# -*- mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; py-indent-offset: 4; coding: utf-8 -*- """ Code to interact with a running to using the stem library. """ import getpass import os import re import select import shutil import socket import sys import logging import time from typing import Union, Callable, Union import warnings import stem from stem.connection import MissingPassword from stem.control import Controller from stem.util.tor_tools import is_valid_fingerprint global LOG from toxygen_wrapper.tests.support_http import bAreWeConnected warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') LOG = logging.getLogger('TestS') bHAVE_TORR = shutil.which('tor-resolve') oSTEM_CONTROLER = None yKNOWN_ONIONS = """ - facebookwkhpilnemxj7asaniu7vnjjbiltxjqhye3mhbshg7kx5tfyd # facebook - duckduckgogg42xjoc72x3sjasowoarfbgcmvfimaftt6twagswzczad # ddg - zkaan2xfbuxia2wpf7ofnkbz6r5zdbbvxbunvp5g2iebopbfc4iqmbad # keys.openpgp """ # grep -B 1 '
  • str: if not stem: LOG.warn('please install the stem Python package') return '' try: controller = oGetStemController(log_level=log_level, password=password) map_dict = {"": target} map_ret = controller.map_address(map_dict) return map_ret except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) return '' def vwait_for_controller(controller, wait_boot:int = 10) -> None: if bAreWeConnected() is False: raise RuntimeError("we are not connected") percent = i = 0 # You can call this while boostrapping while percent < 100 and i < wait_boot: bootstrap_status = controller.get_info("status/bootstrap-phase") progress_percent = re.match('.* PROGRESS=([0-9]+).*', bootstrap_status) percent = int(progress_percent.group(1)) LOG.info(f"Bootstrapping {percent}%") time.sleep(5) i += 5 def bin_to_hex(raw_id:int, length: Union[int, None] = None) -> str: if length is None: length = len(raw_id) res = ''.join('{:02x}'.format(raw_id[i]) for i in range(length)) return res.upper() def lIntroductionPoints(controller=None, lOnions:[list,None] = None, itimeout:int = 120, log_level:int = 10, password:[str,None] = None): """now working !!! stem 1.8.x timeout must be huge >120 'Provides the descriptor for a hidden service. The **address** is the '.onion' address of the hidden service ' What about Services? """ if lOnions is None: lOnions = [] try: from cryptography.utils import int_from_bytes except ImportError: import cryptography.utils # guessing - not in the current cryptography but stem expects it def int_from_bytes(**args): return int.to_bytes(*args) cryptography.utils.int_from_bytes = int_from_bytes # this will fai if the trick above didnt work from stem.prereq import is_crypto_available is_crypto_available(ed25519=True) from queue import Empty from stem import Timeout from stem.client.datatype import LinkByFingerprint from stem.descriptor.hidden_service import HiddenServiceDescriptorV3 if type(lOnions) not in [set, tuple, list]: lOnions = list(lOnions) if controller is None: controller = oGetStemController(log_level=log_level, password=password) l = [] for elt in lOnions: LOG.info(f"controller.get_hidden_service_descriptor {elt}") try: desc = controller.get_hidden_service_descriptor(elt, await_result=True, timeout=itimeout) # LOG.log(40, f"{dir(desc)} get_hidden_service_descriptor") # timeouts 20 sec # mistakenly a HSv2 descriptor hs_address = HiddenServiceDescriptorV3.from_str(str(desc)) # reparse as HSv3 oInnerLayer = hs_address.decrypt(elt) # LOG.log(40, f"{dir(oInnerLayer)}") # IntroductionPointV3 n = oInnerLayer.introduction_points if not n: LOG.warn(f"NO introduction points for {elt}") continue LOG.info(f"{elt} {len(n)} introduction points") lp = [] for introduction_point in n: for linkspecifier in introduction_point.link_specifiers: if isinstance(linkspecifier, LinkByFingerprint): # LOG.log(40, f"Getting fingerprint for {linkspecifier}") if hasattr(linkspecifier, 'fingerprint'): assert len(linkspecifier.value) == 20 lp += [bin_to_hex(linkspecifier.value)] LOG.info(f"{len(lp)} introduction points for {elt}") l += lp except (Empty, Timeout,) as e: # noqa LOG.warn(f"Timed out getting introduction points for {elt}") except stem.DescriptorUnavailable as e: LOG.error(e) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(e) return l def zResolveDomain(domain:str) -> int: try: ip = sTorResolve(domain) except Exception as e: # noqa ip = '' if ip == '': try: lpair = getaddrinfo(domain, 443) except Exception as e: LOG.warn(f"{e}") lpair = None if lpair is None: LOG.warn(f"TorResolv and getaddrinfo failed for {domain}") return '' ip = lpair[0] return ip def sTorResolve(target:str, verbose:bool = False, sHost:str = '', iPort:int = 9050, SOCK_TIMEOUT_SECONDS:float = 10.0, SOCK_TIMEOUT_TRIES:int = 3, ) -> str: MAX_INFO_RESPONSE_PACKET_LENGTH = 8 if '@' in target: LOG.warn(f"sTorResolve failed invalid hostname {target}") return '' target = target.strip('/') seb = b"\x04\xf0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00" seb += bytes(target, 'US-ASCII') + b"\x00" assert len(seb) == 10 + len(target), str(len(seb)) + repr(seb) # LOG.debug(f"0 Sending {len(seb)} to The TOR proxy {seb}") sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((sHost, iPort)) sock.settimeout(SOCK_TIMEOUT_SECONDS) oRet = sock.sendall(seb) # noqa i = 0 data = '' while i < SOCK_TIMEOUT_TRIES: i += 1 time.sleep(3) lReady = select.select([sock.fileno()], [], [], SOCK_TIMEOUT_SECONDS) if not lReady[0]: continue try: flags = socket.MSG_WAITALL data = sock.recv(MAX_INFO_RESPONSE_PACKET_LENGTH, flags) except socket.timeout: LOG.warn(f"4 The TOR proxy {(sHost, iPort)}" \ +" didnt reply in " + str(SOCK_TIMEOUT_SECONDS) + " sec." +" #" +str(i)) except Exception as e: LOG.error("4 The TOR proxy " \ +repr((sHost, iPort)) \ +" errored with " + str(e) +" #" +str(i)) sock.close() return '' else: if len(data) > 0: break if len(data) == 0: if i > SOCK_TIMEOUT_TRIES: sLabel = "5 No reply #" else: sLabel = "5 No data #" LOG.warn(f"sTorResolve: {sLabel} {i} on {sHost}:{iPort}") sock.close() return '' assert len(data) >= 8 packet_sf = data[1] if packet_sf == 90: # , "%d" % packet_sf assert f"{packet_sf}" == "90", f"packet_sf = {packet_sf}" return f"{data[4]}.{data[5]}.{data[6]}.{data[7]}" else: # 91 LOG.warn(f"tor-resolve failed for {target} on {sHost}:{iPort}") sout = f"/tmp/{os.getpid}.tmp" iRet = os.system(f"tor-resolve -4 {target} > {sout} 2>/dev/null") # os.system("strace tor-resolve -4 "+target+" 2>&1|grep '^sen\|^rec'") if iRet == 0: sAns = open(sout, 'rt').read().strip() return sAns return '' def getaddrinfo(sHost:str, sPort:str) -> list: # do this the explicit way = Ive seen the compact connect fail # >>> sHost, sPort = 'l27.0.0.1', 33446 # >>> sock.connect((sHost, sPort)) # socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known try: lElts = socket.getaddrinfo(sHost, int(sPort), socket.AF_INET) lElts = list(filter(lambda elt: elt[1] == socket.SOCK_DGRAM, lElts)) assert len(lElts) == 1, repr(lElts) lPair = lElts[0][-1] assert len(lPair) == 2, repr(lPair) assert type(lPair[1]) == int, repr(lPair) except (socket.gaierror, OSError, BaseException) as e: LOG.error(e) return None return lPair def icheck_torrc(sFile:str, oArgs) -> int: l = open(sFile, 'rt').readlines() a = {} for elt in l: elt = elt.strip() if not elt or ' ' not in elt: continue (k, v,) = elt.split(' ', 1) a[k] = v keys = a if 'HashedControlPassword' not in keys: LOG.info('Add HashedControlPassword for security') print('run: tor --hashcontrolpassword ') if 'ExcludeExitNodes' in keys: elt = 'BadNodes.ExcludeExitNodes.BadExit' LOG.warn(f"Remove ExcludeNodes and move then to {oArgs.bad_nodes}") print(f"move to the {elt} section as a list") if 'GuardNodes' in keys: elt = 'GoodNodes.GuardNodes' LOG.warn(f"Remove GuardNodes and move then to {oArgs.good_nodes}") print(f"move to the {elt} section as a list") if 'ExcludeNodes' in keys: elt = 'BadNodes.ExcludeNodes.BadExit' LOG.warn(f"Remove ExcludeNodes and move then to {oArgs.bad_nodes}") print(f"move to the {elt} section as a list") if 'ControlSocket' not in keys and os.path.exists('/run/tor/control'): LOG.info('Add ControlSocket /run/tor/control for us') print('ControlSocket /run/tor/control GroupWritable RelaxDirModeCheck') if 'UseMicrodescriptors' not in keys or keys['UseMicrodescriptors'] != '1': LOG.info('Add UseMicrodescriptors 0 for us') print('UseMicrodescriptors 0') if 'AutomapHostsSuffixes' not in keys: LOG.info('Add AutomapHostsSuffixes for onions') print('AutomapHostsSuffixes .exit,.onion') if 'AutoMapHostsOnResolve' not in keys: LOG.info('Add AutoMapHostsOnResolve for onions') print('AutoMapHostsOnResolve 1') if 'VirtualAddrNetworkIPv4' not in keys: LOG.info('Add VirtualAddrNetworkIPv4 for onions') print('VirtualAddrNetworkIPv4') return 0 def lExitExcluder(oArgs, iPort:int = 9051, log_level:int = 10, password:[str,None] = None) -> list: """ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nusenu/noContactInfo_Exit_Excluder/main/exclude_noContactInfo_Exits.py """ if not stem: LOG.warn('please install the stem Python package') return '' LOG.debug('lExcludeExitNodes') try: controller = oGetStemController(log_level=log_level, password=password) # generator relays = controller.get_server_descriptors() except Exception as e: LOG.error(f'Failed to get relay descriptors {e}') return None if controller.is_set('ExcludeExitNodes'): LOG.info('ExcludeExitNodes is in use already.') return None exit_excludelist=[] LOG.debug("Excluded exit relays:") for relay in relays: if relay.exit_policy.is_exiting_allowed() and not relay.contact: if is_valid_fingerprint(relay.fingerprint): exit_excludelist.append(relay.fingerprint) LOG.debug("https://metrics.torproject.org/rs.html#details/%s" % relay.fingerprint) else: LOG.warn('Invalid Fingerprint: %s' % relay.fingerprint) try: controller.set_conf('ExcludeExitNodes', exit_excludelist) LOG.info('Excluded a total of %s exit relays without ContactInfo from the exit position.' % len(exit_excludelist)) except Exception as e: LOG.exception('ExcludeExitNodes ' +str(e)) return exit_excludelist if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) <= 1: targets = ['zkaan2xfbuxia2wpf7ofnkbz6r5zdbbvxbunvp5g2iebopbfc4iqmbad', # keys.openpgp.org 'facebookwkhpilnemxj7asaniu7vnjjbiltxjqhye3mhbshg7kx5tfyd', # facebook 'libera75jm6of4wxpxt4aynol3xjmbtxgfyjpu34ss4d7r7q2v5zrpyd', # libera ] else: targets = sys.argv[1:] controller = oGetStemController(log_level=10) for target in targets: print(target, lIntroductionPoints(controller, [target], itimeout=120))