#!/usr/bin/python3 from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import os import sys import logging from argparse import Namespace import pathlib import traceback # in the library mod_path = '' if os.environ.get('PLAY_ANSIBLE_SRC',''): # running from source mod_path = os.environ.get('PLAY_ANSIBLE_SRC','') mod_path = os.path.join(mod_path, 'src', 'ansible_gentooimgr') assert os.path.isdir(mod_path), f"parent {mod_path}" assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(mod_path, '__init__.py')),f"index {mod_path}" assert os.path.isdir(os.path.join(mod_path, 'gentooimgr')), f"sub {mod_path}" sys.path.append(mod_path) else: # in the library mod_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath('__file__')) mod_path = os.path.join(mod_path, 'src', 'ansible_gentooimgr') assert os.path.isdir(mod_path), f"parent {mod_path}" assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(mod_path, '__init__.py')),f"index {mod_path}" assert os.path.isdir(os.path.join(mod_path, 'gentooimgr')), f"sub {mod_path}" sys.path.append(mod_path) try: import gentooimgr except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write(f"{mod_path} {sys.path} {traceback.print_exc()}") raise import ansible DOCUMENTATION = rf''' --- module: gentooimgr short_description: Gentoo Image Builder for Cloud and Turnkey ISO installers version_added: "1.0.0" description: * This project enables easy access to building ``systemd`` or ``openrc`` -based images. * Performs automatic download AND verification of the linux iso, stage3 tarball and portage. * Caches the iso and stage3 .txt files for at most a day before redownloading and rechecking for new files * Sane and readable cli commands to build, run and test. * Step system to enable user to continue off at the same place if a step fails * No heavy packages like rust included ** TODO options: action: description: The action to be run by the image builder choices: - build - run - status - install - chroot - unchroot - command - shrink - kernel required: true # clean test config: default: cloud.json description: init configuration file or or base.json or cloud.json required: false loglevel: default: {logging.INFO} description: python logging level <= 50, INFO=20 required: false threads: default: 1 description: Number of threads to use required: false profile: default: openrc description: The init system choices: - openrc - systemd required: false kernel_dir: default: /usr/src/linux description: Where kernel is specified. By default uses the active linux kernel required: false portage: description: Extract the specified portage tarball onto the filesystem required: false stage3: description: Extract the specified stage3 package onto the filesystema required: false action_args: default: [] description: Arguments for some of the actions - UNUSED! required: false temporary_dir: description: Path to temporary directory for downloading files (20G) required: false qcow: description: Path to file to serve as the base image required: false # Specify this value according to your collection # in format of namespace.collection.doc_fragment_name # extends_documentation_fragment: # - my_namespace.my_collection.my_doc_fragment_name author: - Your Name (@yourGitHubHandle) ''' #[-y DAYS] # [-d DOWNLOAD_DIR] # [-f] # [--format FORMAT] EXAMPLES = r''' # Pass in a message - name: Test with a message my_namespace.my_collection.my_test: name: hello world # pass in a message and have changed true - name: Test with a message and changed output my_namespace.my_collection.my_test: name: hello world new: true # fail the module - name: Test failure of the module my_namespace.my_collection.my_test: name: fail me ''' RETURN = r''' # These are examples of possible return values, and in general should use other names for return values. message: description: The output message that the test module generates. type: str returned: always sample: 'goodbye' ''' from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule def run_module(): # define available arguments/parameters a user can pass to the module #? default config from __file__ ? if mod_path and os.path.isdir(mod_path): def_config = os.path.join(mod_path, 'configs', 'base.json') else: # WARN: def_config = 'base.json' module_args = dict( action=dict(type='str', required=True), loglevel=dict(type='int', required=False, default=logging.INFO), threads=dict(type='int', required=False, default=1), config=dict(type='path', default=def_config, required=True), profile=dict(type='str', required=False), kernel_dir=dict(type='path', required=False), portage=dict(type='path', required=False), stage3=dict(type='path', required=False), temporary_dir=dict(type='path', required=False, default=pathlib.Path(os.getcwd())), download_dir=dict(type='path', required=False, default=pathlib.Path(os.getcwd())), qcow=dict(type='path', required=False), ) # seed the result dict in the object # we primarily care about changed and state # changed is if this module effectively modified the target # state will include any data that you want your module to pass back # for consumption, for example, in a subsequent task result = dict( changed=False, original_message='', message='' ) # the AnsibleModule object will be our abstraction working with Ansible # this includes instantiation, a couple of common attr would be the # args/params passed to the execution, as well as if the module # supports check mode module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=module_args, supports_check_mode=True ) # if the user is working with this module in only check mode we do not # want to make any changes to the environment, just return the current # state with no modifications if module.check_mode: module.exit_json(**result) # manipulate or modify the state as needed (this is going to be the # part where your module will do what it needs to do) # if module.params.get('thirsty'): oargs = Namespace(**module.params) # during the execution of the module, if there is an exception or a # conditional state that effectively causes a failure, run # AnsibleModule.fail_json() to pass in the message and the result result['original_message'] = "" try: from gentooimgr.__main__ import main retval = main(oargs) # should be 0 # is stdout already in result? how can it be? except Exception as e: result['message'] = str(e) e = traceback.print_exc() if e: result['original_message'] += f"{e}" module.fail_json(msg='Exception', **result) else: result['message'] = str(retval) # use whatever logic you need to determine whether or not this module # made any modifications to your target if dArgs['action'] in ['status', '']: result['changed'] = False else: result['changed'] = True # in the event of a successful module execution, you will want to # simple AnsibleModule.exit_json(), passing the key/value results module.exit_json(**result) def main(): run_module() if __name__ == '__main__': main()