgs.proxy_port) tox_options.contents.udp_enabled = False else: tox_options.contents.udp_enabled = oArgs.udp_enabled if not os.path.exists('/proc/sys/net/ipv6'): oArgs.ipv6_enabled = False tox_options.contents.tcp_port = int(oArgs.tcp_port) # overrides tox_options.contents.local_discovery_enabled = False tox_options.contents.dht_announcements_enabled = True tox_options.contents.hole_punching_enabled = False tox_options.contents.experimental_thread_safety = False # REQUIRED!! if oArgs.ipv6_enabled and not os.path.exists('/proc/sys/net/ipv6'): LOG.warn('Disabling IPV6 because /proc/sys/net/ipv6 does not exist' + repr(oArgs.ipv6_enabled)) tox_options.contents.ipv6_enabled = False else: tox_options.contents.ipv6_enabled = bool(oArgs.ipv6_enabled) if data: # load existing profile tox_options.contents.savedata_type = enums.TOX_SAVEDATA_TYPE['TOX_SAVE'] tox_options.contents.savedata_data = c_char_p(data) tox_options.contents.savedata_length = len(data) else: # create new profile tox_options.contents.savedata_type = enums.TOX_SAVEDATA_TYPE['NONE'] tox_options.contents.savedata_data = None tox_options.contents.savedata_length = 0 #? tox_options.contents.log_callback = LOG if tox_options._options_pointer: # LOG.debug("Adding logging to tox_options._options_pointer ") ts.vAddLoggerCallback(tox_options, ts.on_log) else: LOG.warn("No tox_options._options_pointer " +repr(tox_options._options_pointer)) return tox_options def oArgparse(lArgv): parser = ts.oMainArgparser() parser.add_argument('profile', type=str, nargs='?', default=None, help='Path to Tox profile') oArgs = parser.parse_args(lArgv) for key in ts.lBOOLEANS: if key not in oArgs: continue val = getattr(oArgs, key) setattr(oArgs, key, bool(val)) if hasattr(oArgs, 'sleep'): if oArgs.sleep == 'qt': pass # broken or gevent.sleep(idle_period) elif oArgs.sleep == 'gevent': pass # broken or gevent.sleep(idle_period) else: oArgs.sleep = 'time' return oArgs def main(lArgs=None): global oTOX_OARGS if lArgs is None: lArgs = [] print(lArgs) oArgs = oArgparse(lArgs) global bIS_LOCAL bIS_LOCAL = oArgs.network in ['newlocal', 'localnew', 'local'] oTOX_OARGS = oArgs setattr(oTOX_OARGS, 'bIS_LOCAL', bIS_LOCAL) print(oArgs) bIS_LOCAL = True setattr(oTOX_OARGS, 'bIS_LOCAL', bIS_LOCAL) # oTOX_OPTIONS = ToxOptions() global oTOX_OPTIONS oTOX_OPTIONS = oToxygenToxOptions(oArgs) if coloredlogs: # https://pypi.org/project/coloredlogs/ coloredlogs.install(level=oArgs.loglevel, logger=LOG, # %(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d %(hostname)s [%(process)d] fmt='%(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s' ) else: logging.basicConfig(level=oArgs.loglevel) # logging.INFO return iMain(oArgs) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:])) # Ran 34 tests in 86.589s OK (skipped=12)