import util.util as util import util.ui as util_ui from contacts.friend import Friend from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui from messenger.messages import * from wrapper.toxcore_enums_and_consts import * from history.history_loader import HistoryLoader class ContactsManager: """ Represents contacts list. """ def __init__(self, tox, settings, screen, profile_manager, contact_provider, db, tox_dns): self._tox = tox self._settings = settings self._screen = screen self._profile_manager = profile_manager self._contact_provider = contact_provider self._tox_dns = tox_dns self._messages = screen.messages self._contacts, self._active_contact = [], -1 self._sorting = settings['sorting'] self._filter_string = '' self._friend_item_height = 40 if settings['compact_mode'] else 70 screen.online_contacts.setCurrentIndex(int(self._sorting)) self._history = HistoryLoader(contact_provider, db, settings) self._load_contacts() def __del__(self): del self._history def get_friend(self, num): if num < 0 or num >= len(self._contacts): return None return self._contacts[num] def get_curr_contact(self): return self._contacts[self._active_contact] if self._active_contact + 1 else None def save_profile(self): data = self._tox.get_savedata() self._profile_manager.save_profile(data) def is_friend_active(self, friend_number): if not self._is_active_a_friend(): return False return self.get_curr_contact().number == friend_number # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Work with active friend # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_active(self): return self._active_contact def set_active(self, value=None): """ Change current active friend or update info :param value: number of new active friend in friend's list or None to update active user's data """ if value is None and self._active_contact == -1: # nothing to update return if value == -1: # all friends were deleted self._screen.account_name.setText('') self._screen.account_status.setText('') self._screen.account_status.setToolTip('') self._active_contact = -1 self._screen.account_avatar.setHidden(True) self._messages.clear() self._screen.messageEdit.clear() return try: # self.send_typing(False) # TODO: fix self._screen.typing.setVisible(False) current_contact = self.get_curr_contact() if current_contact is not None: self._unsubscribe_from_events(current_contact) if value is not None: if self._active_contact + 1 and self._active_contact != value: try: current_contact.curr_text = self._screen.messageEdit.toPlainText() except: pass friend = self._contacts[value] self._subscribe_to_events(friend) friend.remove_invalid_unsent_files() if self._active_contact != value: self._screen.messageEdit.setPlainText(friend.curr_text) self._active_contact = value friend.reset_messages() if not self._settings['save_history']: friend.delete_old_messages() self._messages.clear() # friend.load_corr() # messages = friend.get_corr()[-PAGE_SIZE:] # self._load_history = False # for message in messages: # if message.get_type() <= 1: # data = message.get_data() # self.create_message_item(data[0], # data[2], # data[1], # data[3]) # elif message.get_type() == MESSAGE_TYPE['FILE_TRANSFER']: # if message.get_status() is None: # self.create_unsent_file_item(message) # continue # item = self.create_file_transfer_item(message) # if message.get_status() in ACTIVE_FILE_TRANSFERS: # active file transfer # try: # ft = self._file_transfers[(message.get_friend_number(), message.get_file_number())] # ft.set_state_changed_handler(item.update_transfer_state) # ft.signal() # except: # print('Incoming not started transfer - no info found') # elif message.get_type() == MESSAGE_TYPE['INLINE']: # inline # self.create_inline_item(message.get_data()) # elif message.get_type() < 5: # info message # data = message.get_data() # self.create_message_item(data[0], # data[2], # '', # data[3]) # else: # data = message.get_data() # self.create_gc_message_item(data[0], data[2], data[1], data[4], data[3]) # self._messages.scrollToBottom() # self._load_history = True # if value in self._call: # self._screen.active_call() # elif value in self._incoming_calls: # self._screen.incoming_call() # else: # self._screen.call_finished() else: friend = self.get_curr_contact() # TODO: to separate method self._screen.account_status.setToolTip(friend.get_full_status()) avatar_path = friend.get_avatar_path() pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(avatar_path) self._screen.account_avatar.setPixmap(pixmap.scaled(64, 64, QtCore.Qt.KeepAspectRatio, QtCore.Qt.SmoothTransformation)) except Exception as ex: # no friend found. ignore util.log('Friend value: ' + str(value)) util.log('Error in set active: ' + str(ex)) raise def set_active_by_number_and_type(self, number, is_friend): for i in range(len(self._contacts)): c = self._contacts[i] if c.number == number and (type(c) is Friend == is_friend): self._active_contact = i break active_friend = property(get_active, set_active) def update(self): if self._active_contact + 1: self.set_active(self._active_contact) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Filtration # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def filtration_and_sorting(self, sorting=0, filter_str=''): """ Filtration of friends list :param sorting: 0 - no sort, 1 - online only, 2 - online first, 4 - by name :param filter_str: show contacts which name contains this substring """ # TODO: simplify? filter_str = filter_str.lower() number = self.get_active_number() is_friend = self._is_active_a_friend() if sorting > 1: if sorting & 2: self._contacts = sorted(self._contacts, key=lambda x: int(x.status is not None), reverse=True) if sorting & 4: if not sorting & 2: self._contacts = sorted(self._contacts, key=lambda x: else: # save results of prev sorting online_friends = filter(lambda x: x.status is not None, self._contacts) count = len(list(online_friends)) part1 = self._contacts[:count] part2 = self._contacts[count:] part1 = sorted(part1, key=lambda x: part2 = sorted(part2, key=lambda x: self._contacts = part1 + part2 else: # sort by number online_friends = filter(lambda x: x.status is not None, self._contacts) count = len(list(online_friends)) part1 = self._contacts[:count] part2 = self._contacts[count:] part1 = sorted(part1, key=lambda x: x.number) part2 = sorted(part2, key=lambda x: x.number) self._contacts = part1 + part2 # self._screen.friends_list.clear() # for contact in self._contacts: # contact.set_widget(self.create_friend_item()) for index, friend in enumerate(self._contacts): friend.visibility = (friend.status is not None or not (sorting & 1)) and (filter_str in friend.visibility = friend.visibility or friend.messages or friend.actions if friend.visibility: self._screen.friends_list.item(index).setSizeHint(QtCore.QSize(250, self._friend_item_height)) else: self._screen.friends_list.item(index).setSizeHint(QtCore.QSize(250, 0)) self._sorting, self._filter_string = sorting, filter_str self._settings['sorting'] = self._sorting self.set_active_by_number_and_type(number, is_friend) def update_filtration(self): """ Update list of contacts when 1 of friends change connection status """ self.filtration_and_sorting(self._sorting, self._filter_string) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Friend getters # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_friend_by_number(self, num): return list(filter(lambda x: x.number == num and type(x) is Friend, self._contacts))[0] def get_last_message(self): if self._active_contact + 1: return self.get_curr_contact().get_last_message_text() else: return '' def get_active_number(self): return self.get_curr_contact().number if self._active_contact + 1 else -1 def get_active_name(self): return self.get_curr_contact().name if self._active_contact + 1 else '' def is_active_online(self): return self._active_contact + 1 and self.get_curr_contact().status is not None def new_name(self, number, name): # TODO: move to somewhere else? friend = self.get_friend_by_number(number) tmp = friend.set_name(name) name = str(name, 'utf-8') if == name and tmp != name: # TODO: move to friend? message ='User {} is now known as {}') # message = message.format(tmp, name) # friend.append_message(InfoMessage(0, message, util.get_unix_time())) # friend.actions = True # if number == self.get_active_number(): # self.create_message_item(message, time.time(), '', MESSAGE_TYPE['INFO_MESSAGE']) # self._messages.scrollToBottom() # self.set_active(None) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Work with friends (remove, block, set alias, get public key) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_alias(self, num): """ Set new alias for friend """ friend = self._contacts[num] name = text ="Enter new alias for friend {} or leave empty to use friend's name:").format(name) title ='Set alias') text, ok = util_ui.text_dialog(text, title, name) if ok: aliases = self._settings['friends_aliases'] if text: = bytes(text, 'utf-8') try: index = list(map(lambda x: x[0], aliases)).index(friend.tox_id) aliases[index] = (friend.tox_id, text) except: aliases.append((friend.tox_id, text)) friend.set_alias(text) else: # use default name = bytes(self._tox.friend_get_name(friend.number), 'utf-8') friend.set_alias('') try: index = list(map(lambda x: x[0], aliases)).index(friend.tox_id) del aliases[index] except: pass # if num == self.get_active_number() and self.is_active_a_friend(): # self.update() def friend_public_key(self, num): return self._contacts[num].tox_id def export_history(self, num, as_text): contact = self._contacts[num] return self._history.export_history(contact, as_text) def delete_friend(self, num): """ Removes friend from contact list :param num: number of friend in list """ friend = self._contacts[num] try: index = list(map(lambda x: x[0], self._settings['friends_aliases'])).index(friend.tox_id) del self._settings['friends_aliases'][index] except: pass if friend.tox_id in self._settings['notes']: del self._settings['notes'][friend.tox_id] self._history.delete_history(friend) self._tox.friend_delete(friend.number) del self._contacts[num] self._screen.friends_list.takeItem(num) if num == self._active_contact: # active friend was deleted self.set_active(0 if len(self._contacts) else -1) data = self._tox.get_savedata() self._profile_manager.save_profile(data) def add_friend(self, tox_id): """ Adds friend to list """ self._tox.friend_add_norequest(tox_id) friend = self._contact_provider.get_friend_by_public_key(tox_id) self._contacts.append(friend) def block_user(self, tox_id): """ Block user with specified tox id (or public key) - delete from friends list and ignore friend requests """ tox_id = tox_id[:TOX_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE * 2] if tox_id == self._tox.self_get_address[:TOX_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE * 2]: return if tox_id not in self._settings['blocked']: self._settings['blocked'].append(tox_id) try: num = self._tox.friend_by_public_key(tox_id) self.delete_friend(num) self.save_profile() except: # not in friend list pass def unblock_user(self, tox_id, add_to_friend_list): """ Unblock user :param tox_id: tox id of contact :param add_to_friend_list: add this contact to friend list or not """ self._settings['blocked'].remove(tox_id) if add_to_friend_list: self.add_friend(tox_id) self.save_profile() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Friend requests # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def send_friend_request(self, tox_id, message): """ Function tries to send request to contact with specified id :param tox_id: id of new contact or tox dns 4 value :param message: additional message :return: True on success else error string """ try: message = message or 'Hello! Add me to your contact list please' if '@' in tox_id: # value like tox_id = self._tox_dns.lookup(tox_id) if tox_id is None: raise Exception('TOX DNS lookup failed') if len(tox_id) == TOX_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE * 2: # public key self.add_friend(tox_id) title ='Friend added') text ='Friend added without sending friend request') util_ui.message_box(text, title) else: self._tox.friend_add(tox_id, message.encode('utf-8')) tox_id = tox_id[:TOX_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE * 2] friend = self._contact_provider.get_friend_by_public_key(tox_id) self._contacts.append(friend) self.save_profile() return True except Exception as ex: # wrong data util.log('Friend request failed with ' + str(ex)) return str(ex) def process_friend_request(self, tox_id, message): """ Accept or ignore friend request :param tox_id: tox id of contact :param message: message """ if tox_id in self._settings['blocked']: return try: text ='User {} wants to add you to contact list. Message:\n{}') reply = util_ui.question(text.format(tox_id, message),'Friend request')) if reply: # accepted self.add_friend(tox_id) data = self._tox.get_savedata() self._profile_manager.save_profile(data) except Exception as ex: # something is wrong util.log('Accept friend request failed! ' + str(ex)) def can_send_typing_notification(self): return self._settings['typing_notifications'] and self._active_contact + 1 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private methods # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _is_active_a_friend(self): return type(self.get_curr_contact()) is Friend def _load_contacts(self): self._load_friends() self._load_groups() if len(self._contacts): self.set_active(0) self.filtration_and_sorting(self._sorting) def _load_friends(self): self._contacts.extend(self._contact_provider.get_all_friends()) def _load_groups(self): self._contacts.extend(self._contact_provider.get_all_groups()) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Current contact subscriptions # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _subscribe_to_events(self, contact): contact.name_changed_event.add_callback(self._current_contact_name_changed) def _unsubscribe_from_events(self, contact): contact.name_changed_event.remove_callback(self._current_contact_name_changed) def _current_contact_name_changed(self, name): self._screen.account_name.setText(name)