# -*- mode: yaml; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 2; coding: utf-8-unix -*- --- - name: "proxy main.yml CORP_NTLM_PROXY={{ CORP_NTLM_PROXY | default('') }}" debug: verbosity: 1 msg: "DEBUG: Including proxy main.yml" - name: include proxy by-platform vars include_vars: "{{item}}.yml" with_items: - Unix - "{{ ansible_distribution }}{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}" tags: always - name: "rsync proxy root_overlay" synchronize: src: "roles/proxy/overlay/{{item}}/" dest: / compress: no copy_links: yes archive: no recursive: yes links: no owner: no perms: no times: yes rsync_opts: "{{base_rsync_opts}}" with_items: - Linux - "{{ ansible_distribution }}" notify: #? - chmod /usr/local - update-ca-certificates when: - not ansible_check_mode # FixAns: This remote host is being accessed via chroot instead so it cannot work - ansible_connection|default('') not in PLAY_NORSYNC_CONNECTIONS tags: - always - name: rsync root_overlay - the tar gets made by a make before running unarchive: dest: / src: "{{item}}.tar" keep_newer: true owner: "{{BOX_ROOT_USER}}" # extra_opts: "{{ BASE_UNTAR_ARGS }}" ignore_errors: true with_items: - Linux - "{{ ansible_distribution }}" notify: #? - chmod /usr/local - update-ca-certificates when: - not ansible_check_mode # FixAns: This remote host is being accessed via chroot instead so it cannot work - ansible_connection|default('') in PLAY_NORSYNC_CONNECTIONS - name: "grep -q root=/dev/vda /proc/cmdline " environment: "{{ shell_proxy_env }}" shell: | grep -q root=/dev/vda /proc/cmdline failed_when: false register: proxy_vda_cmdline_fact tags: - always - name: proxy post tasks first include_tasks: "proxy_mode.yml" # We are running these tasks here to set the proxy up to download and install packages - name: proxy post tasks first include_tasks: "proxy_post.yml" - name: include proxy by-platform tasks include_tasks: "{{ ansible_distribution }}.yml" - name: "proxy gpg keys system" # Option --keyserver must be used to environment: "{{ shell_proxy_env }}" shell: | /usr/bin/gpg --list-keys | grep "{{ item.uid }}" || \ /usr/bin/gpg --recv-keys "{{ item.uid }}" # --keyserver "{{ TESTF_GPG_SERVER }}" # deprecated - please use the --keyserver in ?dirmngr.conf? instead with_items: "{{ proxy_gpg_keys_system }}" when: - proxy_gpg_keys_system|length > 0 - BASE_ARE_CONNECTED|default('') != '' # FixMe: ignore_errors: true - name: fix pip shell: | find /usr/local/lib*/python*/*-packages/pip \ -name filesystem.py | while read file ; do [ -f $file.dst ] && continue cp -p $file $file.dst sed -e 's/path_uid == 0/os.access(path, os.W_OK)/' -i $file done exit 0 - block: - name: /usr/local/patches/proxy shell: | [ -d /usr/local/patches/proxy/ ] || exit 0 cd /usr/local/patches/proxy/ || exit 1 ls || exit 2 /usr/local/sbin/base_patch_from_diff.bash * when: - true or ansible_distribution == 'Gentoo' - name: install proxy pips 2 changed_when: false environment: "{{pip_proxy_env}}" pip: executable: "{{BASE_USR_LOCAL}}/bin/pip2.sh" state: present extra_args: "{{BASE_PIP_INSTALL_ARGS}} --log {{BASE_LOG_DIR}}/pip/pip2/proxy.log" name: "{{ proxy_pips2_inst }}" become: yes become_user: "{{ BOX_USER_NAME }}" notify: shebang after pip when: - false # this must be empty aas shebang after pip is in testforge - proxy_pips2_inst|length > 0 - BASE_ARE_CONNECTED|default('') != '' - "BASE_PYTHON2_MINOR != ''" ignore_errors: "{{ base_pip_ignore_errors }}" - name: install proxy pips 3 changed_when: false environment: "{{pip_proxy_env}}" pip: executable: "{{BASE_USR_LOCAL}}/bin/pip3.sh" state: present extra_args: "{{BASE_PIP_INSTALL_ARGS}} --log {{BASE_LOG_DIR}}/pip/pip3/proxy.log" name: "{{ proxy_pips3_inst }}" become: yes become_user: "{{ BOX_USER_NAME }}" notify: shebang after pip when: - false # this must be empty aas shebang after pip is in testforge - proxy_pips3_inst|length > 0 - BASE_ARE_CONNECTED|default('') != '' ignore_errors: "{{ base_pip_ignore_errors }}" - name: "/usr/local/etc/local.d/Whonix-Lati.rc" blockinfile: dest: /usr/local/etc/local.d/Whonix-Lati.rc create: yes mode: 0770 marker: "# {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK proxy main.yml start" insertafter: EOF block: | grep -q root=/dev/vda /proc/cmdline PROXY_IS_VDA=$? #? # this should not run as root - name: "/usr/local/src/usr_local_python.bash" environment: "{{ shell_proxy_env }}" shell: | umask 0002 #? usr_local_python.bash [ ! -f usr_local_proxy.bash ] && exit 1 bash usr_local_python.bash \ {{ 'check' if ansible_check_mode }} args: chdir: "{{PROXY_USR_LOCAL}}/src" become: yes become_user: "{{ BOX_USER_NAME }}" check_mode: false # FixMe: ignore_errors: true # this should be run as root - name: run usr_local_src item environment: "{{ shell_proxy_env }}" shell: | umask 0002 bash /usr/local/src/{{item}}.bash args: chdir: "{{ PROXY_USR_LOCAL }}/src" when: - item != '' and item != [] with_items: # - "{{ 'sdwdate' if ansible_distribution == 'Gentoo' else '' }}" - [] - name: "enable and start services" service: name: "{{ item }}" enabled: yes state: restarted failed_when: false when: - "item != ''" - ansible_connection|default('') not in PLAY_NOSERVICE_CONNECTIONS with_items: "{{ proxy_services }}" # We are running these tasks here to work around handler issues with include_tasks - name: "proxy post tasks end" include_tasks: "proxy_post.yml" - name: "proxy dirmngr tasks end" include_tasks: "dirmngr.yml" when: - "http_proxy != '' or https_proxy != '' or socks_proxy != ''" - name: "whonix host tasks end" include_tasks: "{{LOOP_FILE}}.yml" when: - LOOP_FILE != '' and LOOP_FILE != [] - ansible_connection|default('') not in PLAY_CHROOT_CONNECTIONS with_items: - "{{ 'whonix_host' if (PROXY_MODE == 'whonix' and BOX_WHONIX_PROXY_HOST != '' ) else [] }}" loop_control: loop_var: LOOP_FILE - name: "whonix guest tasks end" include_tasks: "whonix_guest.yml" when: - "PROXY_MODE in ['gateway','ws', 'vda', 'nat']" # works? - ansible_virtualization_role|replace('NA', 'host') == 'guest' - name: "include_tasks proxy users.yml" include_tasks: file: "users.yml" apply: environment: "{{ proxy_env }}" become_user: "{{ LOOP_USER }}" when: - LOOP_USER != [] and LOOP_USER != '' with_items: # FixMe: need user groups fixing - root - "{{ base_system_users }}" - "{{ proxy_also_users }}" - "{{ 'portage' if ansible_distribution == 'Gentoo' else '' }}" loop_control: loop_var: LOOP_USER - name: "/usr/local/etc/testforge/testforge.ini BOF" lineinfile: dest: "/usr/local/etc/testforge/testforge.ini" insertbefore: BOF mode: 0755 owner: "{{BOX_ROOT_USER}}" group: "{{BOX_ROOT_GROUP}}" create: yes regexp: "# -.- mode: sh; tab-width: 0; coding: utf-8-unix -.-" line: "# -*- mode: sh; tab-width: 0; coding: utf-8-unix -*-" - name: /usr/local/etc/testforge/testforge.ini proxy blockinfile: dest: /usr/local/etc/testforge/testforge.ini create: yes marker: "# {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK ini [proxy]" #? PROXY_VAR_LOCAL={{PROXY_VAR_LOCAL}} block: | [proxy] HTTP_PROXYHOST="{{ HTTP_PROXYHOST }}" HTTP_PROXYPORT={{HTTP_PROXYPORT}} HTTP_PROXYTYPE="{{ HTTP_PROXYTYPE }}" HTTPS_PROXYHOST="{{ HTTPS_PROXYHOST }}" HTTPS_PROXYPORT={{HTTPS_PROXYPORT}} HTTPS_PROXYTYPE="{{ HTTPS_PROXYTYPE }}" SOCKS_PROXYHOST="{{ SOCKS_PROXYHOST }}" SOCKS_PROXYPORT={{SOCKS_PROXYPORT}} SOCKS_PROXYTYPE="{{ SOCKS_PROXYTYPE }}" NO_PROXY="{{ NO_PROXY }}" CORP_PROXY_PAC="{{ CORP_PROXY_PAC|default('') }}" CORP_NTLM_PROXY="{{ CORP_NTLM_PROXY|default('') }}" PROXY_FEATURES={{ PROXY_FEATURES }} PROXY_DNS_PROXY="{{ PROXY_DNS_PROXY }}" PROXY_DNS_NETMAN="{{ PROXY_DNS_NETMAN }}" PROXY_HTTP_PROXY_NAME="{{ PROXY_HTTP_PROXY_NAME|default('privoxy')}}" PROXY_HTTP_PROXY_PORT="{{ PROXY_HTTP_PROXY_PORT|default(3128)}}" PROXY_HTTP_PROXY_HOST="{{ PROXY_HTTP_PROXY_HOST|default('')}}" notify: update facts #? PLAY_PIP_CACHE="{{BASE_USR_LOCAL}}/net/Cache/Pip" - name: /usr/local/etc/testforge/testforge.ini proxy gitconfig blockinfile: dest: /usr/local/etc/testforge/testforge.ini create: yes marker: "# {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK proxy main.yml" block: | [gitconfig] # FixMe: this may not be needed GIT_ALLOW_PROTOCOL="https" # This may not be needed if you put it in ~/.gitconfig GIT_SSL_CAINFO="/usr/local/etc/ssl/cacert-testforge.pem" # FixMe: this may not be needed # GIT_PROTOCOL_COMMAND="/usr/local/bin/gitproxy.bash" when: - true or CORP_NTLM_PROXY|default('') != '' notify: update facts - name: "include dns.yml tasks" include_tasks: "dns.yml" when: - PROXY_DNS_PROXY != '' - name: "include wicd.yml tasks" include_tasks: "wicd.yml" when: - false - name: "find listening sockets for daily" environment: "{{ shell_proxy_env }}" shell: | netstat -t inet -npl | grep LISTEN register: proxy_netstat_nlp_fact failed_when: false tags: - always - name: proxy hourly include_tasks include_tasks: file: "hourly.yml" apply: environment: "{{ shell_proxy_env }}" tags: - always tags: - always # maybe should be in testforge but may use them early - stat: path=/etc/java-config-2/current-system-vm/jre/lib/net.properties register: etc_x11_xsession_d when: - not ansible_check_mode - name: "check arp length" environment: "{{ shell_proxy_env }}" shell: | a=`arp -i wlan7|tail -n -1|wc -l` [ $? -eq 0 ] || exit 1 [ $a -eq 1 ] || exit $a exit 0 - name: "dnscrypt-proxy address already in use" shell: | tail -100 '{{PROXY_VAR_LOCAL}}/var/log/dnscrypt-proxy.log' | grep -q 'bind: address already in use' || \ { echo 'ERROR: dnscrypt-proxy address already in use' ; exit 1 ; } when: - not ansible_check_mode - PROXY_DNS_PROXY == "dnscrypt" - PROXY_DNS_PORT != '' - BASE_ARE_CONNECTED|default('') != '' - testforge_netstat_nlp_fact is defined # FixMe: /etc/systemd/system/sntp.service.d/00gentoo.conf - name: /etc/ntp.conf blockinfile: dest: /etc/ntp.conf marker: "# {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK testforge" mode: 0640 owner: "{{BOX_ROOT_USER}}" # group: ntp create: yes block: | # conf.d interface ignore all wlan7 # If you want to deny all machines (including your own) # from accessing the NTP server, uncomment: restrict default ignore # Default configuration: # - Allow only time queries, at a limited rate, sending KoD when in excess. # - Allow all local queries (IPv4, IPv6) #restrict default nomodify nopeer noquery limited kod restrict restrict [::1] # You do need to talk to an NTP server or two (or three). {% for elt in PROXY_NTP_SERVERS %} server {{ elt }} {% endfor %} # {{ PROXY_NTP_SERVERS|join('\n') }} when: - "BOX_TIME_DAEMON == 'ntp'" - name: apt-get update raw: | [ -f /var/log/dpkg.log ] || apt-get update when: - ansible_distribution in ['Ubuntu', 'Debian', 'Deuvan'] - BASE_ARE_CONNECTED|default('') != '' ignore_errors: true check_mode: false - name: base gpg keys system # Option --keyserver must be used to environment: "{{ shell_env }}" shell: | /usr/bin/gpg --list-keys | grep "{{ item.uid }}" || \ /usr/bin/gpg --recv-keys "{{ item.uid }}" --keyserver "{{ BASE_GPG_SERVER }}" with_items: "{{ base_gpg_keys_system }}" when: - proxy_gpg_keys_system|length > 0 - BASE_ARE_CONNECTED|default('') != '' # FixMe: ignore_errors: true