import pyaudio import time import threading import settings from toxav_enums import * import cv2 import itertools import numpy as np # TODO: play sound until outgoing call will be started or cancelled class Call: def __init__(self, out_audio, out_video, in_audio=False, in_video=False): self._in_audio = in_audio self._in_video = in_video self._out_audio = out_audio self._out_video = out_video self._is_active = False def get_is_active(self): return self._is_active def set_is_active(self, value): self._is_active = value is_active = property(get_is_active, set_is_active) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Audio # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_in_audio(self): return self._in_audio def set_in_audio(self, value): self._in_audio = value in_audio = property(get_in_audio, set_in_audio) def get_out_audio(self): return self._out_audio def set_out_audio(self, value): self._out_audio = value out_audio = property(get_out_audio, set_out_audio) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Video # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_in_video(self): return self._in_video def set_in_video(self, value): self._in_video = value in_video = property(get_in_video, set_in_video) def get_out_video(self): return self._out_video def set_out_video(self, value): self._in_video = value out_video = property(get_out_video, set_out_video) class AV: def __init__(self, toxav): self._toxav = toxav self._running = True self._calls = {} # dict: key - friend number, value - Call instance self._audio = None self._audio_stream = None self._audio_thread = None self._audio_running = False self._out_stream = None self._audio_rate = 8000 self._audio_channels = 1 self._audio_duration = 60 self._audio_sample_count = self._audio_rate * self._audio_channels * self._audio_duration // 1000 self._video = None self._video_thread = None self._video_running = False self._video_width = 640 self._video_height = 480 def stop(self): self._running = False self.stop_audio_thread() self.stop_video_thread() def __contains__(self, friend_number): return friend_number in self._calls # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Calls # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __call__(self, friend_number, audio, video): """Call friend with specified number""", 32 if audio else 0, 5000 if video else 0) self._calls[friend_number] = Call(audio, video) threading.Timer(30.0, lambda: self.finish_not_started_call(friend_number)).start() def accept_call(self, friend_number, audio_enabled, video_enabled): if self._running: self._calls[friend_number] = Call(audio_enabled, video_enabled) self._toxav.answer(friend_number, 32 if audio_enabled else 0, 5000 if video_enabled else 0) if audio_enabled: self.start_audio_thread() if video_enabled: self.start_video_thread() def finish_call(self, friend_number, by_friend=False): if not by_friend: self._toxav.call_control(friend_number, TOXAV_CALL_CONTROL['CANCEL']) if friend_number in self._calls: del self._calls[friend_number] if not len(list(filter(lambda c: c.out_audio, self._calls))): self.stop_audio_thread() if not len(list(filter(lambda c: c.out_video, self._calls))): self.stop_video_thread() def finish_not_started_call(self, friend_number): if friend_number in self: call = self._calls[friend_number] if not call.is_active: self.finish_call(friend_number) def toxav_call_state_cb(self, friend_number, state): """ New call state """ call = self._calls[friend_number] call.is_active = True call.in_audio = state | TOXAV_FRIEND_CALL_STATE['SENDING_A'] call.in_video = state | TOXAV_FRIEND_CALL_STATE['SENDING_V'] if state | TOXAV_FRIEND_CALL_STATE['ACCEPTING_A'] and call.out_audio: self.start_audio_thread() if state | TOXAV_FRIEND_CALL_STATE['ACCEPTING_V'] and call.out_video: self.start_video_thread() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Threads # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def start_audio_thread(self): """ Start audio sending """ if self._audio_thread is not None: return self._audio_running = True self._audio = pyaudio.PyAudio() self._audio_stream =, rate=self._audio_rate, channels=self._audio_channels, input=True, input_device_index=settings.Settings.get_instance().audio['input'], frames_per_buffer=self._audio_sample_count * 10) self._audio_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.send_audio) self._audio_thread.start() def stop_audio_thread(self): if self._audio_thread is None: return self._audio_running = False self._audio_thread.join() self._audio_thread = None self._audio_stream = None self._audio = None if self._out_stream is not None: self._out_stream.stop_stream() self._out_stream.close() self._out_stream = None def start_video_thread(self): if self._video_thread is not None: return self._video_running = True s = settings.Settings.get_instance() self._video_width =['width'] self._video_height =['height'] self._video = cv2.VideoCapture(['device']) self._video.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS, 25) self._video.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, self._video_width) self._video.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, self._video_height) self._video_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.send_video) self._video_thread.start() def stop_video_thread(self): if self._video_thread is None: return self._video_running = False self._video_thread.join() self._video_thread = None self._video = None # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Incoming chunks # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def audio_chunk(self, samples, channels_count, rate): """ Incoming chunk """ if self._out_stream is None: self._out_stream =, channels=channels_count, rate=rate, output_device_index=settings.Settings.get_instance().audio['output'], output=True) self._out_stream.write(samples) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # AV sending # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def send_audio(self): """ This method sends audio to friends """ while self._audio_running: try: pcm = if pcm: for friend_num in self._calls: if self._calls[friend_num].out_audio: try: self._toxav.audio_send_frame(friend_num, pcm, self._audio_sample_count, self._audio_channels, self._audio_rate) except: pass except: pass time.sleep(0.01) def send_video(self): """ This method sends video to friends """ while self._video_running: try: result, frame = if result: height, width, channels = frame.shape for friend_num in self._calls: if self._calls[friend_num].out_video: try: y, u, v = self.convert_bgr_to_yuv(frame) self._toxav.video_send_frame(friend_num, width, height, y, u, v) except Exception as e: print(e) except Exception as e: print(e) time.sleep(0.01) def convert_bgr_to_yuv(self, frame): """ :param frame: input bgr frame :return y, u, v: y, u, v values of frame How this function works: OpenCV creates YUV420 frame from BGR This frame has following structure and size: width, height - dim of input frame width, height * 1.5 - dim of output frame width ------------------------- | | | Y | height | | ------------------------- | | | | U even | U odd | height // 4 | | | ------------------------- | | | | V even | V odd | height // 4 | | | ------------------------- width // 2 width // 2 Y, U, V can be extracted using slices and joined in one list using itertools.chain.from_iterable() Function returns bytes(y), bytes(u), bytes(v), because it is required for ctypes """ frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2YUV_I420) y = frame[:self._video_height, :] y = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(y)) u = np.zeros((self._video_height // 2, self._video_width // 2), u[::2, :] = frame[self._video_height:self._video_height * 5 // 4, :self._video_width // 2] u[1::2, :] = frame[self._video_height:self._video_height * 5 // 4, self._video_width // 2:] u = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(u)) v = np.zeros((self._video_height // 2, self._video_width // 2), v[::2, :] = frame[self._video_height * 5 // 4:, :self._video_width // 2] v[1::2, :] = frame[self._video_height * 5 // 4:, self._video_width // 2:] v = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(v)) return bytes(y), bytes(u), bytes(v)