#!/bin/sh # -*-mode: sh; tab-width: 8; coding: utf-8-unix -*- [ ! -f /usr/local/etc/testforge/testforge.bash ] || \ . /usr/local/etc/testforge/testforge.bash || exit 1 . /usr/local/bin/usr_local_tput.bash || exit 2 PYVER=3 PYTHON_MINOR=3.11 # $( python$PYVER --version 2>&1| sed -e 's@^.* @@' -e 's@\.[0-9]*$@@' ) #sudo chmod 1777 /tmp/.ansible /tmp/.ansible/tmp PYTHON_EXE=/usr/local/bin/python${PYVER}.sh # old 2 jinja2 export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages export TESTFORGE_ANSIBLE_DIR=$PWD export TMPDIR=/mnt/tmp/Pentoo export TMP=/mnt/tmp/Pentoo # subtle problem with MFLAGS in a calling make getting picked up by an inferior make export MFLAGS="" WD=$PWD skip= tags='untagged' check=0 connection= verbose=1 debug= diff=0 become=-1 limit='' inventory=hosts.yml step=0 timeout=60 gather_timeout=120 start="" list_tags=0 list_tasks=0 # unused user="" group="" home="" also="" # verbose=2 limit=$1 roles="proxy toxcore" [ -z "$limit" ] && BOX_HOST=localhost || BOX_HOST=$limit limit=$BOX_HOST . $PWD/ansible_local.args # --flush-cache if [ $verbose -eq 1 ] ; then LARGS="-v" elif [ $verbose -eq 2 ] ; then LARGS="-vv" elif [ $verbose -eq 3 ] ; then LARGS="-vvv" elif [ $verbose -eq 4 ] ; then LARGS="-vvvv" else LARGS="" fi # https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Internals-Environment-Variables # https://github.blog/2018-02-01-crypto-removal-notice/ # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48938019/git-pull-push-unable-to-access-https-ssl-routines-seem-to-be-down if [ $verbose -ge 3 ] ; then export GIT_TRACE=1 fi if [ $verbose -ge 4 ] ; then export GIT_CURL_VERBOSE=1 fi export ANSIBLE_CONFIG=/o/var/local/src/play_tox/ansible.cfg #? ANSIBLE_TRANSPORT=chroot PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 if [ -z "$debug" ] ; then EXE="$PYTHON_EXE /usr/local/bin/ansible-playbook" elif [ $debug = debug -o $debug = ansible ] ; then export ANSIBLE_KEEP_REMOTE_FILES=1 export ANSIBLE_STRATEGY=debug EXE="$PYTHON_EXE /usr/local/bin/ansible-playbook" elif [ $debug = trepan ] ; then export ANSIBLE_KEEP_REMOTE_FILES=1 EXE="/var/local/bin/trepan${PYVER}2.bash /usr/local/bin/ansible-playbook" elif [ $debug = trepan2c ] ; then export ANSIBLE_KEEP_REMOTE_FILES=1 EXE="/var/local/bin/trepan${PYVER}c2.bash /usr/local/bin/ansible-playbook" # coverage elif [ $debug != 0 ] ; then export ANSIBLE_KEEP_REMOTE_FILES=1 export _ANSIBLE_TREPAN_PORT=$debug EXE="$PYTHON_EXE /usr/local/bin/ansible-playbook" fi LARGS="$LARGS -c $connection " if [ $become -eq -1 ] ; then [ $connection = chroot ] && become=0 || become=1 fi [ $become -eq 0 ] || LARGS="$LARGS -b" [ $check -eq 0 ] || LARGS="$LARGS --check" [ $diff -eq 0 ] || LARGS="$LARGS -D" [ $step -eq 0 ] || LARGS="$LARGS --step" [ $list_tags -eq 0 ] || LARGS="$LARGS --list-tags" [ $list_tasks -eq 0 ] || LARGS="$LARGS --list-tasks" [ -n "$skip" ] && LARGS="$LARGS --skip-tags=$skip" [ -n "$tags" ] && LARGS="$LARGS --tags=$tags" [ -n "$start" ] && LARGS="$LARGS -start-at-task=\"$start\"" [ -n "$inventory" ] && LARGS="$LARGS --inventory=$inventory" [ -n "$limit" ] && LARGS="$LARGS --limit=$limit" # --flush-cache df | grep -q /home$ && [ -n "$RUN_QERC_USERFILE" ] && [ -f "$RUN_QERC_USERFILE" ] && \ LARGS="$LARGS -e $RUN_QERC_USERFILE" && ls -l "$RUN_QERC_USERFILE" # LARGS="$LARGS --ask-vault-pass" && ls -l "$RUN_QERC_USERFILE" log_name=`echo $roles|sed -e 's/ /_/g'` [ -z "$log_name" ] && log_name=ansible [ "$tags" = untagged ] | log_name=${log_name}-${tags} date=`date +%Y/%m/%d` log_relpath=var/tmp/$date/$BOX_HOST/$log_name.log grep -q "log_path = ${log_relpath}@" ansible.cfg || \ sed -e "s@^log_path = .*@log_path = ${log_relpath}@" -i ansible.cfg ANSIBLE_RUN_LOG=$PWD/$log_relpath EXTRA_VARS="{\"ANSIBLE_RUN_LOG\": $ANSIBLE_RUN_LOG" if [ -d "$PLAY_PIP_CACHE" ] ; then EXTRA_VARS="$EXTRA_VARS, \"PLAY_PIP_CACHE\": \"$PLAY_PIP_CACHE\"" fi if [ -f "$PLAY_CA_CERT" ] ; then EXTRA_VARS="$EXTRA_VARS, \"PLAY_CA_CERT\": \"$PLAY_CA_CERT\"" fi EXTRA_VARS="$EXTRA_VARS, \"TESTF_ANSIBLE_SRC\": \"$PWD\"" # maybe dynamically determine this - but some of these conflict - e.g. qemu and lxc #HOSTVMS_FEATURES="['vagrant', 'virtualbox', 'lxc']" # 'packer', 'qemu', 'libvirt', 'docker' #EXTRA_VARS="$EXTRA_VARS, \"HOSTVMS_FEATURES\": \"$HOSTVMS_FEATURES\"" EXTRA_VARS="$EXTRA_VARS, \"BOX_HOST\": \"$BOX_HOST\"" # TESTF_QERC_USERFILE - NOT $HOME in case this is run as root - let it default [ -z "$RUN_QERC_USERFILE" ] && [ -f "$RUN_QERC_USERFILE" ] && \ EXTRA_VARS="$EXTRA_VARS, \"RUN_QERC_USERFILE\": \"$RUN_QERC_USERFILE\"" # may not exist # EXTRA_VARS="$EXTRA_VARS, \"INCD_SKEL_USERS_LIST\": [\"$BOX_USER_NAME\", \"mike\"]" EXTRA_VARS="$EXTRA_VARS, \"ROLES\": [\"base\"" for role in $roles ; do [ "$role" = "base" ] && continue EXTRA_VARS="$EXTRA_VARS, \"$role\"" done EXTRA_VARS="$EXTRA_VARS]}" if false && [ $check -eq 0 ] && [ $list_tags -eq 0 ] && [ $list_tasks -eq 0 ] && [ "$tags" = "untagged" ] && \ ! wget -O /dev/null --no-check-certificate http://google.com ; then WARN "We cant reach the Internet - reauthenticate with the proxy?" fi [ -f hosts.yml ] || cat > hosts.yml << EOF # -*- mode: yaml; tab-width: 0; coding: utf-8 -*- --- all: children: localgroup: hosts: localhost: vars: ansible_connection: "local" EOF yamllint -c .yamllint.rc -f standard hosts.yml || { ERROR yamllint -c .yamllint.rc -f standard hosts.yml exit 5 } [ -f ansible.cfg ] || cat > ansible.cfg << EOF [defaults] stdout_callback: yaml log_path = ./var/tmp/2019/10/03/testforge_pydev_.pydev.log # callback_plugins = $WD/lib/plugins/ # /i/data/DevOps/net/Http/docs.ansible.com/ansible/intro_configuration.html # http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/intro_configuration.html#command-warnings callback_whitelist = timer command_warnings = False retry_files_enabled = False deprecation_warnings = False display_args_to_stdout = False error_on_undefined_vars = True force_color = False forks = 5 # Ansible by default will override variables in specific precedence orders, as described in Variables. # When a variable of higher precedence wins, it will replace the other value. #?! hash_behaviour = merged #! fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "cmd": "/bin/lsblk --list --noheadings --paths --output NAME,UUID --exclude 2", "msg": "Timer expired after 30 seconds", "rc": 257} gather_timeout = 120 internal_poll_interval=0.1 # This sets the interval (in seconds) of Ansible internal processes polling each other. Lower values # improve performance with large playbooks at the expense of extra CPU load. Higher values are more # suitable for Ansible usage in automation scenarios, when UI responsiveness is not required but CPU usage # might be a concern. Default corresponds to the value hardcoded in 2.1: # Fixme: should be per user local_tmp = /var/tmp # library = /usr/share/ansible library = $WD/library nocows = 0 roles_path = $WD/roles handler_includes_static = True timeout = 60 EOF # Fixme: should be per user # local_tmp = /var/tmp log_dir="`dirname $log_relpath`" if [ -d $log_dir ] ; then cp /dev/null $log_relpath else mkdir -p $log_dir fi ls $log_dir >/dev/null || { ERROR ls $log_dir ; exit 3 ; } touch $log_relpath || { ERROR $prog $log_relpat not wrieaable; exit 4 ; } ls -l $log_relpath || exit 5 #?[ -x /usr/local/bin/clean_path.bash ] && N="`/usr/local/bin/clean_path.bash`" || N=$PATH # echo "INFO: PATH=$PATH" # `grep log_path ansible.cfg` if [ -z "$http_proxy" ] ; then DBUG make sure http_proxy and no_proxy are set if you need them . /usr/local/bin/proxy_export.bash else DBUG "http_proxy=$http_proxy CORP_NTLM_PROXY=$CORP_NTLM_PROXY" fi # [ -z "${DISPLAY}" ] && EXE="xvfb-run ${EXE}" INFO "$EXE $LARGS --extra-vars \'$EXTRA_VARS\' ansible_local.yml" DBUG PYTHON_MINOR=$PYTHON_MINOR PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH if ! ps ax | grep -v grep | grep -q ansible-playbook ; then # clean the /var/tmp directory rm -rf /var/tmp/ansible-* fi #? bash --norc $PYTHON_EXE yamllint -c .yamllint.rc -f standard ansible_local.yml || { ERROR yamllint -c .yamllint.rc -f ansible_local.yml exit 8 } # strace -o /tmp/check.str exec env $ANSIBLE_ENV $EXE $LARGS \ --extra-vars "$EXTRA_VARS" \ ansible_local.yml