# -*- mode: yaml; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 2; coding: utf-8-unix -*- --- PROXY_TIME_DAEMON: ntp HARDEN_FIREJAIL_VERSION: "0.9.58" # List of proxy packages to install. proxy_debs_inst: - python-dev - libffi-dev - libssl-dev - libcurl4-openssl-dev - ca-certificates - curl - less - sudo - unzip - zip - cron - xsltproc - corkscrew - openssl - mg - polipo # I need this for Ubuntu even though it come in the bootstrap - 2 setuptools, 1 pip # - pip # for pip - python-cryptography # - python-pip # - python-pip-whl - python-pkg-resources - python-setuptools # - python-wheel # - python3-pip - python3-setuptools # - python3-wheel # Install packages to allow apt to use a repository over HTTPS: - apt-transport-https # these may be unuseable before testforge role installs pip proxy_pips2_inst: [] proxy_pips3_inst: [] proxy_pips_reinstall: # pip prerequisites - setuptools - appdirs - ipaddress - six - cachecontrol - pyparsing - colorama #? - distlib - html5lib #? - lockfile - packaging - requests - webencodings # pip itself? NO - cryptography # - pyOpenSSL - paramiko - Jinja2 - pyasn1 - bcrypt - PyNaCl - cffi - idna - asn1crypto cntlm_pid_file: /var/run/cntlm/cntlm.pid proxy_services: # console-setup.sh Debian - in /usr/local/etc/local.d/Whonix-Lati.rc - "{{ 'consolefont' if ansible_distribution == 'Gentoo' else '' }}" - "{{ 'console-setup' if ansible_distribution in ['Ubuntu', 'Debian'] else '' }}" - bootlogd - "{{ 'polipo' if BOX_WHONIX_PROXY_HOST != '' else '' }}" # FixMe: tie in with # - "{{ 'polipo' if PRIV_TOR_TYPE == 'client' else ''}}"