import sys from loginscreen import LoginScreen from settings import Settings from PySide import QtCore, QtGui from bootstrap import node_generator from mainscreen import MainWindow from profile import ProfileHelper, tox_factory from callbacks import init_callbacks from util import curr_directory, get_style class Toxygen(object): def __init__(self): super(Toxygen, self).__init__() self.tox = = self.init = self.mainloop = None def main(self): """ main function of app. loads login screen if needed and starts main screen """ app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) app.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(curr_directory() + '/images/icon.png')) auto_profile = Settings.get_auto_profile() if not auto_profile: # show login screen if default profile not found ls = LoginScreen() ls.setWindowIconText("Toxygen") profiles = ProfileHelper.find_profiles() ls.update_select(map(lambda x: x[1], profiles)) _login = self.Login(profiles) ls.update_on_close(_login.login_screen_close) app.connect(app, QtCore.SIGNAL("lastWindowClosed()"), app, QtCore.SLOT("quit()")) app.exec_() if not _login.t: return elif _login.t == 1: # create new profile name = if else 'toxygen_user' settings = Settings(name) self.tox = tox_factory() self.tox.self_set_name( if else 'Toxygen User') self.tox.self_set_status_message('Toxing on Toxygen') ProfileHelper.save_profile(self.tox.get_savedata(), name) else: # load existing profile path, name = _login.get_data() settings = Settings(name) if _login.default: Settings.set_auto_profile(path, name) data = ProfileHelper.open_profile(path, name) self.tox = tox_factory(data, settings) else: path, name = auto_profile settings = Settings(name) data = ProfileHelper.open_profile(path, name) self.tox = tox_factory(data, settings) # tray icon self.tray = QtGui.QSystemTrayIcon(QtGui.QIcon(curr_directory() + '/images/icon.png')) self.tray.setContextMenu(QtGui.QMenu()) = MainWindow(self.tox, self.reset) QtGui.QApplication.setStyle(get_style(settings['theme'])) # set application style # init thread self.init = self.InitThread(self.tox,, self.tray) self.init.start() # starting thread for tox iterate self.mainloop = self.ToxIterateThread(self.tox) self.mainloop.start() app.connect(app, QtCore.SIGNAL("lastWindowClosed()"), app, QtCore.SLOT("quit()")) app.exec_() self.mainloop.stop = True self.mainloop.wait() data = self.tox.get_savedata() ProfileHelper.save_profile(data) del self.tox def reset(self): """ Create new tox instance (new network settings) :return: tox instance """ self.mainloop.stop = True self.mainloop.wait() self.init.terminate() data = self.tox.get_savedata() ProfileHelper.save_profile(data) del self.tox # create new tox instance self.tox = tox_factory(data, Settings.get_instance()) # init thread self.init = self.InitThread(self.tox,, self.tray) self.init.start() # starting thread for tox iterate self.mainloop = self.ToxIterateThread(self.tox) self.mainloop.start() return self.tox # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Inner classes # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class InitThread(QtCore.QThread): def __init__(self, tox, ms, tray): QtCore.QThread.__init__(self) self.tox,, self.tray = tox, ms, tray def run(self): # initializing callbacks init_callbacks(self.tox,, self.tray) # bootstrap for data in node_generator(): self.tox.bootstrap(*data) self.msleep(10000) while not self.tox.self_get_connection_status(): for data in node_generator(): self.tox.bootstrap(*data) self.msleep(5000) class ToxIterateThread(QtCore.QThread): def __init__(self, tox): QtCore.QThread.__init__(self) self.tox = tox self.stop = False def run(self): while not self.stop: self.tox.iterate() self.msleep(self.tox.iteration_interval()) class Login(object): def __init__(self, arr): self.arr = arr def login_screen_close(self, t, number=-1, default=False, name=None): """ Function which processes data from login screen :param t: 0 - window was closed, 1 - new profile was created, 2 - profile loaded :param number: num of choosen profile in list (-1 by default) :param default: was or not choosen profile marked as default :param name: name of new profile """ print str(t), str(number), str(default), str(name) self.t = t self.num = number self.default = default = name def get_data(self): return self.arr[self.num] if __name__ == '__main__': # TODO: add command line options toxygen = Toxygen() toxygen.main()