# -*- mode: yaml; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 2; coding: utf-8-unix -*- --- - name: "DEBUG: ansible-gentoo_install nbd_disk ansible_connection" debug: verbosity: 0 msg: "DEBUG: ansible-gentoo_install nbd_disk={{ nbd_disk }} AGI_NBD_DISK={{AGI_NBD_DISK}} ansible_connection={{ ansible_connection }}" check_mode: false - set_fact: AGI_target: Gentoo2 - name: look for nbd partitions shell: | grep nbd /proc/partitions | head -1|sed -e 's/.* //' register: nbd_out failed_when: false check_mode: false - name: "include base by-platform vars" include_vars: "{{item}}.yml" with_items: - "Linux" - "{{ ansible_distribution }}{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}" - "target_{{AGI_target}}" tags: always - name: find module gentooimgr shell: | echo nbd_disk={{ nbd_disk }} ansible_connection={{ ansible_connection }} echo ansible_distribution={{ansible_distribution}} BOX_GENTOO_FROM_MP={{BOX_GENTOO_FROM_MP}} [ -d '{{PLAY_ANSIBLE_SRC}}/src/ansible_gentooimgr' ] || exit 1 [ -f '{{PLAY_ANSIBLE_SRC}}/src/ansible_gentooimgr/__init__.py' ] || exit 2 [ -d '{{PLAY_ANSIBLE_SRC}}/src/ansible_gentooimgr/gentooimgr' ] || exit 3 [ -f '{{PLAY_ANSIBLE_SRC}}/src/ansible_gentooimgr/gentooimgr/__init__.py' ] || exit 4 {{ansible_python_interpreter}} \ -c "import os, sys; sys.path.append('{{PLAY_ANSIBLE_SRC}}/src/ansible_gentooimgr'); import gentooimgr; print(os.path.dirname(gentooimgr.__file__))" || exit 5 register: gentooimgr_out check_mode: false ignore_errors: true - block: - name: set AGI_gentooimgr_configs set_fact: AGI_gentooimgr_configs: "{{gentooimgr_out.stdout_lines[-1]}}/configs" - name: check for a gentooimgr base config shell: | if [ -z "{{BOX_NBD_DEV}}" ] ; then echo ERROR: empty "BOX_NBD_DEV" - define it in hosts.yml exit 1 fi if ! grep -q "{{BOX_NBD_DEV}}" /proc/partitions ; then echo ERROR: not mounted BOX_NBD_DEV="{{BOX_NBD_DEV}}" - use qemu-nbd echo qemu-img create -f qcow2 /a/tmp/GentooImgr/gentoo.qcow2 20G echo qemu-nbd -n -f qcow2 -c /dev/nbd1 /a/tmp/GentooImgr/gentoo.qcow exit 2 fi exit 0 - name: make a gentooimgr base config shell: | base=base.json tofile="{{AGI_GENTOOIMGR_CONFIGFILE}}" todir=`dirname "$tofile"` [ -d $todir ] || mkdir $todir if [ ! -f "$tofile" ] ; then if [ -f "{{AGI_gentooimgr_configs}}/$base" ] ; then cp -p "{{AGI_gentooimgr_configs}}/$base" "$tofile" || exit 2 else echo WARN: FNF "{{AGI_gentooimgr_configs}}/$base" # use base.json fi fi # should operate on json with jq if [ -f "$tofile" ] ; then # "imgsize": "20G", sed -i -e 's@"imgsize": ".*"@"imgsize": "{{BOX_NBD_OVERLAY_GB}}"@' $tofile # "memory": 4096, sed -i -e 's@"memory": ".*"@"imgsize": "{{BOX_NBD_OVERLAY_RAM}}"@' $tofile # "mountpoint": "/mnt/gentoo", sed -i -e 's@"mountpoint": ".*"@"mountpoint": "{{BOX_NBD_MP}}"@' $tofile # "imagename": null, sed -i -e 's@"imagename": ".*"@"imagename": "{{BOX_NBD_OVERLAY_NAME}}"@' $tofile # "initsys": "openrc", sed -i -e 's@"initsys": ".*"@"initsys: "{{BOX_NBD_BASE_PROFILE}}"@' $tofile # "iso": null, # "portage": null, sed -i -e 's@""portage": ".*"@""portage: "{{BOX_NBD_PORTAGE_FILE}}"@' $tofile # "stage3": null, sed -i -e 's@""stage3": ".*"@""stage3: "{{BOX_NBD_STAGE3_FILE}}"@' $tofile # "partition": 1 sed -i -e 's@"partition": ".*"@"partition": 3@' $tofile # but this is crucial # "disk": "/dev/sda", sed -i -e 's@"disk": ".*"@"disk": "{{BOX_NBD_DEV}}"@' $tofile grep {{BOX_NBD_DEV}} $tofile || exit 4 fi - name: check for library/ansible_gentooimgr.py shell: | # find it [ -f '{{PLAY_ANSIBLE_SRC}}/library/ansible_gentooimgr.py' ] || exit 1 # run it echo '{}' | \ {{ansible_python_interpreter}} \ '{{PLAY_ANSIBLE_SRC}}/library/ansible_gentooimgr.py' 2>&1| \ grep "Unable to figure out what parameters were passed" && exit 0 echo WARN: ansible_gentooimgr.py BROKEN - name: ansible_gentooimgr NBD STATUS ansible_gentooimgr: action: status loglevel: "{{BOX_NBD_LOGLEVEL}}" threads: 1 # base.json - bare filename in configs config: "{{AGI_GENTOOIMGR_CONFIGFILE}}" profile: "{{BOX_NBD_BASE_PROFILE}}" kernel_dir: "{{BOX_NBD_KERNEL_DIR}}" portage: "{{BOX_NBD_PORTAGE_FILE}}" stage3: "{{BOX_NBD_STAGE3_FILE }}" temporary_dir: "{{BOX_NBD_BASE_DIR}}" download_dir: "{{AGI_NBD_FILES}}" register: ansible_gentooimgr_out ignore_errors: true check_mode: false - name: "DEBUG: ansible-gentoo_install nbd_disk ansible_connection" debug: verbosity: 0 var: ansible_gentooimgr_out check_mode: false - name: include_tasks local.yml include_tasks: local.yml when: - ansible_connection in ['chroot', 'local'] - ansible_distribution == 'Gentoo' or BOX_GENTOO_FROM_MP not in ['/', ''] # - nbd_disk|default('') == AGI_NBD_DISK