Update 'ToxComparedWithOtherIm'

emdee 2022-09-28 07:31:31 +02:00
parent ffbf289d3c
commit d7c0402da4
1 changed files with 2 additions and 0 deletions

@ -30,4 +30,6 @@ Features:
* chats and groupchats
* [Well documented](https://code.briarproject.org/briar/briar/-/wikis/home)
* [Externally Audited](https://briarproject.org/raw/BRP-01-report.pdf): "the quality and readability of the apps source code was rather exceptional"
* USGov funded: Open Technology Fund/U.S. Agency for Global Media/Radio Free Asia
* The apps are betas that expire in 90 days: "For security reasons, their accounts and data will expire with the beta."