"Jesus said 'A disciple is not above his teacher.' (Matt. 10:24.) Yet we make Paul, the disciple, greater than the teacher." (Bercot, Common Sense, 1992)


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Only Jesus (great song by Big Daddy)

Just Jesus: His Living Words (2011)

Jesus' Words on Church Structure by S. Rives



crown-thornsChristmas & Easter Errors

Does the Bible condemn our Christmas practices? Specifically, adorning trees with silver and gold?

Is the portrayal of a person known as Santa Claus idolatrous by Biblical-definitions?

Does the name and worship-timing of Easter dishonor God? Was "Easter" a Pagan goddess?

Should we find a different name for the holiday that celebrates Jesus's resurrection?

The answer to all these questions is yes.

The Christmas Celebration in December: Right or Wrong? (PDF) or (HTML, under construction)
The Christmas Tree (PDF) or (HMTL)
Santa Claus (PDF)
Easter (PDF) or (HTML)