# -*- mode: yaml; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 2; coding: utf-8-unix -*- --- - name: "DEBUG: base bootstrap.yml inventory_hostname" debug: verbosity: 1 msg: "DEBUG: Including bootstrap bootstrap.yml" # have to install sudo # N.B. raw or delegate_to: localhost only until bootstrap is complete!!! - name: boostrap bootstrap_chroot_kicksecure.bash shell: | {{USR_LOCAL}}/sbin/bootstrap_chroot_kicksecure.bash args: creates: "{{USR_LOCAL}}/etc/ssl/cacert-testforge.pem" delegate_to: localhost when: - ansible_connection|default('') == 'chroot' - inventory_hostname == 'linuxKick150154' - ansible_remote_addr != '' check_mode: false # cache='none' io='native' - name: bootstrap env set_fact: proxy_env: TERM: "linux" shell_env: TERM: "linux" - block: - name: bin/update_chroot.bash shell: | root="{{ ansible_remote_addr }}" [ -n "$root" ] || \ { echo "ERROR: ansible_remote_addr is undefined" ; exit 1 ; } [ -d "$root/" ] || \ { echo "ERROR: directory not found: $root" ; exit 2 ; } if [ -x {{VAR_LOCAL}}/sbin/update_chroot.bash ]; then {{VAR_LOCAL}}/sbin/update_chroot.bash "$root/" pwd || \ { echo ERROR: {{VAR_LOCAL}}/sbin/update_chroot.bash $root/ pwd $? ; exit 3 ; } elif [ -x {{USR_LOCAL}}/sbin/base_chroot.bash ]; then {{USR_LOCAL}}/sbin/base_chroot.bash "$root/" pwd || \ { echo ERROR: {{USR_LOCAL}}/sbin/base_chroot.bash "$root/" pwd $? ; exit 4 ; } fi i=$( df -a | sed -e 's/.* //'| sort -u | grep -c "$root" ) if [ $i -lt 3 ] ; then echo "WARN: first run to establish bind mounts - bin/update_chroot.bash $root" fi exit 0 # FixMe: 3 stderr: '/usr/bin/env: ‘a’: No such file or directory' ignore_errors: true - name: "mount mountpoint dirs" shell: | df -a | grep -q {{item}} || \ mount -o bind {{item}} {{ansible_remote_addr}}/{{item}} exit 0 args: creates: "{{ansible_remote_addr}}/{{item}}" with_items: "{{BASE_HOST_CONTAINER_MOUNTS|default([])}}" when: "BASE_HOST_CONTAINER_MOUNTS|default([])|length > 0" delegate_to: localhost when: - ansible_connection|default('') == 'chroot' - ansible_remote_addr != '' check_mode: false - name: boostrap bootstrap_proxy.bash raw: | export TERM=linux export http_proxy="{{ http_proxy }}" export https_proxy="{{ https_proxy }}" export socks_proxy="{{ socks_proxy }}" export no_proxy="{{no_proxy}}" {{lookup('file', BASE_SCRIPT_DIR+'/bootstrap_proxy.bash')}} # >> {{ BASE_USR_LOCAL }}/tmp/bootstrap_proxy.log 2>&1 || exit 3 exit 0 args: executable: /bin/bash chdir: "{{ BASE_USR_LOCAL }}/" when: # FixMe: figure something better than wgetrc - /etc/apt/conf.d - not needed on kicksecure - http_proxy != "" and https_proxy != "" check_mode: false ignore_errors: true - name: boostrap bootstrap_wheels.bash copy: src: "{{USR_LOCAL}}/sbin/bootstrap_wheels.bash" dest: "{{USR_LOCAL}}/sbin/bootstrap_wheels.bash" mode: '0755' - name: boostrap bootstrap_wheels.bash raw script: "{{BASE_SCRIPT_DIR+'/bootstrap_wheels.bash'}}" # "{{lookup('file', BASE_SCRIPT_DIR+'/bootstrap_wheels.bash')}}" # >> {{ BASE_USR_LOCAL }}/tmp/bootstrap_wheels.log 2>&1 || exit 3 args: executable: /bin/bash chdir: "{{ BASE_USR_LOCAL }}/" creates: "{{ BASE_USR_LOCAL }}/tmp/wheels/ansible-{{BOX_ANSIBLE_VERSION}}.tar.gz" when: - not ansible_check_mode check_mode: false ignore_errors: true - name: /etc/hostname raw: grep -q localhost /etc/hostname && echo {{inventory_hostname}} > /etc/hostname || true when: - ansible_distribution in ['Ubuntu', 'Debian', 'Devuan'] ignore_errors: true check_mode: false - name: "stat {{ BASE_USR_LOCAL }}/bin/python3.sh" stat: path: "{{ BASE_USR_LOCAL }}/lib/python{{BASE_PYTHON3_MINOR}}/site-packages/pip/__init__.py" register: base_python3_sh_exists when: - not ansible_check_mode check_mode: false - name: boostrap bootstrap_pip_ansible.sh # $https_proxy = http://localhost:9999 to prevent downloads - not shell: | cd "{{ BASE_USR_LOCAL }}" export PYTHONPATH='' export BOX_UBUNTU16_VAR_APT_ARCHIVES="{{BOX_UBUNTU16_VAR_APT_ARCHIVES|default('') }}" export BOX_UBUNTU16_VAR_APT_ARCHIVES="{{ BOX_UBUNTU16_VAR_APT_ARCHIVES|default('') }}" export BOX_DEBIAN10_VAR_APT_ARCHIVES="{{ BOX_UBUNTU16_VAR_APT_ARCHIVES|default('') }}" export BOX_GENTOO_DISTFILES_ARCHIVES="{{ BOX_GENTOO_DISTFILES_ARCHIVES|default('') }}" export BOX_BOXUSER_PIP_CACHE="{{ BOX_BOXUSER_PIP_CACHE }}" export BOX_ROOT_PIP_CACHE="{{ BOX_ROOT_PIP_CACHE }}" export PLAY_PIP_CERT="{{ PLAY_CA_CERT }}" export LOG_DIR="{{ BASE_USR_LOCAL }}/tmp" export BASE_USER_NAME="{{ BASE_USER_NAME }}" export BASE_USER_HOME="{{ BASE_USER_HOME }}" export BASE_ALSO_GROUP="{{ BASE_ALSO_GROUP }}" export http_proxy="{{ http_proxy }}" export https_proxy="{{ https_proxy }}" export socks_proxy="{{ socks_proxy }}" export no_proxy="{{no_proxy}}" ls {{BASE_SCRIPT_DIR}} {{BASE_SCRIPT_DIR+'/bootstrap_pip_ansible.bash'}} # "{{lookup('file', BASE_SCRIPT_DIR+'/bootstrap_pip_ansible.bash')}}" # >> {{ BASE_USR_LOCAL }}/tmp/bootstrap_pip_ansible.log 2>&1 || exit 3 exit 0 when: - not ansible_check_mode - not base_python3_sh_exists.stat.exists - false #hangs register: bootstrap_pip #? check_mode: false - name: rc boostrap wheels.sh and ansible.sh debug: msg: "WARN: boostrap wheels.sh and ansible.sh FAILED - {{bootstrap_pip.stdout}} - {{ bootstrap_pip.stderr}}" when: - not ansible_check_mode - bootstrap_pip is failed ignore_errors: true # N.B. raw or delegate_to: localhost only until bootstrap is complete!!! - name: test boostrap wheels.sh shell: | LELTS="" PYVER=3 if [ -f {{ BASE_USR_LOCAL }}/bin/python$PYVER.sh ] ; then {{ BASE_USR_LOCAL }}/bin/python$PYVER.sh --version || exit 2$PYVER$? fi exit 0 - block: - name: "make /etc/portage dirs" file: path: "/etc/portage/{{item}}" state: directory mode: 0755 with_items: #? make.profile - package.accept_keywords - package.license - package.mask - package.unmask - package.use - postsync.d - profile - repo.postsync.d - repos.conf - savedconfig - sets # really bootstrap # - include_tasks: Gentoo/Funtoo/portage.yml when: - "ansible_distribution == 'Gentoo'" - block: - name: "make /mnt mountpoints" # maybe prologue shell: | [ -d /mnt ] || mkdir /mnt || exit 1 for elt in {{ BASE_HOST_CONTAINER_MOUNTS|join(' ') }} ; do [ -d $elt ] || mkdir $elt done exit 0 # with_items: "{{ BASE_HOST_CONTAINER_MOUNTS }}" when: BASE_HOST_CONTAINER_MOUNTS|default([])|length > 0 - name: HOST_MOUNT_SYMLINKS shell: | {% for elt in HOST_MOUNT_SYMLINKS %} [ -h {{ elt.to }} ] && continue [ -d {{ elt.to }} ] && echo "WARN: {{ elt.to }} exists as a directory" && continue parent=`dirname {{ elt.to }}` [ -d $parent ] || mkdir -p $parent #? -h-e [ -h {{ elt.to }} ] || \ ln -s {{ elt.from }} {{ elt.to }} {% endfor %} # FixMe: ignore_errors: true when: - HOST_MOUNT_SYMLINKS|default([])|length > 0 # actually the condition is weaker: anything with mounts - sshfs vagrant/virtualbox kvm? lxd? - BASE_HOST_CONTAINER_MOUNTS|default([])|length > 0 # FixMe: make this a box_command for use with packer - name: HOST_MOUNT_SYMLINK_CONTENTS shell: | {% for elt in HOST_MOUNT_SYMLINK_CONTENTS %} [ -n "{{ elt.to }}" ] || continue [ -d "{{ elt.to }}" ] || mkdir -p "{{ elt.to }}" find -L "{{ elt.to }}" -type f -delete for file in "{{ elt.from }}/"* ; do [ -e "$file" ] || continue [ -d "$file" ] && continue base=`basename "$file"` [ -e "{{ elt.to }}/$base" ] && continue ln -s "$file" "{{ elt.to }}" done {% endfor %} exit 0 when: - HOST_MOUNT_SYMLINK_CONTENTS|default({})|length > 0 # FixMe: ignore_errors: true when: # actually the condition is weaker: anything with mounts - sshfs vagrant/virtualbox kvm? lxd? - BASE_HOST_CONTAINER_MOUNTS|default([])|length > 0