diff --git a/tox_wrapper/tests/__init__.py b/tox_wrapper/tests/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/tox_wrapper/tests/socks.py b/tox_wrapper/tests/socks.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fa1b25e..0000000
--- a/tox_wrapper/tests/socks.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,391 +0,0 @@
-"""SocksiPy - Python SOCKS module.
-Version 1.00
-Copyright 2006 Dan-Haim. All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
- list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-3. Neither the name of Dan Haim nor the names of his contributors may be used
- to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
- prior written permission.
-This module provides a standard socket-like interface for Python
-for tunneling connections through SOCKS proxies.
-Minor modifications made by Christopher Gilbert (http://motomastyle.com/)
-for use in PyLoris (http://pyloris.sourceforge.net/)
-Minor modifications made by Mario Vilas (http://breakingcode.wordpress.com/)
-mainly to merge bug fixes found in Sourceforge
-Minor modifications made by Eugene Dementiev (http://www.dementiev.eu/)
-import socket
-import struct
-import sys
-_defaultproxy = None
-_orgsocket = socket.socket
-class ProxyError(Exception): pass
-class GeneralProxyError(ProxyError): pass
-class Socks5AuthError(ProxyError): pass
-class Socks5Error(ProxyError): pass
-class Socks4Error(ProxyError): pass
-class HTTPError(ProxyError): pass
-_generalerrors = ("success",
- "invalid data",
- "not connected",
- "not available",
- "bad proxy type",
- "bad input")
-_socks5errors = ("succeeded",
- "general SOCKS server failure",
- "connection not allowed by ruleset",
- "Network unreachable",
- "Host unreachable",
- "Connection refused",
- "TTL expired",
- "Command not supported",
- "Address type not supported",
- "Unknown error")
-_socks5autherrors = ("succeeded",
- "authentication is required",
- "all offered authentication methods were rejected",
- "unknown username or invalid password",
- "unknown error")
-_socks4errors = ("request granted",
- "request rejected or failed",
- "request rejected because SOCKS server cannot connect to identd on the client",
- "request rejected because the client program and identd report different user-ids",
- "unknown error")
-def setdefaultproxy(proxytype=None, addr=None, port=None, rdns=True, username=None, password=None) -> None:
- """setdefaultproxy(proxytype, addr[, port[, rdns[, username[, password]]]])
- Sets a default proxy which all further socksocket objects will use,
- unless explicitly changed.
- """
- global _defaultproxy
- _defaultproxy = (proxytype, addr, port, rdns, username, password)
-def wrapmodule(module) -> None:
- """wrapmodule(module)
- Attempts to replace a module's socket library with a SOCKS socket. Must set
- a default proxy using setdefaultproxy(...) first.
- This will only work on modules that import socket directly into the namespace;
- most of the Python Standard Library falls into this category.
- """
- if _defaultproxy != None:
- module.socket.socket = socksocket
- else:
- raise GeneralProxyError((4, "no proxy specified"))
-class socksocket(socket.socket):
- """socksocket([family[, type[, proto]]]) -> socket object
- Open a SOCKS enabled socket. The parameters are the same as
- those of the standard socket init. In order for SOCKS to work,
- you must specify family=AF_INET, type=SOCK_STREAM and proto=0.
- """
- def __init__(self, family=socket.AF_INET, type=socket.SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, _sock=None):
- _orgsocket.__init__(self, family, type, proto, _sock)
- if _defaultproxy != None:
- self.__proxy = _defaultproxy
- else:
- self.__proxy = (None, None, None, None, None, None)
- self.__proxysockname = None
- self.__proxypeername = None
- def __recvall(self, count):
- """__recvall(count) -> data
- Receive EXACTLY the number of bytes requested from the socket.
- Blocks until the required number of bytes have been received.
- """
- data = self.recv(count)
- while len(data) < count:
- d = self.recv(count-len(data))
- if not d: raise GeneralProxyError((0, "connection closed unexpectedly"))
- data = data + d
- return data
- def setproxy(self, proxytype=None, addr=None, port=None, rdns=True, username=None, password=None):
- """setproxy(proxytype, addr[, port[, rdns[, username[, password]]]])
- Sets the proxy to be used.
- proxytype - The type of the proxy to be used. Three types
- are supported: PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS4 (including socks4a),
- addr - The address of the server (IP or DNS).
- port - The port of the server. Defaults to 1080 for SOCKS
- servers and 8080 for HTTP proxy servers.
- rdns - Should DNS queries be preformed on the remote side
- (rather than the local side). The default is True.
- Note: This has no effect with SOCKS4 servers.
- username - Username to authenticate with to the server.
- The default is no authentication.
- password - Password to authenticate with to the server.
- Only relevant when username is also provided.
- """
- self.__proxy = (proxytype, addr, port, rdns, username, password)
- def __negotiatesocks5(self, destaddr, destport):
- """__negotiatesocks5(self,destaddr,destport)
- Negotiates a connection through a SOCKS5 server.
- """
- # First we'll send the authentication packages we support.
- if (self.__proxy[4]!=None) and (self.__proxy[5]!=None):
- # The username/password details were supplied to the
- # setproxy method so we support the USERNAME/PASSWORD
- # authentication (in addition to the standard none).
- self.sendall(struct.pack('BBBB', 0x05, 0x02, 0x00, 0x02))
- else:
- # No username/password were entered, therefore we
- # only support connections with no authentication.
- self.sendall(struct.pack('BBB', 0x05, 0x01, 0x00))
- # We'll receive the server's response to determine which
- # method was selected
- chosenauth = self.__recvall(2)
- if chosenauth[0:1] != chr(0x05).encode():
- self.close()
- raise GeneralProxyError((1, _generalerrors[1]))
- # Check the chosen authentication method
- if chosenauth[1:2] == chr(0x00).encode():
- # No authentication is required
- pass
- elif chosenauth[1:2] == chr(0x02).encode():
- # Okay, we need to perform a basic username/password
- # authentication.
- self.sendall(chr(0x01).encode() + chr(len(self.__proxy[4])) + self.__proxy[4] + chr(len(self.__proxy[5])) + self.__proxy[5])
- authstat = self.__recvall(2)
- if authstat[0:1] != chr(0x01).encode():
- # Bad response
- self.close()
- raise GeneralProxyError((1, _generalerrors[1]))
- if authstat[1:2] != chr(0x00).encode():
- # Authentication failed
- self.close()
- raise Socks5AuthError((3, _socks5autherrors[3]))
- # Authentication succeeded
- else:
- # Reaching here is always bad
- self.close()
- if chosenauth[1] == chr(0xFF).encode():
- raise Socks5AuthError((2, _socks5autherrors[2]))
- else:
- raise GeneralProxyError((1, _generalerrors[1]))
- # Now we can request the actual connection
- req = struct.pack('BBB', 0x05, 0x01, 0x00)
- # If the given destination address is an IP address, we'll
- # use the IPv4 address request even if remote resolving was specified.
- try:
- ipaddr = socket.inet_aton(destaddr)
- req = req + chr(0x01).encode() + ipaddr
- except socket.error:
- # Well it's not an IP number, so it's probably a DNS name.
- if self.__proxy[3]:
- # Resolve remotely
- ipaddr = None
- if type(destaddr) != type(b''): # python3
- destaddr_bytes = destaddr.encode(encoding='idna')
- else:
- destaddr_bytes = destaddr
- req = req + chr(0x03).encode() + chr(len(destaddr_bytes)).encode() + destaddr_bytes
- else:
- # Resolve locally
- ipaddr = socket.inet_aton(socket.gethostbyname(destaddr))
- req = req + chr(0x01).encode() + ipaddr
- req = req + struct.pack(">H", destport)
- self.sendall(req)
- # Get the response
- resp = self.__recvall(4)
- if resp[0:1] != chr(0x05).encode():
- self.close()
- raise GeneralProxyError((1, _generalerrors[1]))
- elif resp[1:2] != chr(0x00).encode():
- # Connection failed
- self.close()
- if ord(resp[1:2])<=8:
- raise Socks5Error((ord(resp[1:2]), _socks5errors[ord(resp[1:2])]))
- else:
- raise Socks5Error((9, _socks5errors[9]))
- # Get the bound address/port
- elif resp[3:4] == chr(0x01).encode():
- boundaddr = self.__recvall(4)
- elif resp[3:4] == chr(0x03).encode():
- resp = resp + self.recv(1)
- boundaddr = self.__recvall(ord(resp[4:5]))
- else:
- self.close()
- raise GeneralProxyError((1,_generalerrors[1]))
- boundport = struct.unpack(">H", self.__recvall(2))[0]
- self.__proxysockname = (boundaddr, boundport)
- if ipaddr != None:
- self.__proxypeername = (socket.inet_ntoa(ipaddr), destport)
- else:
- self.__proxypeername = (destaddr, destport)
- def getproxysockname(self):
- """getsockname() -> address info
- Returns the bound IP address and port number at the proxy.
- """
- return self.__proxysockname
- def getproxypeername(self):
- """getproxypeername() -> address info
- Returns the IP and port number of the proxy.
- """
- return _orgsocket.getpeername(self)
- def getpeername(self):
- """getpeername() -> address info
- Returns the IP address and port number of the destination
- machine (note: getproxypeername returns the proxy)
- """
- return self.__proxypeername
- def __negotiatesocks4(self,destaddr,destport) -> None:
- """__negotiatesocks4(self,destaddr,destport)
- Negotiates a connection through a SOCKS4 server.
- """
- # Check if the destination address provided is an IP address
- rmtrslv = False
- try:
- ipaddr = socket.inet_aton(destaddr)
- except socket.error:
- # It's a DNS name. Check where it should be resolved.
- if self.__proxy[3]:
- ipaddr = struct.pack("BBBB", 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01)
- rmtrslv = True
- else:
- ipaddr = socket.inet_aton(socket.gethostbyname(destaddr))
- # Construct the request packet
- req = struct.pack(">BBH", 0x04, 0x01, destport) + ipaddr
- # The username parameter is considered userid for SOCKS4
- if self.__proxy[4] != None:
- req = req + self.__proxy[4]
- req = req + chr(0x00).encode()
- # DNS name if remote resolving is required
- # NOTE: This is actually an extension to the SOCKS4 protocol
- # called SOCKS4A and may not be supported in all cases.
- if rmtrslv:
- req = req + destaddr + chr(0x00).encode()
- self.sendall(req)
- # Get the response from the server
- resp = self.__recvall(8)
- if resp[0:1] != chr(0x00).encode():
- # Bad data
- self.close()
- raise GeneralProxyError((1,_generalerrors[1]))
- if resp[1:2] != chr(0x5A).encode():
- # Server returned an error
- self.close()
- if ord(resp[1:2]) in (91, 92, 93):
- self.close()
- raise Socks4Error((ord(resp[1:2]), _socks4errors[ord(resp[1:2]) - 90]))
- else:
- raise Socks4Error((94, _socks4errors[4]))
- # Get the bound address/port
- self.__proxysockname = (socket.inet_ntoa(resp[4:]), struct.unpack(">H", resp[2:4])[0])
- if rmtrslv != None:
- self.__proxypeername = (socket.inet_ntoa(ipaddr), destport)
- else:
- self.__proxypeername = (destaddr, destport)
- def __negotiatehttp(self, destaddr, destport) -> None:
- """__negotiatehttp(self,destaddr,destport)
- Negotiates a connection through an HTTP server.
- """
- # If we need to resolve locally, we do this now
- if not self.__proxy[3]:
- addr = socket.gethostbyname(destaddr)
- else:
- addr = destaddr
- self.sendall(("CONNECT " + addr + ":" + str(destport) + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" + "Host: " + destaddr + "\r\n\r\n").encode())
- # We read the response until we get the string "\r\n\r\n"
- resp = self.recv(1)
- while resp.find("\r\n\r\n".encode()) == -1:
- recv = self.recv(1)
- if not recv:
- raise GeneralProxyError((1, _generalerrors[1]))
- resp = resp + recv
- # We just need the first line to check if the connection
- # was successful
- statusline = resp.splitlines()[0].split(" ".encode(), 2)
- if statusline[0] not in ("HTTP/1.0".encode(), "HTTP/1.1".encode()):
- self.close()
- raise GeneralProxyError((1, _generalerrors[1]))
- try:
- statuscode = int(statusline[1])
- except ValueError:
- self.close()
- raise GeneralProxyError((1, _generalerrors[1]))
- if statuscode != 200:
- self.close()
- raise HTTPError((statuscode, statusline[2]))
- self.__proxysockname = ("", 0)
- self.__proxypeername = (addr, destport)
- def connect(self, destpair) -> None:
- """connect(self, despair)
- Connects to the specified destination through a proxy.
- destpar - A tuple of the IP/DNS address and the port number.
- (identical to socket's connect).
- To select the proxy server use setproxy().
- """
- # Do a minimal input check first
- if (not type(destpair) in (list,tuple)) or (len(destpair) < 2) or (type(destpair[0]) != type('')) or (type(destpair[1]) != int):
- raise GeneralProxyError((5, _generalerrors[5]))
- if self.__proxy[0] == PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS5:
- if self.__proxy[2] != None:
- portnum = int(self.__proxy[2])
- else:
- portnum = 1080
- _orgsocket.connect(self, (self.__proxy[1], portnum))
- self.__negotiatesocks5(destpair[0], destpair[1])
- elif self.__proxy[0] == PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS4:
- if self.__proxy[2] != None:
- portnum = self.__proxy[2]
- else:
- portnum = 1080
- _orgsocket.connect(self,(self.__proxy[1], portnum))
- self.__negotiatesocks4(destpair[0], destpair[1])
- elif self.__proxy[0] == PROXY_TYPE_HTTP:
- if self.__proxy[2] != None:
- portnum = self.__proxy[2]
- else:
- portnum = 8080
- _orgsocket.connect(self,(self.__proxy[1], portnum))
- self.__negotiatehttp(destpair[0], destpair[1])
- elif self.__proxy[0] == None:
- _orgsocket.connect(self, (destpair[0], destpair[1]))
- else:
- raise GeneralProxyError((4, _generalerrors[4]))
diff --git a/tox_wrapper/tests/support_http.py b/tox_wrapper/tests/support_http.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f3bc975..0000000
--- a/tox_wrapper/tests/support_http.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-# -*- mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; py-indent-offset: 4; coding: utf-8 -*-
-import os
-import sys
-import logging
-from io import BytesIO
-import urllib
-import traceback
-global LOG
-LOG = logging.getLogger('app.'+'ts')
- import pycurl
-except ImportError:
- pycurl = None
- import requests
-except ImportError:
- requests = None
-lNO_PROXY = ['localhost', '']
-def bAreWeConnected() -> bool:
- # FixMe: Linux only
- sFile = f"/proc/{os.getpid()}/net/route"
- if not os.path.isfile(sFile): return None
- i = 0
- for elt in open(sFile, "r").readlines():
- if elt.startswith('Iface'): continue
- if elt.startswith('lo'): continue
- i += 1
- return i > 0
-def pick_up_proxy_from_environ() -> dict:
- retval = dict()
- if os.environ.get('socks_proxy', ''):
- # socks_proxy takes precedence over https/http
- proxy = os.environ.get('socks_proxy', '')
- i = proxy.find('//')
- if i >= 0: proxy = proxy[i+2:]
- retval['proxy_host'] = proxy.split(':')[0]
- retval['proxy_port'] = proxy.split(':')[-1]
- retval['proxy_type'] = 2
- retval['udp_enabled'] = False
- elif os.environ.get('https_proxy', ''):
- # https takes precedence over http
- proxy = os.environ.get('https_proxy', '')
- i = proxy.find('//')
- if i >= 0: proxy = proxy[i+2:]
- retval['proxy_host'] = proxy.split(':')[0]
- retval['proxy_port'] = proxy.split(':')[-1]
- retval['proxy_type'] = 1
- retval['udp_enabled'] = False
- elif os.environ.get('http_proxy', ''):
- proxy = os.environ.get('http_proxy', '')
- i = proxy.find('//')
- if i >= 0: proxy = proxy[i+2:]
- retval['proxy_host'] = proxy.split(':')[0]
- retval['proxy_port'] = proxy.split(':')[-1]
- retval['proxy_type'] = 1
- retval['udp_enabled'] = False
- else:
- retval['proxy_host'] = ''
- retval['proxy_port'] = ''
- retval['proxy_type'] = 0
- retval['udp_enabled'] = True
- return retval
-def download_url(url:str, settings:str = None) -> None:
- if not bAreWeConnected(): return ''
- if settings is None:
- settings = pick_up_proxy_from_environ()
- if pycurl:
- LOG.debug('Downloading with pycurl: ' + str(url))
- buffer = BytesIO()
- c = pycurl.Curl()
- c.setopt(c.URL, url)
- c.setopt(c.WRITEDATA, buffer)
- # Follow redirect.
- c.setopt(c.FOLLOWLOCATION, True)
- # cookie jar
- cjar = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.local', 'jar.cookie')
- if os.path.isfile(cjar):
- c.setopt(c.COOKIEFILE, cjar)
- # LARGS+=( --cookie-jar --junk-session-cookies )
- #? c.setopt(c.ALTSVC_CTRL, 16)
- c.setopt(c.NOPROXY, ','.join(lNO_PROXY))
- #? c.setopt(c.CAINFO, certifi.where())
- if settings['proxy_type'] == 2 and settings['proxy_host']:
- socks_proxy = 'socks5h://'+settings['proxy_host']+':'+str(settings['proxy_port'])
- settings['udp_enabled'] = False
- c.setopt(c.PROXY, socks_proxy)
- elif settings['proxy_type'] == 1 and settings['proxy_host']:
- https_proxy = 'https://'+settings['proxy_host']+':'+str(settings['proxy_port'])
- c.setopt(c.PROXY, https_proxy)
- elif settings['proxy_type'] == 1 and settings['proxy_host']:
- http_proxy = 'http://'+settings['proxy_host']+':'+str(settings['proxy_port'])
- c.setopt(c.PROXY, http_proxy)
- c.setopt(c.PROTOCOLS, c.PROTO_HTTPS)
- try:
- c.perform()
- c.close()
- #? assert c.getinfo(c.RESPONSE_CODE) < 300
- result = buffer.getvalue()
- # Body is a byte string.
- LOG.info('nodes loaded with pycurl: ' + str(url))
- return result
- except Exception as ex:
- LOG.error('TOX Downloading error with pycurl: ' + str(ex))
- LOG.error('\n' + traceback.format_exc())
- # drop through
- if requests:
- LOG.debug('Downloading with requests: ' + str(url))
- try:
- headers = dict()
- headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
- proxies = dict()
- if settings['proxy_type'] == 2 and settings['proxy_host']:
- socks_proxy = 'socks5://'+settings['proxy_host']+':'+str(settings['proxy_port'])
- settings['udp_enabled'] = False
- proxies['https'] = socks_proxy
- elif settings['proxy_type'] == 1 and settings['proxy_host']:
- https_proxy = 'https://'+settings['proxy_host']+':'+str(settings['proxy_port'])
- proxies['https'] = https_proxy
- elif settings['proxy_type'] == 1 and settings['proxy_host']:
- http_proxy = 'http://'+settings['proxy_host']+':'+str(settings['proxy_port'])
- proxies['http'] = http_proxy
- req = requests.get(url,
- headers=headers,
- proxies=proxies,
- # max_retries=3
- assert req.status_code < 300
- result = req.content
- LOG.info('nodes loaded with requests: ' + str(url))
- return result
- except Exception as ex:
- LOG.error('TOX Downloading error with requests: ' + str(ex))
- # drop through
- if not settings['proxy_type']: # no proxy
- LOG.debug('Downloading with urllib no proxy: ' + str(url))
- try:
- req = urllib.request.Request(url)
- req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
- response = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
- result = response.read()
- LOG.info('nodes loaded with no proxy: ' + str(url))
- return result
- except Exception as ex:
- LOG.error('TOX Downloading ' + str(ex))
- return ''
- return ''
diff --git a/tox_wrapper/tests/support_onions.py b/tox_wrapper/tests/support_onions.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 324c889..0000000
--- a/tox_wrapper/tests/support_onions.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,573 +0,0 @@
-# -*- mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; py-indent-offset: 4; coding: utf-8 -*-
-import getpass
-import os
-import re
-import select
-import shutil
-import socket
-import sys
-import time
-from typing import Union, Callable, Union
-if False:
- import cepa as stem
- from cepa.connection import MissingPassword
- from cepa.control import Controller
- from cepa.util.tor_tools import is_valid_fingerprint
- import stem
- from stem.connection import MissingPassword
- from stem.control import Controller
- from stem.util.tor_tools import is_valid_fingerprint
-global LOG
-import logging
-import warnings
-LOG = logging.getLogger()
-bHAVE_TORR = shutil.which('tor-resolve')
- - facebookwkhpilnemxj7asaniu7vnjjbiltxjqhye3mhbshg7kx5tfyd # facebook
- - duckduckgogg42xjoc72x3sjasowoarfbgcmvfimaftt6twagswzczad # ddg
- - zkaan2xfbuxia2wpf7ofnkbz6r5zdbbvxbunvp5g2iebopbfc4iqmbad # hks
-# grep -B 1 '
- # FixMe: Linux only
- sFile = f"/proc/{os.getpid()}/net/route"
- if not os.path.isfile(sFile): return None
- i = 0
- for elt in open(sFile, "r").readlines():
- if elt.startswith('Iface'): continue
- if elt.startswith('lo'): continue
- i += 1
- return i > 0
-def sMapaddressResolv(target:str, iPort:int = 9051, log_level:int = 10) -> str:
- if not stem:
- LOG.warn('please install the stem Python package')
- return ''
- try:
- controller = oGetStemController(log_level=log_level)
- map_dict = {"": target}
- map_ret = controller.map_address(map_dict)
- return map_ret
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.exception(e)
- return ''
-def vwait_for_controller(controller, wait_boot:int = 10) -> None:
- if bAreWeConnected() is False:
- raise SystemExit("we are not connected")
- percent = i = 0
- # You can call this while boostrapping
- while percent < 100 and i < wait_boot:
- bootstrap_status = controller.get_info("status/bootstrap-phase")
- progress_percent = re.match('.* PROGRESS=([0-9]+).*', bootstrap_status)
- percent = int(progress_percent.group(1))
- LOG.info(f"Bootstrapping {percent}%")
- time.sleep(5)
- i += 5
-def bin_to_hex(raw_id:int, length: Union[int, None] = None) -> str:
- if length is None: length = len(raw_id)
- res = ''.join('{:02x}'.format(raw_id[i]) for i in range(length))
- return res.upper()
-def lIntroductionPoints(controller=None, lOnions:list = [], itimeout:int = 120, log_level:int = 10):
- """now working !!! stem 1.8.x timeout must be huge >120
- 'Provides the descriptor for a hidden service. The **address** is the
- '.onion' address of the hidden service '
- What about Services?
- """
- try:
- from cryptography.utils import int_from_bytes
- except ImportError:
- import cryptography.utils
- # guessing - not in the current cryptography but stem expects it
- def int_from_bytes(**args): return int.to_bytes(*args)
- cryptography.utils.int_from_bytes = int_from_bytes
- # this will fai if the trick above didnt work
- from stem.prereq import is_crypto_available
- is_crypto_available(ed25519=True)
- from queue import Empty
- from stem import Timeout
- from stem.client.datatype import LinkByFingerprint
- from stem.descriptor.hidden_service import HiddenServiceDescriptorV3
- if type(lOnions) not in [set, tuple, list]:
- lOnions = list(lOnions)
- if controller is None:
- controller = oGetStemController(log_level=log_level)
- l = []
- for elt in lOnions:
- LOG.info(f"controller.get_hidden_service_descriptor {elt}")
- try:
- desc = controller.get_hidden_service_descriptor(elt,
- await_result=True,
- timeout=itimeout)
- # LOG.log(40, f"{dir(desc)} get_hidden_service_descriptor")
- # timeouts 20 sec
- # mistakenly a HSv2 descriptor
- hs_address = HiddenServiceDescriptorV3.from_str(str(desc)) # reparse as HSv3
- oInnerLayer = hs_address.decrypt(elt)
- # LOG.log(40, f"{dir(oInnerLayer)}")
- # IntroductionPointV3
- n = oInnerLayer.introduction_points
- if not n:
- LOG.warn(f"NO introduction points for {elt}")
- continue
- LOG.info(f"{elt} {len(n)} introduction points")
- lp = []
- for introduction_point in n:
- for linkspecifier in introduction_point.link_specifiers:
- if isinstance(linkspecifier, LinkByFingerprint):
- # LOG.log(40, f"Getting fingerprint for {linkspecifier}")
- if hasattr(linkspecifier, 'fingerprint'):
- assert len(linkspecifier.value) == 20
- lp += [bin_to_hex(linkspecifier.value)]
- LOG.info(f"{len(lp)} introduction points for {elt}")
- l += lp
- except (Empty, Timeout,) as e: # noqa
- LOG.warn(f"Timed out getting introduction points for {elt}")
- except stem.DescriptorUnavailable as e:
- LOG.error(e)
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.exception(e)
- return l
-def zResolveDomain(domain:str) -> int:
- try:
- ip = sTorResolve(domain)
- except Exception as e: # noqa
- ip = ''
- if ip == '':
- try:
- lpair = getaddrinfo(domain, 443)
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.warn(f"{e}")
- lpair = None
- if lpair is None:
- LOG.warn(f"TorResolv and getaddrinfo failed for {domain}")
- return ''
- ip = lpair[0]
- return ip
-def sTorResolve(target:str,
- verbose:bool = False,
- sHost:str = '',
- iPort:int = 9050,
- SOCK_TIMEOUT_SECONDS:float = 10.0,
- ) -> str:
- if '@' in target:
- LOG.warn(f"sTorResolve failed invalid hostname {target}")
- return ''
- target = target.strip('/')
- seb = b"\x04\xf0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00"
- seb += bytes(target, 'US-ASCII') + b"\x00"
- assert len(seb) == 10 + len(target), str(len(seb)) + repr(seb)
-# LOG.debug(f"0 Sending {len(seb)} to The TOR proxy {seb}")
- sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- sock.connect((sHost, iPort))
- sock.settimeout(SOCK_TIMEOUT_SECONDS)
- oRet = sock.sendall(seb) # noqa
- i = 0
- data = ''
- i += 1
- time.sleep(3)
- lReady = select.select([sock.fileno()], [], [],
- if not lReady[0]: continue
- try:
- flags=socket.MSG_WAITALL
- data = sock.recv(MAX_INFO_RESPONSE_PACKET_LENGTH, flags)
- except socket.timeout:
- LOG.warn(f"4 The TOR proxy {(sHost, iPort)}" \
- +" didnt reply in " + str(SOCK_TIMEOUT_SECONDS) + " sec."
- +" #" +str(i))
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.error("4 The TOR proxy " \
- +repr((sHost, iPort)) \
- +" errored with " + str(e)
- +" #" +str(i))
- sock.close()
- return ''
- else:
- if len(data) > 0: break
- if len(data) == 0:
- sLabel = "5 No reply #"
- else:
- sLabel = "5 No data #"
- LOG.warn(f"sTorResolve: {sLabel} {i} on {sHost}:{iPort}")
- sock.close()
- return ''
- assert len(data) >= 8
- packet_sf = data[1]
- if packet_sf == 90:
- # , "%d" % packet_sf
- assert f"{packet_sf}" == "90", f"packet_sf = {packet_sf}"
- return f"{data[4]}.{data[5]}.{data[6]}.{data[7]}"
- else:
- # 91
- LOG.warn(f"tor-resolve failed for {target} on {sHost}:{iPort}")
- os.system(f"tor-resolve -4 {target} > /tmp/e 2>/dev/null")
-# os.system("strace tor-resolve -4 "+target+" 2>&1|grep '^sen\|^rec'")
- return ''
-def getaddrinfo(sHost:str, sPort:str) -> list:
- # do this the explicit way = Ive seen the compact connect fail
- # >>> sHost, sPort = 'l27.0.0.1', 33446
- # >>> sock.connect((sHost, sPort))
- # socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known
- try:
- lElts = socket.getaddrinfo(sHost, int(sPort), socket.AF_INET)
- lElts = list(filter(lambda elt: elt[1] == socket.SOCK_DGRAM, lElts))
- assert len(lElts) == 1, repr(lElts)
- lPair = lElts[0][-1]
- assert len(lPair) == 2, repr(lPair)
- assert type(lPair[1]) == int, repr(lPair)
- except (socket.gaierror, OSError, BaseException) as e:
- LOG.error(e)
- return None
- return lPair
-def icheck_torrc(sFile:str, oArgs) -> int:
- l = open(sFile, 'rt').readlines()
- a = {}
- for elt in l:
- elt = elt.strip()
- if not elt or ' ' not in elt: continue
- (k, v,) = elt.split(' ', 1)
- a[k] = v
- keys = a
- if 'HashedControlPassword' not in keys:
- LOG.info('Add HashedControlPassword for security')
- print('run: tor --hashcontrolpassword ')
- if 'ExcludeExitNodes' in keys:
- elt = 'BadNodes.ExcludeExitNodes.BadExit'
- LOG.warn(f"Remove ExcludeNodes and move then to {oArgs.bad_nodes}")
- print(f"move to the {elt} section as a list")
- if 'GuardNodes' in keys:
- elt = 'GoodNodes.GuardNodes'
- LOG.warn(f"Remove GuardNodes and move then to {oArgs.good_nodes}")
- print(f"move to the {elt} section as a list")
- if 'ExcludeNodes' in keys:
- elt = 'BadNodes.ExcludeNodes.BadExit'
- LOG.warn(f"Remove ExcludeNodes and move then to {oArgs.bad_nodes}")
- print(f"move to the {elt} section as a list")
- if 'ControlSocket' not in keys and os.path.exists('/run/tor/control'):
- LOG.info('Add ControlSocket /run/tor/control for us')
- print('ControlSocket /run/tor/control GroupWritable RelaxDirModeCheck')
- if 'UseMicrodescriptors' not in keys or keys['UseMicrodescriptors'] != '1':
- LOG.info('Add UseMicrodescriptors 0 for us')
- print('UseMicrodescriptors 0')
- if 'AutomapHostsSuffixes' not in keys:
- LOG.info('Add AutomapHostsSuffixes for onions')
- print('AutomapHostsSuffixes .exit,.onion')
- if 'AutoMapHostsOnResolve' not in keys:
- LOG.info('Add AutoMapHostsOnResolve for onions')
- print('AutoMapHostsOnResolve 1')
- if 'VirtualAddrNetworkIPv4' not in keys:
- LOG.info('Add VirtualAddrNetworkIPv4 for onions')
- print('VirtualAddrNetworkIPv4')
- return 0
-def lExitExcluder(oArgs, iPort:int = 9051, log_level:int = 10) -> list:
- """
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nusenu/noContactInfo_Exit_Excluder/main/exclude_noContactInfo_Exits.py
- """
- if not stem:
- LOG.warn('please install the stem Python package')
- return ''
- LOG.debug('lExcludeExitNodes')
- try:
- controller = oGetStemController(log_level=log_level)
- # generator
- relays = controller.get_server_descriptors()
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.error(f'Failed to get relay descriptors {e}')
- return None
- if controller.is_set('ExcludeExitNodes'):
- LOG.info('ExcludeExitNodes is in use already.')
- return None
- exit_excludelist=[]
- LOG.debug("Excluded exit relays:")
- for relay in relays:
- if relay.exit_policy.is_exiting_allowed() and not relay.contact:
- if is_valid_fingerprint(relay.fingerprint):
- exit_excludelist.append(relay.fingerprint)
- LOG.debug("https://metrics.torproject.org/rs.html#details/%s" % relay.fingerprint)
- else:
- LOG.warn('Invalid Fingerprint: %s' % relay.fingerprint)
- try:
- controller.set_conf('ExcludeExitNodes', exit_excludelist)
- LOG.info('Excluded a total of %s exit relays without ContactInfo from the exit position.' % len(exit_excludelist))
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.exception('ExcludeExitNodes ' +str(e))
- return exit_excludelist
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- target = 'duckduckgogg42xjoc72x3sjasowoarfbgcmvfimaftt6twagswzczad'
- controller = oGetStemController(log_level=10)
- lIntroductionPoints(controller, [target], itimeout=120)
diff --git a/tox_wrapper/tests/support_testing.py b/tox_wrapper/tests/support_testing.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d88741..0000000
--- a/tox_wrapper/tests/support_testing.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,970 +0,0 @@
-# -*- mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; py-indent-offset: 4; coding: utf-8 -*-
-import argparse
-import contextlib
-import inspect
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-import re
-import select
-import shutil
-import socket
-import sys
-import time
-import traceback
-import unittest
-from ctypes import *
-from random import Random
-import functools
-from typing import Union, Callable, Union
-random = Random()
- import coloredlogs
- if 'COLOREDLOGS_LEVEL_STYLES' not in os.environ:
- os.environ['COLOREDLOGS_LEVEL_STYLES'] = 'spam=22;debug=28;verbose=34;notice=220;warning=202;success=118,bold;error=124;critical=background=red'
- # https://pypi.org/project/coloredlogs/
-except ImportError as e:
- coloredlogs = False
- import stem
-except ImportError as e:
- stem = False
- import nmap
-except ImportError as e:
- nmap = False
-import tox_wrapper
-import tox_wrapper.toxcore_enums_and_consts as enums
-from tox_wrapper.tests.support_http import bAreWeConnected
-from tox_wrapper.tests.support_onions import (is_valid_fingerprint,
- lIntroductionPoints,
- oGetStemController,
- sMapaddressResolv, sTorResolve)
- from user_data.settings import get_user_config_path
-except ImportError:
- get_user_config_path = None
-# LOG=util.log
-global LOG
-LOG = logging.getLogger()
-def LOG_ERROR(l:str) -> None: print('ERRORc: '+l)
-def LOG_WARN(l:str) -> None: print('WARNc: ' +l)
-def LOG_INFO(l:str) -> None: print('INFOc: ' +l)
-def LOG_DEBUG(l:str) -> None: print('DEBUGc: '+l)
-def LOG_TRACE(l:str) -> None: pass # print('TRACE+ '+l)
- from trepan.api import debug
- from trepan.interfaces import server as Mserver
-# print('trepan3 TCP server NOT available.')
- pass
-# print('trepan3 TCP server available.')
- def trepan_handler(num=None, f=None):
- connection_opts={'IO': 'TCP', 'PORT': 6666}
- intf = Mserver.ServerInterface(connection_opts=connection_opts)
- dbg_opts = {'interface': intf }
- print(f'Starting TCP server listening on port 6666.')
- debug(dbg_opts=dbg_opts)
- return
-# self._audio_thread.isAlive
-iNODES = 6
-lToxSamplerates = [8000, 12000, 16000, 24000, 48000]
-lToxSampleratesK = [8, 12, 16, 24, 48]
- 'local_discovery_enabled',
- 'udp_enabled',
- 'ipv6_enabled',
- 'trace_enabled',
- 'compact_mode',
- 'allow_inline',
- 'notifications',
- 'sound_notifications',
- 'calls_sound',
- 'hole_punching_enabled',
- 'dht_announcements_enabled',
- 'save_history',
- 'download_nodes_list'
- 'core_logging',
- ]
-sDIR = os.environ.get('TMPDIR', '/tmp')
-sTOX_VERSION = "1000002018"
-bHAVE_NMAP = shutil.which('nmap')
-bHAVE_JQ = shutil.which('jq')
-bHAVE_BASH = shutil.which('bash')
-bHAVE_TORR = shutil.which('tor-resolve')
-lDEAD_BS = [
- # Failed to resolve "tox3.plastiras.org"
- "tox3.plastiras.org",
- 'tox.kolka.tech',
- # here and gone
- '122-116-39-151.hinet-ip.hinet.net',
- # IPs that do not reverse resolve
- '',
- "",
- '',
- '',
- '',
- '',
- # IPs that do not rreverse resolve
- 'yggnode.cf', '',
- '85-143-221-42.simplecloud.ru', '',
- # IPs that do not ping
- '', 'tox.plastiras.org',
- '',
- 'gt.sot-te.ch', '',
- # suspicious IPs
- 'tox.abilinski.com', '', '',
- ]
-def assert_main_thread() -> None:
- from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets
- from qtpy.QtWidgets import QApplication
- # this "instance" method is very useful!
- app_thread = QtWidgets.QApplication.instance().thread()
- curr_thread = QtCore.QThread.currentThread()
- if app_thread != curr_thread:
- raise RuntimeError('attempt to call MainWindow.append_message from non-app thread')
-def ignoreStdout() -> None:
- devnull = os.open(os.devnull, os.O_WRONLY)
- old_stdout = os.dup(1)
- sys.stdout.flush()
- os.dup2(devnull, 1)
- os.close(devnull)
- try:
- yield
- finally:
- os.dup2(old_stdout, 1)
- os.close(old_stdout)
-def ignoreStderr() -> None:
- devnull = os.open(os.devnull, os.O_WRONLY)
- old_stderr = os.dup(2)
- sys.stderr.flush()
- os.dup2(devnull, 2)
- os.close(devnull)
- try:
- yield
- finally:
- os.dup2(old_stderr, 2)
- os.close(old_stderr)
-def clean_booleans(oArgs) -> None:
- for key in lBOOLEANS:
- if not hasattr(oArgs, key): continue
- val = getattr(oArgs, key)
- if type(val) == bool: continue
- if val in ['False', 'false', '0']:
- setattr(oArgs, key, False)
- else:
- setattr(oArgs, key, True)
-def on_log(iTox, level, filename, line, func, message, *data) -> None:
- # LOG.debug(repr((level, filename, line, func, message,)))
- tox_log_cb(level, filename, line, func, message)
-def tox_log_cb(level, filename, line, func, message, *args) -> None:
- """
- * @param level The severity of the log message.
- * @param filename The source file from which the message originated.
- * @param line The source line from which the message originated.
- * @param func The function from which the message originated.
- * @param message The log message.
- * @param user_data The user data pointer passed to tox_new in options.
- """
- if type(func) == bytes:
- func = str(func, 'utf-8')
- message = str(message, 'UTF-8')
- filename = str(filename, 'UTF-8')
- if filename == 'network.c':
- if line == 660: return
- # root WARNING 3network.c#944:b'send_packet'attempted to send message with network family 10 (probably IPv6) on IPv4 socket
- if line == 944: return
- i = message.find('07 = GET_NODES')
- if i > 0:
- return
- if filename == 'TCP_common.c': return
- i = message.find(' | ')
- if i > 0:
- message = message[:i]
- # message = filename +'#' +str(line) +':'+func +' '+message
- name = 'core'
- # old level is meaningless
- level = 10 # LOG.level
- # LOG._log(LOG.level, f"{level}: {message}", list())
- i = message.find('(0: OK)')
- if i > 0:
- level = 10 # LOG.debug
- else:
- i = message.find('(1: ')
- if i > 0:
- level = 30 # LOG.warn
- else:
- level = 20 # LOG.info
- o = LOG.makeRecord(filename, level, func, line, message, list(), None)
- # LOG.handle(o)
- LOG_TRACE(f"{level}: {func}{line} {message}")
- return
- elif level == 1:
- LOG.critical(f"{level}: {message}")
- elif level == 2:
- LOG.error(f"{level}: {message}")
- elif level == 3:
- LOG.warn(f"{level}: {message}")
- elif level == 4:
- LOG.info(f"{level}: {message}")
- elif level == 5:
- LOG.debug(f"{level}: {message}")
- else:
- LOG_TRACE(f"{level}: {message}")
-def vAddLoggerCallback(tox_options, callback=None) -> None:
- if callback is None:
- tox_wrapper.tox.Tox.libtoxcore.tox_options_set_log_callback(
- tox_options._options_pointer,
- POINTER(None)())
- tox_options.self_logger_cb = None
- return
- c_callback = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p, c_int, c_char_p, c_int, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_void_p)
- tox_options.self_logger_cb = c_callback(callback)
- tox_wrapper.tox.Tox.libtoxcore.tox_options_set_log_callback(
- tox_options._options_pointer,
- tox_options.self_logger_cb)
-def get_video_indexes() -> list:
- # Linux
- return [str(l[5:]) for l in os.listdir('/dev/') if l.startswith('video')]
-def get_audio():
- with ignoreStderr():
- import pyaudio
- oPyA = pyaudio.PyAudio()
- input_devices = output_devices = 0
- for i in range(oPyA.get_device_count()):
- device = oPyA.get_device_info_by_index(i)
- if device["maxInputChannels"]:
- input_devices += 1
- if device["maxOutputChannels"]:
- output_devices += 1
- # {'index': 21, 'structVersion': 2, 'name': 'default', 'hostApi': 0, 'maxInputChannels': 64, 'maxOutputChannels': 64, 'defaultLowInputLatency': 0.008707482993197279, 'defaultLowOutputLatency': 0.008707482993197279, 'defaultHighInputLatency': 0.034829931972789115, 'defaultHighOutputLatency': 0.034829931972789115, 'defaultSampleRate': 44100.0}
- audio = {'input': oPyA.get_default_input_device_info()['index'] if input_devices else -1,
- 'output': oPyA.get_default_output_device_info()['index'] if output_devices else -1,
- 'enabled': input_devices and output_devices}
- return audio
-def oToxygenToxOptions(oArgs):
- data = None
- tox_options = tox_wrapper.tox.Tox.options_new()
- if oArgs.proxy_type:
- tox_options.contents.proxy_type = int(oArgs.proxy_type)
- tox_options.contents.proxy_host = bytes(oArgs.proxy_host, 'UTF-8')
- tox_options.contents.proxy_port = int(oArgs.proxy_port)
- tox_options.contents.udp_enabled = False
- else:
- tox_options.contents.udp_enabled = oArgs.udp_enabled
- if not os.path.exists('/proc/sys/net/ipv6'):
- oArgs.ipv6_enabled = False
- else:
- tox_options.contents.ipv6_enabled = oArgs.ipv6_enabled
- tox_options.contents.tcp_port = int(oArgs.tcp_port)
- tox_options.contents.dht_announcements_enabled = oArgs.dht_announcements_enabled
- tox_options.contents.hole_punching_enabled = oArgs.hole_punching_enabled
- # overrides
- tox_options.contents.local_discovery_enabled = False
- tox_options.contents.experimental_thread_safety = False
- if oArgs.ipv6_enabled and not os.path.exists('/proc/sys/net/ipv6'):
- LOG.warning('Disabling IPV6 because /proc/sys/net/ipv6 does not exist' + repr(oArgs.ipv6_enabled))
- tox_options.contents.ipv6_enabled = False
- else:
- tox_options.contents.ipv6_enabled = bool(oArgs.ipv6_enabled)
- if data: # load existing profile
- tox_options.contents.savedata_type = enums.TOX_SAVEDATA_TYPE['TOX_SAVE']
- tox_options.contents.savedata_data = c_char_p(data)
- tox_options.contents.savedata_length = len(data)
- else: # create new profile
- tox_options.contents.savedata_type = enums.TOX_SAVEDATA_TYPE['NONE']
- tox_options.contents.savedata_data = None
- tox_options.contents.savedata_length = 0
- #? tox_options.contents.log_callback = LOG
- if tox_options._options_pointer:
- # LOG.debug("Adding logging to tox_options._options_pointer ")
- vAddLoggerCallback(tox_options, on_log)
- else:
- LOG.warning("No tox_options._options_pointer " +repr(tox_options._options_pointer))
- return tox_options
-def oMainArgparser(_=None, iMode=0):
- # 'Mode: 0=chat 1=chat+audio 2=chat+audio+video default: 0'
- if not os.path.exists('/proc/sys/net/ipv6'):
- bIpV6 = 'False'
- else:
- bIpV6 = 'True'
- lIpV6Choices=[bIpV6, 'False']
- sNodesJson = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.config', 'tox', 'DHTnodes.json')
- if not os.path.exists(sNodesJson): sNodesJson = ''
- logfile = os.path.join(os.environ.get('TMPDIR', '/tmp'), 'toxygen.log')
- if not os.path.exists(logfile): logfile = ''
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=True)
- parser.add_argument('--proxy_host', '--proxy-host', type=str,
- # oddball - we want to use '' as a setting
- default='',
- help='proxy host')
- parser.add_argument('--proxy_port', '--proxy-port', default=0, type=int,
- help='proxy port')
- parser.add_argument('--proxy_type', '--proxy-type', default=0, type=int,
- choices=[0,1,2],
- help='proxy type 1=http, 2=socks')
- parser.add_argument('--tcp_port', '--tcp-port', default=0, type=int,
- help='tcp port')
- parser.add_argument('--udp_enabled', type=str, default='True',
- choices=['True', 'False'],
- help='En/Disable udp')
- parser.add_argument('--ipv6_enabled', type=str, default=bIpV6,
- choices=lIpV6Choices,
- help=f"En/Disable ipv6 - default {bIpV6}")
- parser.add_argument('--trace_enabled',type=str,
- default='True' if os.environ.get('DEBUG') else 'False',
- choices=['True','False'],
- help='Debugging from toxcore logger_trace or env DEBUG=1')
- parser.add_argument('--download_nodes_list', type=str, default='False',
- choices=['True', 'False'],
- help='Download nodes list')
- parser.add_argument('--nodes_json', type=str,
- default=sNodesJson)
- parser.add_argument('--network', type=str,
- choices=['main', 'local'],
- default='main')
- parser.add_argument('--download_nodes_url', type=str,
- default='https://nodes.tox.chat/json')
- parser.add_argument('--logfile', default=logfile,
- help='Filename for logging - start with + for stdout too')
- parser.add_argument('--loglevel', default=logging.INFO, type=int,
- # choices=[logging.info,logging.trace,logging.debug,logging.error]
- help='Threshold for logging (lower is more) default: 20')
- parser.add_argument('--mode', type=int, default=iMode,
- choices=[0,1,2],
- help='Mode: 0=chat 1=chat+audio 2=chat+audio+video default: 0')
- parser.add_argument('--hole_punching_enabled',type=str,
- default='False', choices=['True','False'],
- help='En/Enable hole punching')
- parser.add_argument('--dht_announcements_enabled',type=str,
- default='True', choices=['True','False'],
- help='En/Disable DHT announcements')
-# argparse.ArgumentError: argument --save_history: conflicting option string: --save_history
-# parser.add_argument('--save_history', type=str, default='True',
-# choices=['True', 'False'],
-# help='En/Disable saving history')
- return parser
-def vSetupLogging(oArgs) -> None:
- global LOG
- logging._defaultFormatter = logging.Formatter(datefmt='%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
- logging._defaultFormatter.default_time_format = '%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
- logging._defaultFormatter.default_msec_format = ''
- add = None
- kwargs = dict(level=oArgs.loglevel,
- format='%(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
- if oArgs.logfile:
- add = oArgs.logfile.startswith('+')
- sub = oArgs.logfile.startswith('-')
- if add or sub:
- oArgs.logfile = oArgs.logfile[1:]
- kwargs['filename'] = oArgs.logfile
- if coloredlogs:
- # https://pypi.org/project/coloredlogs/
- aKw = dict(level=oArgs.loglevel,
- logger=LOG,
- stream=sys.stdout,
- fmt='%(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s'
- )
- coloredlogs.install(**aKw)
- if oArgs.logfile:
- oHandler = logging.FileHandler(oArgs.logfile)
- LOG.addHandler(oHandler)
- else:
- logging.basicConfig(**kwargs)
- if add:
- oHandler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
- LOG.addHandler(oHandler)
- LOG.info(f"Setting loglevel to {oArgs.loglevel!s}")
-def setup_logging(oArgs) -> None:
- global LOG
- if coloredlogs:
- aKw = dict(level=oArgs.loglevel,
- logger=LOG,
- fmt='%(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
- if oArgs.logfile:
- oFd = open(oArgs.logfile, 'wt')
- setattr(oArgs, 'log_oFd', oFd)
- aKw['stream'] = oFd
- coloredlogs.install(**aKw)
- if oArgs.logfile:
- oHandler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)
- LOG.addHandler(oHandler)
- else:
- aKw = dict(level=oArgs.loglevel,
- format='%(name)s %(levelname)-4s %(message)s')
- if oArgs.logfile:
- aKw['filename'] = oArgs.logfile
- logging.basicConfig(**aKw)
- logging._defaultFormatter = logging.Formatter(datefmt='%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
- logging._defaultFormatter.default_time_format = '%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
- logging._defaultFormatter.default_msec_format = ''
- LOG.setLevel(oArgs.loglevel)
-# LOG.trace = lambda l: LOG.log(0, repr(l))
- LOG.info(f"Setting loglevel to {oArgs.loglevel!s}")
-def signal_handler(num, f) -> None:
- from trepan.api import debug
- from trepan.interfaces import server as Mserver
- connection_opts={'IO': 'TCP', 'PORT': 6666}
- intf = Mserver.ServerInterface(connection_opts=connection_opts)
- dbg_opts = {'interface': intf}
- LOG.info('Starting TCP server listening on port 6666.')
- debug(dbg_opts=dbg_opts)
- return
-def merge_args_into_settings(args:list, settings:dict) -> None:
- if args:
- if not hasattr(args, 'audio'):
- LOG.warn('No audio ' +repr(args))
- settings['audio'] = getattr(args, 'audio')
- if not hasattr(args, 'video'):
- LOG.warn('No video ' +repr(args))
- settings['video'] = getattr(args, 'video')
- for key in settings.keys():
- # proxy_type proxy_port proxy_host
- not_key = 'not_' +key
- if hasattr(args, key):
- val = getattr(args, key)
- if type(val) == bytes:
- # proxy_host - ascii?
- # filenames - ascii?
- val = str(val, 'UTF-8')
- settings[key] = val
- elif hasattr(args, not_key):
- val = not getattr(args, not_key)
- settings[key] = val
- clean_settings(settings)
- return
-def clean_settings(self:dict) -> None:
- # failsafe to ensure C tox is bytes and Py settings is str
- # overrides
- self['mirror_mode'] = False
- self['save_history'] = True
- if not os.path.exists('/proc/sys/net/ipv6'):
- LOG.warn('Disabling IPV6 because /proc/sys/net/ipv6 does not exist')
- self['ipv6_enabled'] = False
- if 'proxy_type' in self and self['proxy_type'] == 0:
- self['proxy_host'] = ''
- self['proxy_port'] = 0
- if 'proxy_type' in self and self['proxy_type'] != 0 and \
- 'proxy_host' in self and self['proxy_host'] != '' and \
- 'proxy_port' in self and self['proxy_port'] != 0:
- if 'udp_enabled' in self and self['udp_enabled']:
- # We don't currently support UDP over proxy.
- LOG.info("UDP enabled and proxy set: disabling UDP")
- self['udp_enabled'] = False
- if 'local_discovery_enabled' in self and self['local_discovery_enabled']:
- LOG.info("local_discovery_enabled enabled and proxy set: disabling local_discovery_enabled")
- self['local_discovery_enabled'] = False
- if 'dht_announcements_enabled' in self and self['dht_announcements_enabled']:
- LOG.info("dht_announcements_enabled enabled and proxy set: disabling dht_announcements_enabled")
- self['dht_announcements_enabled'] = False
- if 'auto_accept_path' in self and \
- type(self['auto_accept_path']) == bytes:
- self['auto_accept_path'] = str(self['auto_accept_path'], 'UTF-8')
- LOG.debug("Cleaned settings")
-def lSdSamplerates(iDev:int) -> list:
- try:
- import sounddevice as sd
- except ImportError:
- return []
- samplerates = (32000, 44100, 48000, 96000, )
- device = iDev
- supported_samplerates = []
- for fs in samplerates:
- try:
- sd.check_output_settings(device=device, samplerate=fs)
- except Exception as e:
- # LOG.debug(f"Sample rate not supported {fs}" +' '+str(e))
- pass
- else:
- supported_samplerates.append(fs)
- return supported_samplerates
-def _get_nodes_path(oArgs:str):
- if oArgs and hasattr(oArgs, 'nodes_json') and \
- oArgs.nodes_json and os.path.isfile(oArgs.nodes_json):
- default = oArgs.nodes_json
- elif get_user_config_path:
- default = os.path.join(get_user_config_path(), 'toxygen_nodes.json')
- else:
- # Windwoes
- default = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), '.config', 'tox', 'toxygen_nodes.json')
- LOG.debug("_get_nodes_path: " +default)
- return default
-global aNODES
-aNODES = {}
-# @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=12) TypeError: unhashable type: 'Namespace'
-def generate_nodes(oArgs=None,
- nodes_count:int = DEFAULT_NODES_COUNT,
- ipv:str = 'ipv4',
- udp_not_tcp=True) -> dict:
- global aNODES
- sKey = ipv
- sKey += ',0' if udp_not_tcp else ',1'
- if sKey in aNODES and aNODES[sKey]:
- return aNODES[sKey]
- sFile = _get_nodes_path(oArgs)
- assert os.path.exists(sFile), sFile
- lNodes = generate_nodes_from_file(sFile,
- nodes_count=nodes_count,
- ipv=ipv,
- udp_not_tcp=udp_not_tcp)
- assert lNodes
- aNODES[sKey] = lNodes
- return aNODES[sKey]
-def generate_nodes_from_file(sFile:str,
- nodes_count:int = DEFAULT_NODES_COUNT,
- ipv:str = 'ipv4',
- udp_not_tcp:bool = True,
- ) -> dict:
- """https://github.com/TokTok/c-toxcore/issues/469
-I had a conversation with @irungentoo on IRC about whether we really need to call tox_bootstrap() when having UDP disabled and why. The answer is yes, because in addition to TCP relays (tox_add_tcp_relay()), toxcore also needs to know addresses of UDP onion nodes in order to work correctly. The DHT, however, is not used when UDP is disabled. tox_bootstrap() function resolves the address passed to it as argument and calls onion_add_bs_node_path() and DHT_bootstrap() functions. Although calling DHT_bootstrap() is not really necessary as DHT is not used, we still need to resolve the address of the DHT node in order to populate the onion routes with onion_add_bs_node_path() call.
- global aNODES_CACHE
- key = ipv
- key += ',0' if udp_not_tcp else ',1'
- if key in aNODES_CACHE:
- sorted_nodes = aNODES_CACHE[key]
- else:
- if not os.path.exists(sFile):
- LOG.error("generate_nodes_from_file file not found " +sFile)
- return []
- try:
- with open(sFile, 'rt') as fl:
- json_nodes = json.loads(fl.read())['nodes']
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.error(f"generate_nodes_from_file error {sFile}\n{e}")
- return []
- else:
- LOG.debug("generate_nodes_from_file " +sFile)
- if udp_not_tcp:
- nodes = [(node[ipv], node['port'], node['public_key'],) for
- node in json_nodes if node[ipv] != 'NONE' \
- and node["status_udp"] in [True, "true"]
- ]
- else:
- nodes = []
- elts = [(node[ipv], node['tcp_ports'], node['public_key'],) \
- for node in json_nodes if node[ipv] != 'NONE' \
- and node["status_tcp"] in [True, "true"]
- ]
- for (ipv, ports, public_key,) in elts:
- for port in ports:
- nodes += [(ipv, port, public_key)]
- if not nodes:
- LOG.warn(f'empty generate_nodes from {sFile} {json_nodes!r}')
- return []
- sorted_nodes = nodes
- aNODES_CACHE[key] = sorted_nodes
- random.shuffle(sorted_nodes)
- if nodes_count is not None and len(sorted_nodes) > nodes_count:
- sorted_nodes = sorted_nodes[-nodes_count:]
- LOG.debug(f"generate_nodes_from_file {sFile} len={len(sorted_nodes)}")
- return sorted_nodes
-def tox_bootstrapd_port() -> int:
- port = 33446
- sFile = '/etc/tox-bootstrapd.conf'
- if os.path.exists(sFile):
- with open(sFile, 'rt') as oFd:
- for line in oFd.readlines():
- if line.startswith('port = '):
- port = int(line[7:])
- return port
-def bootstrap_local(elts:list, lToxes:list, oArgs=None):
- if os.path.exists('/run/tox-bootstrapd/tox-bootstrapd.pid'):
- LOG.debug('/run/tox-bootstrapd/tox-bootstrapd.pid')
- iRet = True
- else:
- iRet = os.system("netstat -nle4|grep -q :33")
- if iRet > 0:
- LOG.warn(f'bootstraping local No local DHT running')
- LOG.info(f'bootstraping local')
- return bootstrap_udp(elts, lToxes, oArgs)
-def lDNSClean(l:list) -> list:
- global lDEAD_BS
- # list(set(l).difference(set(lDEAD_BS)))
- return [elt for elt in l if elt not in lDEAD_BS]
-def lExitExcluder(oArgs, iPort:int =9051) -> list:
- """
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nusenu/noContactInfo_Exit_Excluder/main/exclude_noContactInfo_Exits.py
- """
- if not stem:
- LOG.warn('please install the stem Python package')
- return ''
- LOG.debug('lExcludeExitNodes')
- try:
- controller = oGetStemController(log_level=10)
- # generator
- relays = controller.get_server_descriptors()
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.error(f'Failed to get relay descriptors {e}')
- return None
- if controller.is_set('ExcludeExitNodes'):
- LOG.info('ExcludeExitNodes is in use already.')
- return None
- exit_excludelist=[]
- LOG.debug("Excluded exit relays:")
- for relay in relays:
- if relay.exit_policy.is_exiting_allowed() and not relay.contact:
- if is_valid_fingerprint(relay.fingerprint):
- exit_excludelist.append(relay.fingerprint)
- LOG.debug("https://metrics.torproject.org/rs.html#details/%s" % relay.fingerprint)
- else:
- LOG.warn('Invalid Fingerprint: %s' % relay.fingerprint)
- try:
- controller.set_conf('ExcludeExitNodes', exit_excludelist)
- LOG.info('Excluded a total of %s exit relays without ContactInfo from the exit position.' % len(exit_excludelist))
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.exception('ExcludeExitNodes ' +str(e))
- return exit_excludelist
-aHOSTS = {}
-def sDNSLookup(host:str) -> str:
- global aHOSTS
- ipv = 0
- if host in lDEAD_BS:
-# LOG.warn(f"address skipped because in lDEAD_BS {host}")
- return ''
- if host in aHOSTS:
- return aHOSTS[host]
- try:
- s = host.replace('.','')
- int(s)
- ipv = 4
- except:
- try:
- s = host.replace(':','')
- int(s)
- ipv = 6
- except: pass
- if ipv > 0:
-# LOG.debug(f"v={ipv} IP address {host}")
- return host
- LOG.debug(f"sDNSLookup {host}")
- ip = ''
- if host.endswith('.tox') or host.endswith('.onion'):
- if False and stem:
- ip = sMapaddressResolv(host)
- if ip: return ip
- ip = sTorResolve(host)
- if ip: return ip
- if not bHAVE_TORR:
- LOG.warn(f"onion address skipped because no tor-resolve {host}")
- return ''
- try:
- sout = f"/tmp/TR{os.getpid()}.log"
- i = os.system(f"tor-resolve -4 {host} > {sout}")
- if not i:
- LOG.warn(f"onion address skipped because tor-resolve on {host}")
- return ''
- ip = open(sout, 'rt').read()
- if ip.endswith('failed.'):
- LOG.warn(f"onion address skipped because tor-resolve failed on {host}")
- return ''
- LOG.debug(f"onion address tor-resolve {ip} on {host}")
- return ip
- except:
- pass
- else:
- try:
- ip = socket.gethostbyname(host)
- LOG.debug(f"host={host} gethostbyname IP address {ip}")
- if ip:
- aHOSTS[host] = ip
- return ip
- # drop through
- except:
- # drop through
- pass
- if ip == '':
- try:
- sout = f"/tmp/TR{os.getpid()}.log"
- i = os.system(f"dig {host} +timeout=15|grep ^{host}|sed -e 's/.* //'> {sout}")
- if not i:
- LOG.warn(f"address skipped because dig failed on {host}")
- return ''
- ip = open(sout, 'rt').read().strip()
- LOG.debug(f"address dig {ip} on {host}")
- aHOSTS[host] = ip
- return ip
- except:
- ip = host
- LOG.debug(f'sDNSLookup {host} -> {ip}')
- if ip and ip != host:
- aHOSTS[host] = ip
- return ip
-def bootstrap_udp(lelts:list, lToxes:list, oArgs=None) -> None:
- lelts = lDNSClean(lelts)
- socket.setdefaulttimeout(15.0)
- for oTox in lToxes:
- random.shuffle(lelts)
- if hasattr(oTox, 'oArgs'):
- oArgs = oTox.oArgs
- if hasattr(oArgs, 'contents') and oArgs.contents.proxy_type != 0:
- lelts = lelts[:1]
-# LOG.debug(f'bootstrap_udp DHT bootstraping {oTox.name} {len(lelts)}')
- for largs in lelts:
- assert len(largs) == 3
- host, port, key = largs
- assert host; assert port; assert key
- if host in lDEAD_BS: continue
- ip = sDNSLookup(host)
- if not ip:
- LOG.warn(f'bootstrap_udp to host={host} port={port} did not resolve ip={ip}')
- continue
- if type(port) == str:
- port = int(port)
- try:
- assert len(key) == 64, key
- # NOT ip
- oRet = oTox.bootstrap(host,
- port,
- key)
- except Exception as e:
- if oArgs is None or (
- hasattr(oArgs, 'contents') and oArgs.contents.proxy_type == 0):
- pass
- # LOG.error(f'bootstrap_udp failed to host={host} port={port} {e}')
- continue
- if not oRet:
- LOG.warn(f'bootstrap_udp failed to {host} : {oRet}')
- elif oTox.self_get_connection_status() != enums.TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']:
- LOG.info(f'bootstrap_udp to {host} connected')
- break
- else:
-# LOG.debug(f'bootstrap_udp to {host} not connected')
- pass
-def bootstrap_tcp(lelts:list, lToxes:list, oArgs=None) -> None:
- lelts = lDNSClean(lelts)
- for oTox in lToxes:
- if hasattr(oTox, 'oArgs'): oArgs = oTox.oArgs
- random.shuffle(lelts)
-# LOG.debug(f'bootstrap_tcp bootstapping {oTox.name} {len(lelts)}')
- for (host, port, key,) in lelts:
- assert host; assert port;assert key
- if host in lDEAD_BS: continue
- ip = sDNSLookup(host)
- if not ip:
- LOG.warn(f'bootstrap_tcp to {host} did not resolve ip={ip}')
-# continue
- ip = host
- if host.endswith('.onion') and stem:
- l = lIntroductionPoints(host)
- if not l:
- LOG.warn(f'bootstrap_tcp to {host} has no introduction points')
- continue
- if type(port) == str:
- port = int(port)
- try:
- assert len(key) == 64, key
- oRet = oTox.add_tcp_relay(ip,
- port,
- key)
- except Exception as e:
- # The address could not be resolved to an IP address, or the IP address passed was invalid.
- LOG.warn(f'bootstrap_tcp to {host} : ' +str(e))
- continue
- if not oRet:
- LOG.warn(f'bootstrap_tcp failed to {host} : {oRet}')
- elif hasattr(oTox, 'mycon_time') and oTox.mycon_time == 1:
- LOG.debug(f'bootstrap_tcp to {host} not yet connected')
- elif hasattr(oTox, 'mycon_status') and oTox.mycon_status is False:
- LOG.debug(f'bootstrap_tcp to {host} not True')
- elif oTox.self_get_connection_status() != enums.TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']:
- LOG.info(f'bootstrap_tcp to {host} connected')
- break
- else:
-# LOG.debug(f'bootstrap_tcp to {host} but not connected'
-# +f" last={int(oTox.mycon_time)}" )
- pass
-def iNmapInfoNmap(sProt:str, sHost:str, sPort:str, key=None, environ=None, cmd:str = '') -> int:
- if sHost in ['-', 'NONE']: return 0
- if not nmap: return 0
- nmps = nmap.PortScanner
- if sProt in ['socks', 'socks5', 'tcp4']:
- prot = 'tcp'
- cmd = f" -Pn -n -sT -p T:{sPort}"
- else:
- prot = 'udp'
- cmd = f" -Pn -n -sU -p U:{sPort}"
- LOG.debug(f"iNmapInfoNmap cmd={cmd}")
- sys.stdout.flush()
- o = nmps().scan(hosts=sHost, arguments=cmd)
- aScan = o['scan']
- ip = list(aScan.keys())[0]
- state = aScan[ip][prot][sPort]['state']
- LOG.info(f"iNmapInfoNmap: to {sHost} {state}")
- return 0
-def iNmapInfo(sProt:str, sHost:str, sPort:str, key=None, environ=None, cmd:str = 'nmap'):
- if sHost in ['-', 'NONE']: return 0
- sFile = os.path.join("/tmp", f"{sHost}.{os.getpid()}.nmap")
- if sProt in ['socks', 'socks5', 'tcp4']:
- cmd += f" -Pn -n -sT -p T:{sPort} {sHost} | grep /tcp "
- else:
- cmd += f" -Pn -n -sU -p U:{sPort} {sHost} | grep /udp "
- LOG.debug(f"iNmapInfo cmd={cmd}")
- sys.stdout.flush()
- iRet = os.system(cmd +f" >{sFile} 2>&1 ")
- LOG.debug(f"iNmapInfo cmd={cmd} iRet={iRet}")
- if iRet != 0:
- return iRet
- assert os.path.exists(sFile), sFile
- with open(sFile, 'rt') as oFd:
- l = oFd.readlines()
- assert len(l)
- l = [line for line in l if line and not line.startswith('WARNING:')]
- s = '\n'.join([s.strip() for s in l])
- LOG.info(f"iNmapInfo: to {sHost}\n{s}")
- return 0
-# bootstrap_iNmapInfo(lElts, self._args, sProt)
-def bootstrap_iNmapInfo(lElts:list, oArgs, protocol:str = "tcp4", bIS_LOCAL:bool = False, iNODES:int = iNODES, cmd:str = 'nmap') -> bool:
- if not bIS_LOCAL and not bAreWeConnected():
- LOG.warn(f"bootstrap_iNmapInfo not local and NOT CONNECTED")
- return True
- if os.environ['USER'] != 'root':
- LOG.warn(f"bootstrap_iNmapInfo not ROOT USER={os.environ['USER']}")
- cmd = 'sudo ' +cmd
- lRetval = []
- LOG.info(f"bootstrap_iNmapInfo testing nmap={nmap} len={len(lElts[:iNODES])}")
- for elts in lElts[:iNODES]:
- host, port, key = elts
- ip = sDNSLookup(host)
- if not ip:
- LOG.info(f"bootstrap_iNmapInfo to {host} did not resolve ip={ip}")
- continue
- if type(port) == str:
- port = int(port)
- iRet = -1
- try:
- if not nmap:
- iRet = iNmapInfo(protocol, ip, port, key, cmd=cmd)
- else:
- iRet = iNmapInfoNmap(protocol, ip, port, key)
- if iRet != 0:
- LOG.warn('iNmapInfo to ' +repr(host) +' retval=' +str(iRet))
- lRetval += [False]
- else:
- LOG.info('iNmapInfo to ' +repr(host) +' retval=' +str(iRet))
- lRetval += [True]
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.exception('iNmapInfo to {host} : ' +str(e)
- )
- lRetval += [False]
- return any(lRetval)
-def caseFactory(cases:list) -> list:
- """We want the tests run in order."""
- if len(cases) > 1:
- ordered_cases = sorted(cases, key=lambda f: inspect.findsource(f)[1])
- else:
- ordered_cases = cases
- return ordered_cases
-def suiteFactory(*testcases):
- """We want the tests run in order."""
- linen = lambda f: getattr(tc, f).__code__.co_firstlineno
- lncmp = lambda a, b: linen(a) - linen(b)
- test_suite = unittest.TestSuite()
- for tc in testcases:
- test_suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(tc, sortUsing=lncmp))
- return test_suite
diff --git a/tox_wrapper/tests/tests_wrapper.py b/tox_wrapper/tests/tests_wrapper.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6069584..0000000
--- a/tox_wrapper/tests/tests_wrapper.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2271 +0,0 @@
-# -*- mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; py-indent-offset: 4; coding: utf-8 -*-
-# @file tests.py
-# @author Wei-Ning Huang (AZ)
-# Copyright (C) 2013 - 2014 Wei-Ning Huang (AZ)
-# All Rights reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-"""Originaly from https://github.com/oxij/PyTox c-toxcore-02 branch
-which itself was forked from https://github.com/aitjcize/PyTox/
-Modified to work with
-import ctypes
-import faulthandler
-import hashlib
-import logging
-import os
-import random
-import re
-import sys
-import threading
-import traceback
-import unittest
-from ctypes import *
-from typing import Union, Callable, Union
-import warnings
- from io import BytesIO
- import certifi
- import pycurl
-except ImportError:
- pycurl = None
-from pyannotate_runtime import collect_types
- import coloredlogs
- os.environ['COLOREDLOGS_LEVEL_STYLES'] = 'spam=22;debug=28;verbose=34;notice=220;warning=202;success=118,bold;error=124;critical=background=red'
-except ImportError as e:
- logging.log(logging.DEBUG, f"coloredlogs not available: {e}")
- coloredlogs = None
- import color_runner
-except ImportError as e:
- logging.log(logging.DEBUG, f"color_runner not available: {e}")
- color_runner = None
-import tox_wrapper
-import tox_wrapper.toxcore_enums_and_consts as enums
-from tox_wrapper.tox import Tox, UINT32_MAX, ToxError
-from tox_wrapper.toxcore_enums_and_consts import (TOX_ADDRESS_SIZE, TOX_CONNECTION,
- import support_testing as ts
-except ImportError:
- import tox_wrapper.tests.support_testing as ts
- from tests.toxygen_tests import test_sound_notification
-except ImportError:
-# from PyQt5 import QtCore
-import time
-sleep = time.sleep
-global LOG
-LOG = logging.getLogger('TestS')
-if False:
- def LOG_ERROR(l: str) -> None: LOG.error('+ '+l)
- def LOG_WARN(l: str) -> None: LOG.warn('+ '+l)
- def LOG_INFO(l: str) -> None: LOG.info('+ '+l)
- def LOG_DEBUG(l: str) -> None: LOG.debug('+ '+l)
- def LOG_TRACE(l: str) -> None: pass # print('+ '+l)
- # just print to stdout so there is NO complications from logging.
- def LOG_ERROR(l: str) -> None: print('EROR+ '+l)
- def LOG_WARN(l: str) -> None: print('WARN+ '+l)
- def LOG_INFO(l: str) -> None: print('INFO+ '+l)
- def LOG_DEBUG(l: str) -> None: print('DEBUG+ '+l)
- def LOG_TRACE(l: str) -> None: pass # print('TRAC+ '+l)
-ADDR_SIZE = 38 * 2
-CLIENT_ID_SIZE = 32 * 2
-THRESHOLD = 35 # >25
-iN = 6
-global oTOX_OPTIONS
-bIS_LOCAL = 'new' in sys.argv or 'local' in sys.argv or 'newlocal' in sys.argv
-def expectedFailure(test_item):
- test_item.__unittest_expecting_failure__ = True
- return test_item
-def expectedFail(reason: str):
- """
- expectedFailure with a reason
- """
- def decorator(test_item):
- test_item.__unittest_expecting_failure__ = True
- return test_item
- return decorator
-class ToxOptions():
- def __init__(self):
- self.ipv6_enabled = True
- self.udp_enabled = True
- self.proxy_type = 0
- self.proxy_host = ''
- self.proxy_port = 0
- self.start_port = 0
- self.end_port = 0
- self.tcp_port = 0
- self.savedata_type = 0 # 1=toxsave, 2=secretkey
- self.savedata_data = b''
- self.savedata_length = 0
- self.local_discovery_enabled = False
- self.dht_announcements_enabled = True
- self.hole_punching_enabled = False
- self.experimental_thread_safety = False
-class App():
- def __init__(self):
- self.mode = 0
-oAPP = App()
-class AliceTox(Tox):
- def __init__(self, opts, app=None):
- super(AliceTox, self).__init__(opts, app=app)
- self._address = self.self_get_address()
- self.name = 'alice'
- self._opts = opts
- self._app = app
-class BobTox(Tox):
- def __init__(self, opts, app=None):
- super(BobTox, self).__init__(opts, app=app)
- self._address = self.self_get_address()
- self.name = 'bob'
- self._opts = opts
- self._app = app
-class BaseThread(threading.Thread):
- def __init__(self, name=None, target=None):
- if name:
- super().__init__(name=name, target=target)
- else:
- super().__init__(target=target)
- self._stop_thread = False
- self.name = name
- def stop_thread(self, timeout: int = -1) -> None:
- self._stop_thread = True
- if timeout < 0:
- timeout = ts.iTHREAD_TIMEOUT
- i = 0
- while i < ts.iTHREAD_JOINS:
- self.join(timeout)
- if not self.is_alive(): break
- i = i + 1
- else:
- LOG.warning(f"{self.name} BLOCKED")
-class ToxIterateThread(BaseThread):
- def __init__(self, tox):
- super().__init__(name='ToxIterateThread')
- self._tox = tox
- def run(self) -> None:
- while not self._stop_thread:
- self._tox.iterate()
- sleep(self._tox.iteration_interval() / 1000)
-global bob, alice
-bob = alice = None
-def prepare(self):
- global bob, alice
- def bobs_on_self_connection_status(iTox, connection_state, *args) -> None:
- status = connection_state
- self.bob.dht_connected = status
- self.bob.mycon_time = time.time()
- try:
- if status != TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']:
- LOG_DEBUG(f"bobs_on_self_connection_status TRUE {status}" \
- +f" last={int(self.bob.mycon_time)}" )
- self.bob.mycon_status = True
- else:
- LOG_DEBUG(f"bobs_on_self_connection_status FALSE {status}" \
- +f" last={int(self.bob.mycon_time)}" )
- self.bob.mycon_status = False
- except Exception as e:
- LOG_ERROR(f"bobs_on_self_connection_status {e}")
- else:
- if self.bob.self_get_connection_status() != status:
- LOG_WARN(f"bobs_on_self_connection_status DISAGREE {status}")
- def alices_on_self_connection_status(iTox, connection_state: int, *args) -> None:
- #FixMe connection_num
- status = connection_state
- self.alice.dht_connected = status
- self.alice.mycon_time = time.time()
- try:
- if status != TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']:
- LOG_DEBUG(f"alices_on_self_connection_status TRUE {status}" \
- +f" last={int(self.alice.mycon_time)}" )
- self.alice.mycon_status = True
- else:
- LOG_WARN(f"alices_on_self_connection_status FALSE {status}" \
- +f" last={int(self.alice.mycon_time)}" )
- self.alice.mycon_status = False
- except Exception as e:
- LOG_ERROR(f"alices_on_self_connection_status error={e}")
- self.alice.dht_connected = status
- opts = oToxygenToxOptions(oTOX_OARGS)
- bUSE_NOREQUEST = oTOX_OARGS.norequest == 'True'
- alice = AliceTox(opts, app=oAPP)
- alice.oArgs = opts
- alice.dht_connected = -1
- alice.mycon_status = False
- alice.mycon_time = 1
- alice.callback_self_connection_status(alices_on_self_connection_status)
- bob = BobTox(opts, app=oAPP)
- bob.oArgs = opts
- bob.dht_connected = -1
- bob.mycon_status = False
- bob.mycon_time = 1
- bob.callback_self_connection_status(bobs_on_self_connection_status)
- if not bIS_LOCAL and not ts.bAreWeConnected():
- LOG.warning(f"doOnce not local and NOT CONNECTED")
- return [bob, alice]
-class ToxSuite(unittest.TestCase):
- failureException = AssertionError
- @classmethod
- def setUpClass(cls) -> None:
- global oTOX_OARGS
- assert oTOX_OPTIONS
- assert oTOX_OARGS
- cls.lUdp = ts.generate_nodes(
- oArgs=oTOX_OARGS,
- nodes_count=2*ts.iNODES,
- ipv='ipv4',
- udp_not_tcp=True)
- cls.lTcp = ts.generate_nodes(
- oArgs=oTOX_OARGS,
- nodes_count=2*ts.iNODES,
- ipv='ipv4',
- udp_not_tcp=False)
- def tearDown(self) -> None:
- """
- """
- if hasattr(self, 'bob') and self.bob.self_get_friend_list_size() >= 1:
- LOG.warn(f"tearDown BOBS STILL HAS A FRIEND LIST {self.bob.self_get_friend_list()}")
- for elt in self.bob.self_get_friend_list():
- self.bob.friend_delete(elt)
- if hasattr(self, 'alice') and self.alice.self_get_friend_list_size() >= 1:
- LOG.warn(f"tearDown ALICE STILL HAS A FRIEND LIST {self.alice.self_get_friend_list()}")
- for elt in self.alice.self_get_friend_list():
- self.alice.friend_delete(elt)
- LOG.debug(f"tearDown threads={threading.active_count()}")
- if hasattr(self, 'bob'):
- bob.callback_self_connection_status(None)
- if hasattr(self.bob, 'main_loop'):
- self.bob._main_loop.stop_thread()
- del self.bob._main_loop
-# self.bob.kill()
- del self.bob
- if hasattr(self, 'alice'):
- alice.callback_self_connection_status(None)
- if hasattr(self.alice, 'main_loop'):
- self.alice._main_loop.stop_thread()
- del self.alice._main_loop
-# self.alice.kill()
- del self.alice
- @classmethod
- def tearDownClass(cls) -> None:
- if hasattr(cls, 'bob'):
- cls.bob._main_loop.stop_thread()
- cls.bob.kill()
- del cls.bob
- if hasattr(cls, 'alice'):
- cls.alice._main_loop.stop_thread()
- cls.alice.kill()
- del cls.alice
- def bBobNeedAlice(self) -> bool:
- """
- """
- if hasattr(self, 'baid') and self.baid >= 0 and \
- self.baid in self.bob.self_get_friend_list():
- return False
- elif self.bob.self_get_friend_list_size() >= 1:
- return False
- return True
- def bAliceNeedAddBob (self) -> bool:
- if hasattr(self, 'abid') and self.abid >= 0 and \
- self.abid in self.alice.self_get_friend_list():
- return False
- elif self.alice.self_get_friend_list_size() >= 1:
- return False
- return True
- def setUp(self):
- cls = self
- if not hasattr(cls, 'alice') and not hasattr(cls, 'bob'):
- l = prepare(cls)
- assert l
- cls.bob, cls.alice = l
- if not hasattr(cls.bob, '_main_loop'):
-#? cls.bob._main_loop = ToxIterateThread(cls.bob)
-#? cls.bob._main_loop.start()
- LOG.debug(f"cls.bob._main_loop: ") # {threading.enumerate()}
- if not hasattr(cls.alice, '_main_loop'):
-#? cls.alice._main_loop = ToxIterateThread(cls.alice)
-#? cls.alice._main_loop.start()
- LOG.debug(f"cls.alice._main_loop: ") # {threading.enumerate()}
- self.bBobNeedAlice()
- self.bAliceNeedAddBob()
- def run(self, result=None) -> None:
- """ Stop after first error """
- if not result.errors:
- super(ToxSuite, self).run(result)
- def get_connection_status(self) -> None:
- if self.bob.mycon_time <= 1 or self.alice.mycon_time <= 1:
- pass
- # drop through
- elif self.bob.dht_connected == TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']:
- return False
- elif self.alice.dht_connected == TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']:
- return False
- # if not self.connected
- if self.bob.self_get_connection_status() == TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']:
- return False
- if self.alice.self_get_connection_status() == TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']:
- return False
- return True
- def loop(self, n) -> None:
- """
- t:iterate
- t:iteration_interval
- """
- interval = self.bob.iteration_interval()
- for i in range(n):
- self.alice.iterate()
- self.bob.iterate()
- sleep(interval / 1000.0)
- def call_bootstrap(self, num: Union[int, None] = None, lToxes:list[int] =None, i:int =0) -> None:
- if num == None: num=ts.iNODES
- if lToxes is None:
- lToxes = [self.alice, self.bob]
-# LOG.debug(f"call_bootstrap network={oTOX_OARGS.network}")
- if oTOX_OARGS.network in ['new', 'newlocal', 'localnew']:
- ts.bootstrap_local(self.lUdp, lToxes)
- elif not ts.bAreWeConnected():
- LOG.warning('we are NOT CONNECTED')
- else:
- random.shuffle(self.lUdp)
- if oTOX_OARGS.proxy_port > 0:
- lElts = self.lUdp[:1]
- else:
- lElts = self.lUdp[:num+i]
- LOG.debug(f"call_bootstrap ts.bootstrap_udp {len(lElts)}")
- ts.bootstrap_udp(lElts, lToxes)
- random.shuffle(self.lTcp)
- lElts = self.lTcp[:num+i]
- LOG.debug(f"call_bootstrap ts.bootstrap_tcp {len(lElts)}")
- ts.bootstrap_tcp(lElts, lToxes)
- def group_until_connected(self, otox, group_number:int, num: Union[int, None] = None, iMax:int = THRESHOLD) -> None:
- """
- """
- i = 0
- bRet = None
- while i <= iMax :
- iRet = otox.group_is_connected(group_number)
- if iRet == True or iRet == 0:
- bRet = True
- break
- if i % 5 == 0:
- j = i//5
- self.call_bootstrap(num, lToxes=None, i=j)
- s = ''
- if i == 0: s = '\n'
- LOG.info(s+"group_until_connected " \
- +" #" + str(i) \
- +" iRet=" +repr(iRet) \
- +f" BOBS={otox.mycon_status}" \
- +f" last={int(otox.mycon_time)}" )
- i += 1
- self.loop(100)
- else:
- bRet = False
- if bRet:
- LOG.info(f"group_until_connected True i={i}" \
- +f" iMax={iMax}" \
- +f" BOB={otox.self_get_connection_status()}" \
- +f" last={int(otox.mycon_time)}" )
- return True
- else:
- LOG.warning(f"group_until_connected False i={i}" \
- +f" iMax={iMax}" \
- +f" BOB={otox.self_get_connection_status()}" \
- +f" last={int(otox.mycon_time)}" )
- return False
- def loop_until_connected(self, num: Union[int, None] = None) -> None:
- """
- t:on_self_connection_status
- t:self_get_connection_status
- """
- global THRESHOLD
- i = 0
- bRet = None
- while i <= THRESHOLD :
- if (self.alice.mycon_status and self.bob.mycon_status):
- bRet = True
- break
- if i % 5 == 0:
- j = i//5
- self.call_bootstrap(num, lToxes=None, i=j)
- s = ''
- if i == 0: s = '\n'
- LOG.info(s+"loop_until_connected " \
- +" #" + str(i) \
- +" BOB=" +repr(self.bob.self_get_connection_status()) \
- +" ALICE=" +repr(self.alice.self_get_connection_status())
- +f" BOBS={self.bob.mycon_status}" \
- +f" ALICES={self.alice.mycon_status}" \
- +f" last={int(self.bob.mycon_time)}" )
- if (self.alice.mycon_status and self.bob.mycon_status):
- bRet = True
- break
- if (self.alice.self_get_connection_status() and
- self.bob.self_get_connection_status()):
- LOG_WARN(f"loop_until_connected disagree status() DISAGREE" \
- +f' self.bob.mycon_status={self.bob.mycon_status}' \
- +f' alice.mycon_status={self.alice.mycon_status}' \
- +f" last={int(self.bob.mycon_time)}" )
- bRet = True
- break
- i += 1
- self.loop(100)
- else:
- bRet = False
- if bRet or \
- ( self.bob.self_get_connection_status() != TOX_CONNECTION['NONE'] and \
- self.alice.self_get_connection_status() != TOX_CONNECTION['NONE'] ):
- LOG.info(f"loop_until_connected returning True {i}" \
- +f" BOB={self.bob.self_get_connection_status()}" \
- +f" ALICE={self.alice.self_get_connection_status()}" \
- +f" last={int(self.bob.mycon_time)}" )
- return True
- else:
- LOG.warning(f"loop_until_connected returning False {i}" \
- +f" BOB={self.bob.self_get_connection_status()}" \
- +f" ALICE={self.alice.self_get_connection_status()}" \
- +f" last={int(self.bob.mycon_time)}" )
- return False
- def wait_objs_attr(self, objs: list, attr: str) -> bool:
- global THRESHOLD
- i = 0
- while i <= THRESHOLD:
- if i % 5 == 0:
- num = None
- j = 0
- j = i//5
- self.call_bootstrap(num, objs, i=j)
- LOG.debug(f"wait_objs_attr {objs} for {attr} {i}")
- if all([getattr(obj, attr) for obj in objs]):
- return True
- self.loop(100)
- i += 1
- else:
- LOG.warn(f"wait_objs_attr for {attr} i >= {THRESHOLD}")
- return all([getattr(obj, attr) is not None for obj in objs])
- def wait_otox_attrs(self, obj, attrs: list[str]) -> bool:
- assert all(attrs), f"wait_otox_attrs {attrs}"
- i = 0
- while i <= THRESHOLD:
- if i % 5 == 0:
- num = None
- j = 0
- if obj.mycon_time == 1:
- num = 4
- j = i//5
- if obj.self_get_connection_status() == TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']:
- self.call_bootstrap(num, [obj], i=j)
- LOG.debug(f"wait_otox_attrs {obj.name} for {attrs} {i}" \
- +f" last={int(obj.mycon_time)}")
- if all([getattr(obj, attr) is not None for attr in attrs]):
- return True
- self.loop(100)
- i += 1
- else:
- LOG.warning(f"wait_otox_attrs i >= {THRESHOLD} results={[getattr(obj, attr) for attr in attrs]}")
- return all([getattr(obj, attr) for attr in attrs])
- def wait_ensure_exec(self, method, args:list) -> bool:
- i = 0
- oRet = None
- while i <= THRESHOLD:
- if i % 5 == 0:
- j = i//5
- self.call_bootstrap(num=None, lToxes=None, i=j)
- LOG.debug("wait_ensure_exec " \
- +" " +str(method)
- +" " +str(i))
- try:
- oRet = method(*args)
- if oRet:
- LOG.info(f"wait_ensure_exec oRet {oRet!r}")
- return True
- except ArgumentError as e:
- # ArgumentError('This client is currently NOT CONNECTED to the friend.')
- # dunno
- LOG.warning(f"wait_ensure_exec ArgumentError {e}")
- return False
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.warning(f"wait_ensure_exec EXCEPTION {e}")
- return False
- sleep(3)
- i += 1
- else:
- LOG.error(f"wait_ensure_exec i >= {1*THRESHOLD}")
- return False
- return oRet
- def bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest(self) -> bool:
- if not self.bBobNeedAlice(): return True
- MSG = 'Hi, this is Bob.'
- iRet = self.bob.friend_add_norequest(self.alice._address)
- if iRet < 0:
- return False
- self.baid = self.bob.friend_by_public_key(self.alice._address)
- assert self.baid >= 0, self.baid
- assert self.bob.friend_exists(self.baid), "bob.friend_exists"
- assert not self.bob.friend_exists(self.baid + 1)
- assert self.baid in self.bob.self_get_friend_list()
- assert self.bob.self_get_friend_list_size() >= 1
- return True
- def alice_add_bob_as_friend_norequest(self) -> bool:
- if not self.bAliceNeedAddBob(): return True
- iRet = self.alice.friend_add_norequest(self.bob._address)
- if iRet < 0:
- return False
- self.abid = self.alice.friend_by_public_key(self.bob._address)
- assert self.abid >= 0, self.abid
- assert self.abid in self.alice.self_get_friend_list()
- assert self.alice.friend_exists(self.abid), "alice.friend_exists"
- assert not self.alice.friend_exists(self.abid + 1)
- assert self.alice.self_get_friend_list_size() >= 1
- return True
- def both_add_as_friend(self) -> bool:
- assert self.bob_add_alice_as_friend()
- assert self.alice_add_bob_as_friend_norequest()
- else:
- assert self.bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest()
- assert self.alice_add_bob_as_friend_norequest()
- if not hasattr(self, 'baid') or self.baid < 0:
- LOG.warn("both_add_as_friend no bob, baid")
- if not hasattr(self, 'abid') or self.abid < 0:
- LOG.warn("both_add_as_friend no alice, abid")
- return True
- def both_add_as_friend_norequest(self) -> bool:
- if self.bBobNeedAlice():
- assert self.bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest()
- if self.bAliceNeedAddBob():
- assert self.alice_add_bob_as_friend_norequest()
- if not hasattr(self, 'baid') or self.baid < 0:
- LOG.warn("both_add_as_friend_norequest no bob, baid")
- if not hasattr(self, 'abid') or self.abid < 0:
- LOG.warn("both_add_as_friend_norequest no alice, abid")
- #: Test last online
-#? assert self.alice.friend_get_last_online(self.abid) is not None
-#? assert self.bob.friend_get_last_online(self.baid) is not None
- return True
- def bob_add_alice_as_friend(self) -> bool:
- """
- t:friend_add
- t:on_friend_request
- t:friend_by_public_key
- """
- MSG = 'Alice, this is Bob.'
- sSlot = 'friend_request'
- if not self.bBobNeedAlice(): return True
- def alices_on_friend_request(iTox,
- public_key,
- message_data,
- message_data_size,
- *largs) -> None:
- LOG_DEBUG(f"alices_on_friend_request: " +repr(message_data))
- try:
- assert str(message_data, 'UTF-8') == MSG
- LOG_INFO(f"alices_on_friend_request: {sSlot} = True ")
- except Exception as e:
- LOG_WARN(f"alices_on_friend_request: EXCEPTION {e}")
- # return
- setattr(self.bob, sSlot, True)
- setattr(self.bob, sSlot, None)
- inum = -1
- try:
- inum = self.bob.friend_add(self.alice._address, bytes(MSG, 'UTF-8'))
- assert inum >= 0, f"bob_add_alice_as_friend !>= 0 {inum}"
- self.alice.callback_friend_request(alices_on_friend_request)
- if not self.wait_otox_attrs(self.bob, [sSlot]):
- LOG_WARN(f"bob_add_alice_as_friend NO {sSlot}")
- # return False
- self.baid = self.bob.friend_by_public_key(self.alice._address)
- assert self.baid >= 0, self.baid
- assert self.bob.friend_exists(self.baid)
- assert not self.bob.friend_exists(self.baid + 1)
- assert self.bob.self_get_friend_list_size() >= 1
- assert self.baid in self.bob.self_get_friend_list()
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.error(f"bob_add_alice_as_friend EXCEPTION {e}")
- return False
- finally:
- self.bob.callback_friend_message(None)
- return True
- def alice_add_bob_as_friend(self) -> bool:
- """
- t:friend_add
- t:on_friend_request
- t:friend_by_public_key
- """
- MSG = 'Bob, this is Alice.'
- sSlot = 'friend_request'
- if not self.bAliceNeedAddBob(): return True
- def bobs_on_friend_request(iTox,
- public_key,
- message_data,
- message_data_size,
- *largs) -> None:
- LOG_DEBUG(f"bobs_on_friend_request: " +repr(message_data))
- try:
- assert str(message_data, 'UTF-8') == MSG
- except Exception as e:
- LOG_WARN(f"bobs_on_friend_request: Exception {e}")
- # return
- setattr(self.alice, sSlot, True)
- LOG_INFO(f"bobs_on_friend_request: {sSlot} = True ")
- setattr(self.alice, sSlot, None)
- inum = -1
- try:
- inum = self.alice.friend_add(self.bob._address, bytes(MSG, 'UTF-8'))
- assert inum >= 0, f"alice.friend_add !>= 0 {inum}"
- self.bob.callback_friend_request(bobs_on_friend_request)
- if not self.wait_otox_attrs(self.alice, [sSlot]):
- LOG_WARN(f"alice.friend_add NO wait {sSlot}")
- #? return False
- self.abid = self.alice.friend_by_public_key(self.bob._address)
- assert self.abid >= 0, self.abid
- assert self.alice.friend_exists(self.abid), "not exists"
- assert not self.alice.friend_exists(self.abid + 1), "exists +1"
- assert self.abid in self.alice.self_get_friend_list(), "not in list"
- assert self.alice.self_get_friend_list_size() >= 1, "list size"
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.error(f"alice.friend_add EXCEPTION {e}")
- return False
- finally:
- self.bob.callback_friend_message(None)
- return True
- def bob_add_alice_as_friend_and_status(self) -> bool:
- assert self.bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest()
- else:
- assert self.bob_add_alice_as_friend()
- #: Wait until both are online
- sSlot = 'friend_conn_status'
- setattr(self.bob, sSlot, False)
- def bobs_on_friend_connection_status(iTox, friend_id, iStatus, *largs) -> None:
- LOG_INFO(f"bobs_on_friend_connection_status {friend_id} ?>=0" +repr(iStatus))
- setattr(self.bob, sSlot, False)
- sSlot = 'friend_status'
- setattr(self.bob, sSlot, None)
- def bobs_on_friend_status(iTox, friend_id, iStatus, *largs) -> None:
- LOG_INFO(f"bobs_on_friend_status {friend_id} ?>=0" +repr(iStatus))
- setattr(self.bob, sSlot, False)
- sSlot = 'friend_conn_status'
- setattr(self.alice, sSlot, None)
- def alices_on_friend_connection_status(iTox, friend_id, iStatus, *largs) -> None:
- LOG_INFO(f"alices_on_friend_connection_status {friend_id} ?>=0 " +repr(iStatus))
- setattr(self.alice, sSlot, False)
- sSlot = 'friend_status'
- setattr(self.alice, sSlot, None)
- def alices_on_friend_status(iTox, friend_id, iStatus, *largs) -> None:
- LOG_INFO(f"alices_on_friend_status {friend_id} ?>=0 " +repr(iStatus))
- setattr(self.alice, sSlot, False)
- try:
- LOG.info("bob_add_alice_as_friend_and_status waiting for alice connections")
- if not self.wait_otox_attrs(self.alice,
- ['friend_conn_status',
- 'friend_status']):
- return False
- self.bob.callback_friend_connection_status(bobs_on_friend_connection_status)
- self.bob.callback_friend_status(bobs_on_friend_status)
- self.alice.callback_friend_connection_status(alices_on_friend_connection_status)
- self.alice.callback_friend_status(alices_on_friend_status)
- LOG.info("bob_add_alice_as_friend_and_status waiting for bob connections")
- if not self.wait_otox_attrs(self.bob,
- ['friend_conn_status',
- 'friend_status']):
- LOG_WARN('bob_add_alice_as_friend_and_status NO')
- # return False
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.error(f"bob_add_alice_as_friend_and_status ERROR {e}")
- return False
- finally:
- self.alice.callback_friend_connection_status(None)
- self.bob.callback_friend_connection_status(None)
- self.alice.callback_friend_status(None)
- self.bob.callback_friend_status(None)
- return True
- def bob_to_alice_connected(self) -> bool:
- assert hasattr(self, 'baid')
- iRet = self.bob.friend_get_connection_status(self.baid)
- if iRet == TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']:
- LOG.warn("bob.friend_get_connection_status")
- return False
- return True
- def alice_to_bob_connected(self) -> bool:
- assert hasattr(self, 'abid')
- iRet = self.alice.friend_get_connection_status(self.abid)
- if iRet == TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']:
- LOG.error("alice.friend_get_connection_status")
- return False
- return True
- def otox_test_groups_create(self,
- otox,
- group_name='test_group',
- nick='test_nick',
- topic='Test Topic', # str
- ) -> int:
- privacy_state = enums.TOX_GROUP_PRIVACY_STATE['PUBLIC']
- iGrp = otox.group_new(privacy_state, group_name, nick)
- assert iGrp >= 0
- LOG.info(f"group iGrp={iGrp}")
- otox.group_set_topic(iGrp, topic)
- assert otox.group_get_topic(iGrp) == topic
- assert otox.group_get_topic_size(iGrp) == len(topic)
- name = otox.group_get_name(iGrp)
- if type(name) == bytes:
- name = str(name, 'utf-8')
- assert name == group_name, name
- assert otox.group_get_name_size(iGrp) == len(group_name)
- sPk = otox.group_self_get_public_key(iGrp)
- assert otox.group_get_password_size(iGrp) >= 0
- sP = otox.group_get_password(iGrp)
- assert otox.group_get_privacy_state(iGrp) == privacy_state
- assert otox.group_get_number_groups() > 0, "numg={otox.group_get_number_groups()}"
- LOG.info(f"group pK={sPk} iGrp={iGrp} numg={otox.group_get_number_groups()}")
- return iGrp
- def otox_verify_group(self, otox, iGrp) -> int:
- """
- group_self_get_name
- group_self_get_peer_id
- group_self_get_public_key
- group_self_get_role
- group_self_get_status
- group_self_set_name
- """
- group_number = iGrp
- try:
- assert type(iGrp) == int, "otox_test_groups_join iGrp not an int"
- assert iGrp < UINT32_MAX, "otox_test_groups_join iGrp failure UINT32_MAX"
- assert iGrp >= 0, f"otox_test_groups_join iGrp={iGrp} < 0"
- sGrp = otox.group_get_chat_id(iGrp)
- assert len(sGrp) == enums.TOX_GROUP_CHAT_ID_SIZE * 2, \
- f"group sGrp={sGrp} {len(sGrp)} != {enums.TOX_GROUP_CHAT_ID_SIZE * 2}"
- sPk = otox.group_self_get_public_key(iGrp)
- LOG.info(f"otox_verify_group sPk={sPk} iGrp={iGrp} n={otox.group_get_number_groups()}")
- sName = otox.group_self_get_name(iGrp)
- iStat = otox.group_self_get_status(iGrp)
- iId = otox.group_self_get_peer_id(iGrp)
- iRole = otox.group_self_get_role(iGrp)
- iStat = otox.group_self_get_status(iGrp)
- LOG.info(f"otox_verify_group sName={sName} iStat={iStat} iId={iId} iRole={iRole} iStat={iStat}")
- assert otox.group_self_set_name(iGrp, "NewName")
- bRet = otox.group_is_connected(iGrp)
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.warn(f"group_is_connected EXCEPTION {e}")
- return -1
- # chat->connection_state == CS_CONNECTED || chat->connection_state == CS_CONNECTING;
- if not bRet:
- LOG.warn(f"group_is_connected WARN not connected iGrp={iGrp} n={otox.group_get_number_groups()}")
- else:
- LOG.info(f"group_is_connected SUCCESS connected iGrp={iGrp} n={otox.group_get_number_groups()}")
- try:
- bRet = self.group_until_connected(otox, iGrp, iMax=2*THRESHOLD)
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.error(f"group_until_connected EXCEPTION {e}")
- return -1
- # chat->connection_state == CS_CONNECTED || chat->connection_state == CS_CONNECTING;
- if bRet:
- LOG.warn(f"group_until_connected WARN not connected iGrp={iGrp} n={otox.group_get_number_groups()}")
- else:
- LOG.info(f"group_until_connected SUCCESS connected iGrp={iGrp} n={otox.group_get_number_groups()}")
- message = bytes('hello', 'utf-8')
- bRet = otox.group_send_message(iGrp, TOX_MESSAGE_TYPE['NORMAL'], message)
- if not bRet:
- LOG.warn(f"group_send_message {bRet}")
- else:
- LOG.debug(f"group_send_message {bRet}")
- # 360497DA684BCE2A500C1AF9B3A5CE949BBB9F6FB1F91589806FB04CA039E313
- # 75D2163C19FEFFE51508046398202DDC321E6F9B6654E99BAE45FFEC134F05DE
- def otox_test_groups_join(self, otox,
- chat_id="75d2163c19feffe51508046398202ddc321e6f9b6654e99bae45ffec134f05de",
- nick='nick',
- topic='Test Topic', # str
- ):
- status = ''
- password = ''
- LOG.debug(f"group_join nick={nick} chat_id={chat_id}")
- try:
- iGrp = otox.group_join(chat_id, password, nick, status)
- LOG.info(f"otox_test_groups_join SUCCESS iGrp={iGrp} chat_id={chat_id}")
- self.otox_verify_group(otox, iGrp)
- except Exception as e:
- # gui
- LOG.error(f"otox_test_groups_join EXCEPTION {e}")
- raise
- return iGrp
- def otox_test_groups(self,
- otox,
- group_name='test_group',
- nick='test_nick',
- topic='Test Topic', # str
- ) -> int:
- try:
- iGrp = self.otox_test_groups_create(otox, group_name, nick, topic)
- self.otox_verify_group(otox, iGrp)
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.error(f"otox_test_groups ERROR {e}")
- raise
- # unfinished
- # tox_group_peer_exit_cb
- # tox_callback_group_peer_join
- # tox.callback_group_peer_status
- # tox.callback_group_peer_name
- # tox.callback_group_peer_exit
- # tox.callback_group_peer_join
- return iGrp
- def wait_friend_get_connection_status(self, otox, fid:int, n:int = iN) -> int:
- i = 0
- while i < n:
- iRet = otox.friend_get_connection_status(fid)
- if iRet == TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']:
-# LOG.debug(f"wait_friend_get_connection_status NOT CONNECTED i={i} {iRet}")
- self.loop_until_connected()
- else:
- LOG.info("wait_friend_get_connection_status {iRet}")
- return True
- i += 1
- else:
- LOG.error(f"wait_friend_get_connection_status n={n}")
- return False
- def warn_if_no_cb(self, alice, sSlot:str) -> None:
- if not hasattr(alice, sSlot+'_cb') or \
- not getattr(alice, sSlot+'_cb'):
- LOG.warning(f"self.bob.{sSlot}_cb NOT EXIST")
- def warn_if_cb(self, alice, sSlot:str) -> None:
- if hasattr(self.bob, sSlot+'_cb') and \
- getattr(self.bob, sSlot+'_cb'):
- LOG.warning(f"self.bob.{sSlot}_cb EXIST")
- # tests are executed in order
- def test_notice_log(self) -> None: # works
- notice = '/var/lib/tor/.SelekTOR/3xx/cache/9050/notice.log'
- if os.path.exists(notice):
- iRet = os.system(f"sudo sed -e '1,/.notice. Bootstrapped 100%/d' {notice}" + \
- "| grep 'Tried for 120 seconds to get a connection to :0.'")
- if iRet == 0:
- raise SystemExit("seconds to get a connection to :0")
- else:
- LOG.debug(f"checked {notice}")
- def test_tests_logging(self): # works
- with self.assertLogs('foo', level='INFO') as cm:
- logging.getLogger('foo').info('first message')
- logging.getLogger('foo.bar').error('second message')
- logging.getLogger('foo.bar.baz').debug('third message')
- self.assertEqual(cm.output, ['INFO:foo:first message',
- 'ERROR:foo.bar:second message'])
- def test_hash(self): # works
- otox = self.bob
- string = 'abcdef'
- name = otox.hash(bytes(string, 'utf-8'))
- assert name
- string = b'abcdef'
- name = otox.hash(string)
- assert name
- LOG.info(f"test_hash: {string} -> {name} ")
- def test_tests_start(self) -> None: # works
- """
- t:hash
- t:kill
- t:libtoxcore
- t:options_default
- t:options_free
- t:options_new
- t:self_get_toxid
- """
- LOG.info("test_tests_start " )
- port = ts.tox_bootstrapd_port()
- assert len(self.bob._address) == 2*TOX_ADDRESS_SIZE, len(self.bob._address)
- assert len(self.alice._address) == 2*TOX_ADDRESS_SIZE, \
- len(self.alice._address)
- assert self.bob.self_get_address() == self.bob._address
- assert self.alice.self_get_address() == self.alice._address
- def test_bootstrap_local_netstat(self) -> None: # works
- """
- t:callback_file_chunk_request
- t:callback_file_recv
- t:callback_file_recv_chunk
- t:callback_file_recv_control
- t:callback_friend_connection_status
- t:callback_friend_lossless_packet
- t:callback_friend_lossy_packet
- t:callback_friend_message
- t:callback_friend_name
- t:callback_friend_read_receipt
- t:callback_friend_request
- t:callback_friend_status
- t:callback_friend_status_message
- t:callback_friend_typing
- t:callback_group_custom_packet
- t:callback_group_invite
- """
- if oTOX_OARGS.network not in ['new', 'newlocal', 'local']:
- return
- port = ts.tox_bootstrapd_port()
- if not port:
- return
- iStatus = os.system(f"""netstat -nle4 | grep :{port}""")
- if iStatus == 0:
- LOG.info(f"bootstrap_local_netstat port {port} iStatus={iStatus}")
- else:
- LOG.warning(f"bootstrap_local_netstat NOT {port} iStatus={iStatus}")
- def test_bootstrap_local(self) -> None: # works
- """
- t:call_bootstrap
- t:add_tcp_relay
- t:self_get_dht_id
- """
- # get port from /etc/tox-bootstrapd.conf 33445
- self.call_bootstrap()
- # ts.bootstrap_local(self, self.lUdp)
- i = 0
- iStatus = -1
- while i < 10:
- i = i + 1
- iStatus = self.bob.self_get_connection_status()
- if iStatus != TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']:
- break
- sleep(3)
- else:
- pass
- o1 = self.alice.self_get_dht_id()
- assert len(o1) == 64
- o2 = self.bob.self_get_dht_id()
- assert len(o2) == 64
-# if o1 != o2: LOG.warning(f"bootstrap_local DHT NOT same {o1} {o2} iStatus={iStatus}")
- iStatus = self.bob.self_get_connection_status()
- if iStatus != TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']:
- LOG.info(f"bootstrap_local connected iStatus={iStatus}")
- return True
- iStatus = self.alice.self_get_connection_status()
- if iStatus != TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']:
- LOG.info(f"bootstrap_local connected iStatus={iStatus}")
- return True
- LOG.warning(f"bootstrap_local NOT CONNECTED iStatus={iStatus}")
- return False
- def test_bootstrap_iNmapInfo(self) -> None: # works
-# if os.environ['USER'] != 'root':
-# return
- iStatus = self.bob.self_get_connection_status()
- LOG.info(f"test_bootstrap_iNmapInfo connected bob iStatus={iStatus}")
- if oTOX_OARGS.network in ['new', 'newlocal', 'localnew']:
- lElts = self.lUdp
- elif oTOX_OARGS.proxy_port > 0:
- lElts = self.lTcp
- else:
- lElts = self.lUdp
- lRetval = []
- random.shuffle(lElts)
- # assert
- ts.bootstrap_iNmapInfo(lElts, oTOX_OARGS, bIS_LOCAL, iNODES=8)
- def test_self_get_secret_key(self) -> None: # works
- """
- t:self_get_secret_key
- """
- # test_self_get_secret_key
- secret_key = create_string_buffer(CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE)
- oRet0 = self.alice.self_get_secret_key(secret_key)
- assert oRet0, repr(oRet0)
- LOG.info('test_self_get_secret_key ' +repr(oRet0))
- assert len(str(oRet0))
- del secret_key
- def test_self_get_public_keys(self) -> None: # works
- """
- t:self_get_secret_key
- t:self_get_public_key
- """
- LOG.info('test_self_get_public_keys self.alice.self_get_secret_key')
- oRet0 = self.alice.self_get_secret_key()
- assert len(oRet0)
- LOG.info('test_self_get_public_keys ' +repr(oRet0))
- oRet1 = self.alice.self_get_public_key()
- assert len(oRet1)
- LOG.info('test_self_get_public_keys ' +repr(oRet1))
- assert oRet0 != oRet1, repr(oRet0) +' != ' +repr(oRet1)
- def test_self_name(self) -> None: # works
- """
- t:self_set_name
- t:self_get_name
- t:self_get_name_size
- """
- self.alice.self_set_name('Alice')
- assert self.alice.self_get_name() == 'Alice'
- assert self.alice.self_get_name_size() == len('Alice')
- self.bob.self_set_name('Bob')
- assert self.bob.self_get_name() == 'Bob'
- assert self.bob.self_get_name_size() == len('Bob')
- @unittest.skip('loud')
- @unittest.skipIf(bIS_NOT_TOXYGEN or oTOX_OARGS.mode == 0, 'not testing in toxygen')
- def test_sound_notification(self) -> None: # works
- """
- Plays sound notification
- :param type of notification
- """
- from tests.toxygen_tests import test_sound_notification
- test_sound_notification(self)
- def test_address(self) -> None: # works
- """
- t:self_get_address
- t:self_get_nospam
- t:self_set_nospam
- t:self_get_keys
- """
- assert len(self.alice.self_get_address()) == ADDR_SIZE
- assert len(self.bob.self_get_address()) == ADDR_SIZE
- self.alice.self_set_nospam(0x12345678)
- assert self.alice.self_get_nospam() == 0x12345678
- self.loop(50)
- if hasattr(self.alice, 'self_get_keys'):
- pk, sk = self.alice.self_get_keys()
- assert pk == self.alice.self_get_address()[:CLIENT_ID_SIZE]
- def test_status_message(self) -> None: # works
- """
- t:self_get_status_message
- t:self_get_status_message_size
- """
- MSG = 'Happy'
- self.alice.self_set_status_message(MSG)
- self.loop(100)
- assert self.alice.self_get_status_message() == MSG, \
- self.alice.self_get_status_message() +' is not ' +MSG
- assert self.alice.self_get_status_message_size() == len(MSG)
- def test_self_get_udp_port(self) -> None: # works
- """
- t:self_get_udp_port
- """
- if hasattr(oTOX_OPTIONS, 'udp_port') and oTOX_OPTIONS.udp_port:
- o = self.alice.self_get_udp_port()
- LOG.info('self_get_udp_port alice ' +repr(o))
- assert o > 0
- o = self.bob.self_get_udp_port()
- LOG.info('self_get_udp_port bob ' +repr(o))
- assert o > 0
- def test_self_get_tcp_port(self) -> None: # works
- """
- t:self_get_tcp_port
- """
- if hasattr(oTOX_OPTIONS, 'tcp_port') and oTOX_OPTIONS.tcp_port:
- # errors if tcp_port <= 0
- o = self.alice.self_get_tcp_port()
- LOG.info('self_get_tcp_port ' +repr(o))
- o = self.bob.self_get_tcp_port()
- LOG.info('self_get_tcp_port ' +repr(o))
- def test_get_dht_id(self) -> None: # works
- """
- t:self_get_dht_id
- """
- o1 = self.alice.self_get_dht_id()
- assert len(o1) == 64
- o2 = self.bob.self_get_dht_id()
- assert len(o2) == 64
- def test_bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest(self) -> None: # works
- """
- t:friend_delete
- t:friend_exists
- t:friend_add_norequest
- t:friend_get_public_key
- t:self_get_friend_list
- t:self_get_friend_list_size
- """
- i = len(self.bob.self_get_friend_list())
- assert self.bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest()
- assert len(self.bob.self_get_friend_list()) == i + 1
- #: Test last online
- assert self.bob.friend_get_last_online(self.baid) is not None
- if hasattr(self, 'baid') and self.baid >= 0:
- self.bob.friend_delete(self.baid)
- def test_alice_add_bob_as_friend_norequest(self) -> None: # works - intermittent failures
- """
- t:friend_delete
- t:friend_exists
- t:friend_get_public_key
- t:self_get_friend_list
- t:self_get_friend_list_size
- """
- i = len(self.alice.self_get_friend_list())
- assert self.alice_add_bob_as_friend_norequest()
- assert len(self.alice.self_get_friend_list()) == i + 1
- #: Test last online
- assert self.alice.friend_get_last_online(self.abid) is not None
- if hasattr(self, 'abid') and self.abid >= 0:
- self.alice.friend_delete(self.abid)
- def test_both_add_as_friend_norequest(self) -> None: # works
- """
- t:friend_delete
- t:friend_exists
- t:friend_get_public_key
- t:self_get_friend_list
- t:self_get_friend_list_size
- """
- try:
- self.both_add_as_friend_norequest()
- assert len(self.bob.self_get_friend_list()) > 0
- assert len(self.alice.self_get_friend_list()) > 0
- except AssertionError as e:
- LOG.error(f"Failed test {e}")
- raise
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.error(f"Failed test {e}")
- raise
- finally:
- if hasattr(self, 'baid') and self.baid >= 0:
- self.bob.friend_delete(self.baid)
- assert len(self.bob.self_get_friend_list()) == 0
- if hasattr(self, 'abid') and self.abid >= 0:
- self.alice.friend_delete(self.abid)
- assert len(self.alice.self_get_friend_list()) == 0
- def test_bob_add_alice_as_friend_and_status(self) -> None:
- """
- t:friend_delete
- t:friend_exists
- t:friend_get_public_key
- t:self_get_friend_list
- t:self_get_friend_list_size
- """
- self.bob_add_alice_as_friend_and_status()
- if hasattr(self, 'baid') and self.baid >= 0:
- self.bob.friend_delete(self.baid)
- @unittest.skip('unfinished')
- def test_alice_add_bob_as_friend_and_status(self) -> None:
- assert self.alice_add_bob_as_friend_and_status()
- if hasattr(self, 'abid') and self.abid >= 0:
- self.alice.friend_delete(self.abid)
- def test_loop_until_connected(self) -> None: # works
- assert self.loop_until_connected()
- def test_bob_assert_connection_status(self) -> None: # works
- if self.bob.self_get_connection_status() == TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']:
- AssertionError("ERROR: NOT CONNECTED " \
- +repr(self.bob.self_get_connection_status()))
- def test_alice_assert_connection_status(self) -> None: # works
- if self.alice.self_get_connection_status() == TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']:
- AssertionError("ERROR: NOT CONNECTED " \
- +repr(self.alice.self_get_connection_status()))
- def test_bob_assert_mycon_status(self) -> None: # works
- if self.bob.mycon_status == False:
- AssertionError("ERROR: NOT CONNECTED " \
- +repr(self.bob.mycon_status))
- def test_alice_assert_mycon_status(self) -> None: # works
- if self.alice.mycon_status == False:
- AssertionError("ERROR: NOT CONNECTED " \
- +repr(self.alice.mycon_status))
- def test_bob_add_alice_as_friend(self) -> None: # works?
- try:
- assert self.bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest()
- else:
- assert self.bob_add_alice_as_friend()
- #: Test last online
- assert self.bob.friend_get_last_online(self.baid) is not None
- except AssertionError as e:
- LOG.error(f"Failed test {e}")
- raise
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.error(f"Failed test {e}")
- raise
- finally:
- if hasattr(self, 'baid') and self.baid >= 0:
- self.bob.friend_delete(self.baid)
- if len(self.bob.self_get_friend_list()) > 0:
- LOG.warn(f"WTF bob.self_get_friend_list() {bob.self_get_friend_list()}")
- def test_alice_add_bob_as_friend(self) -> None: # works!
- try:
- assert self.alice_add_bob_as_friend_norequest()
- else:
- assert self.alice_add_bob_as_friend()
- #: Test last online
- assert self.alice.friend_get_last_online(self.abid) is not None
- except AssertionError as e:
- #WTF?
- if hasattr(self, 'abid') and self.abid >= 0:
- self.alice.friend_delete(self.abid)
- LOG.error(f"Failed test {e}")
- raise
- except Exception as e:
- #WTF?
- LOG.error(f"test_alice_add_bob_as_friend EXCEPTION {e}")
- raise
- finally:
- if hasattr(self, 'baid') and self.baid >= 0:
- self.bob.friend_delete(self.baid)
- if hasattr(self, 'abid') and self.abid >= 0:
- self.alice.friend_delete(self.abid)
- if len(self.alice.self_get_friend_list()) > 0:
- LOG.warn(f"WTF alice.self_get_friend_list() {alice.self_get_friend_list()}")
- def test_both_add_as_friend(self) -> None: # works
- try:
- assert self.both_add_as_friend_norequest()
- else:
- assert self.both_add_as_friend()
- except AssertionError as e:
- LOG.warn(f"Failed test {e}")
- raise
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.error(f"test_both_add_as_friend EXCEPTION {e}")
- raise
- finally:
- if hasattr(self,'baid') and self.baid >= 0:
- self.bob.friend_delete(self.baid)
- if hasattr(self,'abid') and self.abid >= 0:
- self.alice.friend_delete(self.abid)
- def test_groups_join(self) -> None:
- """
- t:group_join
- t:group_disconnect
- t:group_leave
- t:group_self_set_name
- """
- if not self.get_connection_status():
- LOG.warning(f"test_groups_join NOT CONNECTED")
- self.loop_until_connected()
- iGrp = self.otox_test_groups_join(self.bob)
- LOG.info(f"test_groups_join iGrp={iGrp}")
- assert iGrp >= 0, f"test_groups_join iGrp={iGrp}"
- try:
- self.bob.group_disconnect(iGrp)
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.error(f"bob.group_disconnect EXCEPTION {e}")
- raise
- try:
- self.bob.group_leave(iGrp, None)
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.error(f"bob.group_leave EXCEPTION {e}")
- raise
- def test_groups(self) -> None:
- """
- t:group_new
- t:group_disconnect
- t:group_get_name
- t:group_get_name_size
- t:group_get_topic
- t:group_get_topic_size
- t:group_get_privacy_state
- t:group_self_set_name
- t:group_get_number_groups
- t:group_founder_set_password
- t:group_founder_set_peer_limit
- t:group_founder_set_privacy_state
- t:group_get_chat_id
- t:group_get_password
- t:group_get_password_size
- t:group_get_peer_limit
- t:group_invite_accept
- t:group_invite_friend
- t:group_is_connected
- t:group_leave
- t:group_mod_set_role
- """
- iGrp = self.otox_test_groups(self.bob)
- LOG.info(f"test_groups iGrp={iGrp}")
- if iGrp >= 0:
- try:
- self.bob.group_disconnect(iGrp)
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.error(f"bob.group_disconnect EXCEPTION {e}")
- raise
- try:
- self.bob.group_leave(iGrp, None)
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.error(f"bob.group_leave EXCEPTION {e}")
- raise
-#? @unittest.skip("double free or corruption (fasttop)")
- @expectedFail('fails') # assertion fails on == MSG
- def test_on_friend_status_message(self) -> None: # fails
- """
- t:self_set_status_message
- t:self_get_status_message
- t:self_get_status_message_size
- t:friend_set_status_message
- t:friend_get_status_message
- t:friend_get_status_message_size
- t:on_friend_status_message
- """
- MSG = 'Happy'
- sSlot = 'friend_status_message'
- def bob_on_friend_status_message(iTox, friend_id, new_status_message, new_status_size, *largs) -> None:
- LOG_INFO(f"BOB_ON_friend_status_message friend_id={friend_id} " \
- +f"new_status_message={new_status_message}")
- try:
- assert str(new_status_message, 'UTF-8') == MSG
- assert friend_id == self.baid
- except Exception as e:
- LOG_ERROR(f"BOB_ON_friend_status_message EXCEPTION {e}")
- setattr(self.bob, sSlot, True)
- setattr(self.bob, sSlot, None)
- try:
- assert self.bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest()
- assert self.alice_add_bob_as_friend_norequest()
- else:
- # no not connected error
- assert self.bob_add_alice_as_friend()
- assert self.alice_add_bob_as_friend_norequest()
- self.bob.callback_friend_status_message(bob_on_friend_status_message)
- self.warn_if_no_cb(self.bob, sSlot)
- status_message = bytes(MSG, 'utf-8')
- self.alice.self_set_status_message(status_message)
- if not self.wait_otox_attrs(self.bob, [sSlot]):
- LOG_WARN(f"on_friend_status_message NO {sSlot}")
- assert self.bob.friend_get_status_message(self.baid) == MSG, \
- f"message={self.bob.friend_get_status_message(self.baid)}"
- assert self.bob.friend_get_status_message_size(self.baid) == len(MSG), \
- f"message_len={self.bob.friend_get_status_message_size(self.baid)}"
- except AssertionError as e:
- LOG.error(f"test_on_friend_status_message FAILED {e}")
- raise
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.error(f"test_on_friend_status_message EXCEPTION {e}")
- raise
- finally:
- self.bob.callback_friend_status(None)
- if hasattr(self, 'baid') and self.baid >= 0:
- self.bob.friend_delete(self.baid)
- if hasattr(self, 'abid') and self.abid >= 0:
- self.alice.friend_delete(self.abid)
- def test_friend(self) -> None: # works! sometimes
- """
- t:friend_get_name
- t:friend_get_name_size
- t:on_friend_name
- """
- try:
- #: Test friend request
- assert self.bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest()
- assert self.alice_add_bob_as_friend_norequest()
- else:
- # no not connected error
- assert self.bob_add_alice_as_friend()
- assert self.alice_add_bob_as_friend_norequest()
- a = self.alice.self_get_address()[:CLIENT_ID_SIZE]
- assert self.bob.friend_get_public_key(self.baid) == a, \
- LOG.error(f"test_friend BAID {a}")
- del a
- #: Test friend_get_public_key
- b = self.bob.self_get_address()[:CLIENT_ID_SIZE]
- assert self.alice.friend_get_public_key(self.abid) == b, \
- LOG.error(f"test_friend ABID {b}")
- del b
- except AssertionError as e:
- LOG.error(f"Failed test {e}")
- raise
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.error(f"test_friend EXCEPTION {e}")
- raise
- finally:
- if hasattr(self, 'baid') and self.baid >= 0:
- self.bob.friend_delete(self.baid)
- if hasattr(self, 'abid') and self.abid >= 0:
- self.alice.friend_delete(self.abid)
- @expectedFail('fails') # assert self.bob.friend_get_status(self.baid) == TOX_USER_STATUS['BUSY']
- def test_user_status(self) -> None: # fails
- """
- t:self_get_status
- t:self_set_status
- t:friend_get_status
- t:friend_get_status
- t:on_friend_status
- """
- sSlot = 'friend_status'
- setattr(self.bob, sSlot, None)
- def bobs_on_friend_set_status(iTox, friend_id, new_status, *largs) -> None:
- LOG_INFO(f"bobs_on_friend_set_status {friend_id} {new_status}")
- try:
- assert friend_id == self.baid
- assert new_status in [TOX_USER_STATUS['BUSY'], TOX_USER_STATUS['AWAY']]
- except Exception as e:
- LOG_WARN(f"bobs_on_friend_set_status EXCEPTION {e}")
- setattr(self.bob, sSlot, True)
- try:
- assert self.bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest()
- else:
- assert self.bob_add_alice_as_friend()
- if not self.get_connection_status():
- LOG.warning(f"test_user_status NOT CONNECTED self.get_connection_status")
- self.loop_until_connected()
- self.bob.callback_friend_status(bobs_on_friend_set_status)
- self.warn_if_no_cb(self.bob, sSlot)
- self.alice.self_set_status(sSTATUS)
- sSlot = 'friend_status'
- if not self.wait_otox_attrs(self.bob, [sSlot]):
- # malloc(): unaligned tcache chunk detected
- LOG_WARN(f'test_user_status NO {sSlot}')
- assert self.bob.friend_get_status(self.baid) == TOX_USER_STATUS['BUSY'], \
- f"friend_get_status {self.bob.friend_get_status(self.baid)} != {TOX_USER_STATUS['BUSY']}"
- except AssertionError as e:
- LOG.error(f"test_user_status FAILED {e}")
- raise
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.error(f"test_user_status EXCEPTION {e}")
- raise
- finally:
- self.bob.callback_friend_status(None)
- self.warn_if_cb(self.bob, sSlot)
- if hasattr(self, 'baid') and self.baid >= 0:
- self.bob.friend_delete(self.baid)
- @unittest.skip('crashes')
- def test_kill_remake(self) -> None:
- """
- t:friend_get_kill_remake
- t:on_friend_connection_status
- """
- sSlot = 'friend_connection_status'
- setattr(self.bob, sSlot, None)
- def bobs_on_friend_connection_status(iTox, friend_id, iStatus, *largs):
- LOG_INFO(f"bobs_on_friend_connection_status " +repr(iStatus))
- try:
- assert friend_id == self.baid
- except Exception as e:
- LOG_ERROR(f"bobs_on_friend_connection_status ERROR {e}")
- setattr(self.bob, sSlot, True)
- opts = oToxygenToxOptions(oTOX_OARGS)
- setattr(self.bob, sSlot, True)
- try:
- assert self.bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest()
- else:
- assert self.bob_add_alice_as_friend()
- self.bob.callback_friend_connection_status(bobs_on_friend_connection_status)
- LOG.info("test_kill_remake killing alice")
- self.alice.kill() #! bang
- LOG.info("test_kill_remake making alice")
- self.alice = Tox(opts, app=oAPP)
- LOG.info("test_kill_remake maked alice")
- if not self.wait_otox_attrs(self.bob, [sSlot]):
- LOG_WARN(f'test_kill_remake NO {sSlot}')
- except AssertionError as e:
- LOG.error(f"test_kill_remake Failed test {e}")
- raise
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.error(f"bobs_on_friend_connection_status {e}")
- raise
- finally:
- self.bob.callback_friend_connection_status(None)
- if hasattr(self, 'baid') and self.baid >= 0:
- self.bob.friend_delete(self.baid)
- @expectedFail('fails') # new name is empty
- def test_friend_name(self) -> None: # works!
- """
- t:self_set_name
- t:friend_get_name
- t:friend_get_name_size
- t:on_friend_name
- """
- sSlot= 'friend_name'
- #: Test friend request
- #: Test friend name
- NEWNAME = 'Jenny'
- def bobs_on_friend_name(iTox, fid:int, newname, iNameSize, *largs) -> None:
- LOG_INFO(f"bobs_on_friend_name {sSlot} {fid}")
- try:
- assert fid == self.baid
- assert str(newname, 'UTF-8') == NEWNAME
- except Exception as e:
- LOG_ERROR(f"bobs_on_friend_name EXCEPTION {e}")
- setattr(self.bob, sSlot, True)
- setattr(self.bob, sSlot, None)
- try:
- LOG.info("test_friend_name")
- assert self.bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest()
- else:
- assert self.bob_add_alice_as_friend()
- self.bob.callback_friend_name(bobs_on_friend_name)
- self.warn_if_no_cb(self.bob, sSlot)
- self.alice.self_set_name(NEWNAME)
- if not self.wait_otox_attrs(self.bob, [sSlot]):
- LOG_WARN(f"bobs_on_friend_name NO {sSlot}")
- # name=None
- assert self.bob.friend_get_name(self.baid) == NEWNAME, \
- f"{self.bob.friend_get_name(self.baid)} != {NEWNAME}"
- assert self.bob.friend_get_name_size(self.baid) == len(NEWNAME), \
- f"{self.bob.friend_get_name_size(self.baid)} != {len(NEWNAME)}"
- except AssertionError as e:
- LOG.error(f"test_friend_name Failed test {e}")
- raise
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.error(f"test_friend EXCEPTION {e}")
- raise
- finally:
- if hasattr(self, 'baid') and self.baid >= 0:
- self.bob.friend_delete(self.baid)
- self.bob.callback_friend_name(None)
- self.warn_if_cb(self.bob, sSlot)
- @expectedFail('fails') # This client is currently not connected to the friend.
- def test_friend_message(self) -> None: # fails
- """
- t:on_friend_action
- t:on_friend_message
- t:friend_send_message
- """
- #: Test message
- MSG = 'Hi, Bob!'
- sSlot = 'friend_message'
- def alices_on_friend_message(iTox, fid:int, msg_type, message, iSize, *largs) -> None:
- LOG_DEBUG(f"alices_on_friend_message {fid} {message}")
- try:
- assert fid == self.alice.abid
- assert msg_type == TOX_MESSAGE_TYPE['NORMAL']
- assert str(message, 'UTF-8') == MSG
- except Exception as e:
- LOG_ERROR(f"alices_on_friend_message EXCEPTION {e}")
- else:
- LOG_INFO(f"alices_on_friend_message {message}")
- setattr(self.alice, sSlot, True)
- setattr(self.alice, sSlot, None)
- self.alice.callback_friend_message(None)
- try:
- assert self.both_add_as_friend_norequest()
- else:
- assert self.both_add_as_friend()
- assert hasattr(self, 'baid'), \
- "both_add_as_friend_norequest no bob, baid"
- assert hasattr(self, 'abid'), \
- "both_add_as_friend_norequest no alice, abid"
- if not self.wait_friend_get_connection_status(self.bob, self.baid, n=2*iN):
- LOG.warn('baid not connected')
- if not self.wait_friend_get_connection_status(self.alice, self.abid, n=2*iN):
- LOG.warn('abid not connected')
- self.alice.callback_friend_message(alices_on_friend_message)
- self.warn_if_no_cb(self.alice, sSlot)
- # dunno - both This client is currently NOT CONNECTED to the friend.
- iMesId = self.bob.friend_send_message(self.baid,
- bytes(MSG, 'UTF-8'))
- assert iMesId >= 0, "iMesId >= 0"
- if not self.wait_otox_attrs(self.alice, [sSlot]):
- LOG_WARN(f"alices_on_friend_message NO {sSlot}")
- except ArgumentError as e:
- # ArgumentError('This client is currently NOT CONNECTED to the friend.')
- # dunno
- LOG.error(f"test_friend_message ArgumentError {e}")
- raise
- except AssertionError as e:
- LOG.error(f"test_friend_message AssertionError {e}")
- raise
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.error(f"test_friend_message EXCEPTION {e}")
- raise
- finally:
- self.alice.callback_friend_message(None)
- self.warn_if_cb(self.alice, sSlot)
- if hasattr(self, 'baid') and self.baid >= 0:
- self.bob.friend_delete(self.baid)
- if hasattr(self, 'abid') and self.abid >= 0:
- self.alice.friend_delete(self.abid)
- # This client is currently not connected to the friend.
- def test_friend_action(self) -> None: # works! sometimes?
- """
- t:on_friend_action
- t:on_friend_message
- t:friend_send_message
- """
- #: Test action
- ACTION = 'Kick'
- sSlot = 'friend_read_action'
- setattr(self.bob, sSlot, None)
- def UNUSEDtheir_on_friend_action(iTox, fid:int, msg_type, action, *largs):
- LOG_DEBUG(f"their_on_friend_action {fid} {msg_type} {sSlot} {action}")
- try:
- assert msg_type == TOX_MESSAGE_TYPE['ACTION']
- assert action == ACTION
- except Exception as e:
- LOG_ERROR(f"their_on_friend_action EXCEPTION {sSlot} {e}")
- else:
- LOG_INFO(f"their_on_friend_action {sSlot} {action}")
- setattr(self.bob, sSlot, True)
- sSlot = 'friend_read_receipt'
- setattr(self.alice, sSlot, None)
- def their_on_read_reciept(iTox, fid:int, msg_id, *largs) -> None:
- LOG_DEBUG(f"their_on_read_reciept {fid} {msg_id}")
- sSlot = 'friend_read_receipt'
- try:
- # should be the receivers id
- assert fid == bob.baid or fid == alice.abid
- assert msg_id >= 0
- except Exception as e:
- LOG_ERROR(f"their_on_read_reciept {sSlot} {e}")
- else:
- LOG_INFO(f"their_on_read_reciept {sSlot} fid={fid}")
- setattr(self.alice, sSlot, True)
- try:
- assert self.both_add_as_friend_norequest()
- else:
- assert self.both_add_as_friend()
- if not self.wait_friend_get_connection_status(self.bob, self.baid, n=iN):
- LOG.warn('baid not connected')
- if not self.wait_friend_get_connection_status(self.alice, self.abid, n=iN):
- LOG.warn('abid not connected')
- self.bob.callback_friend_read_receipt(their_on_read_reciept) #was their_on_friend_action
- self.alice.callback_friend_read_receipt(their_on_read_reciept) #was their_on_friend_action
- self.warn_if_no_cb(self.bob, 'friend_read_receipt')
- self.warn_if_no_cb(self.alice, 'friend_read_receipt')
- if True:
- iMsg = self.bob.friend_send_message(self.baid,
- bytes(ACTION, 'UTF-8'))
- assert iMsg >= 0
- else:
- assert self.wait_ensure_exec(self.bob.friend_send_message,
- [self.baid,
- bytes(ACTION, 'UTF-8')])
- if not self.wait_otox_attrs(self.alice, [sSlot]):
- LOG_WARN(f"alice test_friend_action NO {sSlot}")
- except AssertionError as e:
- LOG.error(f"Failed test {e}")
- raise
- except ArgumentError as e:
- # ArgumentError('This client is currently NOT CONNECTED to the friend.')
- # dunno
- LOG.warning(f"test_friend_action {e}")
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.error(f"test_friend_action {e}")
- raise
- finally:
- self.alice.callback_friend_read_receipt(None)
- if hasattr(self, 'baid') and self.baid >= 0:
- self.bob.friend_delete(self.baid)
- if hasattr(self, 'abid') and self.abid >= 0:
- self.alice.friend_delete(self.abid)
- def test_alice_typing_status(self) -> None: # works
- """
- t:on_friend_read_receipt
- t:on_friend_typing
- t:self_set_typing
- t:friend_get_typing
- t:friend_get_last_online
- """
- sSlot = 'friend_typing'
- LOG.info("test_typing_status bob adding alice")
- #: Test typing status
- def bob_on_friend_typing(iTox, fid:int, is_typing, *largs) -> None:
- LOG_INFO(f"BOB_ON_friend_typing is_typing={is_typing} fid={fid}")
- try:
- assert fid == self.baid
- if is_typing is True:
- assert self.bob.friend_get_typing(fid) is True
- except Exception as e:
- LOG_ERROR(f"BOB_ON_friend_typing {e}")
- setattr(self.bob, sSlot, True)
- setattr(self.bob, sSlot, None)
- try:
- assert self.both_add_as_friend_norequest()
- else:
- assert self.both_add_as_friend()
- if not self.get_connection_status():
- LOG.warning(f"test_friend_typing NOT CONNECTED")
- self.loop_until_connected()
- self.bob.callback_friend_typing(bob_on_friend_typing)
- self.warn_if_no_cb(self.bob, sSlot)
- self.alice.self_set_typing(self.abid, False)
- if not self.wait_otox_attrs(self.bob, [sSlot]):
- LOG_WARN(f"bobs_on_friend_typing NO {sSlot}")
- except AssertionError as e:
- LOG.error(f"Failed test {e}")
- raise
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.error(f"test_alice_typing_status error={e}")
- raise
- finally:
- self.bob.callback_friend_typing(None)
- if hasattr(self, 'baid') and self.baid >= 0:
- self.bob.friend_delete(self.baid)
- if hasattr(self, 'abid') and self.abid >= 0:
- self.alice.friend_delete(self.abid)
- @expectedFail('fails') # @unittest.skip('unfinished')
- def test_file_transfer(self) -> None: # unfinished
- """
- t:file_send
- t:file_send_chunk
- t:file_control
- t:file_seek
- t:file_get_file_id
- t:on_file_recv
- t:on_file_recv_control
- t:on_file_recv_chunk
- t:on_file_chunk_request
- """
- assert self.both_add_as_friend_norequest()
- else:
- assert self.both_add_as_friend()
- FRIEND_NUMBER = self.baid
- FILE = os.urandom(1024 * 1024)
- FILE_NAME = b"/tmp/test.bin"
- if not os.path.exists(FILE_NAME):
- with open(FILE_NAME, 'wb') as oFd:
- oFd.write(FILE)
- OFFSET = 567
- FILE_ID = 32*'1' #
- m = hashlib.md5()
- m.update(FILE[OFFSET:])
- FILE_DIGEST = m.hexdigest()
- CONTEXT = { 'FILE': bytes(), 'RECEIVED': 0, 'START': False, 'SENT': 0 }
- def alice_on_file_recv(iTox, fid:int, file_number:int, kind, size, filename) -> None:
- LOG_DEBUG(f"ALICE_ON_file_recv fid={fid} {file_number}")
- try:
- assert size == FILE_SIZE
- assert filename == FILE_NAME
- retv = self.alice.file_seek(fid, file_number, OFFSET)
- assert retv is True
- self.alice.file_control(fid, file_number, TOX_FILE_CONTROL['RESUME'])
- except Exception as e:
- LOG_ERROR(f"ALICE_ON_file_recv {e}")
- else:
- LOG_INFO(f"ALICE_ON_file_recv " + str(fid))
- def alice_on_file_recv_control(iTox, fid:int, file_number, control, *largs) -> None:
- # TOX_FILE_CONTROL = { 'RESUME': 0, 'PAUSE': 1, 'CANCEL': 2,}
- LOG_DEBUG(f"ALICE_ON_file_recv_control fid={fid} {file_number} {control}")
- try:
- assert FILE_NUMBER == file_number
- # FixMe _FINISHED?
- if False and control == TOX_FILE_CONTROL['RESUME']:
- # m = hashlib.md5()
- # m.update(CONTEXT['FILE'])
- # assert m.hexdigest() == FILE_DIGEST
- self.alice.completed = True
- except Exception as e:
- LOG_ERROR(f"ALICE_ON_file_recv {e}")
- else:
- LOG_INFO(f"ALICE_ON_file_recv " + str(fid))
- self.alice.completed = False
- def alice_on_file_recv_chunk(iTox, fid:int, file_number:int, position:int, iNumBytes, *largs) -> bool:
- LOG_DEBUG(f"ALICE_ON_file_recv_chunk {fid} {file_number}")
- # FixMe - use file_number and iNumBytes to get data?
- data = ''
- LOG_INFO(f"ALICE_ON_file_recv_chunk {fid}")
- try:
- if data is None:
- m = hashlib.md5()
- m.update(CONTEXT['FILE'])
- assert m.hexdigest() == FILE_DIGEST
- self.alice.completed = True
- self.alice.file_control(fid, file_number, TOX_FILE_CONTROL['CANCEL'])
- return True
- CONTEXT['FILE'] += data
- CONTEXT['RECEIVED'] += len(data)
- # assert self.file_data_remaining(
- # fid, file_number, 1) == FILE_SIZE - CONTEXT['RECEIVED']
- except Exception as e:
- LOG_ERROR(f"ALICE_ON_file_recv_chunk {e}")
- return False
- return True
- # AliceTox.on_file_send_request = on_file_send_request
- # AliceTox.on_file_control = on_file_control
- # AliceTox.on_file_data = on_file_data
- try:
- # required
- assert self.wait_friend_get_connection_status(self.bob, self.baid, n=2*iN)
- assert self.wait_friend_get_connection_status(self.alice, self.abid, n=2*iN)
- self.alice.callback_file_recv(alice_on_file_recv)
- self.alice.callback_file_recv_control(alice_on_file_recv_control)
- self.alice.callback_file_recv_chunk(alice_on_file_recv_chunk)
- self.bob.completed = False
- def bob_on_file_recv_control2(iTox, fid:int, file_number:int, control) -> None:
- LOG_DEBUG(f"BOB_ON_file_recv_control2 {fid} {file_number} control={control}")
- if control == TOX_FILE_CONTROL['RESUME']:
- elif control == TOX_FILE_CONTROL['CANCEL']:
- self.bob.completed = True
- pass
- def bob_on_file_chunk_request(iTox, fid:int, file_number:int, position:int, length, *largs) -> None:
- LOG_DEBUG(f"BOB_ON_file_chunk_request {fid} {file_number}")
- if length == 0:
- return
- data = FILE[position:(position + length)]
- self.bob.file_send_chunk(fid, file_number, position, data)
- sSlot = 'file_recv_control'
- self.bob.callback_file_recv_control(bob_on_file_recv_control2)
- self.bob.callback_file_chunk_request(bob_on_file_chunk_request)
- i = 0
- iKind = 0
- while i < 2:
- i += 1
- try:
- FN = self.bob.file_send(self.baid, iKind, FILE_SIZE, FILE_ID, FILE_NAME)
- LOG.info(f"test_file_transfer bob.file_send {FN}")
- except ArgumentError as e:
- LOG.debug(f"test_file_transfer bob.file_send {e} {i}")
- # ctypes.ArgumentError: This client is currently not connected to the friend
- raise
- else:
- break
- self.loop(100)
- sleep(1)
- else:
- LOG.error(f"test_file_transfer bob.file_send 2")
- raise AssertionError(f"test_file_transfer bob.file_send {THRESHOLD // 2}")
- # UINT32_MAX
- try:
- FID = self.bob.file_get_file_id(self.baid, FN)
- hexFID = "".join([hex(ord(c))[2:].zfill(2) for c in FILE_NAME])
- assert FID.startswith(hexFID.upper())
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.warn(f"test_file_transfer:: {FILE_NAME} {hexFID} {e}")
- LOG.debug('\n' + traceback.format_exc())
- if not self.wait_otox_attrs(self.bob, ['completed']):
- LOG_WARN(f"test_file_transfer Bob NO completed")
- return False
- if not self.wait_otox_attrs(self.alice, ['completed']):
- LOG_WARN(f"test_file_transfer Alice NO completed")
- return False
- return True
- except (ArgumentError, ValueError,) as e:
- # ValueError: non-hexadecimal number found in fromhex() arg at position 0
- LOG.error(f"test_file_transfer: {e}")
- raise
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.error(f"test_file_transfer:: {e}")
- LOG.debug('\n' + traceback.format_exc())
- raise
- finally:
- self.alice.callback_file_recv(None)
- self.alice.callback_file_recv_control(None)
- self.alice.callback_file_recv_chunk(None)
- self.bob.callback_file_recv_control(None)
- self.bob.callback_file_chunk_request(None)
- if hasattr(self, 'baid') and self.baid >= 0:
- self.bob.friend_delete(self.baid)
- if hasattr(self, 'abid') and self.abid >= 0:
- self.alice.friend_delete(self.abid)
- LOG_INFO(f"test_file_transfer:: self.wait_objs_attr completed")
- @unittest.skip('crashes')
- def test_tox_savedata(self) -> None: #
- """
- t:get_savedata_size
- t:get_savedata
- """
- # Fatal Python error: Aborted
- # "/var/local/src/toxygen_wrapper/wrapper/tox.py", line 180 in kill
- assert self.alice.get_savedata_size() > 0
- data = self.alice.get_savedata()
- assert data is not None
- addr = self.alice.self_get_address()
- # self._address
- try:
- LOG.info("test_tox_savedata alice.kill")
- # crashes
- self.alice.kill()
- del self.alice
- except:
- pass
- oArgs = oTOX_OARGS
- opts = oToxygenToxOptions(oArgs)
- opts.savedata_data = data
- opts.savedata_length = len(data)
- self.alice = Tox(tox_options=opts)
- if addr != self.alice.self_get_address():
- LOG.warning("test_tox_savedata " +
- f"{addr} != {self.alice.self_get_address()}")
- else:
- LOG.info("passed test_tox_savedata")
- def test_kill(self) -> None: #
- import threading
- LOG.info(f"THE END {threading.active_count()}")
- self.tearDown()
- LOG.info(f"THE END {threading.enumerate()}")
-def vOargsToxPreamble(oArgs, Tox, ToxTest) -> None:
- ts.vSetupLogging(oArgs)
- methods = set([x for x in dir(Tox) if not x[0].isupper()
- and not x[0] == '_'])
- docs = "".join([getattr(ToxTest, x).__doc__ for x in dir(ToxTest)
- if getattr(ToxTest, x).__doc__ is not None])
- tested = set(re.findall(r't:(.*?)\n', docs))
- not_tested = methods.difference(tested)
- logging.info('Test Coverage: %.2f%%' % (len(tested) * 100.0 / len(methods)))
- if len(not_tested):
- logging.info('Not tested:\n %s' % "\n ".join(sorted(list(not_tested))))
-def iMain(oArgs, failfast=True) -> int:
-# collect_types.init_types_collection()
- vOargsToxPreamble(oArgs, Tox, ToxSuite)
- # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35930811/how-to-sort-unittest-testcases-properly/35930812#35930812
- cases = ts.suiteFactory(*ts.caseFactory([ToxSuite]))
- if color_runner:
- runner = color_runner.runner.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2, failfast=failfast)
- else:
- runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2, failfast=failfast, warnings='ignore')
-# with collect_types.collect():
- runner.run(cases)
- # collect_types.dump_stats('tests_wrapper.out')
-def oToxygenToxOptions(oArgs):
- data = None
- tox_options = tox_wrapper.tox.Tox.options_new()
- if oArgs.proxy_type:
- tox_options.contents.proxy_type = int(oArgs.proxy_type)
- tox_options.contents.proxy_host = bytes(oArgs.proxy_host, 'UTF-8')
- tox_options.contents.proxy_port = int(oArgs.proxy_port)
- tox_options.contents.udp_enabled = False
- else:
- tox_options.contents.udp_enabled = oArgs.udp_enabled
- if not os.path.exists('/proc/sys/net/ipv6'):
- oArgs.ipv6_enabled = False
- else:
- tox_options.contents.ipv6_enabled = oArgs.ipv6_enabled
- tox_options.contents.tcp_port = int(oArgs.tcp_port)
- tox_options.contents.dht_announcements_enabled = oArgs.dht_announcements_enabled
- tox_options.contents.hole_punching_enabled = oArgs.hole_punching_enabled
- # overrides
- tox_options.contents.local_discovery_enabled = False
- tox_options.contents.experimental_thread_safety = False
- if oArgs.ipv6_enabled and not os.path.exists('/proc/sys/net/ipv6'):
- LOG.warning('Disabling IPV6 because /proc/sys/net/ipv6 does not exist' + repr(oArgs.ipv6_enabled))
- tox_options.contents.ipv6_enabled = False
- else:
- tox_options.contents.ipv6_enabled = bool(oArgs.ipv6_enabled)
- if data: # load existing profile
- tox_options.contents.savedata_type = enums.TOX_SAVEDATA_TYPE['TOX_SAVE']
- tox_options.contents.savedata_data = c_char_p(data)
- tox_options.contents.savedata_length = len(data)
- else: # create new profile
- tox_options.contents.savedata_type = enums.TOX_SAVEDATA_TYPE['NONE']
- tox_options.contents.savedata_data = None
- tox_options.contents.savedata_length = 0
- #? tox_options.contents.log_callback = LOG
- if tox_options._options_pointer:
- # LOG.debug("Adding logging to tox_options._options_pointer ")
- ts.vAddLoggerCallback(tox_options, ts.on_log)
- else:
- LOG.warning("No tox_options._options_pointer " +repr(tox_options._options_pointer))
- return tox_options
-def oArgparse(lArgv):
- parser = ts.oMainArgparser()
- parser.add_argument('--norequest',type=str, default='False',
- choices=['True','False'],
- help='Use _norequest')
- parser.add_argument('profile', type=str, nargs='?', default=None,
- help='Path to Tox profile')
- oArgs = parser.parse_args(lArgv)
- for key in ts.lBOOLEANS:
- if key not in oArgs: continue
- val = getattr(oArgs, key)
- setattr(oArgs, key, bool(val))
- if hasattr(oArgs, 'sleep'):
- if oArgs.sleep == 'qt':
- pass # broken or gevent.sleep(idle_period)
- elif oArgs.sleep == 'gevent':
- pass # broken or gevent.sleep(idle_period)
- else:
- oArgs.sleep = 'time'
- return oArgs
-def main(lArgs=None) -> int:
- global oTOX_OARGS
- if lArgs is None: lArgs = []
- oArgs = oArgparse(lArgs)
- global bIS_LOCAL
- bIS_LOCAL = oArgs.network in ['newlocal', 'localnew', 'local']
- oTOX_OARGS = oArgs
- setattr(oTOX_OARGS, 'bIS_LOCAL', bIS_LOCAL)
- bIS_LOCAL = True
- setattr(oTOX_OARGS, 'bIS_LOCAL', bIS_LOCAL)
- # oTOX_OPTIONS = ToxOptions()
- global oTOX_OPTIONS
- oTOX_OPTIONS = oToxygenToxOptions(oArgs)
- if coloredlogs:
- # https://pypi.org/project/coloredlogs/
- coloredlogs.install(level=oArgs.loglevel,
- logger=LOG,
- # %(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d %(hostname)s [%(process)d]
- fmt='%(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s'
- )
- else:
- logging.basicConfig(level=oArgs.loglevel) # logging.INFO
- return iMain(oArgs)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))