Update ' MultiDeviceAnnouncementsPush'

emdee 2022-09-22 00:02:31 +02:00
parent 2f13aa2fb7
commit 9d8d087bff

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
So if we modify the library and clients as described in MultiDeviceAnnouncementsPOC
how do we keep it up to date when a friend changes his devices.
If we know the PersonaID, how is the library code table of PersonaID to ToxID mapping updated. We want this to be mainly automatic without bothering the user.
We would need to modify the profile code to save a copy if the mapping table,
so that when we start up a client, the mapping table is filled with last good values from the profile.
Lets say we have a friend, and we know his ToxID. We derive his PersonaID by setting the checksum to 0s. We want to watch the DHT announcements for a blob of information that will update our PersonaID mapping to his active ToxID.
Note that if we do so that destroys the possibility to simply derive the PersonaID from the ToxID. That derivation is a startup mechanism to get the network switched over to client-facing PersonaIDs, and after that we rely on the profile to boostrap the table.
The library and the clients add one new feature: the ability of the client to express interest in a PersonaID and to update the table with the new ToxID found un the blob when it arrives.
Some clients may let the user decide whether of not to accept a blob update when it arrives.