371 lines
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371 lines
15 KiB
# Based on local.py (c) 2012, Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan@gmail.com>
# Based on chroot.py (c) 2013, Maykel Moya <mmoya@speedyrails.com>
# (c) 2013, Michael Scherer <misc@zarb.org>
# (c) 2015, Toshio Kuratomi <tkuratomi@ansible.com>
# (c) 2017 Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
import sys
import time
__metaclass__ = type
author: Jesse Pretorius <jesse@odyssey4.me>
connection: community.libvirt.libvirt_qemu
short_description: Run tasks on libvirt/qemu virtual machines
- Run commands or put/fetch files to libvirt/qemu virtual machines using the qemu agent API.
- Currently DOES NOT work with selinux set to enforcing in the VM.
- Requires the qemu-agent installed in the VM.
- Requires access to the qemu-ga commands guest-exec, guest-exec-status, guest-file-close, guest-file-open, guest-file-read, guest-file-write.
version_added: "2.10"
description: Virtual machine name
default: inventory_hostname
- name: ansible_host
description: Shell to use for execution inside container
default: /bin/sh
- name: ansible_executable
description: libvirt URI to connect to to access the virtual machine
default: qemu:///system
- name: ansible_libvirt_uri
description: timeout for libvirt to connect to access the virtual machine
required: false
type: int
default: 10
import base64
import json
import libvirt
import libvirt_qemu
import shlex
import traceback
from ansible import constants as C
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleConnectionFailure, AnsibleFileNotFound
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_native, to_text
from ansible.plugins.connection import ConnectionBase, BUFSIZE
from ansible.plugins.shell.powershell import _parse_clixml
from ansible.utils.display import Display
from ansible.plugins.callback.minimal import CallbackModule
from functools import partial
from os.path import exists, getsize
display = Display()
iMAX_WAIT = 10 # sec.
{'enabled': True, 'name': 'guest-exec', 'success-response': True},
{'enabled': True, 'name': 'guest-exec-status', 'success-response': True},
{'enabled': True, 'name': 'guest-file-close', 'success-response': True},
{'enabled': True, 'name': 'guest-file-open', 'success-response': True},
{'enabled': True, 'name': 'guest-file-read', 'success-response': True},
{'enabled': True, 'name': 'guest-file-write', 'success-response': True}
class Connection(ConnectionBase):
''' Local libvirt qemu based connections '''
transport = 'community.libvirt.libvirt_qemu'
# TODO(odyssey4me):
# Figure out why pipelining does not work and fix it
has_pipelining = False
has_tty = False
def __init__(self, play_context, new_stdin, *args, **kwargs):
super(Connection, self).__init__(play_context, new_stdin, *args, **kwargs)
self._host = self._play_context.remote_addr
# Windows operates differently from a POSIX connection/shell plugin,
# we need to set various properties to ensure SSH on Windows continues
# to work
if getattr(self._shell, "_IS_WINDOWS", False):
self.has_native_async = True
self.always_pipeline_modules = True
self.module_implementation_preferences = ('.ps1', '.exe', '')
self.allow_executable = False
self._timeout = sgelf.get_option('timeout', 10)
def _connect(self):
''' connect to the virtual machine; nothing to do here '''
super(Connection, self)._connect()
if not self._connected:
self._virt_uri = self.get_option('virt_uri')
self._display.vvv(u"CONNECT TO {0}".format(self._virt_uri), host=self._host)
self.conn = libvirt.open(self._virt_uri)
except libvirt.libvirtError as err:
self._display.vv(u"ERROR: libvirtError CONNECT TO {0}\n{1}".format(self._virt_uri, to_native(err)), host=self._host)
self._connected = False
raise AnsibleConnectionFailure(to_native(err))
self._display.vvv(u"FIND DOMAIN {0}".format(self._host), host=self._host)
self.domain = self.conn.lookupByName(self._host)
except libvirt.libvirtError as err:
raise AnsibleConnectionFailure(to_native(err))
request_cap = json.dumps({'execute': 'guest-info'})
response_cap = json.loads(libvirt_qemu.qemuAgentCommand(self.domain, request_cap, 5, 0))
self.capabilities = response_cap['return']['supported_commands']
self._display.vvvvv(u"GUEST CAPABILITIES: {0}".format(self.capabilities), host=self._host)
missing_caps = []
if cap not in self.capabilities:
if len(missing_caps) > 0:
self._display.vvv(u"REQUIRED CAPABILITIES MISSING: {0}".format(missing_caps), host=self._host)
raise AnsibleConnectionFailure('Domain does not have required capabilities')
display.vvv(u"ESTABLISH {0} CONNECTION".format(self.transport), host=self._host)
self._connected = True
def exec_command(self, cmd, in_data=None, sudoable=True, timeout=None):
""" execute a command on the virtual machine host """
super(Connection, self).exec_command(cmd, in_data=in_data, sudoable=sudoable)
self._display.vvv(u"EXEC {0}".format(cmd), host=self._host)
if timeout is None:
timeout = self._timeout
cmd_args_list = shlex.split(to_native(cmd, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
if getattr(self._shell, "_IS_WINDOWS", False):
# Become method 'runas' is done in the wrapper that is executed,
# need to disable sudoable so the bare_run is not waiting for a
# prompt that will not occur
sudoable = False
# Generate powershell commands
cmd_args_list = self._shell._encode_script(cmd, as_list=True, strict_mode=False, preserve_rc=False)
# TODO(odyssey4me):
# Implement buffering much like the other connection plugins
# Implement 'env' for the environment settings
# Implement 'input-data' for whatever it might be useful for
request_exec = {
'execute': 'guest-exec',
'arguments': {
'path': cmd_args_list[0],
'capture-output': True,
'arg': cmd_args_list[1:]
request_exec_json = json.dumps(request_exec)
display.vvv("GA send: {0}".format(request_exec_json), host=self._host)
# sys.stderr.write("GA send: {0}\n".format(request_exec_json))
command_start = time.clock_gettime(time.CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
# TODO(odyssey4me):
# Add timeout parameter
flags = 0
result_exec = json.loads(libvirt_qemu.qemuAgentCommand(self.domain, request_exec_json, timeout, flags))
except libvirt.libvirtError as err:
self._display.vv(u"ERROR: libvirtError EXEC TO {0}\n{1}".format(self._virt_uri, to_native(err)), host=self._host)
sys.stderr.write(u"ERROR: libvirtError EXEC TO {0}\n{1}\n".format(self._virt_uri, to_native(err)))
self._connected = False
raise AnsibleConnectionFailure(to_native(err))
display.vvv(u"GA return: {0}".format(result_exec), host=self._host)
request_status = {
'execute': 'guest-exec-status',
'arguments': {
'pid': result_exec['return']['pid']
request_status_json = json.dumps(request_status)
display.vvv(u"GA send: {0}".format(request_status_json), host=self._host)
# TODO(odyssey4me):
# Work out a better way to wait until the command has exited
max_time = iMAX_WAIT + time.clock_gettime(time.CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
result_status = {
'return': dict(exited=False),
while not result_status['return']['exited']:
# Wait for 5% of the time already elapsed
sleep_time = (time.clock_gettime(time.CLOCK_MONOTONIC) - command_start) * (5 / 100)
if sleep_time < 0.0002:
sleep_time = 0.0002
elif sleep_time > 1:
sleep_time = 1
result_status = json.loads(libvirt_qemu.qemuAgentCommand(self.domain, request_status_json, 5, 0))
if time.clock_gettime(time.CLOCK_MONOTONIC) > max_time:
err = 'timeout'
self._display.vv(u"ERROR: libvirtError EXEC TO {0}\n{1}".format(self._virt_uri, to_native(err)), host=self._host)
sys.stderr.write(u"ERROR: libvirtError EXEC TO {0}\n{1}\n".format(self._virt_uri, to_native(err)))
self._connected = False
raise AnsibleConnectionFailure(to_native(err))
display.vvv(u"GA return: {0}".format(result_status), host=self._host)
while not result_status['return']['exited']:
result_status = json.loads(libvirt_qemu.qemuAgentCommand(self.domain, request_status_json, 5, 0))
display.vvv(u"GA return: {0}".format(result_status), host=self._host)
if result_status['return'].get('out-data'):
stdout = base64.b64decode(result_status['return']['out-data'])
stdout = b''
if result_status['return'].get('err-data'):
stderr = base64.b64decode(result_status['return']['err-data'])
stderr = b''
# Decode xml from windows
if getattr(self._shell, "_IS_WINDOWS", False) and stdout.startswith(b"#< CLIXML"):
stdout = _parse_clixml(stdout)
display.vvv(u"GA stdout: {0}".format(to_text(stdout)), host=self._host)
display.vvv(u"GA stderr: {0}".format(to_text(stderr)), host=self._host)
return result_status['return']['exitcode'], stdout, stderr
def put_file(self, in_path, out_path):
''' transfer a file from local to domain '''
super(Connection, self).put_file(in_path, out_path)
display.vvv("PUT %s TO %s" % (in_path, out_path), host=self._host)
if not exists(to_bytes(in_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict')):
raise AnsibleFileNotFound(
"file or module does not exist: %s" % in_path)
request_handle = {
'execute': 'guest-file-open',
'arguments': {
'path': out_path,
'mode': 'wb+'
request_handle_json = json.dumps(request_handle)
display.vvv(u"GA send: {0}".format(request_handle_json), host=self._host)
result_handle = json.loads(libvirt_qemu.qemuAgentCommand(self.domain, request_handle_json, 5, 0))
display.vvv(u"GA return: {0}".format(result_handle), host=self._host)
# TODO(odyssey4me):
# Handle exception for file/path IOError
with open(to_bytes(in_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict'), 'rb') as in_file:
for chunk in iter(partial(in_file.read, BUFSIZE), b''):
request_write = {
'execute': 'guest-file-write',
'arguments': {
'handle': result_handle['return'],
'buf-b64': base64.b64encode(chunk).decode()
request_write_json = json.dumps(request_write)
display.vvvvv(u"GA send: {0}".format(request_write_json), host=self._host)
result_write = json.loads(libvirt_qemu.qemuAgentCommand(self.domain, request_write_json, 5, 0))
display.vvvvv(u"GA return: {0}".format(result_write), host=self._host)
except Exception:
raise AnsibleError("failed to transfer file %s to %s" % (in_path, out_path))
request_close = {
'execute': 'guest-file-close',
'arguments': {
'handle': result_handle['return']
request_close_json = json.dumps(request_close)
display.vvv(u"GA send: {0}".format(request_close_json), host=self._host)
result_close = json.loads(libvirt_qemu.qemuAgentCommand(self.domain, request_close_json, 5, 0))
display.vvv(u"GA return: {0}".format(result_close), host=self._host)
def fetch_file(self, in_path, out_path):
''' fetch a file from domain to local '''
super(Connection, self).fetch_file(in_path, out_path)
display.vvv("FETCH %s TO %s" % (in_path, out_path), host=self._host)
request_handle = {
'execute': 'guest-file-open',
'arguments': {
'path': in_path,
'mode': 'r'
request_handle_json = json.dumps(request_handle)
display.vvv(u"GA send: {0}".format(request_handle_json), host=self._host)
result_handle = json.loads(libvirt_qemu.qemuAgentCommand(self.domain, request_handle_json, 5, 0))
display.vvv(u"GA return: {0}".format(result_handle), host=self._host)
request_read = {
'execute': 'guest-file-read',
'arguments': {
'handle': result_handle['return'],
'count': BUFSIZE
request_read_json = json.dumps(request_read)
display.vvv(u"GA send: {0}".format(request_read_json), host=self._host)
with open(to_bytes(out_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict'), 'wb+') as out_file:
result_read = json.loads(libvirt_qemu.qemuAgentCommand(self.domain, request_read_json, 5, 0))
display.vvvvv(u"GA return: {0}".format(result_read), host=self._host)
while not result_read['return']['eof']:
result_read = json.loads(libvirt_qemu.qemuAgentCommand(self.domain, request_read_json, 5, 0))
display.vvvvv(u"GA return: {0}".format(result_read), host=self._host)
except Exception:
raise AnsibleError("failed to transfer file %s to %s" % (in_path, out_path))
request_close = {
'execute': 'guest-file-close',
'arguments': {
'handle': result_handle['return']
request_close_json = json.dumps(request_close)
display.vvv(u"GA send: {0}".format(request_close_json), host=self._host)
result_close = json.loads(libvirt_qemu.qemuAgentCommand(self.domain, request_close_json, 5, 0))
display.vvv(u"GA return: {0}".format(result_close), host=self._host)
def close(self):
''' terminate the connection; nothing to do here '''
super(Connection, self).close()
self._connected = False