import util.util as util import util.ui as util_ui import os from user_data import settings import platform import urllib from PyQt5 import QtNetwork, QtCore import subprocess def connection_available(): try: urllib.request.urlopen('', timeout=1) # return True except: return False def updater_available(): if is_from_sources(): return os.path.exists(util.curr_directory() + '/') elif platform.system() == 'Windows': return os.path.exists(util.curr_directory() + '/toxygen_updater.exe') else: return os.path.exists(util.curr_directory() + '/toxygen_updater') def check_for_updates(current_version, settings): major, minor, patch = list(map(lambda x: int(x), current_version.split('.'))) versions = generate_versions(major, minor, patch) for version in versions: if send_request(version, settings): return version return None # no new version was found def is_from_sources(): return __file__.endswith('.py') def test_url(version): return '' + version def get_url(version): if is_from_sources(): return '' + version + '.zip' else: if platform.system() == 'Windows': name = '' elif util.is_64_bit(): name = 'toxygen_linux_64.tar.gz' else: name = 'toxygen_linux.tar.gz' return '{}/{}'.format(version, name) def get_params(url, version): if is_from_sources(): if platform.system() == 'Windows': return ['python', '', url, version] else: return ['python3', '', url, version] elif platform.system() == 'Windows': return [util.curr_directory() + '/toxygen_updater.exe', url, version] else: return ['./toxygen_updater', url, version] def download(version): os.chdir(util.curr_directory()) url = get_url(version) params = get_params(url, version) print('Updating Toxygen') util.log('Updating Toxygen') try: subprocess.Popen(params) except Exception as ex: util.log('Exception: running updater failed with ' + str(ex)) def send_request(version, settings): netman = QtNetwork.QNetworkAccessManager() proxy = QtNetwork.QNetworkProxy() if settings['proxy_type']: proxy.setType(QtNetwork.QNetworkProxy.Socks5Proxy if settings['proxy_type'] == 2 else QtNetwork.QNetworkProxy.HttpProxy) proxy.setHostName(settings['proxy_host']) proxy.setPort(settings['proxy_port']) netman.setProxy(proxy) url = test_url(version) try: request = QtNetwork.QNetworkRequest() request.setUrl(QtCore.QUrl(url)) reply = netman.get(request) while not reply.isFinished(): QtCore.QThread.msleep(1) QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents() attr = reply.attribute(QtNetwork.QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute) return attr is not None and 200 <= attr < 300 except Exception as ex: util.log('TOXYGEN UPDATER ERROR: ' + str(ex)) return False def generate_versions(major, minor, patch): new_major = '.'.join([str(major + 1), '0', '0']) new_minor = '.'.join([str(major), str(minor + 1), '0']) new_patch = '.'.join([str(major), str(minor), str(patch + 1)]) return new_major, new_minor, new_patch def start_update_if_needed(version, settings): updating = False if settings['update'] and updater_available() and connection_available(): # auto update version = check_for_updates(version, settings) if version is not None: if settings['update'] == 2: download(version) updating = True else: reply = util_ui.question('Update for Toxygen was found. Download and install it?')) if reply: download(version) updating = True return updating