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2011-12-06 20:27:09 +00:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# color.py - remove/replace colors in WeeChat strings
2021-01-15 19:42:06 +00:00
# Copyright (C) 2011-2021 Sébastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org>
2011-12-06 20:27:09 +00:00
# This file is part of QWeeChat, a Qt remote GUI for WeeChat.
# QWeeChat is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# QWeeChat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with QWeeChat. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2021-11-13 18:50:33 +00:00
"""Remove/replace colors in WeeChat strings."""
2011-12-06 20:27:09 +00:00
import re
import logging
2011-12-06 20:27:09 +00:00
RE_COLOR_ATTRS = r'[*!/_|]*'
RE_COLOR_STD = r'(?:%s\d{2})' % RE_COLOR_ATTRS
RE_COLOR_EXT = r'(?:@%s\d{5})' % RE_COLOR_ATTRS
# \x19: color code, \x1A: set attribute, \x1B: remove attribute, \x1C: reset
RE_COLOR = re.compile(
2011-12-06 20:27:09 +00:00
'000000cd000000cd00cdcd000000cdcd00cd00cdcde5e5e5' \
'4d4d4dff000000ff00ffff000000ffff00ff00ffffffffff' \
'00000000002a0000550000800000aa0000d4002a00002a2a' \
'002a55002a80002aaa002ad400550000552a005555005580' \
'0055aa0055d400800000802a0080550080800080aa0080d4' \
'00aa0000aa2a00aa5500aa8000aaaa00aad400d40000d42a' \
'00d45500d48000d4aa00d4d42a00002a002a2a00552a0080' \
'2a00aa2a00d42a2a002a2a2a2a2a552a2a802a2aaa2a2ad4' \
'2a55002a552a2a55552a55802a55aa2a55d42a80002a802a' \
'2a80552a80802a80aa2a80d42aaa002aaa2a2aaa552aaa80' \
'2aaaaa2aaad42ad4002ad42a2ad4552ad4802ad4aa2ad4d4' \
'55000055002a5500555500805500aa5500d4552a00552a2a' \
'552a55552a80552aaa552ad455550055552a555555555580' \
'5555aa5555d455800055802a5580555580805580aa5580d4' \
'55aa0055aa2a55aa5555aa8055aaaa55aad455d40055d42a' \
'55d45555d48055d4aa55d4d480000080002a800055800080' \
'8000aa8000d4802a00802a2a802a55802a80802aaa802ad4' \
'80550080552a8055558055808055aa8055d480800080802a' \
'8080558080808080aa8080d480aa0080aa2a80aa5580aa80' \
'80aaaa80aad480d40080d42a80d45580d48080d4aa80d4d4' \
'aa0000aa002aaa0055aa0080aa00aaaa00d4aa2a00aa2a2a' \
'aa2a55aa2a80aa2aaaaa2ad4aa5500aa552aaa5555aa5580' \
'aa55aaaa55d4aa8000aa802aaa8055aa8080aa80aaaa80d4' \
'aaaa00aaaa2aaaaa55aaaa80aaaaaaaaaad4aad400aad42a' \
'aad455aad480aad4aaaad4d4d40000d4002ad40055d40080' \
'd400aad400d4d42a00d42a2ad42a55d42a80d42aaad42ad4' \
'd45500d4552ad45555d45580d455aad455d4d48000d4802a' \
'd48055d48080d480aad480d4d4aa00d4aa2ad4aa55d4aa80' \
'd4aaaad4aad4d4d400d4d42ad4d455d4d480d4d4aad4d4d4' \
'0808081212121c1c1c2626263030303a3a3a4444444e4e4e' \
'5858586262626c6c6c7676768080808a8a8a9494949e9e9e' \
2011-12-06 20:27:09 +00:00
# WeeChat basic colors (color name, index in terminal colors)
('default', 0), ('black', 0), ('darkgray', 8), ('red', 1),
('lightred', 9), ('green', 2), ('lightgreen', 10), ('brown', 3),
('yellow', 11), ('blue', 4), ('lightblue', 12), ('magenta', 5),
('lightmagenta', 13), ('cyan', 6), ('lightcyan', 14), ('gray', 7),
('white', 0))
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Color():
def __init__(self, color_options, debug=False):
self.color_options = color_options
self.debug = debug
def _rgb_color(self, index):
color = TERMINAL_COLORS[index*6:(index*6)+6]
2021-11-13 18:50:33 +00:00
col_r = int(color[0:2], 16) * 0.85
col_g = int(color[2:4], 16) * 0.85
col_b = int(color[4:6], 16) * 0.85
return '%02x%02x%02x' % (col_r, col_g, col_b)
def _convert_weechat_color(self, color):
index = int(color)
return '\x01(Fr%s)' % self.color_options[index]
2021-11-13 18:50:33 +00:00
except Exception: # noqa: E722
log.debug('Error decoding WeeChat color "%s"', color)
return ''
def _convert_terminal_color(self, fg_bg, attrs, color):
index = int(color)
return '\x01(%s%s#%s)' % (fg_bg, attrs, self._rgb_color(index))
2021-11-13 18:50:33 +00:00
except Exception: # noqa: E722
log.debug('Error decoding terminal color "%s"', color)
return ''
def _convert_color_attr(self, fg_bg, color):
extended = False
if color[0].startswith('@'):
extended = True
color = color[1:]
attrs = ''
# keep_attrs = False
while color.startswith(('*', '!', '/', '_', '|')):
# TODO: manage the "keep attributes" flag
# if color[0] == '|':
# keep_attrs = True
attrs += color[0]
color = color[1:]
if extended:
return self._convert_terminal_color(fg_bg, attrs, color)
index = int(color)
return self._convert_terminal_color(fg_bg, attrs,
2021-11-13 18:50:33 +00:00
except Exception: # noqa: E722
log.debug('Error decoding color "%s"', color)
return ''
def _attrcode_to_char(self, code):
2014-07-13 08:12:59 +00:00
codes = {
'\x01': '*',
'\x02': '!',
'\x03': '/',
'\x04': '_',
return codes.get(code, '')
def _convert_color(self, match):
color = match.group(0)
if color[0] == '\x19':
if color[1] == 'b':
# bar code, ignored
return ''
2021-11-13 18:50:33 +00:00
if color[1] == '\x1C':
# reset
return '\x01(Fr)\x01(Br)'
2021-11-13 18:50:33 +00:00
if color[1] in ('F', 'B'):
# foreground or background
return self._convert_color_attr(color[1], color[2:])
2021-11-13 18:50:33 +00:00
if color[1] == '*':
# foreground with optional background
items = color[2:].split(',')
2021-11-13 18:50:33 +00:00
str_col = self._convert_color_attr('F', items[0])
if len(items) > 1:
2021-11-13 18:50:33 +00:00
str_col += self._convert_color_attr('B', items[1])
return str_col
if color[1] == '@':
# direct ncurses pair number, ignored
return ''
2021-11-13 18:50:33 +00:00
if color[1] == 'E':
2013-08-30 06:28:33 +00:00
# text emphasis, ignored
return ''
if color[1:].isdigit():
return self._convert_weechat_color(int(color[1:]))
elif color[0] == '\x1A':
# set attribute
return '\x01(+%s)' % self._attrcode_to_char(color[1])
elif color[0] == '\x1B':
# remove attribute
return '\x01(-%s)' % self._attrcode_to_char(color[1])
elif color[0] == '\x1C':
# reset
return '\x01(Fr)\x01(Br)'
# should never be executed!
return match.group(0)
def _convert_color_debug(self, match):
group = match.group(0)
for code in (0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x19, 0x1A, 0x1B):
group = group.replace(chr(code), '<x%02X>' % code)
return group
def convert(self, text):
if not text:
return ''
if self.debug:
return RE_COLOR.sub(self._convert_color_debug, text)
2021-11-13 18:50:33 +00:00
return RE_COLOR.sub(self._convert_color, text)
2011-12-24 12:17:31 +00:00
def remove(text):
"""Remove colors in a WeeChat string."""
if not text:
return ''
return re.sub(RE_COLOR, '', text)