# -*- mode: yaml; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 2; coding: utf-8-unix -*- --- - name: "base base_proxy.yml" debug: # verbosity: 1 msg: "base base_proxy.yml http_proxy={{http_proxy}} https_proxy={{https_proxy}} socks_proxy={{socks_proxy}}" - name: make sure that we can override pip and keep it from installing things set_fact: null_proxy_env: http_proxy: "" https_proxy: "" socks_proxy: "socks5://" ftp_proxy: "socks5://" no_proxy: "{{ NO_PROXY|default(',localhost') }}" SSL_CERT_FILE: "{{ SSL_CERT_FILE|default('{{USR_LOCAL}}/etc/ssl/cacert-testforge.pem') }}" RSYNC_PROXY: "" TERM: linux - block: - debug: msg: "INFO: Overriding proxy values with the environment variables - ansible_connection={{ansible_connection}}" - name: These are filled in from the environment in ['local', 'chroot'] set_fact: http_proxy: "{{ lookup('env', 'http_proxy')|default('') }}" https_proxy: "{{ lookup('env', 'https_proxy')|default('') }}" socks_proxy: "{{ lookup('env', 'socks_proxy')|default('') }}" ftp_proxy: "{{ lookup('env', 'ftp_proxy')|default('') }}" no_proxy: "{{ lookup('env', 'no_proxy')|default(',localhost') }}" # CORP_NTLM_PROXY usually comes from QeRcUser.yaml because of the need for a username/password and domain - name: make sure that we can override and reset proxy_env from the playbook set_fact: proxy_env: # hostvars[inventory_hostname]['http_proxy'] http_proxy: "{{ http_proxy }}" https_proxy: "{{ https_proxy }}" socks_proxy: '{{ socks_proxy }}' ftp_proxy: '{{ ftp_proxy }}' no_proxy: '{{ no_proxy }}' RSYNC_PROXY: "{{ http_proxy|replace('http://', '') }}" TERM: linux # Starting rsync with rsync:// when: # FixMe: this may be bogus - our guest may be very different? - ansible_connection|default('') in ['local', 'chroot'] - block: - debug: msg: "INFO: Overriding proxy values with the external - ansible_connection={{ansible_connection}}" - name: These are filled in from the /etc/hosts in ['libvirt_qemu'] delegate_to: localhost shell: | IP=`ifconfig |grep -A1 wlan|grep inet|sed -e 's/.*inet //' -e 's/ .*//'` # we may not be connected if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ -z "$IP" ] ; then IP=`grep -q " external" /etc/hosts | sed -e 's/ .*//'` fi echo $IP register: external_out - name: set the proxies from the external set_fact: # these ports should come from the host env http_proxy: "http://{{external_out.stdout}}:3128" https_proxy: "http://{{external_out.stdout}}:9128" socks_proxy: "socks5://{{external_out.stdout}}:9050" ftp_proxy: "socks5://{{external_out.stdout}}:3128" # this network should come from inventory no_proxy: "{{ NO_PROXY|default(',localhost,') }}" SSL_CERT_FILE: "{{ SSL_CERT_FILE|default('{{USR_LOCAL}}/etc/ssl/cacert-testforge.pem') }}" RSYNC_PROXY: "{{external_out.stdout}}:3128" when: - external_out.rc|default(1) == 0 - external_out.stdout|default('') != '' # box mode is tor or check_mode: false when: - ansible_connection|default('') in ['libvirt_qemu'] - name: "base base_proxy.yml proxy_env" debug: var=proxy_env - name: "set HTTP_PROXY '{{http_proxy}}'" set_fact: HTTP_PROXY='{{http_proxy}}' - name: "set HTTP_PROXYPORT HTTP_PROXYHOST HTTP_PROXYTYPE defaults" set_fact: HTTP_PROXYPORT="" HTTP_PROXYHOST="" HTTP_PROXYTYPE="http" - name: "set HTTPS_PROXY '{{https_proxy}}'" set_fact: HTTPS_PROXY='{{https_proxy}}' - name: "set HTTPS_PROXYPORT HTTPS_PROXYHOST HTTPS_PROXYTYPE defaults" set_fact: HTTPS_PROXYPORT="" HTTPS_PROXYHOST="" HTTPS_PROXYTYPE="http" - name: "set SOCKS_PROXY '{{socks_proxy}}'" set_fact: SOCKS_PROXY="{{socks_proxy}}" - name: "set SOCKS_PROXYPORT SOCKS_PROXYHOST SOCKS_PROXYTYPE defaults" set_fact: SOCKS_PROXYPORT="" SOCKS_PROXYHOST="" SOCKS_PROXYTYPE="socks5" # no_proxy in the environment of the call of ansible-playbook is used # we set a big default even for people not using a proxy, which is harmless - name: "set NO_PROXY '{{no_proxy}}'" set_fact: NO_PROXY: '{{no_proxy}}' - name: "set NTLM_PROXYPORT NTLM_PROXYHOST NTLM_PROXYTYPE defaults" set_fact: NTLM_PROXYPORT: "" NTLM_PROXYTYPE: "" NTLM_PROXYHOST: "" - block: - name: set NTLM_PROXYPORT NTLM_PROXYHOST NTLM_PROXYTYPE from CORP_NTLM_PROXY="{{ CORP_NTLM_PROXY }}" set_fact: > NTLM_PROXYPORT="{{ CORP_NTLM_PROXY. split(':') | last }}" NTLM_PROXYTYPE="{{ CORP_NTLM_PROXY.split(':') | first }}" NTLM_PROXYHOST="{{ CORP_NTLM_PROXY.replace('http://', '').split(':') | first }}" when: CORP_NTLM_PROXY|default('') != '' # we will override HTTP_PROXY with cntlm later when we know its running - block: - name: "set HTTP_PROXYPORT HTTP_PROXYHOST HTTP_PROXYTYPE" set_fact: > HTTP_PROXYPORT="{{ HTTP_PROXY.split(':') | last }}" HTTP_PROXYTYPE="{{ HTTP_PROXY.split(':') | first }}" HTTP_PROXYHOST="{{ HTTP_PROXY.replace('http://', '').split(':') | first }}" when: "HTTP_PROXY != ''" - name: "set HTTPS_PROXYPORT HTTPS_PROXYHOST HTTPS_PROXYTYPE" set_fact: > HTTPS_PROXYPORT="{{ HTTPS_PROXY.split(':') | last }}" # one of http https HTTPS_PROXYTYPE="{{ HTTPS_PROXY.split(':') | first }}" HTTPS_PROXYHOST="{{ HTTPS_PROXY.replace('http://', '').replace('https://', '').split(':') | first }}" when: "HTTPS_PROXY != ''" - name: "set SOCKS_PROXYPORT SOCKS_PROXYHOST SOCKS_PROXYTYPE" set_fact: > SOCKS_PROXYPORT="{{ SOCKS_PROXY.split(':') | last }}" # one of http socks SOCKS_PROXYTYPE="{{ SOCKS_PROXY.split(':') | first }}" # FixMe: parse user pass SOCKS_PROXYHOST="{{ SOCKS_PROXY.replace('socks4://', '').replace('socks5://', '').replace('socks5h://', '').split(':') | first }}" when: "SOCKS_PROXY != ''" when: CORP_NTLM_PROXY|default('') == '' - set_fact: shell_proxy_env: "{{ proxy_env | ansible.builtin.combine(shell_env) }}" shell_no_proxy_env: "{{ shell_env }}" - set_fact: portage_proxy_env: "{{ shell_proxy_env }}" pip_proxy_env: "{{ shell_proxy_env }}"