
289 lines
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usage: [-o OUTPUT.PEX] [options] [-- arg1 arg2 ...] builds a PEX (Python Executable) file based on the given specifications: sources, requirements, their dependencies and other options.
Command-line options can be provided in one or more files by prefixing the filenames with an @ symbol. These files must contain one argument per line.
positional arguments:
requirements Requirements to add to the pex (default: None)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
--pex-repository FILE
Resolve requirements from the given PEX file instead
of from --index servers or --find-links repos.
(default: None)
-o PEX_NAME, --output-file PEX_NAME
The name of the generated .pex file: Omitting this
will run PEX immediately and not save it to a file.
(default: None)
-p FILE, --preamble-file FILE
The name of a file to be included as the preamble for
the generated .pex file (default: None)
-D DIR, --sources-directory DIR
Add a directory containing sources and/or resources to
be packaged into the generated .pex file. This option
can be used multiple times. (default: [])
-R DIR, --resources-directory DIR
Add resources directory to be packaged into the
generated .pex file. This option can be used multiple
times. DEPRECATED: Use -D/--sources-directory instead.
(default: [])
-r FILE or URL, --requirement FILE or URL
Add requirements from the given requirements file.
This option can be used multiple times. (default: [])
--constraints FILE or URL
Add constraints from the given constraints file. This
option can be used multiple times. (default: [])
--requirements-pex FILE
Add requirements from the given .pex file. This option
can be used multiple times. (default: [])
-v Turn on logging verbosity, may be specified multiple
times. (default: 0)
--emit-warnings, --no-emit-warnings
Emit runtime UserWarnings on stderr. If false, only
emit them when PEX_VERBOSE is set. (default: True)
--pex-root PEX_ROOT Specify the pex root used in this invocation of pex
(if unspecified, uses /root/.pex). (default: None)
--tmpdir TMPDIR Specify the temporary directory Pex and its
subprocesses should use. (default: /var/tmp)
--seed [{none,args,verbose}]
Seed local Pex caches for the generated PEX and print
out the command line to run directly from the seed
with (args) or else a json object including the
'pex_root' path, the 'python' binary path and the
seeded 'pex' path (verbose). (default: none)
--no-seed Deprecated: Use --seed=none instead. (default: None)
--help-variables Print out help about the various environment variables
used to change the behavior of a running PEX file.
(default: None)
Resolver options:
Tailor how to find, resolve and translate the packages that get put into
the PEX environment.
--resolver-version {pip-legacy-resolver,pip-2020-resolver}
The dependency resolver version to use.
changes-2020 (default: pip-legacy-resolver)
--pypi, --no-pypi, --no-index
Whether to use PyPI to resolve dependencies. (default:
--pex-path PEX_PATH A colon separated list of other pex files to merge
into the runtime environment. (default: None)
-f PATH/URL, --find-links PATH/URL, --repo PATH/URL
Additional repository path (directory or URL) to look
for requirements. (default: [])
-i URL, --index URL, --index-url URL
Additional cheeseshop indices to use to satisfy
requirements. (default: None)
--cache-ttl DEPRECATED
Deprecated: No longer used. (default: None)
--retries RETRIES Maximum number of retries each connection should
attempt. (default: 5)
--timeout SECS Set the socket timeout in seconds. (default: 15)
Deprecated: No longer used. (default: None)
--proxy PROXY Specify a proxy in the form
[user:passwd@]proxy.server:port. (default: None)
--cert PATH Path to alternate CA bundle. (default: None)
--client-cert PATH Path to an SSL client certificate which should be a
single file containing the private key and the
certificate in PEM format. (default: None)
--pre, --no-pre Whether to include pre-release and development
versions of requirements. (default: False)
--disable-cache Disable caching in the pex tool entirely. (default:
--cache-dir CACHE_DIR
DEPRECATED: Use --pex-root instead. The local cache
directory to use for speeding up requirement lookups.
(default: None)
--wheel, --no-wheel, --no-use-wheel
Whether to allow wheel distributions. (default: True)
--build, --no-build Whether to allow building of distributions from
source. (default: True)
--manylinux MANYLINUX, --no-manylinux MANYLINUX, --no-use-manylinux MANYLINUX
Whether to allow resolution of manylinux wheels for
linux target platforms. (default: manylinux2014)
--transitive, --no-transitive, --intransitive
Whether to transitively resolve requirements.
(default: True)
-j JOBS, --jobs JOBS The maximum number of parallel jobs to use when
resolving, building and installing distributions. You
might want to increase the maximum number of parallel
jobs to potentially improve the latency of the pex
creation process at the expense of otherprocesses on
your system. (default: 4)
PEX output options:
Tailor the behavior of the emitted .pex file if -o is specified.
--include-tools Whether to include runtime tools in the pex file. If
included, these can be run by exporting PEX_TOOLS=1
and following the usage and --help information.
(default: False)
--zip-safe, --not-zip-safe
Whether or not the sources in the pex file are zip
safe. If they are not zip safe, they will be written
to disk prior to execution. Also see --unzip which
will cause the complete pex file, including
dependencies, to be unzipped. (default: True)
--unzip, --no-unzip Whether or not the pex file should be unzipped before
executing it. If the pex file will be run multiple
times under a stable runtime PEX_ROOT the unzipping
will only be performed once and subsequent runs will
enjoy lower startup latency. (default: False)
--venv [{prepend,append}]
Convert the pex file to a venv before executing it. If
'prepend' or 'append' is specified, then all scripts
and console scripts provided by distributions in the
pex file will be added to the PATH in the
corresponding position. If the the pex file will be
run multiple times under a stable runtime PEX_ROOT,
the venv creation will only be done once and
subsequent runs will enjoy lower startup latency.
(default: False)
--venv-copies, --no-venv-copies
If --venv is specified, create the venv using copies
of base interpreter files instead of symlinks.
(default: False)
--always-write-cache Always write the internally cached distributions to
disk prior to invoking the pex source code. This can
use less memory in RAM constrained environments.
(default: False)
--ignore-errors Ignore requirement resolution solver errors when
building pexes and later invoking them. (default:
--inherit-path {false,prefer,fallback}
Inherit the contents of sys.path (including site-
packages, user site-packages and PYTHONPATH) running
the pex. Possible values: 'false' (does not inherit
sys.path), 'fallback' (inherits sys.path after
packaged dependencies), 'prefer' (inherits sys.path
before packaged dependencies), No value (alias for
prefer, for backwards compatibility). (default: false)
--compile, --no-compile
Compiling means that the built pex will include .pyc
files, which will result in slightly faster startup
performance. However, compiling means that the
generated pex likely will not be reproducible, meaning
that if you were to run `./pex -o` with the same
inputs then the new pex would not be byte-for-byte
identical to the original. (default: False)
--use-system-time, --no-use-system-time
Use the current system time to generate timestamps for
the new pex. Otherwise, Pex will use midnight on
January 1, 1980. By using system time, the generated
pex will not be reproducible, meaning that if you were
to run `./pex -o` with the same inputs then the new
pex would not be byte-for-byte identical to the
original. (default: False)
--runtime-pex-root RUNTIME_PEX_ROOT
Specify the pex root to be used in the generated .pex
file (if unspecified, uses ~/.pex). (default: None)
--strip-pex-env, --no-strip-pex-env
Strip all `PEX_*` environment variables used to
control the pex runtime before handing off control to
the pex entrypoint. You might want to set this to
`False` if the new pex executes other pexes (or the
Pex CLI itself) and you want the executed pex to be
controllable via `PEX_*` environment variables.
(default: True)
PEX environment options:
Tailor the interpreter and platform targets for the PEX environment.
--python PYTHON The Python interpreter to use to build the PEX
(default: current interpreter). This cannot be used
with `--interpreter-constraint`, which will instead
cause PEX to search for valid interpreters. Either
specify an absolute path to an interpreter, or specify
a binary accessible on $PATH like `python3.7`. This
option can be passed multiple times to create a multi-
interpreter compatible PEX. (default: [])
--python-path PYTHON_PATH
Colon-separated paths to search for interpreters when
`--interpreter-constraint` and/or `--resolve-local-
platforms` are specified (default: $PATH). Each
element can be the absolute path of an interpreter
binary or a directory containing interpreter binaries.
(default: None)
--interpreter-constraint INTERPRETER_CONSTRAINT
Constrain the selected Python interpreter. Specify
with Requirement-style syntax, e.g. "CPython>=2.7,<3"
(A CPython interpreter with version >=2.7 AND version
<3), ">=2.7,<3" (Any Python interpreter with version
>=2.7 AND version <3) or "PyPy" (A PyPy interpreter of
any version). This argument may be repeated multiple
times to OR the constraints. Try `PEX_TOOLS=1
/usr/bin/python3.8 /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-
packages/pex/ interpreter --verbose
--indent 4` to find the exact interpreter constraints
of /usr/bin/python3.8 and `PEX_TOOLS=1
interpreter --all --verbose --indent 4` to find out
the interpreter constraints of all Python interpreters
on the $PATH. (default: [])
--rcfile RC_FILE An additional path to a pexrc file to read during
configuration parsing, in addition to reading
`/etc/pexrc` and `~/.pexrc`. If
`PEX_IGNORE_RCFILES=true`, then all rc files will be
ignored. (default: None)
--python-shebang PYTHON_SHEBANG
The exact shebang (#!...) line to add at the top of
the PEX file minus the #!. This overrides the default
behavior, which picks an environment Python
interpreter compatible with the one used to build the
PEX file. (default: None)
--platform PLATFORMS The platform for which to build the PEX. This option
can be passed multiple times to create a multi-
platform pex. To use the platform corresponding to the
current interpreter you can pass `current`. To target
any other platform you pass a string composed of
fields: <platform>-<python impl abbr>-<python
version>-<abi>. These fields stem from wheel name
conventions as outlined in
convention and influenced by For the
current interpreter at /usr/bin/python3.8 the full
platform string is manylinux_2_33_x86_64-cp-38-cp38.
To find out more, try `PEX_TOOLS=1
interpreter --all --verbose --indent 4` to print out
the platform for all interpreters on the $PATH or
`PEX_TOOLS=1 /usr/bin/python3.8
interpreter --verbose --indent 4` to inspect the
single interpreter /usr/bin/python3.8. (default: [])
When --platforms are specified, attempt to resolve a
local interpreter that matches each platform
specified. If found, use the interpreter to resolve
distributions; if not (or if this option is not
specified), resolve for each platform only allowing
matching binary distributions and failing if only
sdists or non-matching binary distributions can be
found. (default: False)
PEX entry point options:
Specify what target/module the PEX should invoke if any.
Set the entry point to module or module:symbol. If
just specifying module, pex behaves like python -m,
e.g. python -m SimpleHTTPServer. If specifying
module:symbol, pex assume symbol is a n0-arg callable
and imports that symbol and invokes it as if via
`sys.exit(symbol())`. (default: None)
-c SCRIPT_NAME, --script SCRIPT_NAME, --console-script SCRIPT_NAME
Set the entry point as to the script or console_script
as defined by a any of the distributions in the pex.
For example: "pex -c fab fabric" or "pex -c mturk
boto". (default: None)
Validate the entry point by importing it in separate
process. Warning: this could have side effects. For
example, entry point `a.b.c:m` will translate to `from
a.b.c import m` during validation. (default: False)