# -*- mode: yaml; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 2; coding: utf-8-unix -*- --- - name: "DEBUG: base bootstrap_nbd.yml nbd_out={{nbd_disk}}" debug: verbosity: 1 msg: "DEBUG: Including bootstrap_nbd nbd_out={{nbd_disk}}" - block: - name: "partition the disk" shell: | cat /proc/partitions | grep {{BASE_NBD_DEV}} || exit 1 cat /proc/partitions | grep {{BASE_NBD_DEV}}p1 || exit 0 [ {{BASE_NBD_DEV}}p1 = {{nbd_disk}} ] parted -s {{nbd_disk}} mklabel msdos parted -s {{nbd_disk}} mkpart primary 2048s 100% partprobe mkfs.ext4 -FF {{nbd_disk}}p1 - name: "mount the disk" shell: | df | grep {{nbd_disk}}p1 && exit 0 [ -d {{BASE_NBD_MP}} ] || mkdir {{BASE_NBD_MP}} mount {{nbd_disk}}p1 {{BASE_NBD_MP}} [ -d {{BASE_NBD_MP}}/lost+found ] - name: "check the disk" shell: | df | grep {{nbd_disk}}p1 || exit 1 [ -d {{BASE_NBD_MP}}/lost+found ] || exit 2 - name: check the downloads step5 shell: | stage3_asc=stage3-amd64-openrc-20231217T170203Z.tar.xz.sha256 stage3_xz=stage3-amd64-openrc-20231217T170203Z.tar.xz sha256sum -c $stage3_asc tar xJpf $stage3 --xattrs-include='*.*' --numeric-owner -C {{BASE_NBD_MP} portage_xz=portage-20231221.tar.xz tar xpJf $portage -C {{BASE_NBD_MP}}/usr [ -d etc/portage/package.env ] || mkdir -p etc/portage/package.env cat >> etc/portage/package.env/singlejob.txt << EOF app-portage/eix singlejob.conf dev-util/maturin singlejob.conf dev-util/cmake singlejob.conf [ -d etc/portage/package.license ] || mkdir -p etc/portage/package.license EOF chdir: "{{BASE_NBD_MP}}" creates: "{{BASE_NBD_MP}}/etc" - name: chroot into the partition - step4 shell: | df | grep {{nbd_disk}}p1 || exit 1 [ -d {{BASE_NBD_MP}}/lost+found ] || exit 2 [ -d {{BASE_NBD_MP}}/proc ] && exit 0 /usr/local/sbin/base_chroot.bash {{BASE_NBD_MP}} register: base_bootstrap_chroot_rc - name: check the sources shell: | true - name: install the downloads shell: | /usr/local/sbin/base_chroot_unbind.bash {{BASE_NBD_MP}} when: base_bootstrap_chroot_rc.rc == 0 - name: stop here shell: | exit 1 delegate_to: localhost when: - nbd_disk != '' #gpg --keyserver hkps://keys.gentoo.org --recv-keys 0xBB572E0E2D182910