# -*- mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; py-indent-offset: 4; coding: utf-8 -*- import logging import os import random import re import sys import time import threading from ctypes import * from typing import Union, Callable import toxygen_wrapper.toxcore_enums_and_consts as enums from toxygen_wrapper.tox import Tox, UINT32_MAX, ToxError from toxygen_wrapper.toxcore_enums_and_consts import (TOX_ADDRESS_SIZE, TOX_CONNECTION, TOX_FILE_CONTROL, TOX_MESSAGE_TYPE, TOX_SECRET_KEY_SIZE, TOX_USER_STATUS) try: import support_testing as ts except ImportError: import toxygen_wrapper.tests.support_testing as ts sleep = time.sleep ADDR_SIZE = 38 * 2 CLIENT_ID_SIZE = 32 * 2 THRESHOLD = 120 # >25 fSOCKET_TIMEOUT = 15.0 iLOOP_N = 50 iN = 6 global LOG LOG = logging.getLogger('TestS') if False: def LOG_ERROR(l: str) -> None: LOG.error('+ '+l) def LOG_WARN(l: str) -> None: LOG.warn('+ '+l) def LOG_INFO(l: str) -> None: LOG.info('+ '+l) def LOG_DEBUG(l: str) -> None: LOG.debug('+ '+l) def LOG_TRACE(l: str) -> None: pass # print('+ '+l) else: # just print to stdout so there is NO complications from logging. def LOG_ERROR(l: str) -> None: print('EROR+ '+l) def LOG_WARN(l: str) -> None: print('WARN+ '+l) def LOG_INFO(l: str) -> None: print('INFO+ '+l) def LOG_DEBUG(l: str) -> None: print('DEBUG+ '+l) def LOG_TRACE(l: str) -> None: pass # print('TRAC+ '+l) class WrapperMixin(): def bBobNeedAlice(self) -> bool: """ """ if hasattr(self, 'baid') and self.baid >= 0 and \ self.baid in self.bob.self_get_friend_list(): LOG.warn(f"setUp ALICE IS ALREADY IN BOBS FRIEND LIST") return False elif self.bob.self_get_friend_list_size() >= 1: LOG.warn(f"setUp BOB STILL HAS A FRIEND LIST") return False return True def bAliceNeedAddBob (self) -> bool: if hasattr(self, 'abid') and self.abid >= 0 and \ self.abid in self.alice.self_get_friend_list(): LOG.warn(f"setUp BOB IS ALREADY IN ALICES FRIEND LIST") return False if self.alice.self_get_friend_list_size() >= 1: LOG.warn(f"setUp ALICE STILL HAS A FRIEND LIST") return False return True def get_connection_status(self) -> bool: if self.bob.mycon_time <= 1 or self.alice.mycon_time <= 1: pass # drop through elif self.bob.dht_connected == TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']: return False elif self.alice.dht_connected == TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']: return False # if not self.connected if self.bob.self_get_connection_status() == TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']: return False if self.alice.self_get_connection_status() == TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']: return False return True def loop(self, n) -> None: """ t:iterate t:iteration_interval """ interval = self.bob.iteration_interval() for i in range(n): self.alice.iterate() self.bob.iterate() sleep(interval / 1000.0) def call_bootstrap(self, num: Union[int, None] = None, lToxes:Union[list[int], None] =None, i:int =0, fsocket_timeout:float = fSOCKET_TIMEOUT) -> None: if num == None: num=ts.iNODES if lToxes is None: lToxes = [self.alice, self.bob] # LOG.debug(f"call_bootstrap network={oTOX_OARGS.network}") otox = lToxes[0] if otox._args.network in ['new', 'newlocal', 'localnew']: ts.bootstrap_local(self.lUdp, lToxes) elif not ts.bAreWeConnected(): LOG.warning('we are NOT CONNECTED') else: random.shuffle(self.lUdp) if otox._args.proxy_port > 0: lElts = self.lUdp[:1] else: lElts = self.lUdp[:num+i] LOG.debug(f"call_bootstrap ts.bootstrap_udp {len(lElts)}") ts.bootstrap_udp(lElts, lToxes, fsocket_timeout=fsocket_timeout) random.shuffle(self.lTcp) lElts = self.lTcp[:num+i] LOG.debug(f"call_bootstrap ts.bootstrap_tcp {len(lElts)}") ts.bootstrap_tcp(lElts, lToxes, fsocket_timeout=fsocket_timeout) def group_until_connected(self, otox, group_number:int, num: Union[int, None] = None, iMax:int = THRESHOLD, fsocket_timeout:float = fSOCKET_TIMEOUT) -> bool: """ """ i = 0 bRet = None while i <= iMax : i += 1 iRet = otox.group_is_connected(group_number) if iRet == True or iRet == 0: bRet = True break if i % 5 == 0: j = i//5 + 1 self.call_bootstrap(num, lToxes=None, i=j, fsocket_timeout=fsocket_timeout) s = '' if i == 0: s = '\n' LOG.info(s+"group_until_connected " \ +" #" + str(i) \ +" iRet=" +repr(iRet) \ +f" BOBS={otox.mycon_status}" \ +f" last={int(otox.mycon_time)}" ) self.loop(iLOOP_N) else: bRet = False if bRet: LOG.info(f"group_until_connected True i={i}" \ +f" iMax={iMax}" \ +f" BOB={otox.self_get_connection_status()}" \ +f" last={int(otox.mycon_time)}" ) return True else: LOG.warning(f"group_until_connected False i={i}" \ +f" iMax={iMax}" \ +f" BOB={otox.self_get_connection_status()}" \ +f" last={int(otox.mycon_time)}" ) return False def loop_until_connected(self, otox=None, num: Union[int, None] = None, fsocket_timeout:float = fSOCKET_TIMEOUT) -> bool: """ t:on_self_connection_status t:self_get_connection_status """ i = 0 num = 4 bRet = None if otox is None: otox = self.bob while i <= otox._args.test_timeout : i += 1 if (self.alice.mycon_status and self.bob.mycon_status): bRet = True break if i % 5 == 0: j = i//5 + 1 self.call_bootstrap(num, lToxes=None, i=j, fsocket_timeout=fsocket_timeout) s = '' if i == 0: s = '\n' LOG.info(s+"loop_until_connected " \ +" #" + str(i) \ +" BOB=" +repr(self.bob.self_get_connection_status()) \ +" ALICE=" +repr(self.alice.self_get_connection_status()) +f" BOBS={self.bob.mycon_status}" \ +f" ALICES={self.alice.mycon_status}" \ +f" last={int(self.bob.mycon_time)}" ) if (self.alice.mycon_status and self.bob.mycon_status): bRet = True break if (self.alice.self_get_connection_status() and self.bob.self_get_connection_status()): LOG_WARN(f"loop_until_connected disagree status() DISAGREE" \ +f' self.bob.mycon_status={self.bob.mycon_status}' \ +f' alice.mycon_status={self.alice.mycon_status}' \ +f" last={int(self.bob.mycon_time)}" ) bRet = True break self.loop(iLOOP_N) else: bRet = False if bRet or \ ( self.bob.self_get_connection_status() != TOX_CONNECTION['NONE'] and \ self.alice.self_get_connection_status() != TOX_CONNECTION['NONE'] ): LOG.info(f"loop_until_connected returning True i={i}" \ +f" BOB={self.bob.self_get_connection_status()}" \ +f" ALICE={self.alice.self_get_connection_status()}" \ +f" last={int(self.bob.mycon_time)}" ) return True otox._args.test_timeout += 5 LOG.warning(f"loop_until_connected returning False i={i}" \ +f" BOB={self.bob.self_get_connection_status()}" \ +f" ALICE={self.alice.self_get_connection_status()}" \ +f" last={int(self.bob.mycon_time)}" ) return False def wait_objs_attr(self, objs: list, attr: str, fsocket_timeout:float = fSOCKET_TIMEOUT) -> bool: i = 0 otox = objs[0] while i <= otox._args.test_timeout: i += 1 if i % 5 == 0: num = None j = 0 j = i//5 self.call_bootstrap(num, lToxes=objs, i=j, fsocket_timeout=fsocket_timeout) LOG.debug(f"wait_objs_attr {objs} for {attr} {i}") if all([getattr(obj, attr) for obj in objs]): return True self.loop(iLOOP_N) else: otox._args.test_timeout += 1 LOG.warn(f"wait_objs_attr for {attr} i >= {otox._args.test_timeout}") return all([getattr(obj, attr) is not None for obj in objs]) def wait_otox_attrs(self, obj, attrs: list[str], fsocket_timeout:float = fSOCKET_TIMEOUT) -> bool: assert all(attrs), f"wait_otox_attrs {attrs}" i = 0 otox = obj while i <= otox._args.test_timeout: i += 1 if i % 5 == 0: num = None j = 0 if obj.mycon_time == 1: # start with 4 random nodes ti bootstrap num = 4 # every 10 sec add another random nodes to bootstrap j = i//10 + 1 if obj.self_get_connection_status() == TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']: self.call_bootstrap(num, lToxes=[obj], i=j, fsocket_timeout=fsocket_timeout) LOG.debug(f"wait_otox_attrs {obj.name} for {attrs} {i}" \ +f" last={int(obj.mycon_time)}") if all([getattr(obj, attr) is not None for attr in attrs]): return True self.loop(iLOOP_N) else: LOG.warning(f"wait_otox_attrs i >= {otox._args.test_timeout} attrs={attrs} results={[getattr(obj, attr) for attr in attrs]}") return all([getattr(obj, attr) for attr in attrs]) def wait_ensure_exec(self, method, args:list, fsocket_timeout:float = fSOCKET_TIMEOUT) -> bool: i = 0 oRet = None while i <= self.bob._args.test_timeout: i += 1 if i % 5 == 0: # every 10 sec add another random nodes to bootstrap j = i//10 + 1 self.call_bootstrap(num=None, lToxes=None, i=j, fsocket_timeout=fsocket_timeout) LOG.debug("wait_ensure_exec " \ +" " +str(method) +" " +str(i)) try: oRet = method(*args) if oRet: LOG.info(f"wait_ensure_exec oRet {oRet!r}") return True except ArgumentError as e: # ArgumentError('This client is currently NOT CONNECTED to the friend.') # dunno LOG.warning(f"wait_ensure_exec ArgumentError {e}") return False except Exception as e: LOG.warning(f"wait_ensure_exec EXCEPTION {e}") return False sleep(3) else: LOG.error(f"wait_ensure_exec i >= {1*self.bob._args.test_timeout}") return False return oRet def bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest(self) -> bool: if not self.bBobNeedAlice(): return True apk = self.alice.self_get_public_key() iRet = self.bob.friend_add_norequest(apk) if iRet < 0: return False self.baid = self.bob.friend_by_public_key(apk) assert self.baid >= 0, self.baid assert self.bob.friend_exists(self.baid), "bob.friend_exists" assert not self.bob.friend_exists(self.baid + 1) assert self.baid in self.bob.self_get_friend_list() assert self.bob.self_get_friend_list_size() >= 1 return True def alice_add_bob_as_friend_norequest(self) -> bool: if not self.bAliceNeedAddBob(): return True bpk = self.bob.self_get_public_key() iRet = self.alice.friend_add_norequest(bpk) if iRet < 0: return False self.abid = self.alice.friend_by_public_key(bpk) assert self.abid >= 0, self.abid assert self.abid in self.alice.self_get_friend_list() assert self.alice.friend_exists(self.abid), "alice.friend_exists" assert not self.alice.friend_exists(self.abid + 1) assert self.alice.self_get_friend_list_size() >= 1 return True def both_add_as_friend(self) -> bool: if self.bob._args.norequest: assert self.bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest() assert self.alice_add_bob_as_friend_norequest() else: assert self.bob_add_alice_as_friend() assert self.alice_add_bob_as_friend() if not hasattr(self, 'baid') or self.baid < 0: LOG.warn("both_add_as_friend no bob, baid") if not hasattr(self, 'abid') or self.abid < 0: LOG.warn("both_add_as_friend no alice, abid") return True def both_add_as_friend_norequest(self) -> bool: if True or self.bBobNeedAlice(): assert self.bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest() if True or self.bAliceNeedAddBob(): assert self.alice_add_bob_as_friend_norequest() if not hasattr(self.bob, 'baid') or self.bob.baid < 0: LOG.warn("both_add_as_friend_norequest no bob, baid") if not hasattr(self.alice, 'abid') or self.alice.abid < 0: LOG.warn("both_add_as_friend_norequest no alice, abid") #: Test last online #? assert self.alice.friend_get_last_online(self.abid) is not None #? assert self.bob.friend_get_last_online(self.baid) is not None return True def bob_add_alice_as_friend(self) -> bool: """ t:friend_add t:on_friend_request t:friend_by_public_key """ MSG = 'Alice, this is Bob.' sSlot = 'friend_request' if not self.bBobNeedAlice(): return True def alices_on_friend_request(iTox, public_key, message_data, message_data_size, *largs) -> None: try: assert str(message_data, 'UTF-8') == MSG LOG_INFO(f"alices_on_friend_request: {sSlot} = True ") except Exception as e: LOG_WARN(f"alices_on_friend_request: EXCEPTION {e}") # return setattr(self.bob, sSlot, True) setattr(self.bob, sSlot, None) apk = self.alice.self_get_public_key() inum = -1 try: inum = self.bob.friend_add(self.alice._address, bytes(MSG, 'UTF-8')) assert inum >= 0, f"bob_add_alice_as_friend !>= 0 {inum}" # need a friend connected? if not self.get_connection_status(): LOG.warning(f"test_groups_join NOT CONNECTED") self.loop_until_connected(self.bob) self.alice.callback_friend_request(alices_on_friend_request) if not self.wait_otox_attrs(self.bob, [sSlot]): LOG_WARN(f"bob_add_alice_as_friend NO setting {sSlot}") return False self.baid = self.bob.friend_by_public_key(apk) assert self.baid >= 0, self.baid assert self.bob.friend_exists(self.baid) assert not self.bob.friend_exists(self.baid + 1) assert self.bob.self_get_friend_list_size() >= 1 assert self.baid in self.bob.self_get_friend_list() except Exception as e: LOG.error(f"bob_add_alice_as_friend EXCEPTION {e}") return False finally: self.bob.callback_friend_message(None) return True def alice_add_bob_as_friend(self) -> bool: """ t:friend_add t:on_friend_request t:friend_by_public_key """ MSG = 'Bob, this is Alice.' sSlot = 'friend_request' if not self.bAliceNeedAddBob(): return True def bobs_on_friend_request(iTox, public_key, message_data, message_data_size, *largs) -> None: LOG_DEBUG(f"bobs_on_friend_request: " +repr(message_data)) try: assert str(message_data, 'UTF-8') == MSG except Exception as e: LOG_WARN(f"bobs_on_friend_request: Exception {e}") # return setattr(self.alice, sSlot, True) LOG_INFO(f"bobs_on_friend_request: {sSlot} = True ") setattr(self.alice, sSlot, None) bpk = self.bob.self_get_public_key() inum = -1 try: inum = self.alice.friend_add(self.bob._address, bytes(MSG, 'UTF-8')) assert inum >= 0, f"alice.friend_add !>= 0 {inum}" self.bob.callback_friend_request(bobs_on_friend_request) if not self.wait_otox_attrs(self.alice, [sSlot]): LOG_WARN(f"alice.friend_add NO wait {sSlot}") return False self.abid = self.alice.friend_by_public_key(bpk) assert self.abid >= 0, self.abid assert self.alice.friend_exists(self.abid), "not exists" assert not self.alice.friend_exists(self.abid + 1), "exists +1" assert self.abid in self.alice.self_get_friend_list(), "not in list" assert self.alice.self_get_friend_list_size() >= 1, "list size" except Exception as e: LOG.error(f"alice.friend_add EXCEPTION {e}") return False finally: self.bob.callback_friend_message(None) return True def bob_add_alice_as_friend_and_status(self) -> bool: if self.bob._args.norequest: assert self.bob_add_alice_as_friend_norequest() else: assert self.bob_add_alice_as_friend() #: Wait until both are online sSlot = 'friend_conn_status' setattr(self.bob, sSlot, False) def bobs_on_friend_connection_status(iTox, friend_id, iStatus, *largs) -> None: LOG_INFO(f"bobs_on_friend_connection_status {friend_id} ?>=0" +repr(iStatus)) setattr(self.bob, sSlot, False) sSlot = 'friend_status' setattr(self.bob, sSlot, None) def bobs_on_friend_status(iTox, friend_id, iStatus, *largs) -> None: LOG_INFO(f"bobs_on_friend_status {friend_id} ?>=0 iS={iStatus}") setattr(self.bob, sSlot, False) sSlot = 'friend_conn_status' setattr(self.alice, sSlot, None) def alices_on_friend_connection_status(iTox, friend_id, iStatus, *largs) -> None: LOG_INFO(f"alices_on_friend_connection_status {friend_id} ?>=0 " +repr(iStatus)) setattr(self.alice, sSlot, False) sSlot = 'friend_status' setattr(self.alice, sSlot, None) def alices_on_friend_status(iTox, friend_id, iStatus, *largs) -> None: LOG_INFO(f"alices_on_friend_status {friend_id} ?>=0 iS={iStatus}") setattr(self.alice, sSlot, False) try: # need a friend connected? if not self.get_connection_status(): self.loop_until_connected(self.bob) LOG.info("bob_add_alice_as_friend_and_status waiting for alice connections") if not self.wait_otox_attrs(self.alice, ['friend_conn_status', 'friend_status']): return False self.bob.callback_friend_connection_status(bobs_on_friend_connection_status) self.bob.callback_friend_status(bobs_on_friend_status) self.alice.callback_friend_connection_status(alices_on_friend_connection_status) self.alice.callback_friend_status(alices_on_friend_status) LOG.info("bob_add_alice_as_friend_and_status waiting for bob connections") if not self.wait_otox_attrs(self.bob, ['friend_conn_status', 'friend_status']): LOG_WARN('bob_add_alice_as_friend_and_status NO') # return False except Exception as e: LOG.error(f"bob_add_alice_as_friend_and_status ERROR {e}") return False finally: self.alice.callback_friend_connection_status(None) self.bob.callback_friend_connection_status(None) self.alice.callback_friend_status(None) self.bob.callback_friend_status(None) return True def bob_to_alice_connected(self) -> bool: assert hasattr(self, 'baid') iRet = self.bob.friend_get_connection_status(self.baid) if iRet == TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']: LOG.warn("bob.friend_get_connection_status") return False return True def alice_to_bob_connected(self) -> bool: assert hasattr(self, 'abid') iRet = self.alice.friend_get_connection_status(self.abid) if iRet == TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']: LOG.error("alice.friend_get_connection_status") return False return True def otox_test_groups_create(self, otox, group_name='test_group', nick='test_nick', topic='Test Topic', # str ) -> int: privacy_state = enums.TOX_GROUP_PRIVACY_STATE['PUBLIC'] iGrp = otox.group_new(privacy_state, group_name, nick) assert iGrp >= 0 LOG.info(f"group iGrp={iGrp}") otox.group_set_topic(iGrp, topic) assert otox.group_get_topic(iGrp) == topic assert otox.group_get_topic_size(iGrp) == len(topic) name = otox.group_get_name(iGrp) if type(name) == bytes: name = str(name, 'utf-8') assert name == group_name, name assert otox.group_get_name_size(iGrp) == len(group_name) sPk = otox.group_self_get_public_key(iGrp) assert otox.group_get_password_size(iGrp) >= 0 sP = otox.group_get_password(iGrp) assert otox.group_get_privacy_state(iGrp) == privacy_state assert otox.group_get_number_groups() > 0, "numg={otox.group_get_number_groups()}" LOG.info(f"group pK={sPk} iGrp={iGrp} numg={otox.group_get_number_groups()}") return iGrp def otox_verify_group(self, otox, iGrp) -> None: """ group_self_get_name group_self_get_peer_id group_self_get_public_key group_self_get_role group_self_get_status group_self_set_name """ group_number = iGrp try: assert type(iGrp) == int, "otox_test_groups_join iGrp not an int" assert iGrp < UINT32_MAX, "otox_test_groups_join iGrp failure UINT32_MAX" assert iGrp >= 0, f"otox_test_groups_join iGrp={iGrp} < 0" sGrp = otox.group_get_chat_id(iGrp) assert len(sGrp) == enums.TOX_GROUP_CHAT_ID_SIZE * 2, \ f"group sGrp={sGrp} {len(sGrp)} != {enums.TOX_GROUP_CHAT_ID_SIZE * 2}" sPk = otox.group_self_get_public_key(iGrp) LOG.info(f"otox_verify_group sPk={sPk} iGrp={iGrp} n={otox.group_get_number_groups()}") sName = otox.group_self_get_name(iGrp) iStat = otox.group_self_get_status(iGrp) iId = otox.group_self_get_peer_id(iGrp) iRole = otox.group_self_get_role(iGrp) iStat = otox.group_self_get_status(iGrp) LOG.info(f"otox_verify_group sName={sName} iStat={iStat} iId={iId} iRole={iRole} iStat={iStat}") assert otox.group_self_set_name(iGrp, "NewName") bRet = otox.group_is_connected(iGrp) except Exception as e: LOG.warn(f"group_is_connected EXCEPTION {e}") return -1 # chat->connection_state == CS_CONNECTED || chat->connection_state == CS_CONNECTING; if not bRet: LOG.warn(f"group_is_connected WARN not connected iGrp={iGrp} n={otox.group_get_number_groups()}") else: LOG.info(f"group_is_connected SUCCESS connected iGrp={iGrp} n={otox.group_get_number_groups()}") try: bRet = self.group_until_connected(otox, iGrp, iMax=2*otox._args.test_timeout) except Exception as e: LOG.error(f"group_until_connected EXCEPTION {e}") return -1 # chat->connection_state == CS_CONNECTED || chat->connection_state == CS_CONNECTING; if bRet: LOG.warn(f"group_until_connected WARN not connected iGrp={iGrp} n={otox.group_get_number_groups()}") else: LOG.info(f"group_until_connected SUCCESS connected iGrp={iGrp} n={otox.group_get_number_groups()}") message = bytes('hello', 'utf-8') bRet = otox.group_send_message(iGrp, TOX_MESSAGE_TYPE['NORMAL'], message) if not bRet: LOG.warn(f"group_send_message {bRet}") else: LOG.debug(f"group_send_message {bRet}") # 360497DA684BCE2A500C1AF9B3A5CE949BBB9F6FB1F91589806FB04CA039E313 # 75D2163C19FEFFE51508046398202DDC321E6F9B6654E99BAE45FFEC134F05DE def otox_test_groups_join(self, otox, chat_id="75d2163c19feffe51508046398202ddc321e6f9b6654e99bae45ffec134f05de", nick='nick', topic='Test Topic', # str ): status = '' password = '' LOG.debug(f"group_join nick={nick} chat_id={chat_id}") try: iGrp = otox.group_join(chat_id, password, nick, status) LOG.info(f"otox_test_groups_join SUCCESS iGrp={iGrp} chat_id={chat_id}") self.otox_verify_group(otox, iGrp) except Exception as e: # gui LOG.error(f"otox_test_groups_join EXCEPTION {e}") raise return iGrp def otox_test_groups(self, otox, group_name='test_group', nick='test_nick', topic='Test Topic', # str ) -> int: try: iGrp = self.otox_test_groups_create(otox, group_name, nick, topic) self.otox_verify_group(otox, iGrp) except Exception as e: LOG.error(f"otox_test_groups ERROR {e}") raise # unfinished # tox_group_peer_exit_cb # tox_callback_group_peer_join # tox.callback_group_peer_status # tox.callback_group_peer_name # tox.callback_group_peer_exit # tox.callback_group_peer_join return iGrp def wait_friend_get_connection_status(self, otox, fid:int, n:int = iN) -> int: i = 0 while i < n: i += 1 iRet = otox.friend_get_connection_status(fid) if iRet == TOX_CONNECTION['NONE']: LOG.debug(f"wait_friend_get_connection_status NOT CONNECTED i={i} fid={fid} {iRet}") self.loop_until_connected(otox) else: LOG.info(f"wait_friend_get_connection_status fid={fid} {iRet}") return True else: LOG.error(f"wait_friend_get_connection_status fid={fid} n={n}") return False def warn_if_no_cb(self, alice, sSlot:str) -> None: if not hasattr(alice, sSlot+'_cb') or \ not getattr(alice, sSlot+'_cb'): LOG.warning(f"self.bob.{sSlot}_cb NOT EXIST") def warn_if_cb(self, alice, sSlot:str) -> None: if hasattr(self.bob, sSlot+'_cb') and \ getattr(self.bob, sSlot+'_cb'): LOG.warning(f"self.bob.{sSlot}_cb EXIST")