# Copyright (C) 2018 Emmanuel Gil Peyrot # # This file is part of Gajim. # # Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. # # Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Gajim. If not, see . import logging import hashlib from base64 import b64decode import nbxmpp from nbxmpp.namespaces import Namespace from nbxmpp.structs import StanzaHandler from gajim.common import app from gajim.common import configpaths from gajim.common.modules.base import BaseModule log = logging.getLogger('gajim.c.m.bob') class BitsOfBinary(BaseModule): def __init__(self, con): BaseModule.__init__(self, con) self.handlers = [ StanzaHandler(name='iq', callback=self._answer_bob_request, typ='get', ns=Namespace.BOB), ] # Used to track which cids are in-flight. self.awaiting_cids = {} def _answer_bob_request(self, _con, stanza, _properties): self._log.info('Request from %s for BoB data', stanza.getFrom()) iq = stanza.buildReply('error') err = nbxmpp.ErrorNode(nbxmpp.ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND) iq.addChild(node=err) self._log.info('Sending item-not-found') self._con.connection.send(iq) raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed def _on_bob_received(self, _nbxmpp_client, result, cid): """ Called when we receive BoB data """ if cid not in self.awaiting_cids: return if result.getType() == 'result': data = result.getTags('data', namespace=Namespace.BOB) if data.getAttr('cid') == cid: for func in self.awaiting_cids[cid]: cb = func[0] args = func[1] pos = func[2] bob_data = data.getData() def recurs(node, cid, data): if node.getData() == 'cid:' + cid: node.setData(data) else: for child in node.getChildren(): recurs(child, cid, data) recurs(args[pos], cid, bob_data) cb(*args) del self.awaiting_cids[cid] return # An error occurred, call callback without modifying data. for func in self.awaiting_cids[cid]: cb = func[0] args = func[1] cb(*args) del self.awaiting_cids[cid] def get_bob_data(self, cid, to, callback, args, position): """ Request for BoB (XEP-0231) and when data will arrive, call callback with given args, after having replaced cid by it's data in args[position] """ if cid in self.awaiting_cids: self.awaiting_cids[cid].appends((callback, args, position)) else: self.awaiting_cids[cid] = [(callback, args, position)] iq = nbxmpp.Iq(to=to, typ='get') iq.addChild(name='data', attrs={'cid': cid}, namespace=Namespace.BOB) self._con.connection.SendAndCallForResponse( iq, self._on_bob_received, {'cid': cid}) def parse_bob_data(stanza): data_node = stanza.getTag('data', namespace=Namespace.BOB) if data_node is None: return None cid = data_node.getAttr('cid') type_ = data_node.getAttr('type') max_age = data_node.getAttr('max-age') if max_age is not None: try: max_age = int(max_age) except Exception: log.exception(stanza) return None if cid is None or type_ is None: log.warning('Invalid data node (no cid or type attr): %s', stanza) return None try: algo_hash = cid.split('@')[0] algo, hash_ = algo_hash.split('+') except Exception: log.exception('Invalid cid: %s', stanza) return None bob_data = data_node.getData() if not bob_data: log.warning('No data found: %s', stanza) return None filepath = configpaths.get('BOB') / algo_hash if algo_hash in app.bob_cache or filepath.exists(): log.info('BoB data already cached') return None try: bob_data = b64decode(bob_data) except Exception: log.warning('Unable to decode data') log.exception(stanza) return None if len(bob_data) > 10000: log.warning('%s: data > 10000 bytes', stanza.getFrom()) return None try: sha = hashlib.new(algo) except ValueError as error: log.warning(stanza) log.warning(error) return None sha.update(bob_data) if sha.hexdigest() != hash_: log.warning('Invalid hash: %s', stanza) return None if max_age == 0: app.bob_cache[algo_hash] = bob_data else: try: with open(str(filepath), 'w+b') as file: file.write(bob_data) except Exception: log.warning('Unable to save data') log.exception(stanza) return None log.info('BoB data stored: %s', algo_hash) return filepath def store_bob_data(bob_data): if bob_data is None: return None algo_hash = '%s+%s' % (bob_data.algo, bob_data.hash_) filepath = configpaths.get('BOB') / algo_hash if algo_hash in app.bob_cache or filepath.exists(): log.info('BoB data already cached') return None if bob_data.max_age == 0: app.bob_cache[algo_hash] = bob_data.data else: try: with open(str(filepath), 'w+b') as file: file.write(bob_data.data) except Exception: log.exception('Unable to save data') return None log.info('BoB data stored: %s', algo_hash) return filepath def get_instance(*args, **kwargs): return BitsOfBinary(*args, **kwargs), 'BitsOfBinary'