# -*- mode: yaml; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 2; coding: utf-8-unix -*- --- # these can be overridden using --extra-vars on the playbook command line BASE_ROOT_USER: "{{BOX_ROOT_USER|default('root')}}" BASE_ROOT_GROUP: "{{BOX_ROOT_GROUP|default('root')}}" BASE_PYTHON2_MINOR: "{{BOX_PYTHON2_MINOR}}" BASE_PYTHON3_MINOR: "{{BOX_PYTHON3_MINOR}}" BASE_PORTAGE_PYTHON_MINOR: "{{BOX_PORTAGE_PYTHON_MINOR}}" BASE_IPV6_DISABLE: "{{BOX_IPV6_DISABLE}}" # These should come from the wrapper script BASE_USR_LOCAL: "{{ USR_LOCAL }}" BASE_PYVENV_ARGS: "--system-site-packages" BASE_PYVENV2_ARGS: "{{BASE_PYVENV_ARGS}}" BASE_PYVENV3_ARGS: "{{BASE_PYVENV_ARGS}}" # this is now ignored and built into pip2.sh/pip3.sh as pip:extra_args is post the install keyword BASE_PIP_GLOBAL_ARGS: "--disable-pip-version-check --cache-dir {{ PLAY_PIP_CACHE|default('/mnt/o/Cache/Pip') }} --cert '{{ PLAY_CA_CERT|default('/usr/local/etc/ssl/cacert-testforge.pem') }}'" # force pip packages to be explicitly installed or fail BASE_PIP_INSTALL_ARGS: "{{ BASE_PIP_GLOBAL_ARGS +' --no-deps --prefix='+USR_LOCAL }}" # and/or to prevent pip form downloading from the internet #? BASE_PIP_INSTALL_ARGS: "{{ PIP_INSTALL_ARGS|default('--proxy=localhost:9999') }}" BASE_USER_NAME: "{{ BOX_USER_NAME }}" BASE_USER_HOME: "{{ BOX_USER_HOME }}" BASE_ALSO_GROUP: "{{ BOX_ALSO_GROUP }}" # These should come from the inventory hosts.yml HOST_MOUNT_SYMLINKS: [] HOST_MOUNT_SYMLINK_CONTENTS: {} HOST_CONTAINER_MOUNTS: [] BASE_HOST_CONTAINER_MOUNTS: "{{BOX_HOST_CONTAINER_MOUNTS}}" HOSTNAME_HARDWARE: '' BASE_ALSO_USERS: "{{BOX_ALSO_USERS}}" LXD_TRUST_PASSWORD: "" # per-user config dir but expanduser is broken so we leave off the ~/ prefix BASE_USER_CONFIG_DIR: ".config/testforge" # unused - seems to be built for zip only not tar BASE_UNTAR_ARGS: #? - "-C" - "--owner=root" - "--group=root" - "--no-same-owner" - "--keep-newer-files" # - "--no-same-permissions" BASE_PKG_IGNORE_ERRORS: true # "{{ ansible_virtualization_role|replace('NA', 'host') == 'guest' }}" BASE_IGNORE_LOCAL_ERRORS: BASE_ARE_CONNECTED|default('') == '' # Look for you timezone in /usr/share/zoneinfo. # Example: Europe/Prague BASE_timezone: "{{BOX_timezone}}" # Is your hardware clock set local (true), or UTC (false)? - true is advised by created problems DB hwclock_local: "{{BOX_hwclock_local}}" # Do you want to set the hardware clock to the current system time (software # clock) during shutdown? hwclock_systohc: "{{BOX_hwclock_systohc}}" # Do you want to set the system time to the current hardware clock # during bootup? hwclock_hctosys: "{{BOX_hwclock_hctosys}}" # Should be copies of the /etc/skel files inside the /home/${USER} updated? # Only files that were not modified by a user will be updated. skel_update_homes: false # List of locales to generate. env_locales: - "C.UTF-8 UTF-8" - "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" - "en_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8" - "en_CA.UTF-8 UTF-8" # The default system LANG. env_locale_lang: en_US.UTF-8 # The default EDITOR. env_editor: "/usr/bin/mg" BASE_BOOT_DIR: "/boot" #BASE_BOOT_DIR: "/mnt/l/syslinux" BASE_ROOT_LOG_DIR: "/root/var/tmp/{{date_slash}}" BASE_SCRIPT_DIR: "{{USR_LOCAL}}/sbin" BASE_LOG_DIR: "{{USR_LOCAL}}/var/log" # subkeys.pgp.net does NOT work BASE_GENTOO_KEYSERVER: "keys.gentoo.org" BASE_GPG_SERVER: "{{BOX_GPG_SERVER}}" # I tried these four, I believe that number 3 finally worked and allowed me to download the keys in question for accessing the tor update servers. # https://github.com/Stadicus/RaspiBolt/issues/343 # hkps.pool.sks-keyservers.net # keys.gnupg.net # pgp.uni-mainz.de # pgp.mit.edu BASE_FUNTOO_PROFILES_DIRS: - /var/local/git/meta-repo/kits/core-kit/profiles/base BASE_FUNTOO_MIXINS_DIRS: - /var/local/git/meta-repo/kits/core-kit/profiles/funtoo/1.0/linux-gnu/mix-ins BASE_FUNTOO_MIXINS: - X - xfce - no-systemd # This now gets overwritten in firewall.conf from route|grep ^default # should get replaced by BASE_ARE_CONNECTED if it's not null BASE_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_IF: "{{BOX_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_IF|default('wlan7')}}" BASE_FEATURES: "{{BOX_BASE_FEATURES}}" BASE_LIB: "{{BOX_USR_LIB}}" LIB: "{{BASE_LIB}}" base_ipv4_nat_dev: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.alias }}" # enp0s3 #? ansible_default_ipv4.address base_ipv4_nat_ip: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}" #" base_ipv4_nat_gw_ip: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.gateway }}" # "" # "ansible_dns": {"nameservers": [ "" base_ipv4_nat_dns_ip: "{{ ansible_dns[0].nameseervers[0] }}" #? "" BASE_PASSWORDS_DATABASE: "" BASE_PASSWORDS_PASSWORD: "" BASE_HOSTNAME_HARDWARE: "{{BOX_HOST_NAME}}" BASE_TIMEZONE: Etc/UTC base_passwords_database: "{{box_passwords_database}}"