22 lines
668 B
22 lines
668 B
# -*-mode: doctest; tab-width: 0; py-indent-offset: 4; coding: utf-8-unix -*-
== proxy box testing ==
This is a Python doctest file that is executable documentation.
It is built to run against a Vagranted VirtualBox, and is run from the
directory that contains the box's {{{.vagrant}}} subdirectory.
>>> import subprocess
>>> import sys
>>> import time
And, now run tests against the box.
>>> print("Running tests against box", file=sys.stderr)
We should be able to get a page from our proxy
>>> sUrl = 'http://' +myip +':3128/'
>>> print ssh_run('wget -O - -q %s | grep Polipo | head -1' % (sUrl,))
<title>Welcome to Polipo</title>