Download Tor DescriptorsΒΆ

Tor relays provide a mirror for the tor relay descriptors it has cached. These are available from its ORPort using Tor's wire protocol, and optionally with http as well from a DirPort.
Simple script to dowload a descriptor from Tor's ORPort or DirPort.
import collections
import getopt
import sys
import stem
import stem.descriptor.remote
import stem.util.connection
import stem.util.tor_tools
# By default downloading moria1's server descriptor from itself.
'descriptor_type': 'server',
'fingerprint': '9695DFC35FFEB861329B9F1AB04C46397020CE31',
'download_from': stem.DirPort('', 9131),
'print_help': False,
VALID_TYPES = ('server', 'extrainfo', 'consensus')
HELP_TEXT = """\
Downloads a descriptor through Tor's ORPort or DirPort.
-t, --type TYPE descriptor type to download, options are:
-f, --fingerprint FP relay to download the descriptor of
--orport ADDRESS:PORT ORPort to download from
--dirport ADDRESS:PORT DirPort to download from
-h, --help presents this help
""" % ', '.join(VALID_TYPES)
def parse(argv):
Parses our arguments, providing a named tuple with their values.
:param list argv: input arguments to be parsed
:returns: a **named tuple** with our parsed arguments
:raises: **ValueError** if we got an invalid argument
args = dict(DEFAULT_ARGS)
recognized_args, unrecognized_args = getopt.getopt(argv, 't:f:h', ['type=', 'fingerprint=', 'orport=', 'dirport=', 'help'])
if unrecognized_args:
raise getopt.GetoptError("'%s' aren't recognized arguments" % "', '".join(unrecognized_args))
except Exception as exc:
raise ValueError('%s (for usage provide --help)' % exc)
for opt, arg in recognized_args:
if opt in ('-t', '--type'):
if arg not in VALID_TYPES:
raise ValueError("'%s' isn't a recognized decriptor type, options are: %s" % (arg, ', '.join(VALID_TYPES)))
args['descriptor_type'] = arg
elif opt in ('-f', '--fingerprint'):
if not stem.util.tor_tools.is_valid_fingerprint(arg):
raise ValueError("'%s' isn't a relay fingerprint" % arg)
args['fingerprint'] = arg
elif opt in ('--orport', '--dirport'):
if ':' not in arg:
raise ValueError("'%s' should be of the form 'address:port'" % arg)
address, port = arg.rsplit(':', 1)
if not stem.util.connection.is_valid_ipv4_address(address):
raise ValueError("'%s' isn't a valid IPv4 address" % address)
elif not stem.util.connection.is_valid_port(port):
raise ValueError("'%s' isn't a valid port number" % port)
endpoint_class = stem.ORPort if opt == '--orport' else stem.DirPort
args['download_from'] = endpoint_class(address, port)
elif opt in ('-h', '--help'):
args['print_help'] = True
# translates our args dict into a named tuple
Args = collections.namedtuple('Args', args.keys())
return Args(**args)
def main():
args = parse(sys.argv[1:])
except ValueError as exc:
if args.print_help:
print('Downloading %s descriptor from %s:%s...\n' % (args.descriptor_type, args.download_from.address, args.download_from.port))
desc = None
if args.descriptor_type in ('server', 'extrainfo'):
if args.descriptor_type == 'server':
download_func = stem.descriptor.remote.get_server_descriptors
download_func = stem.descriptor.remote.get_extrainfo_descriptors
desc = download_func(
fingerprints = [args.fingerprint],
endpoints = [args.download_from],
elif args.descriptor_type == 'consensus':
for consensus_desc in stem.descriptor.remote.get_consensus(endpoints = [args.download_from]):
if consensus_desc.fingerprint == args.fingerprint:
desc = consensus_desc
if not desc:
print('Unable to find a descriptor for %s in the consensus' % args.fingerprint)
print("'%s' is not a recognized descriptor type, options are: %s" % (args.descriptor_type, ', '.join(VALID_TYPES)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
% python --type consensus --dirport
Downloading consensus descriptor from
r moria1 lpXfw1/+uGEym58asExGOXAgzjE IpcU7dolas8+Q+oAzwgvZIWx7PA 2018-05-23 02:41:25 9101 9131
s Authority Fast Running Stable V2Dir Valid
v Tor
pr Cons=1-2 Desc=1-2 DirCache=1-2 HSDir=1-2 HSIntro=3-4 HSRend=1-2 Link=1-5 LinkAuth=1,3 Microdesc=1-2 Relay=1-2
w Bandwidth=20 Unmeasured=1
p reject 1-65535