# -*- mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; py-indent-offset: 4; coding: utf-8 -*- import os from platform import system import json from utils import util from utils.util import log, join_path from common.event import Event import utils.ui as util_ui import utils.util as util_utils import user_data from toxygen_wrapper.tests import support_testing as ts global LOG import logging LOG = logging.getLogger('settings') def merge_args_into_settings(args, settings): if args: if not hasattr(args, 'audio'): LOG.warn('No audio ' +repr(args)) settings['audio'] = getattr(args, 'audio') if not hasattr(args, 'video'): LOG.warn('No video ' +repr(args)) settings['video'] = getattr(args, 'video') for key in settings.keys(): # proxy_type proxy_port proxy_host not_key = 'not_' +key if hasattr(args, key): val = getattr(args, key) if type(val) == bytes: # proxy_host - ascii? # filenames - ascii? val = str(val, 'UTF-8') settings[key] = val elif hasattr(args, not_key): val = not getattr(args, not_key) settings[key] = val clean_settings(settings) return def clean_settings(self): # failsafe to ensure C tox is bytes and Py settings is str # overrides self['mirror_mode'] = False # REQUIRED!! if not os.path.exists('/proc/sys/net/ipv6'): LOG.warn('Disabling IPV6 because /proc/sys/net/ipv6 does not exist') self['ipv6_enabled'] = False if 'proxy_type' in self and self['proxy_type'] == 0: self['proxy_host'] = '' self['proxy_port'] = 0 if 'proxy_type' in self and self['proxy_type'] != 0 and \ 'proxy_host' in self and self['proxy_host'] != '' and \ 'proxy_port' in self and self['proxy_port'] != 0: if 'udp_enabled' in self and self['udp_enabled']: # We don't currently support UDP over proxy. LOG.info("UDP enabled and proxy set: disabling UDP") self['udp_enabled'] = False if 'local_discovery_enabled' in self and self['local_discovery_enabled']: LOG.info("local_discovery_enabled enabled and proxy set: disabling local_discovery_enabled") self['local_discovery_enabled'] = False if 'dht_announcements_enabled' in self and self['dht_announcements_enabled']: LOG.info("dht_announcements_enabled enabled and proxy set: disabling dht_announcements_enabled") self['dht_announcements_enabled'] = False if 'auto_accept_path' in self and \ type(self['auto_accept_path']) == bytes: self['auto_accept_path'] = str(self['auto_accept_path'], 'UTF-8') for key in Settings.get_default_settings(): if key not in self: continue if type(self[key]) == bytes: LOG.warn('bytes setting in: ' +key \ +' ' + repr(self[key])) # ascii? # self[key] = str(self[key], 'utf-8') LOG.debug("Cleaned settings") def get_user_config_path(): system = util_utils.get_platform() if system == 'Windows': return os.path.join(os.getenv('APPDATA'), 'Tox/') elif system == 'Darwin': return os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), 'Library/Application Support/Tox/') else: return os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), '.config/tox/') def supported_languages(): return { 'English': 'en_EN', 'French': 'fr_FR', 'Russian': 'ru_RU', 'Ukrainian': 'uk_UA' } def built_in_themes(): return { 'dark': 'dark_style.qss', 'default': 'style.qss' } #def get_global_settings_path(): # return os.path.join(get_base_directory(), 'toxygen.json') def is_active_profile(profile_path): sFile = profile_path + '.lock' if not os.path.isfile(sFile): return False try: import psutil except Exception as e: return True with open(sFile, 'rb') as iFd: sPid = iFd.read() if sPid and int(sPid.strip()) in psutil.pids(): return True LOG.debug('Unlinking stale lock file ' +sFile) try: os.unlink(sFile) except: pass return False class Settings(dict): """ Settings of current profile + global app settings """ def __init__(self, toxes, json_path, app): self._toxes = toxes self._app = app self._path = app._path self._args = app._args self._oArgs = app._args self._log = lambda l: LOG.log(self._oArgs.loglevel, l) self._profile_path = json_path.replace('.json', '.tox') self._settings_saved_event = Event() path = json_path.replace('.tox', '.json') if path and os.path.isfile(path): try: with open(path, 'rb') as fl: data = fl.read() if self._toxes.is_data_encrypted(data): data = self._toxes.pass_decrypt(data) info = json.loads(str(data, 'utf-8')) LOG.debug('Parsed settings from: ' + str(path)) except Exception as ex: title = f"Error opening/parsing settings file:" text = title +f"\n{path}\n" LOG.error(text +str(ex)) util_ui.message_box(text, title) info = Settings.get_default_settings(app._args) user_data.settings.clean_settings(info) else: LOG.debug('get_default_settings for: ' + repr(path)) info = Settings.get_default_settings(app._args) if not path or not os.path.exists(path): merge_args_into_settings(app._args, info) else: aC = self._changed(app._args, info) if aC: title = 'Override profile with commandline - ' if path: title += os.path.basename(path) text = 'Override profile with command-line settings? \n' # text += '\n'.join([str(key) +'=' +str(val) for # key,val in self._changed(app._args).items()]) text += repr(aC) reply = util_ui.question(text, title) if reply: merge_args_into_settings(app._args, info) info['audio'] = getattr(app._args, 'audio') info['video'] = getattr(app._args, 'video') if getattr(app._args, 'trace_enabled'): info['trace_enabled'] = getattr(app._args, 'trace_enabled') else: LOG.warn("app._args, 'trace_enabled") info['trace_enabled'] = False super().__init__(info) self._upgrade() LOG.info('Parsed settings from: ' + str(path)) ex = f"self=id(self) {self}" LOG.debug(ex) self.save() self.locked = False self.closing = False self.unlockScreen = False # Properties def get_settings_saved_event(self): return self._settings_saved_event settings_saved_event = property(get_settings_saved_event) # Public methods def save(self): text = json.dumps(self) if self._toxes.has_password(): text = bytes(self._toxes.pass_encrypt(bytes(text, 'utf-8'))) else: text = bytes(text, 'utf-8') json_path = os.path.join(get_user_config_path(), 'toxygen.json') tmp = json_path + str(os.getpid()) try: with open(tmp, 'wb') as fl: fl.write(text) if os.path.exists(json_path+'.bak'): os.remove(json_path+'.bak') os.rename(json_path, json_path+'.bak') os.rename(tmp, json_path) except Exception as e: LOG.warn(f'Error saving to {json_path} ' +str(e)) else: self._settings_saved_event(text) def close(self): path = self._profile_path + '.lock' if os.path.isfile(path): os.remove(path) def set_active_profile(self, profile_path): """ Mark current profile as active """ if not profile_path: profile_path = self.get_auto_profile() path = profile_path + '.lock' try: import shutil except: pass else: shutil.copy2(profile_path, path) # need to open this with the same perms as _profile_path # copy profile_path and then write? with open(path, 'wb') as fl: fl.write(bytes(str(os.getpid()), 'ascii')) def export(self, path): text = json.dumps(self) name = os.path.basename(self._path) with open(join_path(path, str(name)), 'w') as fl: fl.write(text) def update_path(self, new_path): self._path = new_path self.save() # Static methods @staticmethod def get_auto_profile(appdir=None): if appdir is None: appdir = ts.get_user_config_path() # self._path = p = os.path.join(appdir, 'toxygen.json') if not os.path.isfile(p): return None try: with open(p, 'rb') as fl: data = fl.read() if self._toxes.is_data_encrypted(data): data = self._toxes.pass_decrypt(data) except Exception as ex: LOG.warn(f"fl.read {p}: {ex}") return None try: auto = json.loads(str(data, 'utf-8')) except Exception as ex: LOG.warn(f"json.loads {p}: {ex}") auto = {} if 'profile_path' in auto: path = str(auto['profile_path']) if not os.path.isabs(path): path = join_path(path, os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) if os.path.isfile(path): return path return None @staticmethod def supported_languages(): # backwards return supported_languages() @staticmethod def set_auto_profile(path): p = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), 'toxygen.json') if os.path.isfile(p): with open(p) as fl: data = fl.read() data = json.loads(data) else: data = {} data['profile_path'] = str(path) with open(p, 'w') as fl: fl.write(json.dumps(data)) @staticmethod def reset_auto_profile(): appdir = ts.get_user_config_path() p = os.path.join(appdir, 'toxygen.json') if os.path.isfile(p): with open(p) as fl: data = fl.read() data = json.loads(data) else: data = {} if 'profile_path' in data: del data['profile_path'] with open(p, 'w') as fl: fl.write(json.dumps(data)) @staticmethod def get_default_settings(args=None): """ Default profile settings """ retval = { # FixMe: match? /var/local/src/c-toxcore/toxcore/tox.h 'ipv6_enabled': True, 'udp_enabled': True, 'trace_enabled': False, 'local_discovery_enabled': True, 'dht_announcements_enabled': True, 'proxy_type': 0, 'proxy_host': '', 'proxy_port': 0, 'start_port': 0, 'end_port': 0, 'tcp_port': 0, 'local_discovery_enabled': True, 'hole_punching_enabled': False, # tox_log_cb *log_callback; 'experimental_thread_safety': False, # operating_system 'theme': 'default', 'notifications': False, 'sound_notifications': False, 'language': 'English', 'calls_sound': False, # was True 'save_history': True, 'save_unsent_only': False, 'allow_inline': True, 'allow_auto_accept': True, 'auto_accept_path': None, 'sorting': 0, 'auto_accept_from_friends': [], 'paused_file_transfers': {}, 'resend_files': True, 'friends_aliases': [], 'show_avatars': False, 'typing_notifications': False, 'blocked': [], 'plugins': [], 'notes': {}, 'smileys': True, 'smiley_pack': 'default', 'mirror_mode': False, 'width': 920, 'height': 500, 'x': 400, 'y': 400, 'message_font_size': 14, 'unread_color': 'red', 'compact_mode': False, 'identicons': True, 'show_welcome_screen': False, 'close_app': 0, 'font': 'Times New Roman', 'update': 0, 'group_notifications': True, 'download_nodes_list': False, # 'download_nodes_url': 'https://nodes.tox.chat/json', 'notify_all_gc': False, 'backup_directory': None, 'audio': {'input': -1, 'output': -1, 'enabled': True}, 'video': {'device': -1, 'width': 320, 'height': 240, 'x': 0, 'y': 0}, 'current_nodes': None, 'network': 'new', 'tray_icon': False, } return retval # Private methods def _upgrade(self): default = Settings.get_default_settings() for key in default: if key not in self: print(key) self[key] = default[key] def _changed(self, aArgs, info): aRet = dict() default = Settings.get_default_settings() for key in default: if key in ['audio', 'video']: continue if key not in aArgs.__dict__: continue val = aArgs.__dict__[key] if val in ['']: continue if key in aArgs.__dict__ and key not in info: # dunno = network continue if key in aArgs.__dict__ and info[key] != val: aRet[key] = val return aRet