# -*-mode: python; py-indent-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; coding: utf-8-unix -*- # __doc__ = """ Compares the votes of two directory authorities, in this case moria1 and maatuska, with a special interest in the 'Running' flag. broken because this site fails: https://stem.torproject.org/tutorials/examples/compare_flags.html """ import sys import collections import stem.descriptor import stem.descriptor.remote import stem.directory from tor_controller import set_socks_proxy def iMain(): # Query all authority votes asynchronously. downloader = stem.descriptor.remote.DescriptorDownloader( document_handler = stem.descriptor.DocumentHandler.DOCUMENT, ) # An ordered dictionary ensures queries are finished in the order they were # added. queries = collections.OrderedDict() for name, authority in stem.directory.Authority.from_cache().items(): if authority.v3ident is None: continue # authority doesn't vote if it lacks a v3ident queries[name] = downloader.get_vote(authority) # Wait for the votes to finish being downloaded, this produces a dictionary of # authority nicknames to their vote. votes = dict((name, query.run()[0]) for (name, query) in queries.items()) # Get a superset of all the fingerprints in all the votes. all_fingerprints = set() for vote in votes.values(): all_fingerprints.update(vote.routers.keys()) # Finally, compare moria1's votes to maatuska's votes. for fingerprint in all_fingerprints: moria1_vote = votes['moria1'].routers.get(fingerprint) maatuska_vote = votes['maatuska'].routers.get(fingerprint) if not moria1_vote and not maatuska_vote: print("both moria1 and maatuska haven't voted about %s" % fingerprint) elif not moria1_vote: print("moria1 hasn't voted about %s" % fingerprint) elif not maatuska_vote: print("maatuska hasn't voted about %s" % fingerprint) elif 'Running' in moria1_vote.flags and 'Running' not in maatuska_vote.flags: print("moria1 has the Running flag but maatuska doesn't: %s" % fingerprint) elif 'Running' in maatuska_vote.flags and 'Running' not in moria1_vote.flags: print("maatuska has the Running flag but moria1 doesn't: %s" % fingerprint) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': set_socks_proxy() sys.exit(iMain())