# included file # -o/--one-line # debug can be split into controller/client USAGE="USAGE: $0 [--verbose 0-3] [--check] [--debug port|-port|debug|ansible] [--diff] [--step] [--skip comma,separated] [--tags comma,separated] [ -l limit ] [ -c connection ] roles..." skip= tags='untagged' check=0 connection='local' verbose=1 debug= diff=0 become=-1 limit='' inventory=hosts.yml step=0 timeout=60 gather_timeout=120 start="" list_tags=0 list_tasks=0 # unused user="" group="" home="" also="" # from inventory TEMP=$(getopt -o 'HCRDSGTbs:t:u:v:g:h:a:l:c:i:' --long 'help,check,debug,diff,step,listtags,listtasks,become,start:,skip:,tags:,user:,verbose:,group:,home:,also:,limit:,connection:,inventory:' -n $0 -- "$@" ) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo $USAGE >&2 exit 1 fi # Note the quotes around "$TEMP": they are essential! eval set -- "$TEMP" unset TEMP # echo DEBUG: $* while true; do case "$1" in '-H'|'--help') echo $USAGE exit 0 ;; '-C'|'--check') check=1 shift continue ;; '-R'|'--debug') shift debug=$1 shift continue ;; '-D'|'--diff') diff=1 shift continue ;; '-S'|'--step') step=1 shift continue ;; '-G'|'--listtags') list_tasks=1 shift continue ;; '-L'|'--listtasks') list_tasks=1 shift continue ;; '-b'|'--become') become=1 shift continue ;; '-T'|'--start') start=$2 shift 2 continue ;; '-s'|'--skip') skip=$2 shift 2 continue ;; '-t'|'--tags') tags=$2 shift 2 continue ;; '-u'|'--user') user=$2 shift 2 continue ;; '-v'|'--verbose') verbose=$2 shift 2 continue ;; '-g'|'--group') group=$2 shift 2 continue ;; '-h'|'--home') home=$2 shift 2 continue ;; '-a'|'--also') also=$2 shift 2 continue ;; '-l'|'--limit') limit=$2 shift 2 continue ;; '-c'|'--connection') connection=$2 shift 2 continue ;; '-i'|'--inventory') inventory=$2 shift 2 continue ;; '--') shift break ;; *) ERROR 'Internal error! unprocessed --' $* >&2 exit 2 ;; esac done # echo DEBUG: ROLES $* roles="$*" RUN_QERC_USERFILE="$HOME/QeRcUser.yaml" [ -z "$limit" ] && BOX_HOST=localhost || BOX_HOST=$limit limit=$BOX_HOST # --flush-cache if [ $verbose -eq 1 ] ; then LARGS="-v" elif [ $verbose -eq 2 ] ; then LARGS="-vv" elif [ $verbose -eq 3 ] ; then LARGS="-vvv" elif [ $verbose -eq 4 ] ; then LARGS="-vvvv" else LARGS="" fi