How do you say, We are wise, and the law of Yahweh is with us? But the false pen of the scribes has wrought falsely. (Jer. 8:8.)


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Only Jesus (great song by Big Daddy)

What Did Jesus Say? (2012) - 7 topics 

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JesusWordsSalv-crop2Jesus' Words on Salvation

A new book that focuses on Jesus' words on salvation (justification and atonement are by repentance from sin and obedience besides faith, and not from faith alone), pursuing the line of reasoning that led Dietrich Bonhoeffer in Cost of Discipleship (1937) to proclaim Jesus taught a gospel of "costly grace."

Ordering information
Each chapter free online
Audio version of Jesus' Words on Salvation
Timeline of History on Faith Alone Doctrine

Chapter Supplements
Chapters Available Only Online


Famous Sermons & Books Refuting Faith Alone

"Faith and Works," Augustine (413 A.D.) (published 1847), 49 pp. (PDF)
"Prologue upon the Gospel of St. Matthew," Preface to the New Testament (1534) by William Tyndale
Menno Simons, The Lutheran Belief (1540s - founder Reformation in Netherlands)(html)
Pastor Manton (1630s) and Reverand Hawes (1867): Costless Salvation Is A Deception.
"Fides Formata, or Faith Working by Love," by Rev. Jeremy Taylor (1667)[reprint 1851]
"Works Wrought Through Faith," Rev. George Horne, 1824, 22 pp. (PDF)
"On the Necessity of a Good Life," Rev. William Paley (published 1825), 21 pp. (PDF)
"Justification," The Religious Magazine (Sept. 1848), 64 pp. (PDF) 
"Nature and Relations of Faith," Free Will Baptist (Jan. 1860), 17 pp. (PDF)
Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie, The soteriology of Jesus (Dunlap Printing Co., 1896) at 88-90. 
David Platt (pastor), Follow Me (2013) - in html excerpt.

Forgiveness - Salvation in Original Testament:

6 Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near; 7 let the wicked forsake his way,and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, that he may have compassion on him, and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon. (Isaiah 55:6-7)

Heresies About Salvation

The Heresy of Eternal Security - examples such as Bob George

Self-Assurance of Forgiveness & Perfection -- A Delusion by E.Z.E.

Salvation: Is It Solely About Faith in Correct Doctrine about Jesus?


More Lessons on Salvation by Jesus

What is Jesus' Lesson on What Qualifies You as A Family Member of God's Family?

The Meaning of Grace in Jesus' Usage in Luke; Usage by Yahweh; Usage by Moses v. by Paul 

Security of Salvation in John 10:27-29 - Is it By Believing or By Following and Listening to Jesus?