# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # color.py - remove/replace colors in WeeChat strings # # Copyright (C) 2011-2021 Sébastien Helleu # # This file is part of QWeeChat, a Qt remote GUI for WeeChat. # # QWeeChat is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # QWeeChat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with QWeeChat. If not, see . # import re import logging RE_COLOR_ATTRS = r'[*!/_|]*' RE_COLOR_STD = r'(?:%s\d{2})' % RE_COLOR_ATTRS RE_COLOR_EXT = r'(?:@%s\d{5})' % RE_COLOR_ATTRS RE_COLOR_ANY = r'(?:%s|%s)' % (RE_COLOR_STD, RE_COLOR_EXT) # \x19: color code, \x1A: set attribute, \x1B: remove attribute, \x1C: reset RE_COLOR = re.compile( r'(\x19(?:\d{2}|F%s|B\d{2}|B@\d{5}|E|\\*%s(,%s)?|@\d{5}|b.|\x1C))|\x1A.|' r'\x1B.|\x1C' % (RE_COLOR_ANY, RE_COLOR_ANY, RE_COLOR_ANY)) TERMINAL_COLORS = \ '000000cd000000cd00cdcd000000cdcd00cd00cdcde5e5e5' \ '4d4d4dff000000ff00ffff000000ffff00ff00ffffffffff' \ '00000000002a0000550000800000aa0000d4002a00002a2a' \ '002a55002a80002aaa002ad400550000552a005555005580' \ '0055aa0055d400800000802a0080550080800080aa0080d4' \ '00aa0000aa2a00aa5500aa8000aaaa00aad400d40000d42a' \ '00d45500d48000d4aa00d4d42a00002a002a2a00552a0080' \ '2a00aa2a00d42a2a002a2a2a2a2a552a2a802a2aaa2a2ad4' \ '2a55002a552a2a55552a55802a55aa2a55d42a80002a802a' \ '2a80552a80802a80aa2a80d42aaa002aaa2a2aaa552aaa80' \ '2aaaaa2aaad42ad4002ad42a2ad4552ad4802ad4aa2ad4d4' \ '55000055002a5500555500805500aa5500d4552a00552a2a' \ '552a55552a80552aaa552ad455550055552a555555555580' \ '5555aa5555d455800055802a5580555580805580aa5580d4' \ '55aa0055aa2a55aa5555aa8055aaaa55aad455d40055d42a' \ '55d45555d48055d4aa55d4d480000080002a800055800080' \ '8000aa8000d4802a00802a2a802a55802a80802aaa802ad4' \ '80550080552a8055558055808055aa8055d480800080802a' \ '8080558080808080aa8080d480aa0080aa2a80aa5580aa80' \ '80aaaa80aad480d40080d42a80d45580d48080d4aa80d4d4' \ 'aa0000aa002aaa0055aa0080aa00aaaa00d4aa2a00aa2a2a' \ 'aa2a55aa2a80aa2aaaaa2ad4aa5500aa552aaa5555aa5580' \ 'aa55aaaa55d4aa8000aa802aaa8055aa8080aa80aaaa80d4' \ 'aaaa00aaaa2aaaaa55aaaa80aaaaaaaaaad4aad400aad42a' \ 'aad455aad480aad4aaaad4d4d40000d4002ad40055d40080' \ 'd400aad400d4d42a00d42a2ad42a55d42a80d42aaad42ad4' \ 'd45500d4552ad45555d45580d455aad455d4d48000d4802a' \ 'd48055d48080d480aad480d4d4aa00d4aa2ad4aa55d4aa80' \ 'd4aaaad4aad4d4d400d4d42ad4d455d4d480d4d4aad4d4d4' \ '0808081212121c1c1c2626263030303a3a3a4444444e4e4e' \ '5858586262626c6c6c7676768080808a8a8a9494949e9e9e' \ 'a8a8a8b2b2b2bcbcbcc6c6c6d0d0d0dadadae4e4e4eeeeee' # WeeChat basic colors (color name, index in terminal colors) WEECHAT_BASIC_COLORS = ( ('default', 0), ('black', 0), ('darkgray', 8), ('red', 1), ('lightred', 9), ('green', 2), ('lightgreen', 10), ('brown', 3), ('yellow', 11), ('blue', 4), ('lightblue', 12), ('magenta', 5), ('lightmagenta', 13), ('cyan', 6), ('lightcyan', 14), ('gray', 7), ('white', 0)) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Color(): def __init__(self, color_options, debug=False): self.color_options = color_options self.debug = debug def _rgb_color(self, index): color = TERMINAL_COLORS[index*6:(index*6)+6] r = int(color[0:2], 16) * 0.85 g = int(color[2:4], 16) * 0.85 b = int(color[4:6], 16) * 0.85 return '%02x%02x%02x' % (r, g, b) def _convert_weechat_color(self, color): try: index = int(color) return '\x01(Fr%s)' % self.color_options[index] except: # noqa: E722 log.debug('Error decoding WeeChat color "%s"' % color) return '' def _convert_terminal_color(self, fg_bg, attrs, color): try: index = int(color) return '\x01(%s%s#%s)' % (fg_bg, attrs, self._rgb_color(index)) except: # noqa: E722 log.debug('Error decoding terminal color "%s"' % color) return '' def _convert_color_attr(self, fg_bg, color): extended = False if color[0].startswith('@'): extended = True color = color[1:] attrs = '' # keep_attrs = False while color.startswith(('*', '!', '/', '_', '|')): # TODO: manage the "keep attributes" flag # if color[0] == '|': # keep_attrs = True attrs += color[0] color = color[1:] if extended: return self._convert_terminal_color(fg_bg, attrs, color) try: index = int(color) return self._convert_terminal_color(fg_bg, attrs, WEECHAT_BASIC_COLORS[index][1]) except: # noqa: E722 log.debug('Error decoding color "%s"' % color) return '' def _attrcode_to_char(self, code): codes = { '\x01': '*', '\x02': '!', '\x03': '/', '\x04': '_', } return codes.get(code, '') def _convert_color(self, match): color = match.group(0) if color[0] == '\x19': if color[1] == 'b': # bar code, ignored return '' elif color[1] == '\x1C': # reset return '\x01(Fr)\x01(Br)' elif color[1] in ('F', 'B'): # foreground or background return self._convert_color_attr(color[1], color[2:]) elif color[1] == '*': # foreground with optional background items = color[2:].split(',') s = self._convert_color_attr('F', items[0]) if len(items) > 1: s += self._convert_color_attr('B', items[1]) return s elif color[1] == '@': # direct ncurses pair number, ignored return '' elif color[1] == 'E': # text emphasis, ignored return '' if color[1:].isdigit(): return self._convert_weechat_color(int(color[1:])) # color code pass elif color[0] == '\x1A': # set attribute return '\x01(+%s)' % self._attrcode_to_char(color[1]) elif color[0] == '\x1B': # remove attribute return '\x01(-%s)' % self._attrcode_to_char(color[1]) elif color[0] == '\x1C': # reset return '\x01(Fr)\x01(Br)' # should never be executed! return match.group(0) def _convert_color_debug(self, match): group = match.group(0) for code in (0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x19, 0x1A, 0x1B): group = group.replace(chr(code), '' % code) return group def convert(self, text): if not text: return '' if self.debug: return RE_COLOR.sub(self._convert_color_debug, text) else: return RE_COLOR.sub(self._convert_color, text) def remove(text): """Remove colors in a WeeChat string.""" if not text: return '' return re.sub(RE_COLOR, '', text)