# the versions are the current ones tested - may work with earlier versions # choose one of PyQt5 PyQt6 PySide2 PySide6 # for now PyQt5 and PyQt6 is working, and most of the testing is PyQt5 # usually this is installed by your OS package manager and pip may not # detect the right version, so we leave these commented # PyQt5 >= 5.15.10 QtPy >= 2.4.1 PyAudio >= 0.2.13 numpy >= 1.26.1 opencv_python >= 4.8.0 pydenticon >= 0.3.1 pillow >= 10.2.0 gevent >= 23.9.1 greenlet >= 2.0.2 # this is optional coloredlogs >= 15.0.1 # this is optional # qtconsole >= 5.4.3 # this is not on pypi yet - get it from # https://git.plastiras.org/emdee/toxygen_wrapper # toxygen_wrapper == 1.0.0