# Copyright (C) 2003-2014 Yann Leboulanger # Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Dimitur Kirov # Nikos Kouremenos # Copyright (C) 2006 Alex Mauer # Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Travis Shirk # Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Jean-Marie Traissard # Copyright (C) 2007 Lukas Petrovicky # James Newton # Julien Pivotto # Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Stephan Erb # Copyright (C) 2008 Brendan Taylor # Jonathan Schleifer # # This file is part of Gajim. # # Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. # # Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Gajim. If not, see . from typing import Any # pylint: disable=unused-import from typing import Dict # pylint: disable=unused-import import sys import re import os import subprocess import base64 import hashlib import shlex import socket import logging import json import copy import collections import platform import functools from collections import defaultdict import random import weakref import inspect import string import webbrowser from string import Template import urllib from urllib.parse import unquote from encodings.punycode import punycode_encode from functools import wraps from pathlib import Path from packaging.version import Version as V from nbxmpp.namespaces import Namespace from nbxmpp.const import Role from nbxmpp.const import ConnectionProtocol from nbxmpp.const import ConnectionType from nbxmpp.structs import ProxyData from nbxmpp.protocol import JID from nbxmpp.protocol import InvalidJid from OpenSSL.crypto import load_certificate from OpenSSL.crypto import FILETYPE_PEM from gi.repository import Gio from gi.repository import GLib import precis_i18n.codec # pylint: disable=unused-import from gajim.common import app from gajim.common import configpaths from gajim.common.i18n import Q_ from gajim.common.i18n import _ from gajim.common.i18n import ngettext from gajim.common.i18n import get_rfc5646_lang from gajim.common.const import ShowConstant from gajim.common.const import Display from gajim.common.const import URIType from gajim.common.const import URIAction from gajim.common.const import GIO_TLS_ERRORS from gajim.common.const import SHOW_LIST from gajim.common.regex import INVALID_XML_CHARS_REGEX from gajim.common.regex import STH_AT_STH_DOT_STH_REGEX from gajim.common.structs import URI log = logging.getLogger('gajim.c.helpers') special_groups = (_('Transports'), _('Not in contact list'), _('Observers'), _('Group chats')) URL_REGEX = re.compile( r"(www\.(?!\.)|[a-z][a-z0-9+.-]*://)[^\s<>'\"]+[^!,\.\s<>\)'\"\]]") class InvalidFormat(Exception): pass def parse_jid(jidstring): try: return str(validate_jid(jidstring)) except Exception as error: raise InvalidFormat(error) def idn_to_ascii(host): """ Convert IDN (Internationalized Domain Names) to ACE (ASCII-compatible encoding) """ from encodings import idna labels = idna.dots.split(host) converted_labels = [] for label in labels: if label: converted_labels.append(idna.ToASCII(label).decode('utf-8')) else: converted_labels.append('') return ".".join(converted_labels) def ascii_to_idn(host): """ Convert ACE (ASCII-compatible encoding) to IDN (Internationalized Domain Names) """ from encodings import idna labels = idna.dots.split(host) converted_labels = [] for label in labels: converted_labels.append(idna.ToUnicode(label)) return ".".join(converted_labels) def puny_encode_url(url): _url = url if '//' not in _url: _url = '//' + _url try: o = urllib.parse.urlparse(_url) p_loc = idn_to_ascii(o.hostname) except Exception: log.debug('urlparse failed: %s', url) return False return url.replace(o.hostname, p_loc) def parse_resource(resource): """ Perform stringprep on resource and return it """ if not resource: return None try: return resource.encode('OpaqueString').decode('utf-8') except UnicodeError: raise InvalidFormat('Invalid character in resource.') def windowsify(word): if os.name == 'nt': return word.capitalize() return word def get_uf_show(show, use_mnemonic=False): """ Return a userfriendly string for dnd/xa/chat and make all strings translatable If use_mnemonic is True, it adds _ so GUI should call with True for accessibility issues """ if isinstance(show, ShowConstant): show = show.name.lower() if show == 'dnd': if use_mnemonic: uf_show = _('_Busy') else: uf_show = _('Busy') elif show == 'xa': if use_mnemonic: uf_show = _('_Not Available') else: uf_show = _('Not Available') elif show == 'chat': if use_mnemonic: uf_show = _('_Free for Chat') else: uf_show = _('Free for Chat') elif show == 'online': if use_mnemonic: uf_show = Q_('?user status:_Available') else: uf_show = Q_('?user status:Available') elif show == 'connecting': uf_show = _('Connecting') elif show == 'away': if use_mnemonic: uf_show = _('A_way') else: uf_show = _('Away') elif show == 'offline': if use_mnemonic: uf_show = _('_Offline') else: uf_show = _('Offline') elif show == 'not in roster': uf_show = _('Not in contact list') elif show == 'requested': uf_show = Q_('?contact has status:Unknown') else: uf_show = Q_('?contact has status:Has errors') return uf_show def get_uf_sub(sub): if sub == 'none': uf_sub = Q_('?Subscription we already have:None') elif sub == 'to': uf_sub = _('To') elif sub == 'from': uf_sub = _('From') elif sub == 'both': uf_sub = _('Both') else: uf_sub = _('Unknown') return uf_sub def get_uf_ask(ask): if ask is None: uf_ask = Q_('?Ask (for Subscription):None') elif ask == 'subscribe': uf_ask = _('Subscribe') else: uf_ask = ask return uf_ask def get_uf_role(role, plural=False): ''' plural determines if you get Moderators or Moderator''' if not isinstance(role, str): role = role.value if role == 'none': role_name = Q_('?Group Chat Contact Role:None') elif role == 'moderator': if plural: role_name = _('Moderators') else: role_name = _('Moderator') elif role == 'participant': if plural: role_name = _('Participants') else: role_name = _('Participant') elif role == 'visitor': if plural: role_name = _('Visitors') else: role_name = _('Visitor') return role_name def get_uf_affiliation(affiliation, plural=False): '''Get a nice and translated affilition for muc''' if not isinstance(affiliation, str): affiliation = affiliation.value if affiliation == 'none': affiliation_name = Q_('?Group Chat Contact Affiliation:None') elif affiliation == 'owner': if plural: affiliation_name = _('Owners') else: affiliation_name = _('Owner') elif affiliation == 'admin': if plural: affiliation_name = _('Administrators') else: affiliation_name = _('Administrator') elif affiliation == 'member': if plural: affiliation_name = _('Members') else: affiliation_name = _('Member') return affiliation_name def get_sorted_keys(adict): keys = sorted(adict.keys()) return keys def to_one_line(msg): msg = msg.replace('\\', '\\\\') msg = msg.replace('\n', '\\n') # s1 = 'test\ntest\\ntest' # s11 = s1.replace('\\', '\\\\') # s12 = s11.replace('\n', '\\n') # s12 # 'test\\ntest\\\\ntest' return msg def from_one_line(msg): # (? 48: hash_ = hashlib.md5(filename.encode('utf-8')) filename = base64.b64encode(hash_.digest()).decode('utf-8') # make it latin chars only filename = punycode_encode(filename).decode('utf-8') filename = filename.replace('/', '_') if os.name == 'nt': filename = filename.replace('?', '_').replace(':', '_')\ .replace('\\', '_').replace('"', "'").replace('|', '_')\ .replace('*', '_').replace('<', '_').replace('>', '_') return filename def reduce_chars_newlines(text, max_chars=0, max_lines=0): """ Cut the chars after 'max_chars' on each line and show only the first 'max_lines' If any of the params is not present (None or 0) the action on it is not performed """ def _cut_if_long(string_): if len(string_) > max_chars: string_ = string_[:max_chars - 3] + '…' return string_ if max_lines == 0: lines = text.split('\n') else: lines = text.split('\n', max_lines)[:max_lines] if max_chars > 0: if lines: lines = [_cut_if_long(e) for e in lines] if lines: reduced_text = '\n'.join(lines) if reduced_text != text: reduced_text += '…' else: reduced_text = '' return reduced_text def get_account_status(account): status = reduce_chars_newlines(account['status_line'], 100, 1) return status def get_contact_dict_for_account(account): """ Create a dict of jid, nick -> contact with all contacts of account. Can be used for completion lists """ contacts_dict = {} for jid in app.contacts.get_jid_list(account): contact = app.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(account, jid) contacts_dict[jid] = contact name = contact.name if name in contacts_dict: contact1 = contacts_dict[name] del contacts_dict[name] contacts_dict['%s (%s)' % (name, contact1.jid)] = contact1 contacts_dict['%s (%s)' % (name, jid)] = contact elif contact.name: if contact.name == app.get_nick_from_jid(jid): del contacts_dict[jid] contacts_dict[name] = contact return contacts_dict def play_sound(event): if not app.settings.get('sounds_on'): return play_sound_file(app.settings.get_soundevent_settings(event)['path']) def check_soundfile_path(file_, dirs=None): """ Check if the sound file exists :param file_: the file to check, absolute or relative to 'dirs' path :param dirs: list of knows paths to fallback if the file doesn't exists (eg: ~/.gajim/sounds/, DATADIR/sounds...). :return the path to file or None if it doesn't exists. """ if not file_: return None if Path(file_).exists(): return Path(file_) if dirs is None: dirs = [configpaths.get('MY_DATA'), configpaths.get('DATA')] for dir_ in dirs: dir_ = dir_ / 'sounds' / file_ if dir_.exists(): return dir_ return None def strip_soundfile_path(file_, dirs=None, abs_=True): """ Remove knowns paths from a sound file Filechooser returns an absolute path. If path is a known fallback path, we remove it. So config has no hardcoded path to DATA_DIR and text in textfield is shorther. param: file_: the filename to strip param: dirs: list of knowns paths from which the filename should be stripped param: abs_: force absolute path on dirs """ if not file_: return None if dirs is None: dirs = [configpaths.get('MY_DATA'), configpaths.get('DATA')] file_ = Path(file_) name = file_.name for dir_ in dirs: dir_ = dir_ / 'sounds' / name if abs_: dir_ = dir_.absolute() if file_ == dir_: return name return file_ def play_sound_file(path_to_soundfile): path_to_soundfile = check_soundfile_path(path_to_soundfile) if path_to_soundfile is None: return path_to_soundfile = str(path_to_soundfile) if sys.platform == 'win32': import winsound try: winsound.PlaySound(path_to_soundfile, winsound.SND_FILENAME|winsound.SND_ASYNC) except Exception: log.exception('Sound Playback Error') elif sys.platform == 'darwin': try: from AppKit import NSSound except ImportError: log.exception('Sound Playback Error') return sound = NSSound.alloc() sound.initWithContentsOfFile_byReference_(path_to_soundfile, True) sound.play() elif app.is_installed('GSOUND'): try: app.gsound_ctx.play_simple({'media.filename' : path_to_soundfile}) except GLib.Error as error: log.error('Could not play sound: %s', error.message) def get_connection_status(account): con = app.connections[account] if con.state.is_reconnect_scheduled: return 'error' if con.state.is_connecting or con.state.is_connected: return 'connecting' if con.state.is_disconnected: return 'offline' return con.status def get_global_show(): maxi = 0 for account in app.connections: if not app.settings.get_account_setting(account, 'sync_with_global_status'): continue status = get_connection_status(account) index = SHOW_LIST.index(status) if index > maxi: maxi = index return SHOW_LIST[maxi] def get_global_status_message(): maxi = 0 for account in app.connections: if not app.settings.get_account_setting(account, 'sync_with_global_status'): continue status = app.connections[account].status index = SHOW_LIST.index(status) if index > maxi: maxi = index status_message = app.connections[account].status_message return status_message def statuses_unified(): """ Test if all statuses are the same """ reference = None for account in app.connections: if not app.settings.get_account_setting(account, 'sync_with_global_status'): continue if reference is None: reference = app.connections[account].status elif reference != app.connections[account].status: return False return True def get_icon_name_to_show(contact, account=None): """ Get the icon name to show in online, away, requested, etc """ if account and app.events.get_nb_roster_events(account, contact.jid): return 'event' if account and app.events.get_nb_roster_events(account, contact.get_full_jid()): return 'event' if account and account in app.interface.minimized_controls and \ contact.jid in app.interface.minimized_controls[account] and app.interface.\ minimized_controls[account][contact.jid].get_nb_unread_pm() > 0: return 'event' if account and contact.jid in app.gc_connected[account]: if app.gc_connected[account][contact.jid]: return 'muc-active' return 'muc-inactive' if contact.jid.find('@') <= 0: # if not '@' or '@' starts the jid ==> agent return contact.show if contact.sub in ('both', 'to'): return contact.show if contact.ask == 'subscribe': return 'requested' transport = app.get_transport_name_from_jid(contact.jid) if transport: return contact.show if contact.show in SHOW_LIST: return contact.show return 'notinroster' def get_full_jid_from_iq(iq_obj): """ Return the full jid (with resource) from an iq """ jid = iq_obj.getFrom() if jid is None: return None return parse_jid(str(iq_obj.getFrom())) def get_jid_from_iq(iq_obj): """ Return the jid (without resource) from an iq """ jid = get_full_jid_from_iq(iq_obj) return app.get_jid_without_resource(jid) def get_auth_sha(sid, initiator, target): """ Return sha of sid + initiator + target used for proxy auth """ return hashlib.sha1(("%s%s%s" % (sid, initiator, target)).encode('utf-8')).\ hexdigest() def remove_invalid_xml_chars(string_): if string_: string_ = re.sub(INVALID_XML_CHARS_REGEX, '', string_) return string_ def get_random_string(count=16): """ Create random string of count length WARNING: Don't use this for security purposes """ allowed = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits return ''.join(random.choice(allowed) for char in range(count)) @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=1) def get_os_info(): info = 'N/A' if sys.platform in ('win32', 'darwin'): info = f'{platform.system()} {platform.release()}' elif sys.platform == 'linux': try: import distro info = distro.name(pretty=True) except ImportError: info = platform.system() return info def allow_showing_notification(account): if not app.settings.get('show_notifications'): return False if app.settings.get('autopopupaway'): return True if app.account_is_available(account): return True return False def allow_popup_window(account): """ Is it allowed to popup windows? """ autopopup = app.settings.get('autopopup') autopopupaway = app.settings.get('autopopupaway') if autopopup and (autopopupaway or \ app.connections[account].status in ('online', 'chat')): return True return False def allow_sound_notification(account, sound_event): if (app.settings.get('sounddnd') or app.connections[account].status != 'dnd' and app.settings.get_soundevent_settings(sound_event)['enabled']): return True return False def get_notification_icon_tooltip_dict(): """ Return a dict of the form {acct: {'show': show, 'message': message, 'event_lines': [list of text lines to show in tooltip]} """ # How many events before we show summarized, not per-user max_ungrouped_events = 10 accounts = get_accounts_info() # Gather events. (With accounts, when there are more.) for account in accounts: account_name = account['name'] account['event_lines'] = [] # Gather events per-account pending_events = app.events.get_events(account=account_name) messages, non_messages = {}, {} total_messages, total_non_messages = 0, 0 for jid in pending_events: for event in pending_events[jid]: if event.type_.count('file') > 0: # This is a non-messagee event. messages[jid] = non_messages.get(jid, 0) + 1 total_non_messages = total_non_messages + 1 else: # This is a message. messages[jid] = messages.get(jid, 0) + 1 total_messages = total_messages + 1 # Display unread messages numbers, if any if total_messages > 0: if total_messages > max_ungrouped_events: text = ngettext('%d message pending', '%d messages pending', total_messages, total_messages, total_messages) account['event_lines'].append(text) else: for jid in messages: text = ngettext('%d message pending', '%d messages pending', messages[jid], messages[jid], messages[jid]) contact = app.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid( account['name'], jid) text += ' ' if jid in app.gc_connected[account['name']]: text += _('from group chat %s') % (jid) elif contact: name = contact.get_shown_name() text += _('from user %s') % (name) else: text += _('from %s') % (jid) account['event_lines'].append(text) # Display unseen events numbers, if any if total_non_messages > 0: if total_non_messages > max_ungrouped_events: text = ngettext('%d event pending', '%d events pending', total_non_messages, total_non_messages, total_non_messages) account['event_lines'].append(text) else: for jid in non_messages: text = ngettext('%d event pending', '%d events pending', non_messages[jid], non_messages[jid], non_messages[jid]) text += ' ' + _('from user %s') % (jid) account[account]['event_lines'].append(text) return accounts def get_accounts_info(): """ Helper for notification icon tooltip """ accounts = [] accounts_list = sorted(app.contacts.get_accounts()) for account in accounts_list: status = get_connection_status(account) message = app.connections[account].status_message single_line = get_uf_show(status) if message is None: message = '' else: message = message.strip() if message != '': single_line += ': ' + message account_label = app.get_account_label(account) accounts.append({'name': account, 'account_label': account_label, 'status_line': single_line, 'show': status, 'message': message}) return accounts def get_current_show(account): if account not in app.connections: return 'offline' return app.connections[account].status def get_optional_features(account): features = [] if app.settings.get_account_setting(account, 'request_user_data'): features.append(Namespace.MOOD + '+notify') features.append(Namespace.ACTIVITY + '+notify') features.append(Namespace.TUNE + '+notify') features.append(Namespace.LOCATION + '+notify') features.append(Namespace.NICK + '+notify') if app.connections[account].get_module('Bookmarks').nativ_bookmarks_used: features.append(Namespace.BOOKMARKS_1 + '+notify') elif app.connections[account].get_module('Bookmarks').pep_bookmarks_used: features.append(Namespace.BOOKMARKS + '+notify') if app.is_installed('AV'): features.append(Namespace.JINGLE_RTP) features.append(Namespace.JINGLE_RTP_AUDIO) features.append(Namespace.JINGLE_RTP_VIDEO) features.append(Namespace.JINGLE_ICE_UDP) # Give plugins the possibility to add their features app.plugin_manager.extension_point('update_caps', account, features) return features def jid_is_blocked(account, jid): con = app.connections[account] return jid in con.get_module('Blocking').blocked def get_subscription_request_msg(account=None): s = app.settings.get_account_setting(account, 'subscription_request_msg') if s: return s s = _('I would like to add you to my contact list.') if account: s = _('Hello, I am $name.') + ' ' + s s = Template(s).safe_substitute({'name': app.nicks[account]}) return s def get_user_proxy(account): proxy_name = app.settings.get_account_setting(account, 'proxy') if not proxy_name: return None return get_proxy(proxy_name) def get_proxy(proxy_name): try: settings = app.settings.get_proxy_settings(proxy_name) except ValueError: return None username, password = None, None if settings['useauth']: username, password = settings['user'], settings['pass'] return ProxyData(type=settings['type'], host='%s:%s' % (settings['host'], settings['port']), username=username, password=password) def version_condition(current_version, required_version): if V(current_version) < V(required_version): return False return True def get_available_emoticon_themes(): files = [] for folder in configpaths.get('EMOTICONS').iterdir(): if not folder.is_dir(): continue files += [theme for theme in folder.iterdir() if theme.is_file()] my_emots = configpaths.get('MY_EMOTS') if my_emots.is_dir(): files += list(my_emots.iterdir()) emoticons_themes = ['font'] emoticons_themes += [file.stem for file in files if file.suffix == '.png'] return sorted(emoticons_themes) def call_counter(func): def helper(self, restart=False): if restart: self._connect_machine_calls = 0 self._connect_machine_calls += 1 return func(self) return helper def load_json(path, key=None, default=None): try: with path.open('r') as file: json_dict = json.loads(file.read()) except Exception: log.exception('Parsing error') return default if key is None: return json_dict return json_dict.get(key, default) def ignore_contact(account, jid): jid = str(jid) known_contact = app.contacts.get_contacts(account, jid) ignore = app.settings.get_account_setting(account, 'ignore_unknown_contacts') if ignore and not known_contact: log.info('Ignore unknown contact %s', jid) return True return False class AdditionalDataDict(collections.UserDict): def __init__(self, initialdata=None): collections.UserDict.__init__(self, initialdata) @staticmethod def _get_path_childs(full_path): path_childs = [full_path] if ':' in full_path: path_childs = full_path.split(':') return path_childs def set_value(self, full_path, key, value): path_childs = self._get_path_childs(full_path) _dict = self.data for path in path_childs: try: _dict = _dict[path] except KeyError: _dict[path] = {} _dict = _dict[path] _dict[key] = value def get_value(self, full_path, key, default=None): path_childs = self._get_path_childs(full_path) _dict = self.data for path in path_childs: try: _dict = _dict[path] except KeyError: return default try: return _dict[key] except KeyError: return default def remove_value(self, full_path, key): path_childs = self._get_path_childs(full_path) _dict = self.data for path in path_childs: try: _dict = _dict[path] except KeyError: return try: del _dict[key] except KeyError: return def copy(self): return copy.deepcopy(self) def save_roster_position(window): if not app.settings.get('save-roster-position'): return if app.is_display(Display.WAYLAND): return x_pos, y_pos = window.get_position() log.debug('Save roster position: %s %s', x_pos, y_pos) app.settings.set('roster_x-position', x_pos) app.settings.set('roster_y-position', y_pos) class Singleton(type): _instances = {} # type: Dict[Any, Any] def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls not in cls._instances: cls._instances[cls] = super(Singleton, cls).__call__( *args, **kwargs) return cls._instances[cls] def delay_execution(milliseconds): # Delay the first call for `milliseconds` # ignore all other calls while the delay is active def delay_execution_decorator(func): @wraps(func) def func_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): def timeout_wrapper(): func(*args, **kwargs) delattr(func_wrapper, 'source_id') if hasattr(func_wrapper, 'source_id'): return func_wrapper.source_id = GLib.timeout_add( milliseconds, timeout_wrapper) return func_wrapper return delay_execution_decorator def event_filter(filter_): def event_filter_decorator(func): @wraps(func) def func_wrapper(self, event, *args, **kwargs): for attr in filter_: if '=' in attr: attr1, attr2 = attr.split('=') else: attr1, attr2 = attr, attr try: if getattr(event, attr1) != getattr(self, attr2): return None except AttributeError: if getattr(event, attr1) != getattr(self, '_%s' % attr2): return None return func(self, event, *args, **kwargs) return func_wrapper return event_filter_decorator def catch_exceptions(func): @wraps(func) def func_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): try: result = func(self, *args, **kwargs) except Exception as error: log.exception(error) return None return result return func_wrapper def parse_uri_actions(uri): uri = uri[5:] if '?' not in uri: return 'message', {'jid': uri} jid, action = uri.split('?', 1) data = {'jid': jid} if ';' in action: action, keys = action.split(';', 1) action_keys = keys.split(';') for key in action_keys: if key.startswith('subject='): data['subject'] = unquote(key[8:]) elif key.startswith('body='): data['body'] = unquote(key[5:]) elif key.startswith('thread='): data['thread'] = key[7:] return action, data def parse_uri(uri): if uri.startswith('xmpp:'): action, data = parse_uri_actions(uri) try: validate_jid(data['jid']) return URI(type=URIType.XMPP, action=URIAction(action), data=data) except ValueError: # Unknown action return URI(type=URIType.UNKNOWN) if uri.startswith('mailto:'): uri = uri[7:] return URI(type=URIType.MAIL, data=uri) if uri.startswith('tel:'): uri = uri[4:] return URI(type=URIType.TEL, data=uri) if STH_AT_STH_DOT_STH_REGEX.match(uri): return URI(type=URIType.AT, data=uri) if uri.startswith('geo:'): location = uri[4:] lat, _, lon = location.partition(',') if not lon: return URI(type=URIType.UNKNOWN, data=uri) if Gio.AppInfo.get_default_for_uri_scheme('geo'): return URI(type=URIType.GEO, data=uri) uri = geo_provider_from_location(lat, lon) return URI(type=URIType.GEO, data=uri) if uri.startswith('file://'): return URI(type=URIType.FILE, data=uri) return URI(type=URIType.WEB, data=uri) @catch_exceptions def open_uri(uri, account=None): if not isinstance(uri, URI): uri = parse_uri(uri) if uri.type == URIType.FILE: open_file(uri.data) elif uri.type == URIType.TEL: if sys.platform == 'win32': webbrowser.open(f'tel:{uri.data}') else: Gio.AppInfo.launch_default_for_uri(f'tel:{uri.data}') elif uri.type == URIType.MAIL: if sys.platform == 'win32': webbrowser.open(f'mailto:{uri.data}') else: Gio.AppInfo.launch_default_for_uri(f'mailto:{uri.data}') elif uri.type in (URIType.WEB, URIType.GEO): if sys.platform == 'win32': webbrowser.open(uri.data) else: Gio.AppInfo.launch_default_for_uri(uri.data) elif uri.type == URIType.AT: app.interface.new_chat_from_jid(account, uri.data) elif uri.type == URIType.XMPP: if account is None: log.warning('Account must be specified to open XMPP uri') return if uri.action == URIAction.JOIN: app.app.activate_action( 'groupchat-join', GLib.Variant('as', [account, uri.data['jid']])) elif uri.action == URIAction.MESSAGE: app.interface.new_chat_from_jid(account, uri.data['jid'], message=uri.data.get('body')) else: log.warning('Cant open URI: %s', uri) else: log.warning('Cant open URI: %s', uri) @catch_exceptions def open_file(path): if os.name == 'nt': os.startfile(path) else: # Call str() to make it work with pathlib.Path path = str(path) if not path.startswith('file://'): path = 'file://' + path Gio.AppInfo.launch_default_for_uri(path) def geo_provider_from_location(lat, lon): return ('https://www.openstreetmap.org/?' 'mlat=%s&mlon=%s&zoom=16') % (lat, lon) def get_resource(account): resource = app.settings.get_account_setting(account, 'resource') if not resource: return None resource = Template(resource).safe_substitute( {'hostname': socket.gethostname(), 'rand': get_random_string()}) app.settings.set_account_setting(account, 'resource', resource) return resource def get_default_muc_config(): return { # XEP-0045 options 'muc#roomconfig_allowinvites': True, 'muc#roomconfig_publicroom': False, 'muc#roomconfig_membersonly': True, 'muc#roomconfig_persistentroom': True, 'muc#roomconfig_whois': 'anyone', 'muc#roomconfig_moderatedroom': False, # Ejabberd options 'allow_voice_requests': False, 'public_list': False, # Prosody options '{http://prosody.im/protocol/muc}roomconfig_allowmemberinvites': True, 'muc#roomconfig_enablearchiving': True, } def validate_jid(jid, type_=None): try: jid = JID.from_string(str(jid)) except InvalidJid as error: raise ValueError(error) if type_ is None: return jid if type_ == 'bare' and jid.is_bare: return jid if type_ == 'full' and jid.is_full: return jid if type_ == 'domain' and jid.is_domain: return jid raise ValueError('Not a %s JID' % type_) def to_user_string(error): text = error.get_text(get_rfc5646_lang()) if text: return text condition = error.condition if error.app_condition is not None: return '%s (%s)' % (condition, error.app_condition) return condition def get_groupchat_name(con, jid): name = con.get_module('Bookmarks').get_name_from_bookmark(jid) if name: return name disco_info = app.storage.cache.get_last_disco_info(jid) if disco_info is not None: if disco_info.muc_name: return disco_info.muc_name return jid.split('@')[0] def is_affiliation_change_allowed(self_contact, contact, target_aff): if contact.affiliation.value == target_aff: # Contact has already the target affiliation return False if self_contact.affiliation.is_owner: return True if not self_contact.affiliation.is_admin: return False if target_aff in ('admin', 'owner'): # Admin can’t edit admin/owner list return False return self_contact.affiliation > contact.affiliation def is_role_change_allowed(self_contact, contact): if self_contact.role < Role.MODERATOR: return False return self_contact.affiliation >= contact.affiliation def get_tls_error_phrase(tls_error): phrase = GIO_TLS_ERRORS.get(tls_error) if phrase is None: return GIO_TLS_ERRORS.get(Gio.TlsCertificateFlags.GENERIC_ERROR) return phrase class Observable: def __init__(self, log_=None): self._log = log_ self._callbacks = defaultdict(list) def disconnect_signals(self): self._callbacks = defaultdict(list) def disconnect(self, object_): for signal_name, handlers in self._callbacks.items(): for handler in list(handlers): func = handler() if func is None or func.__self__ == object_: self._callbacks[signal_name].remove(handler) def connect(self, signal_name, func): if inspect.ismethod(func): weak_func = weakref.WeakMethod(func) elif inspect.isfunction(func): weak_func = weakref.ref(func) self._callbacks[signal_name].append(weak_func) def notify(self, signal_name, *args, **kwargs): if self._log is not None: self._log.info('Signal: %s', signal_name) callbacks = self._callbacks.get(signal_name, []) for func in list(callbacks): if func() is None: self._callbacks[signal_name].remove(func) continue func()(self, signal_name, *args, **kwargs) def write_file_async(path, data, callback, user_data=None): file = Gio.File.new_for_path(str(path)) file.create_async(Gio.FileCreateFlags.PRIVATE, GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, None, _on_file_created, (callback, data, user_data)) def _on_file_created(file, result, user_data): callback, data, user_data = user_data try: outputstream = file.create_finish(result) except GLib.Error as error: callback(False, error, user_data) return # Pass data as user_data to the callback, because # write_all_async() takes not reference to the data # and python gc collects it before the data are written outputstream.write_all_async(data, GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, None, _on_write_finished, (callback, data, user_data)) def _on_write_finished(outputstream, result, user_data): callback, _data, user_data = user_data try: successful, _bytes_written = outputstream.write_all_finish(result) except GLib.Error as error: callback(False, error, user_data) else: callback(successful, None, user_data) def load_file_async(path, callback, user_data=None): file = Gio.File.new_for_path(str(path)) file.load_contents_async(None, _on_load_finished, (callback, user_data)) def _on_load_finished(file, result, user_data): callback, user_data = user_data try: _successful, contents, _etag = file.load_contents_finish(result) except GLib.Error as error: callback(None, error, user_data) else: callback(contents, None, user_data) def convert_gio_to_openssl_cert(cert): cert = load_certificate(FILETYPE_PEM, cert.props.certificate_pem.encode()) return cert def get_custom_host(account): if not app.settings.get_account_setting(account, 'use_custom_host'): return None host = app.settings.get_account_setting(account, 'custom_host') port = app.settings.get_account_setting(account, 'custom_port') type_ = app.settings.get_account_setting(account, 'custom_type') if host.startswith('ws://') or host.startswith('wss://'): protocol = ConnectionProtocol.WEBSOCKET else: host = f'{host}:{port}' protocol = ConnectionProtocol.TCP return (host, protocol, ConnectionType(type_)) def warn_about_plain_connection(account, connection_types): warn = app.settings.get_account_setting( account, 'confirm_unencrypted_connection') for type_ in connection_types: if type_.is_plain and warn: return True return False def get_idle_status_message(state, status_message): message = app.settings.get(f'auto{state}_message') if not message: message = status_message else: message = message.replace('$S', '%(status)s') message = message.replace('$T', '%(time)s') message = message % { 'status': status_message, 'time': app.settings.get(f'auto{state}time') } return message def should_log(account, jid): """ Should conversations between a local account and a remote jid be logged? """ no_log_for = app.settings.get_account_setting(account, 'no_log_for') if not no_log_for: no_log_for = '' no_log_for = no_log_for.split() return (account not in no_log_for) and (jid not in no_log_for) def ask_for_status_message(status, signin=False): if status is None: # We try to change the message return True if signin: return app.settings.get('ask_online_status') if status == 'offline': return app.settings.get('ask_offline_status') return app.settings.get('always_ask_for_status_message') def get_group_chat_nick(account, room_jid): nick = app.nicks[account] client = app.get_client(account) bookmark = client.get_module('Bookmarks').get_bookmark(room_jid) if bookmark is not None: if bookmark.nick is not None: nick = bookmark.nick return nick def get_muc_context(jid): disco_info = app.storage.cache.get_last_disco_info(jid) if disco_info is None: return None if (disco_info.muc_is_members_only and disco_info.muc_is_nonanonymous): return 'private' return 'public'