# Copyright (C) 2005 Alex Mauer # Stéphan Kochen # Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Dimitur Kirov # Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Nikos Kouremenos # Copyright (C) 2005-2014 Yann Leboulanger # Copyright (C) 2006 Travis Shirk # Stefan Bethge # Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Jean-Marie Traissard # Copyright (C) 2007 Julien Pivotto # Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Stephan Erb # Copyright (C) 2008 Jonathan Schleifer # # This file is part of Gajim. # # Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. # # Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Gajim. If not, see . import os import time import logging from datetime import datetime from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import GLib from gi.repository import Pango from gajim.common import app from gajim.common import helpers from gajim.common.helpers import get_connection_status from gajim.common.const import AvatarSize from gajim.common.const import PEPEventType from gajim.common.i18n import Q_ from gajim.common.i18n import _ from gajim.gtkgui_helpers import add_css_class from .util import get_builder from .util import get_icon_name from .util import format_mood from .util import format_activity from .util import format_tune from .util import format_location from .util import get_css_show_class log = logging.getLogger('gajim.gui.tooltips') class StatusTable: """ Contains methods for creating status table. This is used in Roster and NotificationArea tooltips """ def __init__(self): self.current_row = 0 self.table = None self.text_label = None self.spacer_label = ' ' def create_table(self): self.table = Gtk.Grid() self.table.insert_column(0) self.table.set_property('column-spacing', 3) def add_text_row(self, text, col_inc=0): self.table.insert_row(self.current_row) self.text_label = Gtk.Label() self.text_label.set_line_wrap(True) self.text_label.set_line_wrap_mode(Pango.WrapMode.WORD_CHAR) self.text_label.set_lines(3) self.text_label.set_ellipsize(Pango.EllipsizeMode.END) self.text_label.set_max_width_chars(30) self.text_label.set_halign(Gtk.Align.START) self.text_label.set_valign(Gtk.Align.START) self.text_label.set_xalign(0) self.text_label.set_selectable(False) self.text_label.set_text(text) self.table.attach(self.text_label, 1 + col_inc, self.current_row, 3 - col_inc, 1) self.current_row += 1 def add_status_row(self, show, str_status, indent=True, transport=None): """ Append a new row with status icon to the table """ self.table.insert_row(self.current_row) image = Gtk.Image() icon_name = get_icon_name(show, transport=transport) image.set_from_icon_name(icon_name, Gtk.IconSize.MENU) spacer = Gtk.Label(label=self.spacer_label) image.set_halign(Gtk.Align.START) image.set_valign(Gtk.Align.CENTER) if indent: self.table.attach(spacer, 1, self.current_row, 1, 1) self.table.attach(image, 2, self.current_row, 1, 1) status_label = Gtk.Label() status_label.set_text(str_status) status_label.set_halign(Gtk.Align.START) status_label.set_valign(Gtk.Align.START) status_label.set_xalign(0) status_label.set_line_wrap(True) status_label.set_line_wrap_mode(Pango.WrapMode.WORD_CHAR) status_label.set_lines(3) status_label.set_ellipsize(Pango.EllipsizeMode.END) status_label.set_max_width_chars(30) self.table.attach(status_label, 3, self.current_row, 1, 1) self.current_row += 1 def fill_table_with_accounts(self, accounts): for acct in accounts: message = acct['message'] message = helpers.reduce_chars_newlines(message, 100, 1) message = GLib.markup_escape_text(message) account_label = GLib.markup_escape_text(acct['account_label']) if message: status = '%s - %s' % (account_label, message) else: status = account_label self.add_status_row(acct['show'], status, indent=False) for line in acct['event_lines']: self.add_text_row(' ' + line, 1) class NotificationAreaTooltip(StatusTable): """ Tooltip that is shown in the notification area """ def __init__(self): StatusTable.__init__(self) def get_tooltip(self): self.create_table() accounts = helpers.get_notification_icon_tooltip_dict() self.fill_table_with_accounts(accounts) self.table.set_property('column-spacing', 1) hbox = Gtk.HBox() hbox.add(self.table) hbox.show_all() return hbox class GCTooltip(): def __init__(self): self.contact = None self._ui = get_builder('tooltip_gc_contact.ui') def clear_tooltip(self): self.contact = None def get_tooltip(self, contact): if self.contact == contact: return True, self._ui.tooltip_grid self._populate_grid(contact) self.contact = contact return False, self._ui.tooltip_grid def _hide_grid_childs(self): """ Hide all Elements of the Tooltip Grid """ for child in self._ui.tooltip_grid.get_children(): child.hide() def _populate_grid(self, contact): """ Populate the Tooltip Grid with data of from the contact """ self._hide_grid_childs() self._ui.nick.set_text(contact.get_shown_name()) self._ui.nick.show() # Status Message if contact.status: status = contact.status.strip() if status != '': self._ui.status.set_text(status) self._ui.status.show() # Status show = helpers.get_uf_show(contact.show.value) self._ui.user_show.set_text(show) colorize_status(self._ui.user_show, contact.show.value) self._ui.user_show.show() # JID if contact.jid is not None: self._ui.jid.set_text(str(contact.jid)) self._ui.jid.show() # Affiliation if not contact.affiliation.is_none: uf_affiliation = helpers.get_uf_affiliation(contact.affiliation) uf_affiliation = \ _('%(owner_or_admin_or_member)s of this group chat') \ % {'owner_or_admin_or_member': uf_affiliation} self._ui.affiliation.set_text(uf_affiliation) self._ui.affiliation.show() # Avatar if contact.avatar_sha is not None: app.log('avatar').debug( 'Load GCTooltip: %s %s', contact.name, contact.avatar_sha) scale = self._ui.tooltip_grid.get_scale_factor() surface = app.interface.get_avatar( contact, AvatarSize.TOOLTIP, scale) self._ui.avatar.set_from_surface(surface) self._ui.avatar.show() self._ui.fillelement.show() app.plugin_manager.gui_extension_point( 'gc_tooltip_populate', self, contact, self._ui.tooltip_grid) def destroy(self): self._ui.tooltip_grid.destroy() class RosterTooltip(StatusTable): def __init__(self): StatusTable.__init__(self) self.create_table() self.account = None self.row = None self.contact_jid = None self.prim_contact = None self.last_widget = None self.num_resources = 0 self._ui = get_builder('tooltip_roster_contact.ui') def clear_tooltip(self): """ Hide all Elements of the Tooltip Grid """ for child in self._ui.tooltip_grid.get_children(): child.hide() status_table = self._ui.tooltip_grid.get_child_at(1, 3) if status_table: status_table.destroy() self.create_table() self.row = None def get_tooltip(self, row, connected_contacts, account, typ): if self.row == row: return True, self._ui.tooltip_grid self._populate_grid(connected_contacts, account, typ) self.row = row return False, self._ui.tooltip_grid def _populate_grid(self, contacts, account, typ): """ Populate the Tooltip Grid with data of from the contact """ self.current_row = 0 self.account = account if self.last_widget: self.last_widget.set_vexpand(False) self.clear_tooltip() if account == 'all': # Tooltip for merged accounts row self._show_merged_account_tooltip() return if typ == 'account': jid = app.get_jid_from_account(account) contacts = [] connection = app.connections[account] # get our current contact info nbr_on, nbr_total = app.\ contacts.get_nb_online_total_contacts(accounts=[account]) account_name = app.get_account_label(account) if app.account_is_available(account): account_name += ' (%s/%s)' % (repr(nbr_on), repr(nbr_total)) contact = app.contacts.create_self_contact( jid=jid, account=account, name=account_name, show=get_connection_status(account), status=connection.status_message, resource=connection.get_own_jid().resource, priority=connection.priority) contacts.append(contact) # Username/Account/Groupchat self.prim_contact = app.contacts.get_highest_prio_contact_from_contacts( contacts) if self.prim_contact is None: log.error('No contact for Roster tooltip found') log.error('contacts: %s, typ: %s, account: %s', contacts, typ, account) return self.contact_jid = self.prim_contact.jid name = GLib.markup_escape_text(self.prim_contact.get_shown_name()) if app.settings.get('mergeaccounts'): name = GLib.markup_escape_text( self.prim_contact.account.name) self._ui.name.set_markup(name) self._ui.name.show() self.num_resources = 0 # put contacts in dict, where key is priority contacts_dict = {} for contact in contacts: if contact.resource: self.num_resources += 1 priority = int(contact.priority) if priority in contacts_dict: contacts_dict[priority].append(contact) else: contacts_dict[priority] = [contact] if self.num_resources > 1: transport = app.get_transport_name_from_jid(self.prim_contact.jid) if transport == 'jabber': transport = None contact_keys = sorted(contacts_dict.keys()) contact_keys.reverse() for priority in contact_keys: for acontact in contacts_dict[priority]: show = self._get_icon_name_for_tooltip(acontact) status = acontact.status resource_line = '%s (%s)' % (acontact.resource, str(acontact.priority)) self.add_status_row( show, resource_line, transport=transport) if status: self.add_text_row(status, 2) self._ui.tooltip_grid.attach(self.table, 1, 3, 2, 1) self.table.show_all() else: # only one resource if contact.is_groupchat: disco_info = app.storage.cache.get_last_disco_info(contact.jid) if disco_info is not None: description = disco_info.muc_description if description: self._ui.status.set_text(description) self._ui.status.show() elif contact.show and contact.status: status = contact.status.strip() if status: self._ui.status.set_text(status) self._ui.status.show() # PEP Info self._append_pep_info(contact) # JID self._ui.jid.set_text(self.prim_contact.jid) self._ui.jid.show() # contact has only one resource if self.num_resources == 1 and contact.resource: res = GLib.markup_escape_text(contact.resource) prio = str(contact.priority) self._ui.resource.set_text("{} ({})".format(res, prio)) self._ui.resource.show() self._ui.resource_label.show() if self.prim_contact.jid not in app.gc_connected[account]: if (account and self.prim_contact.sub and self.prim_contact.sub != 'both'): # ('both' is the normal sub so we don't show it) self._ui.sub.set_text(helpers.get_uf_sub(self.prim_contact.sub)) self._ui.sub.show() self._ui.sub_label.show() self._set_idle_time(contact) # Avatar scale = self._ui.tooltip_grid.get_scale_factor() surface = app.contacts.get_avatar( account, self.prim_contact.jid, AvatarSize.TOOLTIP, scale) self._ui.avatar.set_from_surface(surface) self._ui.avatar.show() app.plugin_manager.gui_extension_point( 'roster_tooltip_populate', self, contacts, self._ui.tooltip_grid) # Sets the Widget that is at the bottom to expand. # This is needed in case the Picture takes more Space than the Labels i = 1 while i < 15: if self._ui.tooltip_grid.get_child_at(1, i): if self._ui.tooltip_grid.get_child_at(1, i).get_visible(): self.last_widget = self._ui.tooltip_grid.get_child_at(1, i) i += 1 self.last_widget.set_vexpand(True) def _show_merged_account_tooltip(self): accounts = helpers.get_notification_icon_tooltip_dict() self.spacer_label = '' self.fill_table_with_accounts(accounts) self._ui.tooltip_grid.attach(self.table, 1, 3, 2, 1) self.table.show_all() def _append_pep_info(self, contact): """ Append Tune, Mood, Activity, Location information of the specified contact to the given property list. """ if PEPEventType.MOOD in contact.pep: mood = format_mood(*contact.pep[PEPEventType.MOOD]) self._ui.mood.set_markup(mood) self._ui.mood.show() self._ui.mood_label.show() if PEPEventType.ACTIVITY in contact.pep: activity = format_activity(*contact.pep[PEPEventType.ACTIVITY]) self._ui.activity.set_markup(activity) self._ui.activity.show() self._ui.activity_label.show() if PEPEventType.TUNE in contact.pep: tune = format_tune(*contact.pep[PEPEventType.TUNE]) self._ui.tune.set_markup(tune) self._ui.tune.show() self._ui.tune_label.show() if PEPEventType.LOCATION in contact.pep: location = format_location(contact.pep[PEPEventType.LOCATION]) self._ui.location.set_markup(location) self._ui.location.show() self._ui.location_label.show() def _set_idle_time(self, contact): if contact.idle_time: idle_time = contact.idle_time idle_time = time.localtime(contact.idle_time) idle_time = datetime(*(idle_time[:6])) current = datetime.now() if idle_time.date() == current.date(): formatted = idle_time.strftime('%X') else: formatted = idle_time.strftime('%c') self._ui.idle_since.set_text(formatted) self._ui.idle_since.show() self._ui.idle_since_label.show() if contact.show and self.num_resources < 2: show = helpers.get_uf_show(contact.show) # Contact is Groupchat if (self.account and self.prim_contact.jid in app.gc_connected[self.account]): if app.gc_connected[self.account][self.prim_contact.jid]: show = _('Connected') else: show = _('Disconnected') colorize_status(self._ui.user_show, contact.show) self._ui.user_show.set_text(show) self._ui.user_show.show() @staticmethod def _get_icon_name_for_tooltip(contact): """ Helper function used for tooltip contacts/accounts Tooltip on account has fake contact with sub == '', in this case we show real status of the account """ if contact.ask == 'subscribe': return 'requested' if contact.sub in ('both', 'to', ''): return contact.show return 'not in roster' class FileTransfersTooltip(): def __init__(self): self.sid = None self.widget = None if app.settings.get('use_kib_mib'): self.units = GLib.FormatSizeFlags.IEC_UNITS else: self.units = GLib.FormatSizeFlags.DEFAULT def clear_tooltip(self): self.sid = None self.widget = None def get_tooltip(self, file_props, sid): if self.sid == sid: return True, self.widget self.widget = self._create_tooltip(file_props, sid) self.sid = sid return False, self.widget def _create_tooltip(self, file_props, _sid): ft_grid = Gtk.Grid.new() ft_grid.insert_column(0) ft_grid.set_row_spacing(6) ft_grid.set_column_spacing(12) current_row = 0 properties = [] name = file_props.name if file_props.type_ == 'r': file_name = os.path.split(file_props.file_name)[1] else: file_name = file_props.name properties.append((_('File Name: '), GLib.markup_escape_text(file_name))) if file_props.type_ == 'r': type_ = Q_('?Noun:Download') actor = _('Sender: ') sender = file_props.sender.split('/')[0] name = app.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid( file_props.tt_account, sender).get_shown_name() else: type_ = Q_('?Noun:Upload') actor = _('Recipient: ') receiver = file_props.receiver if hasattr(receiver, 'name'): name = receiver.get_shown_name() else: name = receiver.split('/')[0] properties.append((Q_('?transfer type:Type: '), type_)) properties.append((actor, GLib.markup_escape_text(name))) transfered_len = file_props.received_len if not transfered_len: transfered_len = 0 properties.append((Q_('?transfer status:Transferred: '), GLib.format_size_full(transfered_len, self.units))) status = self._get_current_status(file_props) properties.append((Q_('?transfer status:Status: '), status)) file_desc = file_props.desc or '' properties.append((_('Description: '), GLib.markup_escape_text(file_desc))) while properties: property_ = properties.pop(0) label = Gtk.Label() label.set_halign(Gtk.Align.END) label.set_valign(Gtk.Align.CENTER) label.set_markup(property_[0]) ft_grid.attach(label, 0, current_row, 1, 1) label = Gtk.Label() label.set_halign(Gtk.Align.START) label.set_valign(Gtk.Align.START) label.set_line_wrap(True) label.set_markup(property_[1]) ft_grid.attach(label, 1, current_row, 1, 1) current_row += 1 ft_grid.show_all() return ft_grid @staticmethod def _get_current_status(file_props): if file_props.stopped: return Q_('?transfer status:Aborted') if file_props.completed: return Q_('?transfer status:Completed') if file_props.paused: return Q_('?transfer status:Paused') if file_props.stalled: # stalled is not paused. it is like 'frozen' it stopped alone return Q_('?transfer status:Stalled') if file_props.connected: if file_props.started: return Q_('?transfer status:Transferring') return Q_('?transfer status:Not started') return Q_('?transfer status:Not started') def colorize_status(widget, show): """ Colorize the status message inside the tooltip by it's semantics. """ css_class = get_css_show_class(show)[14:] add_css_class(widget, css_class, prefix='gajim-status-')